The old man reacted in a daze, but the reaction was still there, and he said, "My name is Liu Fugui."

"What's your relationship with Liu Mingrui?" Li Zian asked casually.

Liu Fugui said: "According to seniority, I am his uncle, why didn't he come?"

There is an extra "according to seniority" in this sentence, which means that although they are relatives, they are only kind of relatives, otherwise they would not be guarding the gate here.

The reason why Li Zian asked this question was because he kept his mind on it. If this Liu Fugui and Liu Mingrui were close relatives, then it wouldn't work.But even next-of-kin can't stay in the post of gatekeeper.A copper factory is not a technology company or a real estate company. The gatekeepers can't steal anything if they want to. This is a copper factory. If you steal a car of copper ingots, the company will lose a lot.

"Go ahead and open the door, and then take us in to have a look." Li Zian said.

Liu Fugui hesitated for a moment, and tentatively said, "Did you really buy this factory?"

Li Zian frowned slightly: "I'll show you the document and you can't understand it, so I'll ask you if you want to do it here?"

"Think about it, I'll get the key to open the door right away." Liu Fugui followed into the guard room to get the key.

Li Zian returned to Yu Meilin's side: "Meilin, transfer Wei Dazhuang over here, give him the post of chief security officer, and let him guard the factory. I'm a little worried about the people left behind by Liu Mingrui."

Yu Meilin nodded her head: "I was also thinking about changing someone just now. After all, we are guarding the copper factory, and we can't be here often. We have to use someone who can be trusted. When you say it this way, I also think Wei Dazhuang is very Appropriate, that's an honest man."

The couple thought of going together.

Yu Meilin said to Kunli again: "Kunli, call Wei Dazhuang immediately and ask him to fly over today. He should have never been on a plane before, so Yu Hui should follow along. The accounts of the copper factory need to be handled by professionals. Kun Li responded, took out her mobile phone and went to the side to make a call.

Yu Meilin looked at Li Zian and smiled, her voice was gentle: "Husband, with you by my side, I feel that everything is going smoothly, and you have brought me good fortune."

Li Zian smiled: "I am Wang's wife, and you are Wang's husband."

"Is there any difference? Why don't you prosper your wife's appearance, but your wife's life?" Yu Meilin asked curiously.

Li Zian said with a smile: "Wang Fuxiang must have bags under the eyes, and that bag is called a blessing bag, with less hair, a big nose, fleshy cheeks, and big ears. How ugly, how could I be Wang's wife, I am Wang Wife Ming."

"That's true, I don't want you to use your face to impress me, but your face..." Yu Meilin hesitated to speak.

Li Zian touched his face subconsciously: "What's wrong with my face?"

"You have a charming face, I have to watch you closely." Yu Meilin took Li Zian's arm.

Li Zian's arm was pinched, and he felt a little itchy in his heart.

During the trip to the new land, he was like a balloon. The little girl Kang Xin continued to inflate him, and he was almost bursting.Last night I finally had a place to vent, but only a little bit.It feels like a person who has been hungry for a few days, finally has something to eat, but the cook only gives a small bowl of gruel, not only is he not full, but the more he eats, the more hungry he becomes.

Yu Meilin glanced at Li Zian's body out of the corner of her eyes, she seemed to realize something, her cheeks were slightly red, and she said softly: "Why are you so sensitive, I'll just hold your arm, and you react so violently?"

Li Zian was a little embarrassed, but still explained with a face behind his back: "I am a master, so naturally everything is big."

"Bah." Yu Meilin spat lightly.

Li Zian smiled.

Yu Meilin tiptoed, leaned into Li Zian's ear and whispered: "It's definitely not going to work here, we'll talk about it when we go back to the hotel."

Li Zian hummed and nodded twice.

Yu Meilin looked sad: "Why are you so strong, what should I do?"

Li Zian smiled: "I also want to keep a low profile, but my strength doesn't allow it."

"Beautiful." Yu Meilin rolled her eyes alluringly, but she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

Liu Fugui brought the key, opened the big iron lock, and took the iron chain away, then he pushed open the door: "Bosses, please come in, I'll take you to have a look."

Kun Li came over and said, "Meilin, I've already called. Accountant Yu said to book a plane ticket right away. She will bring Wei Dayong over here, and she will be there this evening at the earliest."

Yu Meilin nodded her head, she let go of Li Zian's hand.

It's not that she doesn't want to marry her, but that she can't. The handsome husband is so sensitive, how embarrassing it is for Kunli to see her.

Liu Fugui walked in front and took the three of them around the factory.

The office buildings, workshops and warehouses of the Qiming Copper Factory are all dilapidated, especially the warehouses, whose iron sheets on the roofs have been blown off by the wind and have not been repaired.However, the land is very large, and the information is marked as more than 13 square meters, which is almost 1 acres of land use area.

In fact, a large part of Qiming Copper Factory's assets is this land, except for the copper smelting furnace and related equipment, and ten trucks, which are now lying in the parking lot and have been sealed by the court.

Under the leadership of Liu Fugui, the three of them spent almost two hours visiting the Qiming Copper Factory.

