Captain Hao nodded, with a solemn face: "It was just yesterday that a rich man from abroad was severely injured in a car accident and both legs were amputated. It happened that his son was taken from his home and he was beheaded while breaking the law, I replaced my son's legs with him, who knows... after the replacement, not only can I get up and walk immediately, but also increase my running speed, and my whole person seems to be ten years younger! Those who have mutated organs and limbs are called [half-alien people].”

Yang Yi was shocked: "Is it only possible for close relatives to change, or anyone can?"

Others would be amazed when they heard this, but he felt terrible, and a chill came down his spine.

This one is successful, what about the others?

Not related by blood, okay?

If this is the case, as long as you are a mutant, even if you do not violate the law, you may be coveted by others.

Especially for those wealthy people who are approaching the end of their lifespan, who have money and channels, who wouldn't want to live longer?

Captain Hao said: "I know what you are worried about. This is what I am worried about. Although I don't know if it can be replaced except for close relatives, ordinary people's kidney transplants can be replaced as long as they match. There is no blood relationship requirement, and mutants are even more Strong, definitely can do the same..."

"This news has been suppressed in the country for the time being, but it shouldn't be long before it is hidden. Once it spreads, I'm afraid there will be even greater chaos!"

Yang Yi was silent.

Who doesn't want to be stronger?

Before, there was no way, but now mutants appear, and the era of great turmoil is coming, no one will miss the opportunity, especially those who are rich and powerful.

It seems that as a mutant, one should not only be careful of the mirror man who has successfully seized the house, but also be careful of the malicious people on the earth.

Fortunately, as soon as I found out that something was wrong with me, I immediately hid it. At present, only a small group of people know about it, otherwise... it is very likely that I have been poisoned long ago.

Captain Hao comforted: "Actually, don't worry too much. Although the benefits are great, as long as the suppression is strong enough, no matter the source or the executor, once caught, you should be shot, you should be jailed, and you will not be given any favors." If so, it should be contained."

When the mirror surface first appeared, almost all of the mirror people who successfully seized their homes violated the law, but now, most of them hide and try their best to disguise, obviously for fear of being noticed.

What if the law is not followed?

Then fight till you obey!

This is a big country that has the courage.

This is also the reason why the law enforcement team is so strong. As long as it is in compliance with the law, it even has the right to kill first and act later.

Seeing that he didn't speak, for fear of being afraid of it, Captain Hao changed the subject: "I didn't think the level of Qiao Lan's task was high before, at most level five. Knowing Qiao Wanwan's horror, it can already be set as [Level Four], you In this operation, the contribution is outstanding, I will apply for you when I go back, and if there is no accident, the reward will arrive in the account in the morning!"

"Fourth grade?"

Yang Yi was curious.

Captain Hao: "The tasks are roughly divided into 1~6 according to the difficulty. There are six levels, the first level is the highest, and the sixth level is the lowest. It is similar to the confidentiality of the file. Vice-captain Deng told you about this."

Yang Yi nodded.

When Jat recruited the group, [Uphill Fighting Tigers] explained that the files of these people are all at the fourth level, extremely above.

Captain Hao: "The task varies in difficulty according to the strength and number of mirror people. Therefore, it is subdivided into three small levels: upper, middle, and lower. Qiao Wanwan can pull me, Xia Qing, and Liu Ruyue at the same time. Entering the dreamland, mental strength, I am afraid that it is not weak in the [restricted level], so it can be rated as a fourth level."

Yang Yi: "Restricted?"

Isn't that... the definition given by the Authority?

How does this one know?

Could it be...the grades internally assessed by the Administration have been leaked?


The other party already knows the Authority?

If this is the case, if there are too many exposures, it will be easy to guess the identity of the [trainee police officer].

In that case, it would be dangerous.

Chapter 71 Mutant Levels

Not seeing his nervousness, Captain Hao smiled and said: "Oh, you don't know the classification... Actually, it wasn't settled before, it was the news just given by the imperial capital the day before yesterday, what Tom said before, alienation, control , Elements are folk sayings, although there is some truth, they are not entirely correct, and cannot cover the strength of all mutants."

"The imperial capital [Mirror Research Institute] has obtained a lot of useful information through the interrogation of illegal mutants, and the grades are derived from this. According to their confessions, the mirror people can be divided into destructive, extraordinary, and superhuman from weak to strong. Restricted, Horror, Disaster, and Destruction."

