
In a private quiet room, lying naked in the culture tank, the activated metal in the culture tank pierces into the body like a flexible poisonous snake: the back of the brain, spine, limbs, chest, and lower abdomen. Zhu Peng's keen control over the body allows Zhu Peng to clearly feel Seeing the exploration of one's own body by the activated liquid metal, with the power they possess, they can easily tear themselves apart in an instant... This is one of the standard equipment of the Spy Shadow Wizard, the source quality spirit pivot.

Looking at the complicated wizard formation symbols inlaid with brilliant (third-order) quality diamonds on the top of his head, Zhu Peng somewhat understood the high price of diamonds in Wizard City. They were actually used as consumables for energy supply. It's extravagant to the extreme.

However, once the spy shadow wizard completes the task, compared to the value of a plane world, burning diamonds as materials is nothing, and the huge benefits are almost out of proportion to the sacrifices.

A large amount of liquid poured in from all directions, and soon Zhu Peng's thoughts were submerged. These nutrient liquids have a strong sleeping effect, and during the ultra-long-distance plane projection, the smaller the fluctuation of the Spy Shadow Wizard's own will, the less impact on the source energy. The smaller the consumption, the greater the initial advantage compared to the same period last year.

Following Zhu Peng's restful sleep, witchcraft runes flickered around the training tank, and endless magic power was converging and even burning. During this process, the training tank was sealed and sealed by super-strength alloys, protecting the body of the person being delivered. ontology.

...The chess battle of the fifth-order extraordinary overlooking begins...

In the cosmic void outside the atmosphere of Zenda plane world, there were three small-scale explosions suddenly.

Then, fifteen meteors were thrown at Zenda from far away, in order to prevent the original will of the plane of Zenda world from detecting and suppressing the traverser.

Gandalf Albus, Ms. Shipton, and Celsus Fell all three extraordinary people chose outer space delivery as the starting method, and the competition has already begun from this moment.

Ms. Shipton and Celsus Fell, the ten chess pieces of His Majesty, are all elite-trained individuals with strong personal abilities. They are like flexible fish swimming in the torrent in the shuttle of outer space. Avoid cosmic dust and even meteorite groups with minimal consumption.

The source energy of Wangqi is the most powerful, and its total amount is almost five times that of the weakest war chess. These energies will wrap and protect the soul memory of the spy shadow wizard, allowing him to come to Zenda in a relatively complete posture.

Ms. Shipton and Celsus Fell's ten chess pieces are almost all legendary peak strengths. If they keep enough souls and memories, they may be able to ignite the flames of war to the entire world in a short time. The continent of Calradia, and swept across the countries with a nearly invincible posture.

In contrast, the performance of Gandalf's five chess pieces is obviously weaker than that. They are far less professional and skilled in judging and controlling the source energy than the other ten chess pieces. The source energy surrounding the body is extremely consumed. Quickly, the worst of them was undoubtedly Zhu Peng.

He has not received any relevant spy shadow wizard training at all. This time, he was named by Lord Gandalf, and he was able to get on the shelf even if he couldn't catch the duck. The energy consumption of the source matter enveloping his soul will was several times that of other people in the same period of time. In fact, The weight of soul at Zhu Peng's apprentice level and his instinctive Baodan during the delivery process: gathering energy and spirit, resulting in his initial source quality energy being much higher than other war games, almost close to the level of sage chess.However, this initial advantage is being consumed with the passage of time. Fortunately, Gandalf shot in an extremely accurate direction, so that Zhu Peng didn't have to adjust the falling direction himself, otherwise he might miss the Zenda planet and rub the atmosphere. The edge of the catapult into the distant cosmic void.

"Activate the combined loss mode of source quality and soul..."

"Warning, the conjunctive mode will greatly damage your consciousness and memory. Although casting a virtual soul will not affect the body protected by the source quality spirit, it may cause you to become an idiot after your arrival, and you will no longer be able to participate To the process of doomsday hegemony."

"Execute it. With my control ability, I'm afraid you'll be exhausted before entering the atmosphere. So what if you keep your complete consciousness and memory? Can you go to Zenda World and change your job as Revenant? "

"Since you insist on this, please endure the burning pain of your soul..."

