But today, as the alchemist of the Chinese Warrior Association, Zhu Peng doesn’t have to do anything under his name. Every month, the financial department will allocate various materials equivalent to ten magic stones to him, and each magic stone is equivalent to one Ordinary gemstones are equal to 21 gold coins/piece/block, which is equivalent to 25 RMB in the [-]st century...

And Zhu Peng saved his monthly ten magic stones, which was also a hard currency in Wizard City, and he would need it everywhere in the future.He has exchanged the monthly offerings of Sheshan into various materials. Now he does nothing every month and collects 500 million yuan. However, money is not important to legendary powerhouses. For example, Zhu Peng is now What is considered is how to make good use of these benefits to make myself stronger.

Money is very important, but when the living body is promoted to the fifth level of extraordinary, money in the general sense is just a row of numbers. How can the high gods pay attention to the currency system of mortals?

This is a huge gap between the strength and lifespan of the two parties.

However, Zhu Peng didn't get paid for nothing, he really did nothing.

After talking on the phone with his father Zhu Youxi, Zhu Peng asked for all the special enrollment places of the college under the "Hand of Prison" owned by his father. Except for keeping one for himself, the other four All the special enrollment quotas have been given to the Chinese Samurai Association. These quotas are bought by the rich and have nowhere to buy. You can directly join the "Iron Fist" Academy regardless of your grades and spiritual qualifications. If you complete your studies and pass various tests, you can Promoted to a direct line of the Hand of Hell.

The long-established and powerful wizarding organization "Hand of Prison" is not a small school in the general sense. It has five supernatural beings: the ability of the thumb, the blood of the index finger, the foresight of the middle finger, the necromancy of the ring finger, and the enchantment of the little finger. The world is also an existence with profound heritage and strong influence.

You know, the wizard emperor Kasa is only an eighth-order life body, and the five principals of the prisoner's hand are all fifth-order extraordinary life forms, and the muscular maniac Gandalf Albus who is in charge of the evocation department is even more unfathomable Dual-professional old-fashioned fifth-order, extraordinary peak, this is definitely a huge and powerful school.

Of course, Zhu Youxi's special recruitment quota is only the special recruitment quota of Iron Fist Academy, not the special recruitment quota of the Hand of Prisoner. There is a big difference between the two.

There are quite a few wizard apprentices trained by the Iron Fist Academy every year, but those who can be successfully promoted to the Hand of the Prisoner are rare, even if they are in the top ten or even the top five in the department, there is no guarantee that they will be admitted.

…With a hammer in hand, you will get used to smashing all the troubles away. As a martial arts alchemist, you are used to solving problems with violence; starting today, you have to change your thinking. Violence may be the most direct way to solve problems , but it may not be the best method. You must learn to solve various problems with the thinking mode and perspective of a wizard...

Zhu Peng opened his eyes, without opening the thick curtains, he knew that the sky outside the big house had already arrived in the morning, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and it was full of life.

Feeling a little hungry in his belly, Zhu Peng turned over and got up, took out an ebony box from the cabinet on the side of the room, opened it, and it was full of longan-sized iron balls that looked like metal, he took one of them and swallowed it into his stomach , if ordinary people do this, they commit suicide by swallowing gold, but if an alchemy expert who changes his tendons and washes his marrow, does this, he is convinced and bigu.

In the Chinese Samurai Association, this thing is called Bigu Dan!

Alchemy masters have strong physical fitness and superhuman force, but they are also restricted by the law of energy conservation. It’s okay not to exercise vigorously. Once they fight with all their strength, they must eat a lot to replenish their energy consumption. In ancient times, the real Zhang Sanfeng even It is necessary to eat a cow every day to supplement the deficiency of the body. With such a big mouth, it is very troublesome and time-consuming to eat fast. Therefore, there has been research on Bigu Dan in Chinese medicine, but it is more high-end and powerful produced by the Chinese Warrior Association. , which is mixed with a lot of herbal medicine and potion knowledge from the wizarding world. The medicinal effect is countless times stronger than the previous Bigu Dan, and it has a strong effect on various adjustments of the human body. Zhu Peng can even feel the trace elements in it. After supplementation, for various beneficial effects on one's own body, taking it for a long time can even improve one's own skill, strengthen qi and blood, and nourish the body.