The three came to the downstairs of the office building. This office building has only two floors. The tiles on the outer wall are covered with a thick layer of dust, which cannot be washed off by rain. There are also some places where the tiles have fallen off, exposing the gray-black cement wall.

Yu Meilin frowned: "The customer came to discuss business, and the office building is so dirty, people's impression must be bad, then Liu Mingrui's failure is not without reason, he can't even do these small things well, how can he manage a company well? This office The building needs to be refurbished, and personnel recruitment must also be carried out at the same time.”

Kunli took a small notebook and took notes while listening.

Li Zian just listened, he didn't know how to do business, but he felt that Yu Meilin had a very unique charm when she was planning and arranging work.She is like a general commanding an army, decisive in killing and ruthless in military law.It is also like the king who manages the country, with the air of a king and the majesty that cannot be offended.

He felt that if he polished her up a bit, she might really become the queen who dominated the business world.

In that case, he will also get a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Liu Fugui, the doorkeeper, stood far away, glancing at the door from time to time.

Noticing his small movements, Li Zian moved closer to Yu Meilin and said in a low voice: "There is something wrong with Liu Fugui. It took him a long time to open the door before. He must be calling someone. I'm worried about waiting It will be a little troublesome, you have to make preparations here, call the government people here in advance, and the government people can stop it."

Yu Meilin nodded, and then took out her mobile phone to make a call.

In the past, when Li Zian gave her advice on what to do, she still thought about it, and sometimes even had objections.But it's different now, she listens to what Li Zian says, without even the slightest hesitation.

Kun Li said a word to Li Zian: "Didn't you catch up with a very powerful woman recently? If there is any trouble, you can call her and it will be solved? Meilin is not familiar with the leaders here , she may not even come if she calls."

Li Zian smiled: "Please pay attention to your wording, what does it mean to get along?"

Kun Li glared at Li Zian: "I don't read much, so why don't I use words?"

Li Zian said: "Then I have to teach you. It is more appropriate to use the word "knowledge."

Kun Li gave Li Zian a supercilious look, she knew very well that she was not very good at talking and had a straight temper.But knowing that Li Zian was teasing her, and she was just pretending not to be seen, she didn't feel annoyed at him at all.In fact, she and Yu Meilin's experience is similar. At first, she didn't like to see Li Zian, and even looked down on Li Zian, but now she admires Li Zian so much.

Li Zian just made a joke and then restrained himself. He said: "That woman is a member of the organization. How can she use that relationship when it is not necessary. I called her to ask her for help. I owe her favors and others Favors have to be repaid. I am really going to encounter trouble, and I still owe her a favor, how can I ask for help, and how can I repay her favor?"

Kun Li blinked her eyes, her mind was dazzled by Li Zian.

Li Zian smiled: "Let's learn. When Meilin builds Xinxing Company into a business kingdom in the future, you will play an important role in her kingdom, so you have to grow and learn something."

"Then what role do you play in her kingdom?" Kunli asked.

Li Zian smiled and said, "I'm her husband, can't I direct her?"

Kunli: "..."

At this moment, a large crowd of people poured in from the gate of the factory.

The master's premonition is really accurate, and he is getting closer and closer to the prophet.


0231 Chapter Snake Social Brother

Among the people pouring in from the gate, there were men and women, young and old, mostly elderly and women, and very few young people.The leader was a man in his 30s, well dressed, with a gold wristwatch on his wrist, a Rolex watch, worth around 20 to [-] yuan.

This person was surrounded by several young people, and he felt a bit like a celebrity appearing on the stage.Those young people were dressed fancy, and some had tattoos on their arms and necks.These few people may be called fellow villagers, but obviously they cannot be equated with the group of fellow villagers following behind.

After seeing it at a glance, Li Zian already had a solid idea in his heart, and said to Yu Meilin in a low voice: "The people in front are people from the society, and they probably brought these villagers here to beg for food."

"Begging?" Yu Meilin obviously didn't understand what this meant.

Li Zian said: "The people in the local society rely on this method to make money. Later, they will give us a warning first, and then negotiate terms. They want to take the project from us, or contract transportation and other things. .”

"Then let's call the police." Yu Meilin said, she was worried that Li Zian would clash with these people again and beat them to death. She didn't want to see Li Zian fighting with others.

Li Zian said: "It's useless to call the police. He can hang out on the ground, so he must know some people, which has something to do with it. And there are so many villagers, the police will not be able to deal with it. You don't need to come forward, leave it to me Let's deal with it."

"Then be careful." Yu Meilin warned.

Liu Fugui pretended to go up to ask, but was reprimanded by a young man, and retreated to the side in desperation, and did not come to explain the situation.

Li Zian leaned into Yu Meilin's ear and said, "That Liu Fugui really has a problem, wait for our people to come, find a suitable opportunity and let him go."

Yu Meilin nodded her head.

"I'll go and have a look." Li Zian walked towards the gate with the alloy toolbox.

A young man in a flowered shirt came up, without any politeness in his words: "I heard that this copper factory has been sold, who is in charge now?"

Li Zian went up to meet him with a smile on his face: "It's me, who are you and what are you doing here?"

