The lizard boy said to it: "I will become the most powerful warrior in the tribe in the future, and you will accompany me to become a real dragon..."

Since we are human beings, we must have human dreams.

Don't just think about success, hide your dreams deep in your heart, once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime... that's enough.

His body seemed to be filled with lead, and he was struggling to breathe. Zhu Peng knew that there were still some residual toxins spreading in his body, but he couldn't die.Zhu Peng is very aware of how strong his body is. He knows how to nourish, is good at exercising, and has a deep foundation. Therefore, after a hard battle, he can burst out with frightening vitality and tenacity, unless it is too extreme like Jinling's time Otherwise, it would be very difficult for someone like Zhu Peng to kill him.

At this moment, Ellie and Xiuya had already cooperated with the abyss bear to kill the two werewolf warriors and five ratman warriors whose morale had collapsed. Although Airulli and Xiuya were a little frightened, their small faces were pale. , but did not suffer any injuries. On the contrary, the big bear howled and fell to the ground at the moment the battle ended. There were wounds all over its body, which was the proof of the bloody battle just now.

"Master, this bear is about to overweight, saying that the battle just now was too hard, and wants to double the amount of honey you promised..."

"...promise it."

Looking at the scarred Xiong Da, uh, the big bear, Zhu Peng also felt that the difficulty of this battle was a bit unexpected, but now he can take a breather, because no matter it is Gadis's side or Zhu Peng's On the one hand, they consciously cleaned up the abyssal beings with strong combat power around them before. After all, both sides have considerable strategies, and they don't want to be taken advantage of by third-rate characters after they are exhausted in the battle.

"Master, can you allow me to swallow the magic core of this Wyvern? I feel that as long as I swallow it, I can evolve." Fear of the Void Chogas tore open the Wyvern's chest, and took out a wyvern. The dark green spar was brought to Zhu Peng's side, which was already a sign of great respect.

For example, when Zhu Peng had just descended into the abyss, with Kogas' rebelliousness, he would not have the consciousness to ask his master's consent when facing Chongbao.

"Swallow it, only with strength can you earn more treasures."

The synchronization rate of Chogas obtained by Zhu Peng is only one percent, which is unbelievably weak. Fortunately, the synthetic beast egg itself has considerable potential. Chogas' will guides the development of the potential of the synthetic beast egg, and embarks on It is different from the road of realizing the synchronization rate of heroes in League of Legends.It uses its own will to guide the potential of synthetic beast eggs. Although it is not as good as the rapid growth of the synchronization rate, it also jumps out of the original mold. As for whether it will grow beyond the original self in the future, or even the original own strength If the strength of the third level can no longer be reached, then no one can say for sure.

A moment after swallowing the dark green spar, a soft pale white light emerged from Kogas' body.

...At the same time, in the city of wizards, a girl with long jet-black hair draped over her shoulders, with fair skin and a pure and beautiful face was wandering in the night with a two-meter-tall dark purple giant insect.Lin Qian, a first-class wizard apprentice, already has a synchronization rate of 90.00% of [-]. At the current level [-], it will not be weaker in hand-to-hand adult dragons in a short period of time; it is completely the conscious subject of fear of the void, crazy The longing to complete itself, to fully manifest...

Between the dense forests of the endless abyss, the night is dark.

The harpy sat on a branch by the campfire and slapped the goblins below for fun. Anyway, they were just consumable slaves, and no one cared about their life or death except themselves.Gadis kept her here, on the one hand, to protect the goods of the caravan, and on the other hand, because it trusted the werewolf and ratman warriors brought out by itself more, not because it was stronger, but it was not an abyss swamp itself. family of flying feathers.

The abyss beings temporarily pulled into the caravan like this, even if they have signed a magic contract with each other, there are too many situations where they stab each other and make trouble, compared to the danger that the harpies may cause , Gadis would rather leave her here to look at the goods.

Suddenly, the abyss demon dog that had been crawling in the darkness suddenly got up and screamed vigorously. Its cry made the harpy stunned, but the next moment, a stone spear pierced her heart.

(Damn... what time is this...)

