"To be honest, I don't know either. I'll treat your injuries first, and then I'll go see your father's situation. Don't worry, no matter what the difficulty is, I will face it with you." Li Zian comforted her.

"Uncle, why are you so nice to me?" Kang Xin slightly raised her head to look at Li Zian, her eyes were warm.

Li Zian closed his mouth.

Before, he had the realization that a hero can't save the beauty casually, but he obviously didn't remember it in his heart, and he forgot when something happened.

The blood stasis in the abdominal cavity was almost gone, Li Zian retracted his hand.

Kang Xin supported the ground with her hands and wanted to get up, but when she moved, she was involved in the crack on the pubic bone, and she cried out in pain, and then lay down again.

Li Zian reminded: "I'm just helping you dispel the blood in your abdominal cavity. Your pubic bone is injured and hasn't been healed yet."

"Where did you say it hurt?"

"Pubis." Li Zian said.

Kang Xin lamented: "My God..."

Li Zian also sighed, looking sad.

Is this injury healed or not?

"Treat it, I don't care anymore." Kang Xin said, with a look of lovelessness on her face.

"Treatment?" Li Zian hesitated, wanting to make sure.

"Is it interesting that you cured the back and let the front die?" Kang Xin asked back.

Li Zian was speechless.

"Maybe this is my fate. Now I suspect that I will be injured again. The next time the injury will be on the chest, I will need you to treat it." Kang Xin said.

"Why do you have such a strange idea?" Li Zian asked curiously.

Kang Xin rolled her eyes: "Up and down, I have to prepare everything for you. It's like going out to eat at a restaurant. It's definitely not enough to order only vegetarian dishes. I have to serve you some meat dishes, right?"

Li Zian: "..."

He never thought that student Kang would have such a side, he really can't be judged.

"Cure it, let it be cured, sooner or later it will be seen by others, and it will take advantage of you first." Kang Xin pretended to be free and easy, but her face turned red.

Are current college students so open?

Li Zian didn't go to college, so he didn't know.

He got up and left.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Kang Xin became nervous again.

Li Zian said, "I'll bring the toolbox over here."

The healer's parental heart, he can't watch her suffer, the injury can be cured.

Li Zian brought the alloy toolbox over, opened it, and took out a piece of golden sore cream, as well as medical gauze and tape from it.He returned to Kang Xin's side, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to the pair of outdoor windproof pants.

Kang Xin closed her eyes, her face flushed to the base of her ears.

Li Zian felt embarrassed: "Don't think too much, and don't feel embarrassed, I am a doctor, you are a patient..."

Kang Xin opened her eyes and interrupted Li Zian's words: "Uncle, do you have to read it to feel better? You are embarrassed to take it off, I will take it off myself."

She literally reached out.

Li Zian hurriedly grabbed her hand: "You don't need to take it off, you put some medicine on that area yourself, then put medical gauze on it, and wrap it with tape."

Kang Xin was surprised and said: "Didn't you just say that you don't avoid medical treatment when you are sick?"

Li Zian said: "Suddenly I think it's better for you to do it yourself. I'll leave the medicine to you, and I'll go see your dad."

He put Jinchuang ointment, medical gauze and tape on Kang Xin's lower abdomen, then got up and walked towards Kang Haichuan.

Just now, he almost reached out to take off Kang Xin's pants, but he suddenly realized that if he did that, it would be even more impossible for Kang Xin to be a brother and sister with him, and maybe he would be recognized in this life. What should I do?

"Uncle, come back, that's not what I meant." Kang Xin said.

Li Zian didn't go back, but just said: "You can do it, just apply some medicine and bandage it, it's very simple."

Kang Xin raised the corners of her mouth, but smiled again.

Isn't this the uncle he likes?

He had a troubled face, but he had a warm and simple heart.

She knew he was protecting her and didn't want to hurt her.

"You have your wife and children in your heart, but for me, I don't mind if you hurt me." Kang Xin whispered, with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Li Zian came to Kang Haichuan's side, and he untied the shoelaces on Kang Haichuan's feet, one carrying tied Kang Haichuan's feet, and the other tied Kang Haichuan's hands.