"Of course, some people in foreign countries find it troublesome to call it this way, so they use the simplest letters to represent it, which is the so-called F, E, D, C, B, A. Anyway, just know the meaning, there is no difference."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that the administration had leaked the secrets, and they made a fuss for a long time. It was said by those illegal mutants who successfully seized the house. As mirror people, they have original consciousness and know that the level is very normal.

Administration, in order to catch them, the level must be the same as their setting.

Captain Hao continued: "The normal destructive level is the one with mutated flesh and infinite power. Li Qing and Deputy Captain Deng belong to this category."

Yang Yi pretended to understand just now, and said, "Oh, the meaning is the same as Zhang Zhen..."

Captain Hao shook his head: "Zhang Zhen is too weak, not enough to be a saboteur."


Yang Yi was stunned.

Before, I always felt that even if Zhang Zhen was poor, he was still at the bottom of the destructive level. Why did he listen to what the captain meant... not enough?

It can't be that weak!

Captain Hao: "I sent someone to follow him, and I guessed that his strength is around 300 jin, and all of them erupted, no more than 400... and the weakest destructive level, can erupt with a force of 500 jin."


Captain Hao nodded: "Currently, the strongest destructive level captured nationwide has a strength of 3000 catties. This is because the mutation time is too short and limited by the physique of people on earth! As time goes by, there will definitely be more There is a stronger emergence."

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth twitched.

All his current strength, combined, can barely reach 1500 jin, and the range of destructive level strength is 500~3000, and the upper limit will increase...

Calculated in this way, in the F class, it is not even considered medium?

Then how did you kill Yuan Ming, who was an extraordinary school belle and a restricted class?

While wondering, Captain Hao’s voice continued to sound: “Extraordinary level, as the name suggests, possesses means beyond ordinary people. This kind of mutated people, most of them have mutated souls, physical strength, and may not be as good as some destructive levels, like Sun Xiaomeng, who can control corpses, which is weird. To the extreme, it is very difficult for a brute force player to win, but once they get close, they are easy to be killed, but... they can only kill the body, and the soul is still alive. Once it gets into your body, there is no better way than electric shock .”

Only then did Yang Yi understand.

He can kill Xiaohua because he has a police uniform, can travel through the mirror, and can hit the soul of Xiaohua. If he relies on brute force alone, he is definitely not his opponent.

After all, experienced special soldiers like Deng Jian and Li Qing were also attacked and almost died.

"Restricted level is a transcendence with stronger means. Not only is the soul strong, but the body is not weak. That is to say, no matter whether it is a long-range attack or a short-range attack, there is no obvious shortcoming. If Qiao Wanwan's body is not dead, she will definitely be extremely powerful. Of course, because there is no physical body, it is only rated as [Level [-] Medium], not High."

"As for the horror level, the time for the mirror surface to appear is too short, and the physique of the limited earthlings has not yet appeared in the world! Or it has appeared, quietly hidden, and not revealed. But... look at the development speed of mutants, It shouldn’t take long, and it will also pop up.”

Speaking of this, Captain Hao was afraid that he would be worried, and said: "Of course, the country has made a plan in advance, so that everyone will not be thrown into panic."

Yang Yi thought of something and asked, "Could it this the reason for the establishment of the academy? Cultivate controllable mutants so that they have stronger physiques and can control more powerful mutant powers?"

Regardless of whether the house is seized or the house is seized, as long as it succeeds, it will mutate, and they are all called mutants. However, those who succeed in seizing the house are called [illegal mutants], and those who fail are called [controllable mutants].

Of course, if the latter breaks the law by relying on strength, he will also become a [mutant person who breaks the law].

"You knew already?"

Captain Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Zhao Le must have told you, right? Her father has a good relationship with the action team in Shanghai. These things are not considered secrets, and it's normal to know them in advance."

"That's what the country means. Restricted grades, ordinary thermal weapons, it's hard to do anything about them. Who knows how strong the terrorist grade is? If the shells can't kill you, and there are no restrictions, how much disaster will it bring?"

"Therefore, Representative Zhang Xiaoliang realized this very early on, and advocated preparing for the university, gathering the best mutants in the country together, making progress together, and striving to let [controllable mutants] , Arrive ahead of time! In this way, it can still be suppressed, and there will be no riots."

Yang Yi was stunned.

No wonder the so-called university was established so quickly, it turns out that time waits for no one.

After pondering for a while, Yang Yi said: "I also heard that scientists have created a practice method that can make mutants strengthen their physique. I don't know... is it true?"

Captain Hao frowned: "This is what Zhao Le told you too?"

"En!" Yang Yi nodded.