Before the thoughts in her mind were finished, the harpies had already overturned and fell from the big tree.She had already taken Gadis and others to clear the nearby dense forest repeatedly, and she really didn't expect that there would be a surprise attack.However, a spellcaster without an innate defensive force field is vulnerable to a surprise attack.

The demon who had just thrown a stone spear came out of the forest. He casually swung the knife and hacked to death the abyss dog that pounced on him. , were suppressed to death by the opponent in front of him.

Zhu Peng walked out of the dense forest with his subordinates, watching the harpies and the abyss dog and shaking his head slightly. If Gadis was more careful and took these two with him, he could only bring Ke Garth turned and ran for his life.

Chapter 12

The surprise attack of the Abyss Traveling Merchants team ended in the destruction of their own group.

I really can't blame Gaddis, the animal tamer hunter, for not being cautious enough. She observed a first-order demon for three days, and then brought her most trusted helper to attack the rabbit while Zhu Peng was hunting. The offensive...failure can only be said to be a crime of non-war. For other mature abyss demons, they have already been killed by Gadis eight times. It is only because of their bad luck that they encountered Zhu Peng. Any errors or omissions.

In any case, Zhu Peng's counterattack this time can be said to be a rewarding return. Among other things, just twelve gray-haired yaks are an extremely huge wealth in the abyss. High-level demons may not have this worth.Of course, if it is a strong third-tier owner of the Moxu, then it is another matter, the accumulation of wealth is not comparable to a team of abyss merchants.

Except for the twelve gray-haired yaks, the food, ironware, and spell-casting materials they carried were also of great value, and the food was fine. The middle and lower classes in the endless abyss were still at the stage of drinking blood and having no food culture at all. Apart from eating, the food in the team is some air-dried meat that can be stored for a long time, which should be used by Gadis as "change".

Among the ironware, Zhu Peng found a rather convenient thick-backed steel knife. Although it was not as poison-enchanted as the scimitar seized from Gadis, Zhu Peng felt that it was enough to replace it. The cast of the weapon is always more important than the poison attached to it.

And among the spell-casting materials...Zhu Peng found the soul crystal. With it, Zhu Peng's black witchcraft finally had room to display it. The School of Devourer actually relied on various spell-casting materials.

"Eluli, you will be in charge of these little guys from now on. Those who are disobedient will be directly killed by the salamanders. You don't need to tell me if they are all dealt with. Now, let's go home first." Zhu Peng raised his knife and swept away the goblins around him. With such a large amount of wealth exposed to the wilderness of the endless abyss, if a third- or fourth-order demon flies in the sky and sees a big fireball come down, there may be no living things within a certain range.

The most frightening thing about the endless abyss is that the individual strength is unlimited and mixed. Like the city of the abyss, the wizard city, and the Tongtian wizard tower, the relatively stable order of first-, third-, and fifth-order settlements is not uncommon in the abyss world. Existence, even the extremely powerful abyss lord, may not be killed by a big demon of the sixth or seventh order for fun one day, but the number of great demons of the sixth or seventh order is very small, and the probability of this is extremely low, but That's not to say there's no such possibility.Fortunately, the endless abyss is really endlessly vast, and high-level demons often occupy places where energy is extremely active. Like Zhu Peng's primeval forest where energy particles are relatively scarce, unless high-level demons pass by, they are extremely dangerous. Rarely appear, if not for this, this dreadful day is really unbearable.

The journey back to the grotto was smooth and smooth, and the goblins and cattle were arranged in the kobold's original animal pen. Ellie gave the goblins some animal skins to keep out the cold, and some air-dried meat as food, so five of the 27 goblins died... As soon as Ellie turned around, the goblins actually attacked each other because of the air-dried meat that was obviously enough to share. When the blond fake loli found Zhu Peng in fright, when the demon suppressed the chaotic goblins again, the corpses of the five dead goblins were gone It was so shattered that Zhu Peng even saw obvious teeth bite marks on the corpse.

These abyss goblins all have dark green skin, no hair or beard, almost all of them have wide noses, pointed ears, big mouths and small, sharp canines. They are about four feet tall and have a maximum lifespan of about 70 years. Abyssal species Ordinary people live longer, and the average life expectancy of goblins in the main material world is about 50 years old.

