But under abnormal circumstances, Sloppy kicked a heavy leg, which was blocked by Zhu Peng, who arrived in a hurry, with both arms. The outer iron and inner copper are the strong and tough Taoist bell. Zhu Peng's foundation is solid, and the strength of the pile runs through the inside and outside, so that the strength of his leg just now is eaten by his whole body and then transmitted to the ground.It was not a lie that Zhu Peng told Yi Wen that his gums were bleeding, but that his mouth and teeth were a little loose due to the shock of a sloppy and fierce leg, and the gums leaked blood.

Facing the sloppy invitation to fight, Zhu Peng waved his hand and refused without hesitation. Just kidding, he found that the guy in front of him seemed to have killed a lot recently, and he was a bit violent. If he joined hands with him, it might become a life-and-death fight if he was not careful. , there is really no need.

"Senior brother Hu, are you embarrassed? Your master of martial arts, who is in the state of transformation, competes with a low-level player like me who can't beat me? It's almost the same if you teach me."

"It's not the same. You can catch me in a hurry with all my strength, which shows that you are by no means an ordinary peak of Ming Jin. What's more, Junior Brother Zhu, you were recognized as a genius in martial arts back then. If I fight against you, I have no certainty of victory." .”

Just when the two idiots were chatting and exchanging there, suddenly there was a scream from afar. The sound was not clear when it passed through the noisy arena. , so the three people present could hear it very clearly.

"Ahhh, don't say those words that I don't understand anymore, Zhu Peng." Exclaiming, Yiwen put the silver cross in front of Zhu Peng's eyes, and saw a miniature sculpture of a giant wolf on the cross. Fiery as if about to burn.Not only Zhu Peng, but also Ma Hu's expression changed drastically when he saw this scene.

"I just went to see the gladiatorial fight. I don't know when it lit up, and I don't know how long it has been on. They came in to ask for you and they refused to let them go, so I put them down." Yiwen explained the cause and effect, Zhu Peng and Ma Hu looked at each other, and they ran towards the direction where the screams came from. Yi Wen hurriedly followed, leaving the arena disciples injured by her all over the floor, and the broken and messy door.

Taking one step at a time, he came out as if taking a walk. Master Ma looked at the three running away, with his brows furrowed, and murmured: "Hu'er..."

When the three of Zhu Peng arrived at the scene where the screams were made, many people had already gathered, and a doctor was stopping the bleeding of the wounded disciple.

This Douchang disciple was not seriously injured. Zhu Peng is an expert in martial arts, so he naturally saw that the knife on his back was only slender, but the force was not concentrated enough to cut into the bone at all. It will give this arena disciple a chance to scream.

"Tiger, Mr. Tiger... I was patrolling here just now, and then I was stabbed in the back... No, I didn't expect to alarm you, old man." When Sloppy ran out for his business in person, he was flattered and stammered.

(A werewolf shot, would he be so gentle?)

Zhu Peng was puzzled, and looked at Yi Wen, both feeling a little surprised, having made several murders, suddenly softened?

"Turn over and let me check your wound."

After hesitating for a while, Zhu Peng suddenly walked up to the disciple in the arena and asked him to lie on his stomach.Then with the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, he slashed across the slender knife edge on the back of the disciple in the arena. Relying on this connection, Zhu Peng used the meager fate he had accumulated over the past few days and changed the fate of He Meizi's mother and daughter. The power of power slightly pushes the wheel of fate...

Twirling the blood in his hands, Zhu Peng closed his eyes, and vaguely saw a few blurred fragments. The past is unique, but the future is infinite, so pushing the wheel of fate forward is much more costly than reverse.Fortunately, this is what happened in a very short period of time: the arena disciples casually patrolling, a blonde girl happily smiling in double row with a black-haired man, a shadow hiding in a dark corner, sneaking up The last knife slashed out...the dark green wolf eyes that were watching from the shadows.

Just accumulated, the meager power of fate was exhausted in an instant, but Zhu Peng suddenly looked sideways, and saw a pair of dark green pupils shining behind the dark plaque on the left side obliquely above.

After the owner of the green eyes and Zhu Peng stared at it, it turned into a shadow and rushed to the distance in the next moment. However, it was easy to catch the opponent, how could Zhu Peng let her go easily.