The young man in a flowered shirt glanced back at a large group of villagers.

"We are villagers in Tuanjie Village. The copper factory has polluted our crops. We have not been compensated for the young crop fees for several seasons. We are here to ask for the young crop fees!" An old man shouted.

"There is also personal pollution. It is because of your copper factory that my health is getting worse every day. You are the boss, so you have to pay me!" said an aunt.

"My son works in your copper factory. He hasn't been paid for half a year. He has gone to Shudu to deliver food to others. He left a milk baby for my old man. I have no money to buy milk powder. When will you send it? Salary?" An old man with a child in his arms yelled, looking very angry.

Li Zian just said a word, and the villagers' saliva flew all over the sky.

Li Zian didn't speak or explain. He just stood quietly in front of a large group of people, listening to them and observing those people.

"Your husband has such a good temper today." Kun Li said, "If it were me, I would definitely lose my temper."

Yu Meilin said: "He beats people very fiercely. It's not like you haven't seen it before. He just doesn't want to quarrel with those people."

Or the housekeeper knows her own man.

The villagers were chattering and making noise, but Li Zian never responded, just listened.But those social people were a little impatient. One of them turned around and shouted: "Be quiet, everyone. Huaqiang is our representative. Let him say that you don't know the ball."

Those villagers became quiet, and some couldn't control their mouths, but their voices were much quieter.

The watch man in a flowered shirt said, "My name is Zhou Huaqiang, and I am a village representative. Let me talk to you."

Li Zian was very polite: "It turned out to be Representative Zhou, you say it, you say it."

Zhou Huaqiang said: "This copper factory owes us a lot of money, and Liu Mingrui ran away again. You bought the copper factory, and you must pay back the money owed to us."

Li Zian smiled: "It's a matter of course to pay back the money owed. Don't worry, the copper factory owes you no less wages and young crop fees, and they will be paid to you. Other debts within the scope of the law, We will also repay every penny. We bought the copper factory so that the copper factory can be opened, and all qualified people in the village can come to work and solve the employment problem. In addition, in the future, the copper factory will become bigger and stronger, and it will also build unity Village, build our village better."

Zhou Huaqiang said: "I don't want to listen to you saying these good things, so you can give me a letter of approval. When will you pay us back?"

Li Zian said: "This copper factory was shut down by your local government. We went through the foreclosure process. The money for buying the copper factory also includes all debts. Now the money has been transferred to your local government. I guess It will be released in two days, if you are in a hurry, you can go to your relevant government department to ask."

Zhou Huaqiang sneered: "After talking for a long time, you drew a cake for us to satisfy our hunger, didn't you?" He turned around and said loudly, "Folks, this boss said he couldn't get the money. What do you think we should do here with us?"

This sentence is like piercing a hornet's nest.

"Pay back the money!"

"If you don't make it clear today, if you don't pay back the money, no one will want to get out of this door!"

"Block the door!"

"The small door is also blocked!"

A large group of villagers suddenly became noisy, some stood at the door, some women simply sat on the ground, and some old men with children pulled the children to block the small door.

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Zian's mouth.

It really went according to the script.

First give a blow to the horse, and then the big brother of the society will come out to settle the matter, and the next step is to negotiate conditions.For a factory to start construction, construction is definitely necessary. Civil engineering, sand and gravel contracting, production will start in the future, transportation of copper mines and copper ingots, etc. These are all continuous businesses.

"You guys be quiet." Another social youth shouted.

The villagers were quiet again.

This is also a routine, the same as the situation encountered in Jinguazhai in Yundi back then.Sanjiuxiang paid 50 yuan each, and a large group of Caotian people followed him to the copper mine to make trouble.The old men and women in front of me probably cost less than 50 yuan, so they came for 20 yuan.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhou Huaqiang's mouth: "What's your surname?"

Li Zian replied: "Miangui, my surname is Li."

"Mr. Li, you bought this factory?"

Li Zian nodded: "Well, it's me."

Zhou Huaqiang said: "Then let me tell you about the situation. This copper factory was opened on the ground of our Tuanjie Village. It caused harm to our crops and people. We are very dissatisfied. If you want to open a copper factory here, you must have Seek the consent of all our villagers, can you seek the consent of all our villagers?"

Li Zian cooperated surprisingly: "I find it a little troublesome."

Seeing Li Zian being so honest, the smile on the corner of the young man's mouth became more obvious. He leaned in front of Li Zian and said, "My elder brother Wang Cheng, he wants to chat with you. My elder brother is easy to talk to." , I like to help people solve troubles, no matter how big troubles are, my elder brother will not be a problem."

Li Zian smiled: "Okay, please introduce me."

He is also a professional who helps solve troublesome things, but he and Wang Cheng are definitely not in the same league.

Because of Li Zian's cooperation, the script progressed very quickly, and it came to the plot where the eldest brother made peace and then negotiated conditions.

Wang Cheng, who was wearing a gold Rolex watch, was also considered polite. Before Li Zian approached him, he took the initiative to lead him up, stretched out his hands to shake hands with Li Zian, and his face was also full of smiles: "Hello, Mr. Li, welcome. Come to our Unity Village for inspection.”

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