Unexpectedly, he asked for so many, Zhao Le frowned slightly: "Move in with a bag, it's second-hand, spacious, if it doesn't affect others, it's better to be a villa... How much did you prepare?"

"20!" Yang Yi nodded.

"The housing price in Tancheng is not too high, only about 20 yuan. If you pay 60 yuan down payment, you can only buy a [-]-square-meter house at most, which is an off-plan house..."

Zhao Le shook his head, thinking of something: "By the way, do you mind...the house with problems?"

Yang Yi was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Le: "It's...the kind that's not very clean! If you buy it normally, it's 20 yuan, 60 square meters, it won't be much better than the place you rented before, but the problematic house is different. This morning, A villa has just been listed at the bank, and the price is so low that no one dares to buy it now."

Yang Yi: "Villa?"

Zhao Le: "The house is more than 800 square meters, plus a single-family house with four acres of land. Although it is in the outskirts of the city, it cost more than 1000 million when I bought it five years ago. Now, I can buy it for only 500 million!"

"How can it be so cheap?"

Suburban villas have been very hot in the past few years, because they are bought by rich people. They are considered to be the real wealthy areas of Tancheng. Later, they can’t buy them with extra money. Why did they suddenly drop in price?


Zhao Le was a little embarrassed: "The owner and child of the house passed away suddenly, and the owner owed too much money to the bank, so he had no choice but to sell it for auction... You also know that rich people believe in Feng Shui, and it must be bad for them to die continuously. Therefore, the price keeps falling, and no one is willing to buy it even if it is 500 million. You are a mutant, if you don’t care, you can buy it. Of course, if you mind, let’s find another one..."

Yang Yi was curious: "Where is it?"

The price of houses with problems will not go up. If you are not afraid of evil, you can pick up the leaks. If you are afraid, forget it.

Zhao Ledao: "It's in Xinyuehua Mansion in the south of the city. The former owner of the house was a female boss..."

"and many more!"

Yang Yi had a strange look on his face: "Could you be talking about... Qiao Lan's set?"

Zhao Le nodded: "That's right! A few days ago her daughter died of illness, Qiao Lan was heartbroken, and she also died of illness yesterday! Because of too many loans, the bank put her villa up for auction..."

Yang Yi was speechless.

After going through everything, she knew very clearly that Qiao Wanwan committed suicide, while Qiao Lan became a bad person after her home was taken away, and killed herself with her own hands.

However, it is considered a secret, and Qiao Lan is a celebrity, so it is more appropriate to say that he died of illness, otherwise, it would be too easy to cause panic.

"Forget it if you mind..." Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zhao Le hurriedly said.

"do not mind!"

Yang Yi shook his head: "It's just... I only have 20, even if I want to buy it, I can't afford it!"

He has been to that villa, and it has been tidied up very well. If it is only 500 million, it will not even cost more than the decoration.

"Didn't you give me a bottle of primordial energy liquid?"

Zhao Le laughed: "I won't pay it back, it's considered a purchase, so you have 100 million, plus 20, it's still not enough for one-third, but as a member of your action team, you should be able to apply for a loan ..."

Unexpectedly, she still has this kind of operation, Yang Yi's eyes lit up, he took out the remaining five bottles from his pocket, and handed them over: "Can you still buy it? I'll sell these five bottles to you... It doesn't cost 600 million yuan Yes, a discount, 500 million is enough!"

Others buy it for one hundred thousand drops, but if he sells it, he will definitely not be able to sell it at this price. If he can use these directly to exchange for a villa, he will definitely make a lot of money.

"You, you really sold it all to me?"

Zhao Le was stunned: "Think carefully, mutants have strength, money is easy to earn, but without cultivation resources, it is difficult to improve..."

"I still have enough training!" Yang Yi waved his hand.

"Alright then!" Zhao Le nodded again and again: "I'll call my father and tell..."

After speaking, he opened the car door and went down.

Although the Mirror Research Institute in the imperial capital can extract Yuan Energy, the amount is too small. In a city as big as Tancheng, a month can only get a maximum of 300 drops, which are used as various rewards and support for the action team.