"On the house, chase."

After sipping a low sentence, Zhu Peng urged his body to jump out. He rushed to the wall and jumped on the air-conditioning bellows to borrow his strength. Then he stepped on the wall in two steps and jumped up to the second floor with his arms. , and then rushed towards the direction in which the black shadow was running.The sloppy cultivation level was still higher than Zhu Peng's. He ran directly towards the wall, then stepped on the wall abruptly and ran for four or five steps, and finally grabbed the eaves with both hands, and the whole person climbed up to the second floor.

Chapter 22 The Werewolf's Daughter, Bridget Lynn

Martial arts practitioners are fast-paced and quick-moving, not to mention that Zhu Peng's lightness kung fu was heavily trained by his master back then. When walking in the rivers and lakes, when he encountered those old boxers who were explosively strong but whose physical strength had begun to weaken, they would look for opportunities to get out And if you turn around and run, it's fine if the opponent doesn't chase and kill. If you dare to chase and kill, use your youth and strength to exhaust the opponent's physical strength and then turn around and fight back.

The physical fitness of martial arts practitioners is better than that of ordinary people, but the physical fitness of those who do not enter the alchemy state will eventually fade with age. Many old boxers who are physically fit will be more ruthless when they are in a state of explosive physical fitness. Beating people to death solves the battle, but once the young people are dragged into a war of attrition...the so-called fists are afraid of the young, and the old masters are beaten to death with random punches, that's how these words come from.

Zhu Peng and Ma Hu's movement skills are fast enough, but the swift shadow in front climbs the wall and crosses the wall like walking on the ground. It is obvious that not only their speed is not much slower than the two, but they have been living and running in such a complicated environment for many years. The two people lost their shadows at the bifurcation of the two low buildings during the seven or eight detours.

At this moment, Yi Wen, who was wrapped in a light blue light, chased after her. She wanted to cast a swiftness spell on herself. The blessing of spells was always slower than the human body's instinct to adapt. At this time, it was already the elves who were able to catch up. , The talent is extraordinary.

"Why did you stop, and in which direction did you run?"

"Yiwen and I go to the left, Brother Hu, you go to the right. Be careful, this may be its intention to disperse us to attack each other."

"Okay, be careful too."

As soon as Zhu Peng finished speaking, Ma Hu rushed to the right side of the road. He ran two steps and passed the gap between buildings five meters away.Zhu Peng and Yiwen continued to chase to the left. The silver-haired female elf sensed the cross, and the wolf-shaped red light that had been dimming gradually became red again, which showed that they had found the right direction.However, Zhu Peng became more and more confused. With the running speed of the other party, couldn't he take advantage of the hesitation he and Sloppy had just had to get away completely?

"It's near here. Be careful. Since it doesn't take the opportunity to escape, it's very likely that it intends to kill us." Yiwen held a sensory cross in her left hand, and a pale gold pistol in her right...a rich man who is hated , Zhu Peng is still drooling at the equipment in the ghost-shaped man's hands, and she has already spent money to buy the equipment.As an apprentice wizard, Yiwen holds this enchanted witchcraft pistol, which can even threaten the life of a formal wizard.

Standing on the roof of a three-story house, surrounded by piles of sundries, Zhu Peng and Yiwen did not separate, but watched the red induction cross and slowly searched.

"He didn't run away, one inference is to kill us back. But another inference is that he has no energy to escape." Thinking back to the slender but not pierced knife on the back of the arena disciple, thinking back to himself The figure seen in the broken fragments returned by the fate card.

When Zhu Peng walked past a pile of debris, he suddenly reached out and grabbed a steel pipe that was placed on the side. ... a dirty blond wolf boy holding a rusty dagger upside down, yelled at Zhu Peng hoarsely.

"Uh... Yiwen, you said you failed the first demon hunting mission, how will the teacher punish us?"

"Anyway, my white dragon will never be returned to the teacher. Besides, isn't this the target?" After speaking, Yiwen stepped forward and raised her pistol to shoot, but Zhu Peng pressed it down.At this time, the little wolf boy in the pile of debris seized the opportunity and charged at the man in front of him with a knife. Zhu Pengxin pushed the knife away, and then punched the girl on the lower abdomen with his fist. The extremely weak little wolf boy passed out the moment he was hit hard.