Generally speaking, the physical strength of goblins is lower than that of humans. Adult goblins are equivalent to the physical strength of a 15-year-old boy, and their intelligence is also lower than that of humans, but they are still considered intelligent life... However, just now, when they have enough food , eating its own kind.

Spreading the devil's majesty, these guys who were fighting with red eyes just now fell silent like cicadas, and Zhu Peng didn't say much. The body was thrown into the sacrificial fire.During this process, Zhu Peng saw regretful emotions in the eyes of many goblins, and redistributed the air-dried meat clearly, and then Zhu Peng took Ellie and left the animal pen.

"Be careful with these little guys, once they gain the upper hand in force, they will rape you and Xiuya, and at the same time cut off your flesh and roast them piece by piece." With his back to Ai Luli, Zhu Peng said so. Dao, his keen perception made him feel the girl's footsteps suddenly stopped behind him, and even the fear deep in her heart.

"Endless abyss, endless darkness and terror, living and growing up in such an environment, their hearts are distorted...or in their view, we are distorted. Remember my words, we must be in front of them. Guarantee the advantage in strength, or kill them all before you weaken." Watching the blood slowly seeping into the nails, the so-called backlash of the blood shadow poisonous claws gradually appeared, Gadis and the blood soul of the two-headed poisonous dragon confronted each other. At this time, Zhu Peng was too strong. While the blood shadow and poisonous claws were increasing in power, Zhu Peng could also feel waves of negative emotions impacting his will.

This can also be regarded as a kind of practice.

While Zhu Peng was thinking, suddenly a soft body came up behind him, and the soft touch made people suddenly return to that beautiful and confused night.

"It's's just a group of little goblins. A strong master will protect Xiuya and me. You are our master. With you here, I won't be afraid." With soft words and warm breath, Zhu Peng Shaking his head slightly and smiling, he broke away from the obsessive embrace of the blonde girl behind him.

"Your demonization speed is very fast, do you know what bloodline you will be reincarnated into?" The endless abyss is filled with all kinds of abyssal life, and their strangeness and mutation are enough to drive any biologist in the 21st century completely crazy Lose.In fact, demons, a race full of desire, can produce offspring with almost any race, and the creatures born after cross-breeding do not know how many times, I am afraid that even their parents will not recognize what it should be called... Fortunately, The pure-blooded demons that believers in the abyss will be reincarnated are finally divided, and those who show obvious charm-type abilities like Elle are even rarer.

Chapter 13 We leave the village to go to the market

Zhu Peng is looking forward to the complete demonization of the two girls, Ai Luli and Xiu Ya. Although normally speaking, it takes tens or hundreds of years for abyss believers to transform into real demons. If it is not in the endless abyss, but If it is on a different plane, it is not uncommon for hundreds of years of prayer and dedication to finally complete the transformation.

The reason for this anticipation is that he needs a safe and accurate landing coordinates. It is very lucky that the Abyss Demon Card randomly dropped Zhu Peng in a primeval forest with rich resources this time, so what about next time?

Although I don't want to die in battle again, death in battle is not something you don't have to do if you don't want to die in battle. Being a warrior has always meant that soldiers are in danger, and the abyss demon card was given to Zhu Peng. A final trump card for death, allowing him to fight back again after falling into the endless abyss, and swing an iron fist of revenge against the enemies of the main material world.

In this way of thinking, the landing point of the endless abyss becomes very, very important. If it descends into the crater, at least the current Zhu Peng does not have the ability to survive in thousands of degrees of lava.

As for the knowledge and skills related to the way of space, without the power of a strong third-order legend and the foundation accumulated over the years, basically don't even think about it.

So Zhu Peng found a curvy solution after much deliberation... He waited for Ailuri and Xiu Ya to be completely reincarnated as abyssal demons, and then asked for their "real names".

Of course, the purpose is not to enslave and humiliate the two girls. For a decent person like Zhu Peng, he still practices Chunyang Boy Qigong, but to use them as coordinates to guide himself to the point of the abyss.

"Do you know what bloodline you will be reincarnated into?"