And how many mutants are there in Tancheng?

Not to mention other things, there were a total of 400 yesterday, zero and zero total, definitely more than two thousand!

300 drops against more than 2000 mutants!There are more real monks than there are porridge, and the supply exceeds demand.

Therefore, the price has become so expensive, there is no market for the price.

Yang Yi was able to be rewarded so much at once because of X's status and Dui Hao's gratitude, otherwise... let alone five bottles, two bottles would be enough.

Therefore, it is not important to him, but to Zhao Le, it is definitely a great opportunity.

Soon, the girl returned to the car again: "I called my father, and he told us to go directly to the villa. He will bring people from the bank and the real estate bureau to handle the transfer procedures of the villa."

Yang Yi froze for a moment, then nodded.



South of the city, villa.

Yang Yi may not even have imagined that when he came here for the first time a few days ago, he was amazed at the majesty and luxury of this house. A few days later, he spent money to buy it...

Not long after the two arrived, a Cullinan slowly came to the front, and then the door opened, and a majestic middle-aged man came out from the back row. His appearance was resolute and stern, somewhat similar to Zhao Le.

The famous entrepreneur in Tancheng, Zhao Yuanhai!

"Dad, this is the classmate I told you about, Yang Yi!"

"Yeah!" Smiling slightly, Zhao Yuanhai held out his palm: "Being a member of the action team at such a young age, being valued by Captain Hao, the future is boundless!"

"Uncle, you're being polite..." Yang Yi stretched out his hand to hold it, and quietly looked at the mirror in the sky.

Although he bought the Eye of Reality, he has no merit points and cannot use it for the time being. He still needs the help of a mirror to see some differences.

In the mirror, there is no shadow of the other party, that is to say, it is not a mutant.

Of course, it is also possible that the opponent's physical fitness is extremely strong, and he has perfectly controlled all the mutant powers.

After a while, two more cars came, one from the bank and one from the real estate bureau. After confirming Yang Yi's identity, the transfer of ownership began.

After about an hour of the process, a house ownership certificate appeared in Yang Yi's hands, showing that this villa belonged to his private property.

"Xiao Le, you guys are considered neighbors. If you are free at night, call home for dinner!"

After finishing all this, Zhao Yuanhai didn't stay long, smiled and waved his hands, and led the others out.

The villa quickly quieted down, and Yang Yi looked over with a puzzled expression: "Neighbor?"

Zhao Le smiled: "My house is the single house next door... Otherwise, it would be impossible to know the news of the auction of this house so quickly!"

Only then did Yang Yi suddenly realize.

The valuables in the room, including Qiao Lan's various bags, jewelry, cars, etc., were seized and taken away by the bank long ago, but the furniture was kept under Zhao Yuanhai's strong request.

For this reason, Yang Yi added all the bonuses just issued...

So, the money has just arrived, it's not hot yet, it's clean and smooth, and it becomes a pauper again, but it's worth the money.

From today onwards, they can be regarded as homeowners.

Sitting in the living room, Yang Yi pondered for a moment, turned on his mobile phone, and found the outing group.

[Mengxin Xiaomu]: Everyone, if you are free, please come to Xinyuehua Mansion, Villa No. 16 in the south of the city before 3:[-] in the afternoon.

[Xian Weng Bu Weng]: Yang Yi, your grandfather's, why did you block me?Let me out quickly, or I'll be really angry!

[Mengxin Xiaomu]: Please eat.

[Xian Weng Bo Weng]: Alright, brother Yi, wait for me, I will be there before 16:[-]!

[No.[-] Middle School Peng Yuyan]: Okay, I'll go there with @吴飞.

[Little Demon King]: Wait for me, I'll come too.

[One Middle School Peng Yuyan]: @小魔王, are you in good health?

[Little Demon King]: It's just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about, I didn't see it last time, it's a pity, this time it will pass even if it's injured.