Although Kang Haichuan may be able to break the shoelaces, it is better to tie them than not. After all, it takes time to break the shoelaces.

After tying up Kang Haichuan, Li Zian put his right hand on Kang Haichuan's forehead, and a trace of true energy injected into Kang Haichuan's brain.

Osteotomy diagnosis of large sloth.

Kang Haichuan's brain has stopped moving, and there is not even a wave in his mind.

Li Zian's hands pinched down, and he pinched his cheeks, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, lower abdomen, legs, wherever he could pinch. This was like doing an alchemist's MRI for Kang Haichuan.

After pinching the bones of Kang Haichuan's whole body, Li Zian came to a conclusion.

Kang Haichuan's bones were abnormal, and there was a mysterious energy in his bones.

Li Zian didn't know what kind of energy it was, but there was no doubt that the mysterious energy was the culprit that made Kang Haichuan lose himself and become a martial arts master.

There was a rustling sound behind him.

That was Kang Xin's voice.

For a moment, Li Zian's brain constructed the relevant picture independently, but he pressed it down before the construction was completed.

Li Zian looked at Kang Haichuan, still not knowing how to solve the problem.

Dazi's bone palpation technique can diagnose what's wrong with Kang Haichuan's body, but he can't diagnose and solve the problems in his soul.

It was at this point that Li Zian's eyes fell on Kang Haichuan's legs and he couldn't move away.

Kang Haichuan also wore a pair of outdoor windproof pants on his legs. They fit well before, but now they look a little short.

Li Zian then went to look at Kang Haichuan's sleeves, and his sleeves were too short and didn't fit so well.In fact, it is not that Kang Haichuan's pants and clothes have become shorter, but that he has grown taller!

The skeleton is about 1.9 meters tall. If it is integrated into Kang Haichuan's body, Kang Haichuan's height will definitely increase.Kang Haichuan's original height was about 1.7 meters. It is very possible to increase his height to 1.9 meters, not to mention 1.8 meters.

Now it seems that the previous guess is true. The skeleton was not banned and rolled to other places, nor was it buried in yellow sand, but ran into Kang Haichuan's body.

Li Zian secretly said in his heart: "Although I urinated on that skeleton, Kang Haichuan was the first to touch the skeleton. If there were any evil spirits in that skeleton, it was probably at that time It got into Kang Haichuan's body. But if I was the first to touch that skeleton, I'd probably be fine, and there's nothing in that skeleton that can't beat the Furnace Spirit of the Great Sloth Portable Furnace."

"Uncle, I'm fine." Came Xin's voice.

Li Zian glanced back, and Kang Xin had already put on her pants.

"I want to see my dad, but I can't get up, can you carry me there?" Kang Xin said.

Li Zian got up and walked over, took away the remaining gold plaster and medical gauze on her lower abdomen, packed her in a box, then picked her up, and came to Kang Haichuan's side.

"Is my dad going to be okay?" Kang Xin said worriedly, she still didn't know what happened.

Li Zian was silent for a while before saying: "I suspect that the skeleton has gone into your father's body."

Kang Xin glanced at Li Zian: "I don't believe it, how could that skeleton get into my dad's body?"

"What I said is true." Li Zian said.

Kang Xin pursed the corners of her mouth: "You try to put a big thing in my body."

Li Zian: "?"

Kang Xin also realized that there was something wrong with her words, her face blushed immediately, and she corrected: "I didn't mean that, I mean how could a skeleton run into my dad's body, it's not scientific at all Well."

Li Zian said, "Do you think your dad's pants and sleeves are too short?"

Kang Xin moved her eyes to look, and she was stunned on the spot when she saw it.

Kang Haichuan's trousers couldn't cover his ankles, and even exposed a small part of his feet. The sleeves of his clothes were the same, unable to cover his wrists, and even exposed a small part of his forearm.Whether it is pants or clothes, the overall size is obviously smaller, and they don't seem to fit at all, which is very awkward.

Li Zian looked carefully at the corners of Kang Haichuan's eyes, and said again: "Look at the corners of your father's eyes again."