"I feel like a vampire... What's the use? Even though I'm getting cuter and cuter, master, you still don't like me." Red lips pouted, stomping her feet gently, a 38-year-old fake loli with big breasts Intentionally seducing a man, she is really soft and charming. Her memory of that night is a bit vague, and her will is relatively weak. Under the effect of a large amount of blood honey with a slightly psychedelic effect, it is really like a dream. There is no trace.However, as a woman, she still instinctively wants to get close to her stronger and more powerful master. No matter from the consideration of practical interests or the charm of the opposite sex, she has a strong desire for this.

"I know to think about these messy things all day long. No wonder you become a degenerate priest. It would be strange for a little idiot like you to become a nun and not degenerate." At this moment, Zhu Peng, who was already tall, smiled and performed "touching the head." Zhu Peng felt a little strange when he saw the outdated fake lolita with long golden hair showing an expression like a cat enjoying indulging under his hands, as if all the girls around him liked this trick.

In fact, when the man is too strong, the girl will naturally become soft, and there is a balance of rigidity and softness between the yin and yang of heaven and earth.

Just when the two were a little bored with each other, Xiu Ya ran over excitedly holding a leather scroll.When this tall, slender-legged model-like knight girl saw the scene in the cave, she froze for a moment, and a look of sadness flashed inexplicably in her eyes.

"Xiu Ya, what's wrong?"

"Uh...Master, this." The female knight is not like Ellie, who spent a lot of time learning Abyssal language and Demon language and studying dark magic in the main material world. Xiuya's current Abyssal language is only a few words The word jumps out, can't say too long, and expresses too complicated meaning, but as her faith collapses and slowly reincarnates into an abyss life form, the abyss language and devil language will naturally be engraved in the girl's blood, which is incredible Yes, in the world of the endless abyss, which is an absolute domain of civilization, there is a common language that covers the entire plane.All abyssal demons naturally understand the way of speaking the abyss and demons at the moment they are born, as if they are biological instincts that want to eat when they are hungry.

"Master, lizardman, water, this picture has surfaced."

The sadness in his expression quickly disappeared. Xiu Ya vigorously sent a leather scroll to the devil. It was a kind of leather of unknown material, but as soon as Zhu Peng took it over, he knew its thickness and toughness. It is many times better than my own skin at this time, and it is quite precious and very important.

Slowly unfolding the picture scroll, a dark and deep will spread along with it, just like the Buddha light surrounding the body of a Buddha or a great Bodhisattva. A jet-black intense flame burst out in front of him, surrounded by countless deep auras.

In the center of the picture scroll is an extremely evil dragon with nine huge heads. Each of its heads has a different shape, either stretching its slender neck and roaring, or the hexagonal beards are devouring life, or alone The corners and four eyes are shrouded in black air, which has the image of a giant dragon and the obvious characteristics of the abyssal demon family. The only thing they have in common is a ferocious posture. This nine-headed dragon seems to rush out at any time. The picture scroll devours all beings and destroys the world.

Around the nine-headed magic dragon, there are countless wild and evil small characters depicting and writing. There is no aesthetic feeling that calligraphy itself should have. Terrible malice, looking at them, it seems to be looking at the dirty, sinful, blood mixed with soil to form a large piece of dirty and rotten mud... These are the words of evil.

Closing the scroll, Zhu Peng slightly closed his eyes and let out a breath. With the will of Dao Xin Chunyang, he pushed away all the shocks brought by the scroll, and then he turned his head and said, "I found it on that lizardman traveling merchant?"

"Well, if you get in water, your form will appear." Xiu Ya nodded in agreement, and thanks to her carefulness, otherwise Zhu Peng might have missed this ancient secret method of praying for sacrifices.

There are some shadows of the ancient witch sacrifice method in the Daoist method of inviting gods and controlling ghosts. Now that Zhu Peng has obtained the cultivation method of the nine-headed dragon, even if he doesn’t know the words above, he can’t really practice it, but it’s just a visualization Scrolling the image of the Nine-Headed Dragon itself can also indirectly gain huge benefits.

...... The nine-headed dragon god of great darkness—Lemo Anson, gnaws at the roots of the world, and I will eventually bring eternal darkness and ultimate destruction to all living beings...

In the following days, Zhu Peng repaired his damaged body, nourished his spirit and will, and digested all the nutrients he got after the life-and-death battle with Gadis. It is necessary to summarize and draw lessons from experience.