Accompanied by Zhu Peng's instructions, the dark red magma-like source that enveloped him shrunk even more, and then, as a parallel spy shadow wizard, part of Zhu Peng's soul was exposed to the void of the universe. Zhu Peng regretted the terrible pain of burning his body almost instantly. Without the protection and barrier of the physical body, it turns out that the soul and will are so delicate, sensitive and fragile.

The virtual memory palace in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness began to crack on all sides at the moment the soul was damaged, and gaps spread, and finally a blazing orange flame sprayed in and burned some.

Zhu Peng ran in the large library, avoiding the cracked ground and the flames around him. He ran along the spiral corridor, and even the stairs under his feet were being destroyed and crumbled quickly. Terrible magma poured in. It was as if a god had thrown a tightly closed library into a burning active volcano.

Chapter 11 The Reality of the World, the Origin of Madness

In the chaotic and vast sea of ​​consciousness, the burning memory palace, the burning house.

"You are really desperate. Although I have never been a spy wizard, I have heard of this kind of damage mode. In order to save the energy of the source, I actively give up my soul protection... Although it is simulated by the source of the spirit. A virtual soul, but the pain of melting itself will not be reduced in the slightest." With the burning and collapse of the memory palace, the foundation of existence is weakened, and the soul of the necromancer, whose body has become more and more translucent, is safe and sound. Sitting in the middle of the bottom floor of the library, flipping through the thick books in his hands.

He didn't put down the book in his hand until Zhu Peng, who was in a state of embarrassment with burns all over his body, broke in through the door and said so.

"Since you and I share joys and sorrows, then naturally we have to share hardships. I originally planned to completely solve you before being promoted to an official wizard, but I didn't expect that the projection technology of the spy shadow wizard, the hand of crime, has reached the point where the soul can be virtualized and projected. Although I will suffer some crimes, but I can get rid of you almost for nothing, and I don't care if I blow this soul up." There were burns all over his body, but Zhu Peng's muscles were tense and swollen, and there was something in the man's eyes. A dark red light emerged, the blue veins on the back of the hand exploded like iron black, and the roots of the nails of the ten fingers spread dark red blood: Dragon Singing and Tiger Roaring Skill/Muscle Control Ability, Blood Killing Art Dou Qi, Green Demon Hand, Blood Shadow Poison Claw.

"With such a serious injury, your soul is also very weak, right?"

"That's right, the wear and tear suffered by exposing the soul in the cosmic space is far beyond my imagination. If you can kill me in this sea of ​​consciousness now, you can swallow all the energy reserves I have obtained from this virtual soul. With the help of source energy Smuggling to that plane world, although the final result may inevitably be killed by other spy shadows, but it is finally alive again, you can't have a better opportunity than this."

"You're so self-confident that you're almost arrogant. You gave me this opportunity just to stop hiding and kill me once and for all. Then let me measure whether you have the strength to match this arrogance." Translucent The soul of the undead old wizard began to melt and reorganize like wax, and almost instantly turned into a lump of black and gray muddy flesh and blood... a monster.

It has dozens of tentacles like an octopus, and its whole body is covered with dizzy old human eyeballs. There is a mouth full of fangs in the center of its body, and a long soft strip that looks like tentacles and tongue emerges from it. Protruding from its mouth, it turned into a nightmarish black and bright figure that was completely beyond Zhu Peng's understanding.

"...Uh, this trick has never appeared in your memory library. It is impossible for this level of body modification knowledge to leave no trace in your memory library." Zhu Peng was conceited. He took away most of the necromantic old wizard's lifetime resources, but at this moment, the old wizard's transformation form was completely beyond his expectations.

"Whether you admit it or not, you are already my disciple, you have inherited my knowledge, my memory palace, and almost all my research results... But my stupid disciple, the teacher who will surely die in this world Let me make up the last lesson for you, completely believe in the things in the books, it is better to never read them. If it is enough to just learn the old things, how can such a well-behaved waste be a wizard? Two words? Take a look behind you." Zhu Peng noticed that the huge body like black and shiny mud was growing stronger little by little, but he really wanted to know what the old necromancer was going to teach. What is knowledge beyond one's own knowledge?

Instead of jumping up and tearing the opponent apart immediately, Zhu Peng took five steps back carefully. Zhu Peng looked sideways at the back where the old wizard's dancing tentacles were pointing, and saw that the sea of ​​flames there had been cut open by a force, as if The projection screen was normal, and the planet of Zenda World appeared in front of my eyes again.