Kang Xin's gaze then moved over, and she was stunned again after seeing it.

Kang Haichuan used to have many crow's feet in the corners of his eyes, but now there are only one or two left, and his skin looks smoother and whiter than before.

"My dad... what's the matter with him?" Kang Xin was frightened and lost her mind.

Li Zian said: "Don't worry, your dad regained his consciousness before he fainted. He recognized me, but he doesn't know what will happen when he wakes up."

"Then wake him up quickly. I want to know what's going on with him. I only have him as a family member. I beg you, uncle. You are a master. You must save him." Kang Xin was about to cry .

Li Zian nodded: "Can you stand?"

"I'll try." Kang Xin said.

Li Zian walked away a few steps and put Kang Xin down. After Kang Xin stood firm, he returned to Kang Haichuan's side. In just such a short time, he had a deeper understanding and an idea in his heart.


Chapter 0225 There are statues in the statues

What happened to Kang Haichuan really has no scientific reason. From a scientific point of view, no matter how you look at it, it is untenable, even absurd.

However, the so-called science is only the science of human beings, and it is as insignificant as dust in the face of the vast universe.How can human beings who don't even understand their own origin explain the entire universe with their own science?

The skeleton that was urinated, and the skeleton that Huang Bo stole, are likely to be the skeletons of aliens, or intelligent life in a parallel space. Human science can't explain their existence at all.

Existence is reason.

There is no point in questioning it, against it.

These are Li Zian's sudden understanding of this matter, like a flash of inspiration.

On the basis of this understanding, he came up with another idea.

His furnace body blood can detoxify all kinds of poisons, and the Dazi portable furnace is inextricably related to everything here, and it may be able to suppress the things in Kang Haichuan's body.

There is a kind of zombie worm in nature, which parasitizes in the body of insects and controls the body of the host.If the thing in that skeleton is a zombie-like existence, or a virus or germ, then his furnace blood can cure it.

The old worm cocooned and turned into a butterfly, the chicken skin faded away, and the child was born. He could not get what he wanted in his life, and the intersection of life and death was boundless.

This is the hexagram of the shemale hexagram. Based on the current situation, Kang Haichuan is already making a cocoon and is about to turn into a butterfly.The chicken skin is also fading, and the childlike face is about to be born.Now, it's time to choose between life and death.

Li Zian used the spikes on the alloy ring to cut open the index finger of his left hand, then pinched Kang Haichuan's jaw open, put the bleeding finger between Kang Haichuan's lips, and used his true energy to increase the amount of bleeding.

In a blink of an eye, Kang Haichuan's mouth was filled with blood.

Li Zian pinched Kang Haichuan's nose, and Kang Haichuan's mouth opened instinctively to breathe, and the mouthful of blood was poured down.

"Uncle, why are you feeding my dad blood?" Kang Xin asked curiously, she couldn't understand.

Li Zian said: "Don't worry about it."

Kang Xin closed her mouth.

If the master's behavior is so easy to understand, then the master is not a master.

After a mouthful of blood from the furnace body, Kang Haichuan's eyelids trembled a few seconds later, which was a sign of awakening.

Furnace blood can detoxify all kinds of poisons, and naturally it also includes Zhixing ointment.

Li Zian continued to pour furnace blood into Kang Haichuan's mouth, and pressed Kang Haichuan's forehead with one hand, injecting true energy into his body to help his blood flow.

After the second mouthful of blood, Kang Haichuan opened his eyes, and a gleam of green light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting.

Li Zian's heart suddenly became alert, and he pressed Kang Haichuan's head tightly.

"Hee hee hee, handsome young man, it's you again, so you like to play this kind of game, so I'll play it with you." A sentence came out of Kang Haichuan's mouth, and it became that thin girl again. sissy voice.

Kang Xin said nervously: "Dad, why did your voice change?"

Kang Haichuan struggled hard with his hands, and the shoelaces binding his hands broke with a snap.

Li Zian hurriedly knelt on Kang Haichuan's chest, and put his hands on Kang Haichuan's shoulders, preventing him from moving.


Kang Haichuan broke the shoelaces binding his feet and struggled desperately.

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