In the 21st century, art circles at home and abroad said that the inheritance of Wudang Chunyang sect is really powerful, allowing a semi-disabled person who can't even cultivate dark energy to run amok, known as Chunyang Wuji.But in fact, if Zhu Peng himself is not strong enough, no matter how powerful the inheritance of martial arts is, it is meaningless. There may be the most powerful martial arts in this world, but the most powerful martial arts may not necessarily make the most powerful person.

As for the scroll of Nine-headed Demon Dragon that Xiu Ya found, it is indeed of great benefit to Zhu Peng. Although Zhu Peng can speak the abyss language on it, he can't understand or recognize it, but it is only the image of the Nine-headed Demon Dragon itself and the image in it. The mystery contained in it is enough for Zhu Peng to benefit a lot.

The devil hangs the picture scroll in the quiet stone room where he is practicing, practicing boxing and martial arts. When his mind is adjusted to the most empty and powerful, he will take the initiative to visualize the nine-headed dragon, borrowing the aura of the extremely evil dragon. The oppression tempered his willpower. When all the injuries on his body recovered, Zhu Penghua's Qi and blood martial arts had made considerable progress, and his grasp of Qi and blood itself was getting better and better.However, Zhu Peng is very clear that he has just entered the realm of Huajin, and his kung fu is far from reaching the point of perfection. Now trying to hold the alchemy and sit on the hips to attack the alchemy realm is almost tantamount to courting death.

The earth is an absolute realm of emptiness and magic. The cultivation method of national martial arts is a pure spiritual energy and blood technique, and the secret of alchemy lies in the fact that the peak of Huajin shrinks all of his energy and blood to the dantian three inches below the navel. At that point, after a moment of reconciliation and nourishment that is neither life nor death, the whole body's qi and blood spread around the "Dan", washing the blood vessels, washing the bones, removing the deposited impurities and dirt, allowing the human body to regenerate and develop for the second time, Through this practice, the bones are unparalleled, and the fat is turned into skin, muscles and muscles... Yijin and washing the marrow, from human to immortal, just like the ultimate evolution from apes to humans.

However, it is precisely because of its strength that it is extremely difficult.

Baodan needs to shrink and hug the qi and blood of the whole body, so that he can reach the chaotic state of "neither life nor death, reflecting his innateness". The dantian is a little bit weaker, the dantian is not rounded, and the strength of a thousand catties exploded in his lower abdomen. Of course, this strength will not explode in all directions like a grenade, but it will make the experimenter's intestines pierced and his dantian lower abdomen completely necrotic , that couldn't be easier.

How many powerful martial artists at the peak of Huajin attacked the alchemy, but the alchemy failed, and they hugged themselves to death. Martial artists at the peak of Huajin concentrated their energy and blood on the dantian, and became, from human to immortal, Martial arts advances by leaps and bounds, life expectancy is greatly extended, defeat, intestines pierced and rotten, and a small grenade exploded in the lower abdomen. If you don’t die at that time, you will also die of bloodshed and rapid exhaustion in the next few days. There is no need to go to the hospital. The intestines and organs are affected like a pot of porridge.

Why is Baodan so difficult?

Because everyone's dantian point, the singular point of the human body that can withstand the strength of the whole body is different, and it varies with the body and stature of the person, and there is no exact location.

A point as big as the tip of a needle, if you make a mistake, you will die. If a beginner martial artist is lucky, a thousand out of a thousand will die in a thousand, and one out of a hundred thousand may succeed blindly... The problem is martial arts In the most prosperous period, there may not be [-] Huajin masters on the entire earth.

(I have to practice for at least a few years. After dozens or even dozens of life-and-death fights, I can truly penetrate my body and be [-]% sure of the location of my human singularity... Of course, if there is a master of martial arts with my strength and I Fighting and fighting, the moment when my life is promoted to the strongest, after three or five rounds, I may be able to find the exact position of Baodan, but wantonly attacking and killing my own clansmen for the sake of martial arts is not in line with my way of pure yang, passive It is one thing to defend and then counterattack. It is one thing to take the initiative to kill for the sake of improvement... By the way, Xiao Pojun, the bastard, returned to the main material plane, found this guy and beat him to death. If you don’t kill the fangs, it’s hard for me to pass my mind.)