However, the price is also worthy of this effect. Zhu Peng exchanged 1205 pills, one for daily use, and spent five magic stones, which means that buying [-] bigu pills cost [-] million yuan.

And I heard from Yang Cai'er that after the Chinese warriors got the blood spar, they would specially ask the legendary great wizard to make a large-scale sacrifice to bless the magic circle, and use the blood spar to increase the potency of the panacea, and the effect of bigu pill will be improved in the future , while the price will rise by half.It is easy for legendary powerhouses to earn money, and even easier to spend it.

"Brother... are you awake? I'm coming in."

Such a gentle and sweet voice, of course, is Qiuyue Xue Nai. The little girl with long black straight hair and wearing a school uniform opened the door and poked her head in. She saw Zhu Peng sitting cross-legged on the futon in the room with his upper body bare.

"Well, I just finished my homework in the morning and was about to go down. Is Shirley up yet?" Breathing lightly, she stood up from the futon, Zhu Peng walked aside and put on her shirt, and then went out with Xue Naili.

"Are you going to school with us today... Shirley was so excited that she didn't sleep well last night. She said that she was ready and would laugh at you severely."

"I was born in Yeluzi, and my foundation in basic knowledge is indeed very weak. Xue Naili will help me with my lessons when she comes back. You can't be as excited as Shirley and just want to see me make a fool of yourself." The education system in the wizarding world is cumbersome and complicated. The degree is not as simple as that of the technological civilization of the earth age, and the requirements for learners may even be higher.

In addition to the five departments of Evocation, Bloodline, Foresight, Necromancy, and Enchanting, Iron Fist Academy also has eight subjects: History of Wizardry, Spells, Herbalism, Potions, Astronomy, and Alien Planes Common language, gymnastics classes, and even a firearms class that was only opened in the past two years... Fucking girl, I am an earthling, so why the fuck do you need a bunch of wizards to teach me how to play with guns?

Although, I really don't know how to use a gun, embarrassing.

Anyway, when he looked at the full schedule and the books that looked like thick dictionaries, Zhu Peng finally understood why the combat effectiveness of the apprentices of the Wizarding City Academy was not very high. Hit, that's called hell.

Going downstairs, I enjoyed breakfast with my two younger sisters. For Zhu Peng, it was really a simple enjoyment. Apart from the taste, the little energy he got from digesting this food was not enough for him to punch with all his strength.

Then, wearing the red and black school uniform of Iron Fist Academy, Zhu Peng accompanied his two younger sisters into the carriage, and officially became a special student of Iron Fist Academy from today... Of course, students who enter colleges through the back door through their connections usually Both are less popular, but unlike Chennai and Shirley.

Zhu Peng, he really didn't have the ability to get into the Iron Fist Academy by himself.

Chapter 32 The door to the wizarding world is slowly opening

The Iron Fist Academy is an institution under the Zhili branch of the Hand of the Prison, and even the school emblem is directly transferred from the Hand of the Prison, the "pitch black clenched iron fist", and its five fingers represent the five most powerful witchcraft systems of the school.

Like this kind of non-profit academy, the first criterion for recruiting students is your spiritual qualifications, gold is the best, silver is welcome, bronze is everywhere... black iron, don't pay high fees and use connections, so Mental strength qualifications are absolutely impossible to enter the Iron Fist Academy.

As a mudblood, Zhu Peng enrolled as a special recruit, which can be said to have directly lowered the qualifications of the entire academy.If there is really some powerful force behind him that cannot be provoked, it will be fine. Zhu Youxi is just a product of the original blood experiment, even if he has the status of a third-order legend, it really does not arouse any interest in respect, so and so , it is conceivable how unpopular Zhu Peng is.

