Li Zian followed Kang Haichuan to the Toyota pickup truck next to the camp.

Kang Haichuan squatted on the ground to tie his shoelaces.

Li Zian leaned over to the co-pilot's window and saw Kang Xin sitting in the cab practicing gear shifting, and she was playing with the gear lever.

Li Zian opened the car door and entered the passenger cab, and couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you say that you have already got your driver's license? Why are you still practicing gear shifting?"

Kang Xin smiled a little embarrassedly: "I haven't driven a car since I got my driver's license. This car is so big, I'll get used to it."

Li Zian always felt a little uneasy: "I heard that there are two kinds of driver's licenses, one is for automatic transmission and the other is for manual transmission. You are practicing gear shifting don't have a driver's license for automatic transmission, do you?" ?”

Kang Xin looked at Li Zian, raised her fists above her head, with a lovely smile on her face: "Yes, uncle, you guessed it right!"

Li Zian: "..."

Kang Haichuan also got into the car, and said concisely: "Let's go."

Kang Xin started the car, and she didn't know how many gears she had engaged. As soon as she released the clutch, the car shook and died.

Li Zian already had the idea of ​​getting off the car.

chug chug, chug chug...

The Toyota pickup truck started again. This time, Kang Xin put it in the first gear. After releasing the clutch, she didn't turn off the engine. Then she bangs the accelerator and walked forward. After walking for a while, she started to put it in second and third gears.Every time the car is in gear, something will happen to the car, either shaking violently, or the steering wheel is leaning to one side, and the car is leaning eastward and westward like a drunk rough man.

Fortunately, this is a desert, there are no ditches, no houses and berm trees, but it is just off the beaten path, so that it will not hit anything.The road is also wide enough, as long as you don't bump into the sand dunes, you can drive casually.

After one or two kilometers, Kang Xin became familiar with the operation of the manual transmission, and finally the Toyota pickup truck was able to drive relatively normally in the desert.

Kang Haichuan held a compass and combined with the terrain outside the window, acted as a guide along the way.

This is two hours.

"It seems to be here, stop, stop!" Kang Haichuan didn't know what iconic thing he saw, and he became excited.

Kang Xin slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.

Li Zian leaned over to the car window and took a look. It was a stretch of rolling sand dunes. Under one of the sand dunes stood a row of Populus euphratica trees, but they were all dead, and the yellow sand was buried near the crown of the trees.

"Fortunately, I can still see it. When I came here, I was always worried that the yellow sand would bury those trees, so it would be even more difficult to find. Fortunately, we are here now. Maybe in a few months, those trees will be gone after a sandstorm. Disappeared." Kang Haichuan said happily, and he got out of the car.

Li Zian and Kang Xin also got out of the car and came to Kang Haichuan's side. When they got here, they could only rely on Kang Haichuan's eyes and brain to navigate.

"Come with me." Kang Haichuan walked towards the row of Populus euphratica trees, walking with the confidence of an old driver with his skinny legs.

Li Zian and Kang Xin followed.

Li Zian walked while observing the surrounding environment.

He believed that Dong Xi, Dong Weiguo, or other comrades from the mysterious department would protect him, Kang Haichuan, and Kangxin, but he still had better control over his own life.

The three of them quickly came to the row of Populus euphratica trees. The bark of those trees had been weathered, and a layer of wood slag was scattered on the sand.

Li Zian stretched out his hand and poked a branch beside him. He barely used any force, but the branch broke with a crack, fell to the ground, and fell into several pieces.

"These trees may have been here for hundreds of years. There were probably no sand dunes here 100 years ago, but now there are only sand left, and the environment is getting worse." Kang Haichuan sighed, and then walked forward.

The three of them walked through the row of poplar trees and entered a ditch between two sand dunes.

The light in the trench was even darker. Kang Haichuan turned on a flashlight he brought, and a bright beam of light illuminated the road ahead, except for the sand or sand.

Kang Haichuan took Li Zian and Kang Xin to walk in the trench. Kang Haichuan stopped and stopped, sometimes stopped to look at the compass in his hand, and sometimes looked around to compare the terrain in his memory.

This walk is an hour.

The Toyota pickup truck parked in the sand was already out of sight, and it was unknown how far ahead it was.

"Dad, how long do we have to go?" Kang Xin was a bit overwhelmed, and dragged at the end of the line, looking listless.