Before she fell into a coma, she faintly heard the conversation between the man and the woman.

"Are you stupid for being Teacher Kidd? You take her to hand in the task of 'killing the wolf', why don't you just say that the task failed..." The darkness flooded in like a tide, and she completely lost consciousness.

... get carried away ...

Running, running non-stop, the ferocious roar of the wild beast behind him chased him like a shadow...

Surrounded by a deadly darkness, hazy, somewhat upside-down feeling...

The little girl with light blonde hair and wearing a white dress ran in panic. She didn't know where she was, but she just knew that the roar behind her was getting closer...

"Woo...Mom, I want mother..." The young wolf cub sobbed softly while running, big drops of tears oozed from her ice blue eyes, and then dripped down.She instinctively wanted to find her mother, but where is her mother?

"Run!!! Run!!!" There was a shrill cry in my ears.

That's my mother's voice!But why is that voice full of despair...

I don't know how long I ran, and the road of escape in that dark world seemed endless. Bridget's legs softened, and she knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.

The color of blood, the color of blood, the girl suddenly found that the surrounding environment had undergone a sudden change, and the endless darkness had been replaced by the scarlet blood that pervaded the world.Looking down, I saw that the whole earth was soaked in thick crimson.She raised her hands in confusion, only to find that her palms were also dripping red...

"Ah!!!" With a scream, the girl sat up suddenly and opened her eyes.It turned out to be just a nightmare... Surrounded by the warm morning light, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then lay down on the soft bed with peace of mind... By the way, why would I lie on the bed?

The werewolf girl who had reacted suddenly sat up again, she looked around in surprise, the small room was clean and warm, the light golden light of the morning came in from the window, and there was a soft and warm bed under her body, with Compared with the garbage dump in the cold night, this place is as comfortable as heaven.

"Are you awake? Your physique is very good. I thought you would not regain consciousness until the afternoon due to your injuries." The door opened, and Bridget's icy blue eyes were fixed on last night. The man who passed out by himself.He has black hair, a well-proportioned and strong body, and a pair of jet-black eyes are clear and bright. At this time, he is wearing a black cloth robe for home use, showing a peaceful and casual attitude.

Behind the man, a little girl in a beautiful long gown came in holding a plate of food. She put the food on a small wooden dining table, and then put the small table on the table with some difficulty. Bridget's bed, so that she can have these delicious-looking foods within reach without getting out of bed.

Chapter 23 Misplaced dates, the trajectory of fate

"Meixiang, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll take care of the rest." The mild-mannered young man said to the girl in Chinese clothes, this extremely beautiful girl who looked like fine porcelain blinked her eyes Seeing the young werewolf with blond hair and blue eyes on the bed, her eyes were full of curiosity.However, she turned and left very obediently, but before closing the door, the girl gave Bridget a reluctant look.

Chi Meixiang walked out, and only Zhu Peng and the wolf girl were left in the small room.

"Looking at your physical condition yesterday, you probably haven't had a good rest for a long time, and you haven't had a good meal. Let's try Ms. Kazuko's craftsmanship. It's not very good, but she did it very hard." Zhu Peng moved a chair and sat beside the blonde girl's bed.However, after a while, the girl did not move the food in front of her, but stared straight at him.

As a warrior, Zhu Peng could feel that there was a force secretly gathering in the small body of the girl in front of him.

"Alas..." Sighed softly, shaking his head.

"What is your right hand sneaking around, is it this?" Zhu Peng stretched his right hand in front of the little werewolf, but without seeing him make any movement, a rusty short knife appeared in his hand.

"I'll give it back to you if it gives you a sense of security and a good meal."

Bridget carefully took the rusty dagger from Zhu Peng. The next moment, she jumped up and stabbed at the man in front of her. However, the sharp edge of the dagger was like a long knife in its sheath. Generally, Zhu Peng clamped it with his index and middle fingers.The man pushed his two fingers forward with his right arm and wrist, and an impact force spread from the dagger to the little werewolf's whole body. Bridget's bones seemed to have been directly impacted. In an instant, it melted like the first snow in the sun.