The room was leaking due to continuous rain, and just two days after entering school, he had to take the quarterly exam. Zhu Peng was stunned as he looked at the paper full of wizard essays.

Two days later, the test results came out, and Zhu Peng ranked second in the school, the last one!

Not to mention the five main courses: Evocation, Bloodlines, Foresight, Necromancy, Enchanting, and six sub-courses: History of Wizardry, Spells, Herbalism, Potions, Astronomy, Common Language of Other Planes, and even Conjoined Body Zhu Peng failed in the two subjects of firearms and firearms use.

In the gymnastics class exam, facing a coyote that hadn't eaten for three days, Zhu Peng, who was the first to take the stage, swung a knife in his hand and cut off the coyote's neck cleanly. He gave a report card of zero eggs, with a comment: strong body, brain hypoxia.

Looking at the group of apprentices in the cage who were chasing and biting by coyotes, crying for their father and mother, Zhu Peng was once again stunned.The martial arts class of apprentice wizards is about how to protect yourself and escape as much as possible without spells. If it weren't for a spare coyote, Zhu Peng's knife almost made the exam impossible. Due to the limited authority, the gymnastics instructor even wanted to give the special student in front of him a negative score.

In the firearms use class, I saw that Xue Naili and Xue Li, who were in another grade not far away, showed the level of hitting the gun, at least not missing the target. When Zhu Peng held the May [-]th pistol, he also thought about performing better. .

As a result, when the firearms instructor next to him shouted, someone who had practiced martial arts for many years directly swung the gun in his hand like a hammer, and the gun target 50 meters away was broken in response. The red and purple face of the firearms instructor beside him immediately knew that his life would not be easy in the future.As a warrior, Zhu Peng didn't like guns, he felt uncomfortable holding them, and when someone yelled at him, he swung them out subconsciously.

There is no need to repeat the importance of the five major subjects:

Evocation is the representative ability of a spellcaster, and it is also the ability of a wizard closest to the imagination of earthlings. Condensing fireballs, controlling thunder, summoning storms, and even triggering tsunamis are powerful and pure destructive powers, although Gandalf Abu Sisi, the strongest extraordinary wizard in modern times for 3000 years, has played a more unique and unique way of using it, but absolute destroyer, fort caster, these titles are still another name for the evocation powerhouse.

Bloodline witchcraft is divided into two lines: original blood and secret blood. One pursues the era of cosmic chaos. The bloodlines of those ancient and powerful people are left behind to stimulate ancient blood and combine with modern witchcraft civilization to exert terrifying power.

Origin blood research is very difficult, but once successful, it can be said that the benefits are endless.

Mystic blood is the synthesis of modern blood. It is even faster and more terrifying to obtain power than original blood. However, the knowledge of wizards, especially low-level wizards, cannot compare with the evolution of the natural world for hundreds of millions of years. They die every year in the study of secret blood. I don't know how many wizards there are, but there are still people who continue to invest in it, and indulge in this field, getting deeper and deeper.

In fact, both source blood and secret blood are terrifying, an extremely terrifying and dangerous witchcraft.

The foresight department is very talented, the necromancy department must be a dark wizard, Zhu Peng is well aware of its negative effects, only the enchantment department is safe and profitable, but the problem is that the combat power of this department is generally low, and the wizards who specialize in this department They are often support staff, although it cannot be said that they are not strong, but their compatibility with Zhu Peng is too low, and Zhu Peng feels a headache when he looks at those miniaturized magic pattern witch formations.

Among the eight sub-courses, to be honest, in Zhu Peng's opinion, the most useless ones are physical arts and firearms use. Nai Li knew that the two girls never touched guns except when they were in the academy. It was really useless to learn this kind of course.

The other six sub-courses besides these two are really different.

The more Zhu Peng studied, the more he felt that it was profound and had a wide range of applications. The history of wizards was narrated by a silver-haired old scholar, which was extremely boring. Every time he wants to concentrate on listening to his lectures, it is a kind of mental torture. However, after a few classes, Zhu Peng found that this serious and skinny silver-haired old man has profound and amazing skills. History, characteristic meditation methods, and even the main direction of witchcraft... The significance of wizard history lies in this. First of all, it allows you to understand the powerful and powerful families in the wizard world so far. The main attack direction and style of his witchcraft, when he died, he knew how he died.