[No. [-] Middle School Peng Yuyan]: I have a very high level of comprehension. By the way, let me bring in [Angel of the Road]!Last time she happened to be absent, this time it should be fine, it is said that she is a big beauty.

[Xian Weng Bo Weng]: Really?Great……

As the manager, Zhao Le did not answer directly, but glanced at the young man in front of him.

The other party suddenly invited everyone in the group, and she didn't know what to do.

"Agreed!" Yang Yi nodded.

[Music Music]: Okay, pull it in!

After a while, [Road Angel] joined the group chat, and sent a message the next moment: Hello everyone, I missed the party last time due to unforeseen events, sorry.

[Music Music]: You're welcome, it's the same this time, everyone just got to know each other.

[Road Angel]: Yes.

The group was silent for a while, and suddenly, a message came.

[Little Demon King]: [Voice]

Yang Yi nodded suspiciously, and then a rough voice sounded.

"Which one of you is this man's friend? He accidentally crossed the road just now and fell into the sewer..."

"???" Yang Yi, Zhao Le, and everyone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth twitched, he hesitated for a moment, and typed a text: Is the injury serious, where is it?

It took a long time for someone to reply.

[Little Demon King]: [Voice]

"He has been sent to the hospital. It's not too serious. He had a slight concussion. Just now when he was walking and playing with his mobile phone, he tripped over the warning sign we put outside and fell into the sewer. He was knocked unconscious at that time. When he was rescued , because it was too smelly, surrounded by a group of dogs... But now that his family is here, it's all right."


Yang Yi and Zhao Le looked at each other, feeling a little speechless at the same time.

A mutant who is good at defense... It's understandable to slip down the stairs and fall down. Watching the phone fall into the sewer, what kind of fairy trick is this?

It's too far back!

However, with family members accompanying them, a group of friends they haven't met in the past must not be very good, so think about it or forget it.

After being silent for a long time, Zhao Le couldn't help it anymore: "This little devil doesn't seem very reliable!"

Covering his forehead, Yang Yi didn't want to talk.

This is no longer unreliable, but too unreliable!

After waiting for a short time, Zhang Zhen was the first to arrive. He entered the room and turned around. He looked at the girl not far away with wide eyes: "Zhao Le, this is your house? It's too big!"

Before Zhao Le explained, the doorbell rang, and Peng Yanyan, Gu Fei and others also arrived.

Angel Malu is a girl who wears glasses, she is similar to Gu Fei, she is a bit thin, she is not too beautiful, but she is not ugly either.

"My name is Luo Yuchen..." the girl introduced herself.

The remaining few have experienced life and death and are already familiar with them.

"Brother Yi, what's the matter? Do you have to come to classmate Zhao Le's house? And you..." Zhang Zhen looked very cheap with an expression of "eat melon!"

Too lazy to pay attention to these bastards, Yang Yi said: "I'm looking for everyone. First, it's a newly built university, and the school will start soon. You must have received the notice. As classmates, you can help each other if you get to know each other in advance. Second, there is something, I want to ask you guys!"

The new university held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the opening day after tomorrow. This was not only a matter of special enrollment, but the news was published and there was a lot of noise. Naturally, several people already knew about it.

"What's the matter?" Everyone was curious.

Yang Yi said: "It's about everyone's future, are you interested in joining the Lunan Action Team?"

"The action team is the most authoritative official organization. My biggest dream is to graduate from university and be able to join it and become a member!" Peng Yanyan said.

"Me too, I'll definitely think about it if I have the chance!" Luo Yuchen nodded.

Everyone expressed their views, and they all had this kind of thought.

As a mutant, it is too difficult to make progress without joining an official organization or as a wandering soldier.

"Since everyone is willing, I have a chance here!"

Yang Yi took out his ID card from his pocket again, and handed it over: "This is my ID card. I was just appointed as the team leader this morning and is eligible to recruit players. If you want, you can join my team. If you don't want to , I don't force it either!"

He was just a student, and he was selected from the action team. Even if those people obeyed the order, they would definitely feel that he was too young, so they would be dissatisfied.

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