However, it is no longer the original beautiful light green world, but a super-huge deformed meat ball composed of three huge monsters... Human faces, various beasts, black mud, surrounded by octopus-like faces Unconsciously dancing tentacles, this huge shapeless combination monster expands and contracts as if breathing, eyes, mouth, and all kinds of messy organs appear and disappear in the silt of this planet.

"...This is fucking... no. This is your illusion!? It is impossible for the three extraordinary wizards to send their cherished elite disciples to such a place to feed monsters." The huge and disgusting monster was shocked, but the next moment Zhu Peng's speculative ability forcibly pulled his main consciousness back from the shocking and chaotic emotions.

"What you see is the truth, and it is not the truth. The reality of the material world is the world where the spies and wizards are about to come. However, the reality of the original perspective is what you see at this moment. Me too Because the soul is constantly being attacked and cut by you, it is weak to the limit, but it is also extremely sensitive, so that it is possible to feel the original madness of this plane world at the first time... These three are squeezed by the three elements of plasticity, necromancy, and foresight. The waste stars of the years, their original wills of the plane have already fallen into the limit of being infinitely close to destruction in the infinite collapse, but at this moment they are forcibly kneaded together, just like mixing milk, orange juice and water. together."

The origin means many basic operating rules of a world.

For example, humans do not give birth to pigs, and cats do not give birth to humans. If the origin of a world collapses, the above-mentioned extremely terrible situation will happen, just like the birth of a mantis who kills and devours both parents. This is the phenomenon brought about by the original filth, dying, and madness of the plane.

The eighth-level wizard civilization has encountered a fourth-level civilization like the 21st century Earth. If you don’t want to occupy it, you can directly use the source of the eighth-level world civilization to destroy the source of the fourth-level world civilization. In less than 100 years, all human beings on the earth may be wiped out Now: the cement will turn into flesh and blood, a bloody hand pinching her cheek suddenly protrudes from the phone, and a naked female ghost crawls out from the computer screen... Of course, this is just a theory, and it is almost impossible for this to happen in practice. The original blow.

In order to achieve the original strike, first of all, our world origin must be stronger than the enemy's world origin by several ranks. Secondly, after the original origin strike is realized, our world origin will also suffer certain losses more or less, and will be attacked again. The enemy world will soon sink into the endless abyss world, almost losing all value directly.

Any world that has a high-level civilization origin will not be brain-dead enough to use this method to attack the enemy. The world origin is so much stronger than the enemy, which means that our civilization level is also infinitely stronger than the opponent. Obviously, we can do it ourselves matter, who would be crazy enough to push the origin of the world...

However, the problem is that the world Zhu Peng is about to descend into is a world forcibly kneaded from three endangered original worlds. Normally, it is almost impossible for such a world to exist in the main material world.

"The origin of this planet has become chaotic like this, why hasn't it exploded?"

"Obviously, some external force intervened and replaced most of the original functions of this deformed world in a short period of time, as if your physical body died and someone completely transplanted your surviving brain into the nutrient solution of the culture tank. You are dead, but you are not dead, of course there is a chance of resurrection, but it is more likely that you will really usher in the real eternal sleep in a short time."

Under the protection of the source energy package, fifteen meteors passed through a layer of void energy storm that suddenly blew up, and fell into the Zenda plane world.

However, in Zhu Peng's perspective at this moment, he seemed to see a huge monster made up of the cheeks of humans, beastmen, and skeletons. .

"Because your soul itself was already weak, it was quickly polluted by the source of the madness of this world and became what it is now... Although you knew that you intended to use this to dissuade me, but instead provoked What about my interest." In the dark red light ball, Zhu Peng turned into a demon and broke out, pounced on the necromancer old wizard.

Chaos, madness, destruction... I have already seen the real horror and darkness, so why am I afraid to appreciate the deformed and distorted world! ?

Come on, let me feel alive again.

Chapter 12 Inspired Destiny Trajectories, Hit by Pies

"Enter the atmosphere, start the gliding search mode... Please choose your parasitic target as soon as possible!"

Ear-piercing sirens sounded, and the source liquid metal intelligence was constantly reminding that a large amount of information flow that could be parasitic targets slipped by, but Zhu Peng turned a deaf ear and turned a blind eye.