"I can only give you half an hour, although I'm sorry, although you shouldn't have done anything harmful to human beings at such a young age... But I can't let you grow up, and then go to revenge on my friend... …It’s too much to say, but I think you can understand that I killed you, just like the Nords and Redguards your mother killed, not because they did anything wrong, just because: each other stand." When he said this, the man paused for a moment, and then he continued:

"Okay, let's enjoy the last meal of my life." After saying this, Zhu Peng reached out and patted the little blond girl on the head.The warm palm made the little girl who had always been strong and almost cold, her eye circles turn red for a moment.

However, she lowered her head, unwilling to expose her fragility to the eyes of the humans in front of her.

"I hope that at least before you die, you can enjoy some things that you should enjoy as a human being... er, as an intelligent life. Sorry, you are a very strong and cute little girl." After speaking, Zhu Peng got up and planned to leave, letting the little werewolf in front of her spend the last half hour of her life quietly.However, at the moment when Zhu Peng opened the door and was about to leave, Bridget suddenly spoke. Her opening changed the fate of many people, including herself.

"Last night was the seventh day of my mother's death. I couldn't kill a person in Chinatown to avenge her until the end... You are a good person, can you please buy me a copy of "Praise of the Soul" ?I want to pray for my mother one last time before I die, so that her soul can return to the embrace of her ancestors. As a price, I am willing to provide you with the power distribution of the wolf clan in the city of the abyss. If they hadn’t expelled our mother and daughter, I would Mom won't steal things in Chinatown and be beaten to death carelessly." The little girl said with tears in her eyes, and Zhu Peng nodded slightly with his back turned to her, and then pushed the door away.

"Mom, Xiaolin will come to accompany you soon. It's okay, Xiaolin, I really miss you." Although she was hungry, the little blonde girl didn't even look at the food in front of her. I curled my knees in the corner of the bed, sobbing softly, muttering to myself.

With a click, the door that had just been closed was suddenly pushed open, and the man who had just left put his head in and asked suspiciously, "You said your mother has been dead for seven days?"

"What do you mean... Do you think I'm a werewolf, so you can't even remember when your mother was killed?" Bridget wiped her tears in a hurry, as if she was stuck in a cave He gritted his teeth at Zhu Peng like a little wolf.

Looking at the girl's ice-blue eyes that looked at him fearlessly, Zhu Peng's always peaceful face gradually became ugly and even scary.

He turned around abruptly and took out the documents and materials given by the ghost teacher from his room, and quickly flipped to the photos of the murder scene, staring at the date on the photos, although there was no power of fate to push the wheel of fate, However, some scattered memory fragments still flashed before Zhu Peng's eyes, and gradually formed a complete but terrifying pattern like a jigsaw puzzle.

The chaotic fragments of the picture slipped across my mind: Last night in the arena, Senior Brother Hu was walking on the ring, surrounded by broken bones and blood, he took a bite of the meat bun, and found the stench to be unbearable. Heavy legs that can be stretched but not retracted, Senior Brother Hu's expression of shock when he saw the induction cross in Yiwen's hand... this is not true, is it?

It was clearly a warm morning, but Zhu Peng felt cold all over his body at this moment.

He immediately took out the phone and called Yi Wen. After two beeps, the female elf's slightly cool but pleasant voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Why are you calling me at this time? By the way, have you asked about the distribution of werewolves in the city of the abyss from that little werewolf?"

"...Ygwen, where are you now?"

"Learning Xingyi boxing at Master Hu's house. The martial arts taught by brother Hu are much better than your soft martial arts. Many imitate the way animals exert their strength. It feels so interesting and powerful."


"Hello, hello?"

"...Ygwen, let's go on a date. I bought two movie tickets. Let's go to the movies together this afternoon, okay?"

"...You...you, you are crazy, you suddenly said...this, this..."

"Okay, that's it, I'll go pick you up right now."

"Hey Hey hey!!!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Peng raised his head and let out a long breath.With Yiwen's personality, telling her her own guess directly, she didn't have enough brains to cover it up, and Brother Hu's boxing skills had already reached a level of strength... I could only mess with her mind first, so that it would not be easy for Senior Brother Hu to feel strange.

Thinking of this, Zhu Peng suddenly opened the door and rushed out like an electric shock.

After chasing her out from the back room, the blond girl wearing Chi Meixiang's white tutu looked at the man who just said he was going to kill her and slammed the door, and the door he opened opened in front of her... This is too much for others level of trustworthiness?