Those who can leave a name in the history of modern wizards, no matter how weak they are, are legends. Only demigods can be named, and extraordinary people occupy a large space. As long as extraordinary wizards do not perish, their families will naturally occupy the plane world Turning into a giant, who doesn't know the history of wizards at all, and kills a blood descendant one day, I'm afraid he doesn't even have the consciousness to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces, so it's just tableware, which is full of cups.

It was raining like continuous silver threads outside, and Zhu Peng was having a hard time concentrating on studying and remedial lessons during this period of time. He was a little dazed looking at the pitch-black fist-clenching stone statue downstairs outside the window.I wasn't thinking about anything, I was just in a daze, trying to refresh my tired brain due to the large amount of memory.

However, at this moment, an old voice sounded as if from outside the sky.

"Zhu Peng, please explain the Lanster family's coat of arms and representative meditation ideas, as well as the main direction of witchcraft displayed by the Lanster family in the "Dylan" battle 300 years ago."

"Ah... oh. Yes, sir."

Standing up, Zhu Penglue began to explain what he knew as soon as he recalled it.

"The coat of arms of the Lanster family is a swirling sea vortex, and the representative method of meditation is the holy light candle. In the battle of 'Dylan' 300 years ago, the main direction of witchcraft displayed was the foresight department. They are almost With an absolute advantage in information, they defeated the Dylan Dynasty, whose fighting strength was five times that of theirs, killed all the royal family, and wiped out the last luck and struggle of that plane..."

There are no worthless courses. After coming to Iron Fist Academy, Zhu Peng realized how far he was from being a real wizard.


The magic spell class is the basic theoretical knowledge of spell casting. The teacher who teaches the class teaches students how to meditate, how to build the spell model in their minds, and even create their own memory palaces to shape three-dimensional thinking. Basically, there are no spells that are directly taught, but if you don’t study hard If so, it will undoubtedly have an irreversible negative impact on the actual casting of spells in the future.An apprentice with excellent three-dimensional thinking ability can build spell models three to five times faster than ordinary people, which means that learning this spell is three to five times faster than ordinary apprentices, and the higher the level, the easier it is to learn. The more so.

Herbology and Potions seem to be similar, and indeed they have some inheritance from each other, but they still have to be divided into two major subjects.And the knowledge contained in these two subjects made Zhu Peng hungry, as if Grandet had rushed into the treasure of the dragon, and everywhere he could see was brilliant.

Chapter 33 In your eyes, I have always been a pervert! ?

On a sunny morning, the entire Tekken Academy turned from blurry to bright!

"...two mirrors of the same size that can reflect the whole body, if they are placed face to face, it will form an infinite mirror situation. At midnight, the summoner stands in the middle of the two mirrors and touches the front of the mirror with his left hand mirror, and start calling the Mirror Demon in the common language of the plane. The summoning room must be quiet and only the summoner is allowed, and two candles must be lit on both sides of the mirror, one on each side."

On the podium, the gentleman who taught the common language of the alien plane was a young sister who had just come to the academy not long ago. In order to increase the attractiveness of her courses, she sometimes mixed some weird and scary things into the teaching process, but It sounds like a real black witchcraft story...Of course, at the end of each story, the protagonist who couldn't learn the common language of the alien plane was framed by evil spirits, and then couldn't even save his soul. In the end, she seemed to want to tell everyone the importance of learning her own course well.

But it does make sense. If you haven't passed level [-] or [-] of Common Language on the Alien Plane, signing a contract with demons is not equivalent to selling your soul cheaply?

(What a boring day, I have memorized all the content of this chapter, can't there be some interesting things... For example, a vampire count comes to the academy to attack or something.)