Zhu Peng opened his eyes in the stone room, his eyesight was shining like a candle, and he didn't return to normal until he calmed down for a moment.

The moment Zhu Peng stood up, Kogas beside him who had evolved from the size of a head to the size of a liger and a giant purple scorpion also opened his ferocious triangular eyes and stood up simultaneously, like a man's guardian spirit. Like a beast.

After completing his self-cultivation and cultivating the visualization of the nine-headed magic dragon to a certain limit, Zhu Peng did not rush to go to the magic market, but started to make up for everyone.

Devil's Gastronomy · Dark Cuisine, this profound knowledge that Zhu Peng has poured a lot of effort into, only after reaching the Endless Abyss did it really begin to become worthy of its name.

When they first landed in the Endless Abyss, Zhu Peng and Kogas slept in the open, and ate raw food. Fortunately, the blood of the demons was so strong that they were almost immune to all diseases. It must have been planted, and it will be quite troublesome to make up for and remove it later.

After killing all the kobold tribes, seizing the big house in the grotto, and earning two beautiful maids to serve the daily life, Zhu Peng had some conditions to improve the food. However, after all, there was a shortage of food materials, and the main purpose was to eat enough. As for the taste and nutrition, many Sometimes even Zhu Peng can't take care of both.

It wasn't until he obtained all the wealth of Gaddis's abyss caravan that Zhu Peng was qualified to display his talents on the road of not being tired of food, even food supplements... What to eat is very, very important.

In the earth age, many Chinese people think that Westerners have big bones and are naturally more powerful than yellow people. In fact, the influence of genes and blood vessels is far less than most people think. What is more, it is actually the diet of both parties. differences caused by different.

Western food is high in fat and calories, and many people even like undercooked beef and mutton steaks. If you eat it like this, you will become stronger naturally, with a strong body odor, and the internal organs will be under pressure.

Ordinary Chinese families in China can’t drink milk as water. Beef and mutton are eaten three times a day. Pork is often eaten more, and beef and mutton are often eaten to strengthen the body. It is not without reason that it is called "cheap meat". Eating too much of it is harmful to health.

The difference in diet determines many things, and the practice also starts with the three meals a day. After Zhu Peng robbed the abyss caravan and obtained a large amount of food and even spell-casting materials (herbal medicine), he began to display his demonic gastronomy. After he made it, he first experimented with those goblins, and after confirming that there was no problem, he gave it to himself, Elli and Xiuya to eat.

For the 22 abyss goblins, the current life is really a luxury like a demon lord. You only need to manage the twelve gray-haired yaks every day, don’t let them lose weight, and then get up in the morning to eat good food, drink warm water to wash the stomach to help digestion, Massage the cheeks, take a nap at noon to recuperate, massage the lower back in the afternoon, and scald the feet with hot water before going to bed at night, and then close your eyes, a day has passed.

After the battle that destroyed the abyss caravan, two months passed in the blink of an eye. The 22 abyss goblins were fattened up by Zhu Peng. Peng also accumulated a lot of experience in this process, which greatly replenished his body.

After all, those 22 abyssal goblins are just experimental products, and Zhu Peng, Eluli and Xiuya are the real beneficiaries. The remaining scraps mixed with unpalatable dried meat are rewarded to them, so that the goblins can test the side effects first. , and the real good things in the ingredients were eaten by the three of Zhu Peng, not to mention that the goblins could not be as good at maintaining and exercising the body as Zhu Peng, or even as diligent as Xiu Ya, which is also a source of nutrition However, Zhu Peng's absorption and utilization rate is not only ten times that of theirs, not to mention the gap between the two sides in terms of nutrient intake is more than ten times.

The two months of nurturing allowed Zhu Peng to repress the spiritual backlash of the Blood Shadow Poison Claw. His calm and firm will, and his pure Yang Wuji Dao Xin forced all the negative toxins and emotions into his blood. On the claws, the ten sharp claws are dark red and terrifying, as if countless ghosts are lingering.