Captain Hao showed a playful smile: "Such important news is said, it seems that she is not usually interested in you! You two should not secretly get along! This is a good thing, to catch up with Zhao Le, Not only do you directly join the wealthy family, but you also marry all the women in the world. As long as you like it, you can make her look different every day..."


Yang Yi was speechless.

You are wrong!

Captain Tangtang, a person with such a high status, why is he so gossip!

If it were someone else, facing Zhao Le, he might not be able to refuse. After all, you can sleep with whoever you want, it's too tempting...

But he has the ability to see through mutants, and being with Hulutou... I can't bear it!

"Okay, stop joking!"

Seeing that he didn't speak, he thought he was thin-skinned, Captain Hao said sternly: "She is right, it is true, no accidents, it is very likely that you will be allowed to enter the university in advance and start practicing directly, that is to say, you will not be able to wait until nine It's been a month."

The mirror surface appeared, and in just five days, a restricted-level mirror person appeared... until September, there are still nearly four months. If it is really necessary to let the students practice at that time, the day lily will be cold.

Yang Yi heaved a sigh of relief, and expressed his thoughts: "Then... can I use today's credit to exchange for cultivation skills in advance? You also know that I only mutated memory, which has little power. If I can learn it in advance, Is it possible to have the ability to protect yourself by improving your physique?"

Captain Hao raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to learn in advance?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes!"

Chapter 72 Merit 99


Captain Hao said: "It doesn't matter whether it is a special move or an action team, it is possible to learn in advance! But to learn this thing, you need to cooperate with special energy to be effective. Otherwise, simple exercises are useless! Just like Only the engine, no gas...the car doesn't run the same."

Yang Yi said: "The captain is talking about Yuan Neng?"

Now that I have said it, let me tell it all, anyway, there is Zhao Le as a shield.

Captain Hao was surprised: "She even gave you this? It seems that your relationship is indeed extraordinary... If you have this thing, you can use exercises to strengthen your physique! However, there is something I need to tell you in advance!"

"On the side of Special Recruitment, you only need to wait until the start of school, you can get exercises for free, and you can also get some energy, but you need to sign some effective documents, for example, you are not allowed to resign within a few years."

"Going to the action team requires a certain amount of credit. Of course, your credit this time is not small, enough to redeem it, but once you redeem it, you can't apply for cash rewards... Before and after, it's only a few days away. Are you sure, don't bonus?"


Yang Yi nodded.

No matter what the skills are, if you get them first, you will definitely have an advantage. When you encounter danger later, you can use your power, which can also be said to be the result of cultivation.

"Well, I will send you a report application in a while. Once successful, the exercises will be sent to your mobile phone through a special channel. Warning in advance, after you get the exercises, you can't spread them outside or tell ordinary people, otherwise, It's a violation of discipline."

"In addition, the route of the exercise is very complicated. You need to memorize all of it before you try it. Otherwise, you will waste your energy. This is why the previous exam questions all tested memory..."

Only halfway through the sentence, Captain Hao remembered the boy's perverted memory, and immediately smiled wryly: "Of course, it's nothing to you..."

"There is one more thing I need to remind you in advance, because the time is too short. Although some people have started to practice this set of exercises and have not found any problems, it does not mean that it is safe. As long as you notice something is wrong, stop immediately, and then express your feelings. report."

Yang Yi responded.

The development of mutants is too fast, and the whole world is racing against time. It is definitely too late to test it alone. It can only be tested by the whole people. If there is a mistake, it can be changed accordingly.

Although doing so may cause problems for many people, it is better than killing more people.

After chatting for a while, the car arrived at the community where Yang Yi lived.

After getting out of the car, Captain Hao said: "You should rest for a while, this night was quite a toss!"

With the help of the mirror in the sky, Yang Yi could clearly see Captain Hao, the other head on his shoulders, his face was pale, accompanied by slight trembling.

Obviously, although the electric shock baton successfully killed Qiao Wanwan's mirror image, it also caused great damage to himself. Being able to drive all the way and talk to him so much is probably already strong enough.

"By the way, captain, if my merits are not exchanged for exercises, how much can I get as a bonus?"

Seeing that the army green car was about to drive away, Yang Yi asked curiously.

"Successfully handling the Level 4 incident, the rewards range from [-] to [-]. Qiao Wanwan is not weak, and she can probably be rewarded with [-]. Your contribution is slightly greater than ours, at least [-] or more!" Captain Hao said.


Yang Yi felt like being struck by lightning.

I... don't want exercises anymore, can I ask for cash?

Back home, it was almost three o'clock.

He didn't rush to sleep, but the police uniform appeared on his body and got into the full-length mirror.

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