Sitting upright on the bright face, listening to the teacher's lecture attentively, but under the gentle and beautiful face, Qiuyue Xue Naili felt that the day was so lonely and boring.She secretly watched the black-haired and black-eyed "brother" at the table behind her, only to feel that his seemingly ordinary appearance was strangely attractive.

Or, maybe it's because I've seen this man fight seriously, he's so high-spirited, focused and charming.

"Sir, Xue Naili seems to be unwell."


Zhu Peng's voice suddenly came from behind, which surprised Xue Naili suddenly.

"Is that so, Xue Naili?"

"Uh... yes, yes." The pure and beautiful girl with long black hair responded in a panic.

Because of the studious and well-behaved image that Qiuyue Xue Nai has accumulated all the time, she has a lot of credit, and the female teacher on the podium does not doubt that she has it.

"Zhu Peng, take care of your sister and take her to the health room for a checkup."

...The screen seemed to turn to the quiet corridor of the school in an instant, because it was the morning reading time, so at this moment, almost no one outside the classroom could see...

"Brother, what are you doing? Suddenly let someone pretend to be sick and skip class... In case the teacher asks the school doctor, how can I explain it to you?"

Zhu Peng walked slowly in front without saying a word, and Qiuyue Xue Naili shook her huge and dragging shameless chest, trotting behind and struggled to keep up.

For some reason, Xue Naili only felt that the elder brother in front of him seemed to be different from before, his back, at this moment, seemed to be faintly emitting a dark light.

"Take it off!" She stopped without warning, and Xue Naili almost bumped into the back of the man in front of her.


"I said... take off your clothes."

Turning around slowly, the originally ordinary face of the man seemed to be shrouded in a layer of evil charm at this moment, and his eyes radiated a dark red brilliance, so he ordered.

"Brother, brother...you want me to undress here?"

The girl took a step back, and then looked around. Upstairs here, you can even see one or two people who are active in the playground. Here, let a young, beautiful, and excellent girl take off her clothes?

"What's the matter, isn't Xue Nali the most obedient to my brother? Are you...resisting me?"

"Okay...Okay." Seeing the man who was close at hand and exuding magical charm, Xue Naili's eyes gradually became confused. Yield to the will overflows like a lake breaking a dam.

School uniforms, short skirts, jet-black silk stockings with a deodorant scent, and even white P times...As they were neatly folded one by one, a beautiful and moving girl's body was exposed in front of the principal who might pass by at any time In the corridor, right here, that devil-like man came over, he kissed, hugged, devoured, and took possession of Akizuki Yukina... Under the violent mental fluctuations, the world cracked and shattered like glass up.

In the pitch-black evening, in the Zhu family's mansion, the bedroom of the owner's eldest daughter.

"Brother... don't!"

Qiuyue Xue Naili turned over suddenly, but what she saw was a peaceful night.She was wearing a purple-black nightdress with lace, which was tightly attached to the girl's smooth and white skin at this moment, making people very uncomfortable.

(It turns out...it turned out to be a dream.)

Muttering, while exhaling a long breath, a trace of regret flashed in Xue Naili's bright eyes.If, if he was really treated like that by his brother, would he resist?

"Sister, what's wrong with you? I heard your cry just now, don't you have nightmares?"

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, but it was Qiuyue Shirley with golden hair who came in wearing a white nightgown.She hugged a fat doll with a big pig's head, jumped onto her sister's bed, and squeezed into the quilt.

"Such weird and terrifying things have happened in the college these past two days. I was worried that you were afraid, so I came here to accompany you. Am I very good, a good sister who cares about my sister!?" After getting under the covers, Shirley Still not satisfied, she arched and burrowed into Xue Naili's arms, biting the huge pink tip on her sister's left, Shirley's flexible and soft tongue stirred, letting the pleasure flow through like a burst of electricity The nerves of the brunette girl.

"Sister, let's come together once, and then you can sleep comfortably." While talking, Shirley's two paws grabbed her sister's chest.