Chapter 24 Exposure

"Hey, hello, hello!!! This guy, what are you doing? How dare you hang up on me?"

"What's wrong with Yiwen, is it the call from Junior Brother Zhu?" The sloppy dressed up came to the silver-haired female elf and asked with concern.

"It's nothing, that guy Zhu Peng suddenly went crazy." Shaking her head, Yiwen's face was flushed with anger, and she said as if she was a little irritable.

"Then let's continue?"

"Well, of course continue."

With that said, the two of them went to the quiet room where Sloppy practiced boxing again. Sloppy, who has practiced martial arts to the point of being almost a master, seldom used any utensils in his usual martial arts practice, so the quiet room where he practiced boxing seemed a bit spacious and empty.It was also here just now that Sloppy explained various techniques and key points of Xingyiquan to Yiwen.He can't fool Yiwen like he fooled those rich kids in the 21st century. The 21st century is a low-level martial arts plane, and the wizard century is a high-level martial arts and high-magic plane. The current Chinese martial arts apprentices must come up with some solid and real ideas. Hard goods to impress disciples.

Sloppy practiced fisting techniques in front of Yiwen, while maintaining the rhythm of his breathing while simultaneously explaining his own cultivation philosophy: "The martial arts of the earth, because of the constraints of the external environment, are actually far inferior to the martial arts of many other planes. Such a powerful lethality. Especially after those warriors on the alien plane have cultivated their fighting spirit, they can even smash steel with their fists, while the warriors on earth, even if they have cultivated to a very high level, will never smash their palms. Slap hard on the tip of the knife, even if you have practiced horizontal exercises such as Iron Palm Kungfu. But... This does not mean that the earth's martial arts are weaker than the alien plane's martial arts in terms of depth and breadth. The method, which responds to the external energy environment and then urges the mountain to break the mountain, has infinite power, while the Huaxia internal boxing does not pretend to be external, and emphasizes the subtlety of internal control."

Sloppy practicing boxing techniques and explaining the principles of internal boxing, these are the words of a master who is not worth a fortune. It is an earth warrior's adaptation and exploration of the external environment and his own conditions after the external environment has changed drastically.

"In the initial stage of Huaxia's internal boxing, you can understand it as the absolute control of power. We are different from warriors on other planes. With one point of strength, we can exert twelve points of destructive power. Master Zhu's Wudang Taijiquan practice When you reach a high level, you can use four ounces of force to lift a thousand catties... Therefore, those fighters from different planes are definitely not our opponents when they have a similar level of cultivation. Only those who stimulate fighting energy are trickier, but can you imagine? What kind of combat power will a master of internal boxing who can exert one part of his strength to twelve parts of destructive power have after he also cultivates fighting qi? Internal family is the body, fighting qi is used for use, and the combination of the two is infinitely powerful." Speaking of At this time, Sloppy took steady steps to restrain his boxing aura.

When he was making a conclusion, he stepped down slightly with his feet, and a faint energy spread around him, and the hard cement under his feet was stamped by him, leaving two clear and deep footprints, as if Ooze is average.

Feeling that the female elf's sloppiness should have been shocked, she turned around slowly and said: "Huaxia's internal boxing is subtle and mysterious, but it lacks the corresponding 'absolute power' to strengthen the killing. And fighting spirit warriors can send out fighting energy but not retract it. It is extremely difficult to resist. If the two are blended with each other, I believe it will definitely be a huge revolution in the martial arts world. A warrior who achieves this will become a martial arts master that has never been seen in this wizarding world. ...Yi Wen, are you listening to my lecture?" Turning around, Sloppy was excited to be immersed in his own ideals, but to his embarrassment, when he saw the silver-haired red-eyed female elf , but found that the girl looked a little shy and strange, her eyes were blurred, and she was out of her mind. It was obvious that she didn't listen to what he said.

The knuckles were pinched, but thinking of the background of the girl in front of him, Sloppy could only swallow the rising anger in his chest forcibly.

"Egwene... Egwene!"