The warming of the body and the practice of boxing have improved Zhu Peng's muscle control ability again. Originally, he could only fully develop about 60.00% of the potential muscle groups in his body. After two months, Zhu Peng's control over the potential muscle groups of the body The force has reached about 80.00%. Once it is fully opened, the physique will skyrocket, and the muscles will be so developed that it looks a little scary.

The majesty and demeanor of the devil is more at ease. At this moment, Zhu Peng is as calm as a virgin, snatching it like a tiger, with a murderous look in his eyes, and there are two little ones who are used as experimental products. In the month of the month, they are full of food every day and get some leftovers from the dark cuisine to nourish their bodies, otherwise they will not be almost, but will be scared to death.

Only the innate ability of lava fireball has made little progress. Zhu Peng's ability to control the flame is insufficient, so he can only refine the secret method of Qi training such as the giant python spit pill, and constantly compress the lava fireball with internal strength to increase its power, but the improvement of firepower is after all. not big.In this way, after the strength of the Abyss Demon card was not too much accumulated, and Zhu Peng had another trump card in his hand, he chose iron tools and spell-casting materials that were not very useful, and took two gray-haired yaks to carry the goods. Embarked on the road to the Abyss Demon Ruins.

"Kogas, when we go to the Demon Market this time, Elli and Xiu Ya have to follow, you can stay in the cave and guard the house, we will take five goblins to take care of the cows, and the remaining seventeen goblins will be under your control. It doesn't matter if you kill them all, if you don't want the cows, you don't want them... Don't give them a chance to rebel against you, these little guys are full of anger and lack of intelligence, so they can't be raised well." Before leaving, Zhu Peng said He ordered Kogas like that, and with the fear of the void, Kogas's sophistication and viciousness, he thought he could control the goblins submissively and guard the cave that Zhu Peng had been running for a long time.

"Don't worry, master, if anyone dares to seek death in front of me, I will throw it into the sacrificial fire and roast it alive."

Nodding his head, Zhu Peng took two cows, two girls, and five goblins loaded with goods on the road to the Moxu. Relying on a simple map on the lizard man, in the endless abyss, The map was originally meaningless, because except for the land covered by the will of the abyss lord, otherwise the entire abyss is in a state of slow flow. Occasionally there will be a violent flow state such as a volcanic earthquake, even if it is the land covered by the will of the abyss lord , it is just like a boat floating in the waves, it is relatively motionless but the surroundings are moving with it.Therefore, the Abyss Business Hotel has to find the caster to buy a simple map at a high price every once in a while, and to reach the magic market marked on the map as soon as possible, otherwise the map will basically become useless after a long time, even Zhu Peng and others A trip also means some luck, maybe you can find the Moxu, maybe you can't.

The Lord of the Abyss built the Castlevania, and the Legendary Great Demon built the Demon Market. In fact, it is similar to a very primitive market where people can exchange what they have and what they have. They just use the power and reputation of the Legendary Great Demon to guarantee the most basic safety of life and property of the visitors.

In fact, this "guarantee" itself is not very reliable.

If a weak existence goes there with a relatively large amount of wealth, even if the owner of the Moxu does not make a move, its subordinates will greedily pounce on it, and then hand over most of the proceeds. Eluli and Xiuya covered their faces with fur. During this time, Eluli had become semi-demonized, and Xiuya also showed obvious demonic characteristics. Zhu Peng already knew that Eluli was a vampire. , but who would have thought that her daughter would actually be reincarnated as a succubus... This time she really became a knight princess, and an adult virgin succubus, presumably even the abyss lord would want to tear her apart to taste the endless After being shy, it belongs to the debauchery of the succubus. Fortunately, the succubus traits on Xiu Ya are still very inconspicuous. Apart from her knowing it herself and telling Zhu Peng and Ai Luli, other demons cannot directly see it.

These two girls are a little bit talented, and the demonization speed is quite fast. Of course, this may also be because Zhu Peng absorbed their luck as a human race of order. When they have no position camp, then rejoin A new camp will naturally be much easier.

The thick leather robe around him even covered part of his cheeks, only the upper half of his face and the horns of the demons were exposed. Zhu Peng walked in the front with a thick-backed machete without a sheath on his back, followed by sitting on a red-scaled salamander Ellie and Xiu Ya, followed by five goblin slaves who are much stronger than their own kind, take care of two gray-haired yaks.