"Come on you... I just had a nightmare and sweated all over my body. I feel sticky and uncomfortable. I'm going to take a hot bath." She was so angry that she slapped Shirley, and then Xue Naili looked at the girl beside her. Clock, it is one o'clock in the middle of the night, close to the extreme moment of the day's most negative energy (midnight to two o'clock), and it is also the most likely time period to encounter "strange" things.However, frowning slightly, Xue Naili still got rid of Shirley's entanglement. If she didn't wash up, she might not be able to sleep well tonight, which would affect her spirit for the whole day tomorrow.

"Sister... come back quickly!"

Hearing the yelling of her younger sister Shirley hiding under the quilt, Xue Naili also softened her heart.

"Then we'll do something comfortable and embarrassing together..."

"Get lost, you bad girl with full H points." Xue Naili slammed the door shut and walked out of her room.I still have pure fantasies about that crazy yellow-haired girl. I am too naive, too childish, and too stupid.

During this period of time, Tekken Academy is very restless...

No, to be precise, the city of the abyss and the city of wizards are a little restless.

After all, it is true that it is in the world of the endless abyss. Although it is protected by the power of the dragon king extracted from the Tongtian Wu Tower, when the tide of the endless abyss rises, even the enchantment and power of the magic dragon cannot guarantee that it will be flawless. What's more, in the city of the abyss and the city of wizards, there are countless human beings who have sold their souls due to pain and desire. Once they get in touch with the demon life outside the barrier, it is normal for them to sneak in while avoiding the power of the dragon king. up.

In the pitch-black corridor, Xue Naili became more and more afraid as she walked. She recalled the two tragedies that happened on campus recently. The beautiful girl died in the toilet and her own. In the dormitory, the scene of the murder was extremely horrific, blood even overflowed the dormitory.And when a female student saw the head in the toilet after using the toilet, she screamed and passed out directly.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. At this moment, Xue Naili saw a light in her brother's room on the side of the corridor. Looking at the warm light, the girl took courage and ran over.

Under the dim light, the protagonist in the dream just now, the man with black hair and black eyes is taking notes in a stack of books. This man is really hardworking and hardworking. Shirley has not only seen the scene of this cheap brother lighting up the night battle once or twice, he seems to only rest for about four hours a day, just in this way can maintain his own health... like this kind of focused hard work, strong and energetic Men, once you are lucky enough to come across it, you must hold it firmly in your hand.Because he is almost the type who is sure to succeed.

For Zhu Peng, the more things that need to be memorized by rote, the easier it is.

But what is really scary is the knowledge that is biased towards science, such as:

In the magic spell class, in order to exercise his three-dimensional thinking, Zhu Peng had to spend a lot of time studying three-dimensional geometry and mathematics, which are the basis for building spell models in his mind.

A wizard's brain is a vast world, and this is not a simple description.

They use spiritual power as a material, complete the construction of a large-yield "nuclear bomb" in their minds and in their own thinking world, and then construct it in the outside world through magic power to distort reality... This is probably the essence of so-called magic.

The king of the fifth-order extraordinary wizard world, there is a series of forbidden curse wizards, and four classics of the four series of earth, water, fire and wind:

The ground-type forbidden curse earth howl, the water-type forbidden curse Tears of the Sky, the fire-type forbidden curse doomsday catastrophe, the wind-type forbidden curse thunderstorm, these are all terrifying techniques that claim to destroy a country with one curse.

In fact, it means that the wizard completes the construction of the "nuclear bomb" in his own spiritual thinking world, and then constructs it with powerful magic power in the material world. The "nuclear bomb" exploded in his hands, even if he was a fifth-order extraordinary, he would never think it was such an interesting thing.Holding a nuclear bomb in your hand is not holding a firecracker in your hand. The devastating damage caused by the backlash of the forbidden curse is enough to drink a pot even for a fifth-order extraordinary life.

The spell class, a class that drives the wizards to death, but they have to study hard.

In the 21st century, Zhu Peng failed the math test with 68 points in the college entrance examination, but now he has to bite the bullet and bury his head in studying hard, because failing in math in the college entrance examination will kill him, but as a wizard, he failed to cast spells. Easy as hell.

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