"Ah!? Uh, Master Ma, your speech is really good, powerful, powerful, bang bang bang." Looking at Ma Hu's gloomy face that was almost dripping with water, Yiwen clapped her hands in embarrassment, hating someone in her heart. The man gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Forget it, you don't have the heart to figure out the theory of boxing at all now, go over there and rest for a while, I'm tired too." Feeling that the rotten wood cannot be carved in his heart, he sloppily walked to the side and picked up a purple sand teapot on the table. Fill your own mouth with tea.Yiwen herself also breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking about it, she ran to her small bag and emptied out all the sundries and cosmetics inside.Even the incomparably precious induction cross was casually put aside by her.

At the same time, Zhu Peng took a rickshaw and was rushing to Ma Hu's residence.It’s not that there are no cars on the street, but in this era of wizards, those who have the money and ability to drive cars are inseparable from wizards even if they are not wizards. It’s okay for Zhu Peng to stop a car and find trouble. I’m afraid the final result will be more delayed than taking a three-wheeler Kung fu... As for running all the way, after exhaustion, run to deliver food to others?

"Du...beep...sorry, the number you dialed was not answered, please call again later." Putting down the phone, I have already called Ma Ye more than a dozen times, but all of them were not answered. From this point Zhu Peng has already been able to judge Ma Ye's thoughts... As a sloppy mentor who teaches art and a Xingyi boxing master with a series of boxing techniques, Ma Ye has not noticed the strangeness of his eldest disciple at all?

"Master Ma, some things will only get worse if you don't face them... If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous." The phone in his hand was pinched to pieces bit by bit by Zhu Peng's slowly exerting force. .

When he slowly opened his originally closed eyes, a layer of lavender mist appeared in his originally pitch-black pupils... At this time, Brother Sloppy's rather remote residence had already arrived.

When Zhu Peng walked up to the second floor and saw Yiwen at first glance, he was really shocked by the tragic scene.

The bright red lips seemed to be hung with a pair of fat intestines, the pale and pale cheeks were covered with half a finger of thick powder, and the dark eye circles seemed to have been punched twice... Zhu Peng covered his heart and almost couldn't catch his breath .

"How about it, doesn't it look good? The most high-end cosmetics in Korea are not cheap." With her hands behind her back and her toes slightly raised, the female elf with her full breasts was like a little girl expecting her parents to praise her.

The problem is... the conscience of heaven and earth, Zhu Peng has been a netizen for more than 20 years, and he has never seen such a disfigured make-up technique that can be called the scene of a car accident. Seeing Yiwen's expectant look, Zhu Peng reluctantly opened his mouth, but what about the compliment? He didn't escape the siege and interception of his conscience and integrity, so he couldn't say anything.

Sloppy standing behind Yi Wen also looked frightened, holding a purple sand teapot and pouring tea for himself.

I have practiced martial arts for many years and have not been beaten to death. Today, I almost capsized in the gutter and was frightened to death.The moment Yiwen turned around just now, the sloppy punches that had been raised were all gone, and Xiong Xinbao was almost scared out of his wits.

After all, Zhu Peng has a Taoist inheritance and has cultivated his mind for many years, so his resistance in this area is much stronger than sloppy.He took two steps forward, trying not to look at Yi Wen's wine-red eyes wrapped in black panda eye circles, and after hugging Ma Hu, he said: "Brother Hu, our teacher told Yi Wen and me to go back, saying that there is something new. The homework assignment, today's boxing teaching will end here first?"

"The little girl is very preoccupied today, and she is not suitable for practicing boxing and martial arts. You should take her back first."

"Thank you, Brother Hu, please."

"What? The task of killing wolves has just ended, and the teacher has another task? What are you doing? You can't treat an apprentice as a slave even if you are his disciple." When Yi Wen complained, Zhu Peng had already grasped her arm Pulling the girl out of the door took a little too much force.

After all, Yi Wen was not stupid. Feeling the slight pain in her arm, she instantly sensed something strange from Zhu Peng's various behaviors after entering the door, so she also closed her mouth and followed Zhu Peng's strength to walk out the door.

At the moment when the two were about to walk out of the gate of the martial arts arena, a sloppy and cold voice came out with a bit of madness: "Junior Brother Zhu, you forgot one thing."

Hearing the sound, Zhu Peng turned his head, only to see a sloppy dressed man throwing a shining silver cross. On it, there was a microcarving of a giant wolf roaring upwards, so red that it seemed to be burning crazily.

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