A group of people took the goods and set foot on the road leading to the Demon Market.

Chapter 14 On the road

After a long day of driving, night fell again.

Although there is no sunshine in the endless abyss, when the dark red fireball in the black cloud disappears, the predators in the abyss will still be much more ferocious.

On the way to the Moxu, beside the burning bonfire, five little goblins are busy unloading the goods from two gray-haired yaks. Even if they are big animals, it is impossible for them to carry heavy loads load.Then there's the voracious red-scaled salamander, who doesn't mind killing a goblin or two for tonight's dinner if he gets upset.

The two girls, Ai Luli and Xiu Ya, didn't do any heavy work, but they also made up the "bed" between themselves and their master, with thick hay between the two animal skins. It's better than sleeping on the ground, but it's much more comfortable than sleeping directly on the ground.

"Hey, I'm starting to miss the firepit in the cave, my turf bed, and Xiong Da and Xiong Er. After we leave, that fellow Chogas will definitely not feed them anymore. Xiong Er just gave them food. Xiong Da gave birth to a litter of Xiong [-], Xiong [-], Xiong [-], Xiong [-], Xiong [-], and Xiong [-]... Without me feeding them, how could poor Xiong Da bear the burden of the family? He is so fat and lazy... Master, why don't we go back." Only two days after she came out, the pseudo-loli who had completely exposed her lazy temperament began to be unable to bear the hard work of eating and sleeping in the open.She is different from Xiu Ya, who still has a lot of knightly loyalty thoughts. She was originally a fallen nun, and she was discriminated against in the Holy Light Thunder Church. After living a good life, I just want to stay at home and eat and sleep. If I can live a shameless life with a strong master seven or eight times a day, and occasionally eight or nine times, then it will be perfect.

As for the compatriots of Lightning Thunder... just let them die.

"I didn't ask you to come. You insisted on coming. This time, apart from saving the church members of the Holy Lightning Thunder, the master also wanted to buy a lot of ingredients to go back... It's all you. If you have nothing to do, you will always feed Xiong Da. Food, as a result, Xiong Er's litter was raised so big that it gave birth to five cubs at a time, would a normal bear give birth to five cubs in one litter? And you always teach those cubs to be cute, hugging their legs to ask their owners for food, they If their wildness disappears because of this, you are the culprit who killed them." Xiu Ya held a three-edged iron-pointed wooden spear in both hands, which Zhu Peng made for her, and this girl usually cherishes it very much.

At this moment, Xiu Ya was shaking her gun while threatening Elle in the native language.

After this period of time, Zhu Peng's food supplements and the double blessings from blood demonization, Xiu Ya's spear and martial arts have improved by leaps and bounds, and she feels that she is no longer weaker than the old self who still has the grace of the gods, even in actual combat. To be superior.The paladin Xiuya back then was not short of actual combat after all, but now the witch Xiuya is not lacking in actual combat. This is the biggest difference.

At this time, Zhu Peng was sitting cross-legged on the laid animal skin, turning a deaf ear to the chattering words of the two girls beside him, and was not affected at all.

When kung fu enters the realm of transforming energy, meditating to move Qi and blood is an important aspect of practice. Daily exercise is no longer limited to fist and foot muscles, skin membrane tendons, but also to improve inner strength and spiritual cultivation. The thick-backed machete was placed horizontally on his knees, and the sheathless long knife buzzed with Zhu Peng's every breath, as if the ordinary long knife had fallen into this guy's hands Afterwards, a kind of ghostly spirituality gradually developed.

In addition to the core kung fu of Chunyangzong, Zhu Peng himself is also proficient in hundreds of martial arts. He is also proficient in using swords, guns, swords, halberds and even strange weapons. The more powerful the weapon is, the more powerful it can be. He can't break through this principle. Many swordsmanship schools pay attention to the sword when the person is there, and the sword is dead. They have given their disciples a good sword since childhood. Zhe Ran has never left his hand since he was a child. Such a swordsman often has spirituality in the long sword in his hand. After practicing to the extreme, the three-foot sword's edge is more sensitive and flexible than his own palm and five fingers. The point of the edge is almost indestructible.

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