At this time, the other fourteen spy shadow wizards except him have successfully descended into the world of Zenda, and Zhu Peng can defeat the alienated octopus form of the necromancer in his own demon form, and save it from the "Kesu" Lu" returned to the human form in monster form, clamped the opponent's neck and throat, and clasped his five fingers tightly.

"Don't worry, teacher. For you, death is not the end. Because you... will always be a part of me." While crushing the throat of this difficult old guy, the demon in pitch-black humanoid armor opened his mouth to swallow, The translucent body of the old necromancer shattered and turned into strands of soul energy that filled Zhu Peng's body.

Seizing souls seems like an instinct for demon life, and there is no need to learn any soul-absorbing spells like humans.

And the main consciousness of the old wizard has already died, but the remnant soul produced by the gathering of obsession with necromantic spells formed this lingering will, trying to be reborn, and it was completely smashed and swallowed at this moment, which greatly supplemented Zhu Peng. A frail virtual soul.

"Please choose your parasitic target as soon as possible, we are about to fly away from Zenda Continent..."

The siren sounded again. At this time, there were not many targets for Zhu Peng to choose, and the speed of meteor flight and the speed of data flow in front of him far exceeded the limit of timely interpretation and thinking of wizard apprentices.So I just closed my eyes and chose one, betting on my character, but the moment Zhu Peng made his choice, a brilliant pale golden light spread out centered on the dark red meteor in the sky.

During the operation of the three trump cards "Track of Destiny", the dark red meteor was pulled, and at the same time, a huge flow of information rushed into Zhu Peng's mind instantly.


He lowered his head, covered his head with his hands and cried out in pain, only feeling that his brain became chaotic in an instant.

Accompanied by a violent tearing headache, it was as if the brain had been split in two with an axe, a whole lot of stuff had been forced into it and then resewn.

At this moment, Zhu Peng's will captured the destiny trajectory of Zenda World:

Scene after scene, scene after scene, constantly flashing and passing by in front of the eyes.

A series of wars, conflicts, accidents.

The world has changed, the fog of war, orcs and undead have come to the world.

Changes in regimes, changes in the world, changes in power.

That is the light from the past, present, and future, and it is the radiance of destiny that will emanate from a series of major events that will be initiated by the "story" that is forcibly imported from the origin of the world.

This kind of designed "plot fate" does not conform to the law of natural development, and is inconsistent with the origin of the world. At this moment, it happened to be scanned by the power of "fate trajectory", causing countless information flows to be squeezed into it all at once. Zhu Peng's brain.


Looking down on the vast grassland below from the dome of the sky, two young nobles are competing on horseback. They agree that the loser will leave the beautiful Miss Annina Boyer forever, but in the process Rod Custer But he accidentally fell off the horse while galloping.

The poor brown-haired boy hit his head on a rock... At that moment, a dark red light and shadow instantly crashed into his body.

A moment later, Rhodes barely supported his body, but bright red blood flowed down his pale cheeks, covering his face with blood, Rhodes covered his cheeks with one hand and lowered his upper body.

This action made it impossible to see his expression clearly.

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead. You fell off the horse yourself. I won this game. You should stay away from Anina in the future. Hey, do you hear me?" Waving the horsewhip, one of them looked at the A red-haired young man about Rhodes' age circled his opponent on horseback.

He is a son of nobles belonging to the Kingdom of Nord, while Rod Castor is a son of nobles belonging to the Kingdom of Vaegia. The two countries have ceased fighting after the war five years ago, but peace is still fragile. If This Rod Castor died here, so he had to prove his innocence.

But the red-haired young man saw Rhodes sitting up by himself, and felt that he would not die, and began to think about the beautiful "Rivacheze Rose" in his mind, so he slammed the whip towards the cheek of the man on the ground.

Adding an indelible mark to the loser is also one of the effective ways to eliminate rivals in love.

However, the red-haired aristocratic youth did not expect that although the Rod Custer man in front of him was still the same person, the inner core had changed.

The whip came with a "crack", and Zhu Peng stretched out his right hand to wrap it around like catching a snake.

His body circled around the whip, abruptly dragging the red-haired youth off the horse, and at the same time he jumped on him and hit him with a swing of his arm.

The two young men rolled together fiercely, but when they separated after a while, there was already a bloody dagger in Zhu Peng's hand.