Walking on the sandy ground is not like walking on the concrete floor in the city. It takes a lot of effort to walk deep and shallow.Kang Xin is a girl, it is already very good to be able to persevere until now.

Kang Haichuan stopped in his tracks and looked around: "I'm not sure, I guess it's almost here."

Kang Xin sat down on the sand: "I can't do it anymore, I need to take a rest."

Then, she glanced at Li Zian eagerly.

When she was running for her life in the forest last time, she couldn't walk anymore, so Li Zian carried her down the mountain, which felt great.

Now she couldn't walk and was sitting on the ground, she just wanted to see if Li Zian couldn't carry her.

Li Zian turned around and walked towards Kang Xin.

Kang Xin couldn't help showing a smile: "Uncle..."

"You and your dad wait for me here, I'll go to make it easier, and I'll be back soon." Li Zian said.

The smile on Kang Xin's face suddenly froze.

Li Zian walked back more than ten meters, detoured behind a sand dune that he had just passed, and opened the zipper.

A straight stream of water rushed out, flew seven or eight meters away, and hit the sand dune. A pit soon appeared on the sand dune, and the sand flowed down.

This pot of hot water has been simmering for a long time, and the flow rate is amazing.

Suddenly, a white thing emerged from the sand.

Li Zian took a closer look, and was stunned when he saw it clearly. After draining the water, he kept the posture of draining the water, and forgot to put the sword back into its sheath.

That's the bone.

Although it was only watered out a little bit, he was sure it was a bone.

"Xiao Li?" Kang Haichuan's voice came from behind.

Li Zian hurriedly put the sword back into its sheath, and zipped it up.

A bright beam of light shone over.


0214 Chapter Urine Mysterious Skeleton

With the bright beam of the flashlight, Li Zian saw the bone buried in the sand more clearly. It was only a part of a bone, and more of it was still buried in the sand.

Kang Haichuan came over and saw the traces of the water rushing out on the sand dunes, and looked a little embarrassed: "I'm worried that you will get lost, so come and have a look."

Li Zian was still staring at the bone, hesitating whether to dig it out to have a look, he was also embarrassed, if he dug it, he would definitely touch the sand that was wet with hot water.

"Xiao Li, what are you looking at?" Kang Haichuan asked.

Li Zian said: "There is a bone in the sand, do you think it is a human bone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Kang Haichuan, who saw the bone, immediately rushed forward, holding a flashlight in one hand and planing the sand with the other.

Li Zian wanted to tell Kang Haichuan that he had released water here just now, but before he could open his mouth, Kang Haichuan had already planed away the sand that had been wet by the water.

He was awed in his heart, and he was embarrassed to watch, so he also went up to help plan the sand.

"Dad, uncle, what are you two doing?" Kang Xin also came.

Li Zian said, "There is a bone in the sand."

Kang Xin ran over.

"You take the flashlight." Kang Haichuan handed the flashlight to Kang Xin, and then continued to plan the sand.

Two men with four hands, the bones buried in the sand dunes soon revealed their true faces.

It was the skeleton of a human being. The skin and flesh were gone, leaving only bones and a little fabric, but the fabric was weathered and turned into ashes with a light touch.

The first thing to be poured out by the hot water was the arm bone of the corpse. After digging, the skull of the corpse was exposed, and there was an iron helmet on the white skull.The iron helmet has been almost rusted, leaving only the shape of a helmet, and rust residue will fall off when touched lightly.

Li Zian really wanted to take off the iron helmet to see if there was a symbol on his forehead, but he didn't dare to reach out.After all, the iron helmet is a cultural relic, and if it is destroyed, it will be gone.Kang Haichuan is an expert in this field and should be handed over to him.

But just when he was thinking this way, Kang Haichuan reached out and grabbed the rusty helmet, and took it off the skull directly.

As soon as he grabbed it and peeled it off, a lot of rust fell off, and the iron helmet fell apart before it was placed on the ground.

"Our conditions are limited, and such things cannot be preserved." Kang Haichuan said.

Li Zian didn't care about the iron helmet at all, his eyes fell on the skull's forehead.A piece of rust remained on the skull's forehead, and it was impossible to see if there were any symbols under the rust.

Li Zian reached out to grab the rust.

Kang Haichuan grabbed Li Zian's hand: "Let me, Kang Xin, give me the tools."

Kang Xin then unloaded the backpack, then took out a small toolbox from the backpack, and handed it to Kang Haichuan.

Kang Haichuan opened the toolbox and took out a brush and a small metal shovel from it.Holding a brush in one hand and a small shovel in the other, he first used the brush to sweep away the sand and dust from the forehead of the skull. After choosing a place, he carefully pried up the piece of rust with the small shovel and removed it. .

After removing the rust, a rust-colored thing can be vaguely seen on the forehead of the skull, because there is still a little rust and plaster left, which is not clear for the time being.

Li Zian was already excited, because the color of the plaque was very similar to the color of the big lazy portable stove.Also, according to Kang Haichuan's previous description, the symbols on the foreheads of the bones he and Huang Bo found near here were also copper-colored.

Kang Xin was also very excited. She moved closer to Li Zian's side, poking her head over Li Zian's shoulder, but her head didn't touch Li Zian's head, but the protruding part touched Li Zian's back.

Warm, soft, and seems to have electricity.

At the critical moment, Li Zian could only endure it.

Kang Haichuan carefully wiped off the plaster and rust on the skull's forehead with a brush, revealing the copper-colored thing.

Sure enough, it was a symbol, although it was still a little blurry, but it could be seen clearly.

Li Zian stared at the symbol on the skull's forehead, and suddenly a lot of guesses and confusion filled his mind.

Kang Haichuan said excitedly: "This is the symbol. The symbol on the skeleton that Huang Bo and I discovered back then is exactly the same as this one!"

"Aren't we here yet?" Kang Xin asked, "How did you find this skeleton?"

Kang Haichuan said: "This is Xiao Li peeing out."

"Uh..." Kang Xin glanced at Li Zian with the same eyes.

"It's a coincidence." Li Zian was a little embarrassed.

Kang Haichuan said with a smile: "Xiao Li, I'm right, we will definitely gain something here. You are a nobleman, you see, we haven't reached that place yet, you can relieve your hand and take a pee. The thing I dreamed of finding was poured out, and this time I really took advantage of you."

Kang Xin rolled her eyes at Kang Haichuan: "Dad, I'm still here, don't you feel embarrassed when you say these words?"

I don't know if she thought of something, her cheeks were slightly flushed.

Li Zian changed the subject: "Professor Kang, what is the value of this skeleton? Why did Huang Bo pay such a high price to steal that skeleton?"

Kang Haichuan said: "I don't know, but I believe that there must be some secret hidden in this skeleton, which is of great value, otherwise Huang Bo would not have stolen it."

Saying things like this is tantamount to talking in vain.

Li Zian said: "Let's take it out, we planed out the bottom, the dune might collapse anytime soon."

"Yes, yes, take it out first." Kang Haichuan then used his hands to scrape the sand from the skeleton's legs.

Li Zian also joined in, carefully scraping off the sand above the leg bones, and then digging away the sand below the leg bones.

The sand on the two legs of the skeleton was quickly cleaned up, and the whole skeleton was exposed. This man was tall and tall, at least 1.9 meters tall, with thick bones. He should have been a very strong and mighty man before his death. people.

In the process of cleaning up the sand on the leg bones, Li Zian discovered that although the skeleton had been buried under the sand dune for an unknown number of years, the connecting parts between the joints had not been completely weathered, and some Connected like ligaments.

This is not normal at all.

If this skeleton is a Loulan warrior, it would be more than 1000 years ago according to the nearest Loulan country. Buried under this sand dune, the ligaments and cartilage between the joints may have been turned into ashes long ago. How could it be possible? still keep?

Li Zian reached out and grabbed a leg bone, exerted a little force, and tried to drag the bone out.

He expected that the drag would tear off one of the skeleton's legs, so he didn't tell Kang Haichuan.

Kang Haichuan has Kang Haichuan's research.

He also has his research.

"Be careful!" Kang Xin exclaimed.

Li Zian had already grabbed the bones' legs and dragged them a bit, but the joints of the bones were not broken, and they were still connected.When he dragged it, the whole skeleton was also dragged by him, and it slid almost half a foot in his direction.

Not a single joint fell out, nor did a single bone fall off.Suddenly, the sand on the slope slid down.

Li Zian suddenly realized something, and yelled: "Run!"

With his roar, the dunes collapsed even faster.

Kang Haichuan and Kangxin ran away, and Li Zian also ran back dragging the bones.


A sand dune tens of meters high suddenly collapsed by one-third, and billowing dust billowed up, blocking people's sight.

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