This thing was just an ornament on Rhode's body to cut flesh or show off his might to girls, but just now Zhu Peng pulled it out very covertly, held it instead, and hid the blade of the short sword under his forearm until it was caught Before Jian Feng cut his throat, the red-haired young man thought that Rhodes had swung his arms in anger, but he lost his life in a daze.

Panting and standing up again, with dark red eyes looming, Rhodes took the blood-stained dagger to meet the family knight who had followed him, and he shouted indistinctly: "...this guy wants to Kill me, he hit my head with a stone, I killed him, I killed him..."

After saying these words, Rhodes passed out as soon as he closed his eyelids. At this moment, it was not Zhu Peng's pretending, but the consumption of all aspects had reached the limit.

Originally, the source energy that Zhu Peng possessed as a war game was not high, and coupled with his poor professional ability to travel through the universe, the source energy was seriously depleted. The little source of energy that he put down is at most enough for him to reincarnate into a peasant or the like at the bottom of society.

But he didn't expect to delay time because of the remnant soul of the necromancer old wizard. Instead, Zhu Peng picked up a dying noble boy with a very small chance.

Of course, there may also be a large amount of power of fate that spread out from the trajectory of fate at one time, which played a part of the auxiliary role.

In the continent of Calradia, being a nobleman or being a commoner are two very different things. If it weren't for the fact that Rod Custer was about to die, Zhu Peng's pitiful source of energy would have been nothing but the noble luck he possessed. If it is not enough to succeed in the upper body, it will be rejected directly.

As for the red-haired aristocratic youth who just killed, Zhu Peng was worried that the other party saw the vision of the red meteor when he descended.

He himself may be ignorant and unaware of what that means, but Zenda World has been squeezed by the hands of the prison for a long time, and the ancient classics are likely to record the relevant history of visitors from other planes, so we have to guard against it.

Drowsy, I don't know how long it has been.

Waking up slowly again.

At this moment, Zhu Peng already had some memories in his mind that did not belong to him at all.

This is the second son of a country nobleman named Rod Custer. It can be said that he is an extremely ordinary child of a small nobleman.

Originally, no matter how young nobles were, the luck represented by their identities would prevent Zhu Peng, who lacked source energy, from invading reincarnation at all. This caused Zhu Peng to take advantage of the situation.

Zenda, the continent of Calradia This is a world very similar to the history of the Middle Ages in Western Europe on Earth.

The place where Zhu Peng was at this time was a country called the Kingdom of Vaegia.

This is a very large country, and the Custer family can be regarded as relatively powerful middle and lower emerging nobles in the entire kingdom.

The family territory is Jerber Fort and Mazan Village. Because there is a large forest next to Mazan Village, the entire Custer family has relatively sufficient financial resources.

In Rhode's memory, he only knew of these two territories owned by his father, Viscount Custer, with a population of at least 5000 people every year.

Even if you ride a fast horse from one end of the territory to the other, it will take at least five hours. This is already a huge territory.

Rod Custer, who was reincarnated by Zhu Peng, was the second son of Viscount Custer.

At the same time, he is also the chief heir with the highest status among the younger generation of the Custer family. The eldest son went to the capital Zhiwadin to serve the king, and it is rare to come back. Therefore, the future orthodox succession of the Custer family is likely to fall on Rhodes.

"Little noble... on the one hand, the pie fell on my head from the sky, and on the other hand, I was also drawn by the power of fate... This kind of start is indeed very high." Zhu Peng closed his eyes and sorted out all the memories, and then He rubbed his head and pretended to just wake up.

Looking around, Zhu Peng found himself lying on a small soft bed. The blood-stained clothes on his body had been replaced by a soft white nightgown and covered with a thin white quilt.

This is a spacious and bright bedroom room.

The soft bed, the writing desk by the window, and the two high-backed chairs in the house, don’t underestimate them. In the Middle Ages of Western Europe, where productivity was low, these were already a lot of wealth.

The window facing the bed was open, and there was a slight noise coming in from outside, which seemed to be from the street or something.

The gentle breeze wafts in with the faint aroma of food.

Zhu Peng took a deep breath and suddenly felt hungry.

"anyone there?"

Zhu Peng checked Rhode's memory and confirmed that this was the family's house in Mazan Village.

If this is the case, it means that he is already safe. Although the trouble of killing the red-haired noble youth is certainly not small, it is not something that needs to be faced now.

Chapter 13 William Custer, Shadow of War

With a creak, the door of the room was pushed open.

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