Kang Haichuan said, "I'll go down and have a look."

Li Zian followed and walked to the door without opening it, and he also wanted to take a look.Unexpectedly, after Kang Haichuan went out, Kang Xin who was standing by the door suddenly stood at the door and blocked his way.

Fortunately, Li Zian stopped in time, otherwise he would have bumped into him.

With her figure, the two groups in front can easily cause misjudgments in terms of distance. You think she is a little farther away and won't hit her, but in fact you are almost there.

"What are you doing?" Li Zian stepped back a little.

"What are you talking about with my dad in the room? You've been muttering for a long time." Kang Xin stared at Li Zian, her eyes were a little hot, and there was still a trace of suspicion and curiosity hidden.

Li Zian said: "You know, I want to go to the place where your father and Huang Bo found the skeleton. We just talked about it."

Kang Xin leaned forward a little.

Li Zian leaned back a little.

This picture is a bit like the hero and heroine in "Pulp" doing a twist dance.

"What are you hiding, I'll just whisper to you." Kang Xin rolled her eyes at Li Zian.

Li Zian had a confused expression on his face, he and she were the only ones in the room, so was there any need to whisper?

Or, do you covet the master's beauty and want to take advantage of it?

"Well, what do you want to say to me?" Li Zian asked.

Kang Xin lowered her voice: "Don't forget, I was the one who translated that audio, and I've already been involved in this matter, you two don't want to leave me behind, you have to take me with you if you want to go to that place. If I sneak away, I will come to you by myself, and if I meet some bad people and get robbed of my money, your conscience will be hurt forever."

Li Zian: "..."

Kang Xin finally stood up straight.

Li Zian also stood up straight: "By the way, I was talking about the car with your dad just now, and your dad said something, asking if you have a driver's license, do you have a driver's license?"

"Yes, I just got it last month, what are you doing?"

"We are going to find an off-road vehicle to go to that place. Neither your dad nor I can drive. If you want to go, you can drive." Li Zian said.

"I..." Kang Xin hesitated to speak.

"Aren't you good at driving?" Li Zian asked.

Kang Xin then said: "Of course I can drive, otherwise how would I get a driver's license? Let me tell you, I am very good at driving. When the time comes, I will take you racing."

Li Zian always felt that something was wrong.

Kang Xin patted Li Zian on the shoulder: "That's it, I'll drive."

"Kangxin!" Kang Haichuan's voice came from downstairs.

This is a county-level guest house, and there are no soundproofing facilities at all. This room is on the third floor, and it's not too high. The sound is loud and clear.

"I guess it's time to leave. I'll go back to the house and get my things." Kang Xin turned around and ran away.

Li Zian also lifted the alloy toolbox up and went downstairs.

In the open space in front of the lobby, five students from the Department of Archeology and Professor Kang stood on one side. Opposite them were a few local people, dressed plainly, and a man in national costume with a big beard.

Li Zian looked familiar, took a closer look, and then felt like his eyes had been pricked by a needle.

That bearded man turned out to be Liu Jun with a Chinese face.

That beard is fake, but I'm afraid only he knows it here.Liu Jun's nose bridge is very high, and his eye sockets are also deep. With a big beard on his face, he really looks like a newcomer.

It is so difficult for him to identify, it is even more difficult for people who have not seen him to see his flaws.

Liu Jun blinked at Li Zian.

What Li Zi'an received here was Zhang Fei's winking, and a slightly numb feeling on his back.

A leader-like person introduced the people over there.

Liu Jun's name is "Dili Reha", he is a driver, and the Cultural Bureau here rents his modified Toyota pickup truck.

Li Zian thinks that his name should be "Di Lire Erha" is more appropriate. Is that thick, curly beard sticking to his face?

He is cautious and skeptical.

The two sides introduced each other and chatted for a while.

Liu Jun greeted the members of the archaeological team to get on the car. The compartment of the Toyota pickup truck was equipped with a shed and a stool, which could carry people and goods.The man must be embarrassed to sit on the sofa in the car and leave the seat for four women.Professor Kang, the two boys, and a guide arranged by the Cultural Bureau all boarded the back compartment.

Li Zian got into the car at the end, and Liu Jun seemed to know that Li Zian had something to say to him, so he squatted on the ground to check the tires.

Li Zian walked to his side, lowered his voice and asked, "Did Dong Xi ask you to come?"

Liu Jun nodded.

"What task did she arrange for you?"

Liu Jun said in a low voice: "To protect these students and you, we need to talk less. If it is not necessary, it is best not to talk to me."

Li Zian climbed into the rear compartment with the alloy toolbox.

He is happy to keep this agreement.


Chapter 0209 Desert Raider

Arrived at the Tomb of the Sun in the afternoon.

Li Zian followed Kang Haichuan and a few students from the Department of Archeology to visit the Tomb of the Sun. In fact, there was nothing to see. They just used stones to form a sun shape on the Tibetan ground.People in the tomb kneel facing east, which is a kind of worship to the sun.

Several students from the archeology department, including Kang Xin, were very excited, taking pictures and taking notes.

Li Zian didn't join in the fun, and more often walked and watched alone, looking for clues related to the symbols and the sky map.

It should not be a coincidence that Huang Bo and Kang Haichuan found the skeleton with the mysterious symbol on its forehead in this desert.There must be hidden secrets and stories in this desert.

There is also my aunt, Da Yue'er, she is not of the yellow race, but she is not from Europa either. She has a strong western style on her body. Could she be a descendant of the ancient Loulan people?

Finally, Ji Da is from the Western Zhou Dynasty. The Western Zhou Dynasty existed from 1046 BC to 771 BC. There was a period of overlap with the ancient Loulan civilization. Could it be that the elderly Ji Da got the Dazi Portable Stove from here and started a period of time? Awesome life?

No way of knowing.

At dusk, under the guidance of the guide Muradili, the archaeological team arrived at the planned camp and began to set up camp.The tents are all simple outdoor tents, supported by a few iron rods and pulled by a few traction ropes to form a tent.

There is a big temperature difference between day and night in Xindi. During the day, it is still a standard autumn climate, in the twenties, and at night it is still a few degrees, so we have to live in tents.

Each of the students of the archaeological team prepared outdoor tents, and even Kang Haichuan also prepared tents.Li Zian came here in a hurry, and was also busy with errands when he arrived in Wumu City. He never thought of buying an outdoor tent at all. Seeing that everyone else had pitched up their own tents, he could only sit alone on the sand, which was very embarrassing.

"Mr. Li, don't you have a tent?" Li Zian, a female graduate student, beckoned, her eyes full of enthusiasm and anticipation, "My tent is spacious, come and squeeze me in for the night."

This female graduate student is Bei Jiajia who claims to be a teacher.

Li Zian was in a mess in the wind, and smiled awkwardly but politely.

Bei Jiajia smiled at Li Zian, and said generously: "Don't be embarrassed, you just sleep and don't do anything else."

Li Zian: "..."

Kang Xin stood up from behind a tent that had just been pitched, and coughed loudly.

Only then did Bei Jiajia restrain herself, and stopped flirting with Li Zian.

Kang Xin still gave Bei Jiajia a supercilious look.

You're so self-indulgent, even if you have to sleep with someone for a big event, it's not your turn, right?

Kang Xin walked towards Li Zian, but before she could say anything, Kang Haichuan's voice came over: "Xiao Li, you can squeeze in with me tonight."

Li Zian replied, "Okay, thank you."

He was worried that if he refused, Kang Xin might come over and tell him to go to her tent to sleep for the night.

In that case, life might be squeezed out.

Kang Xin glanced at Kang Haichuan, then turned back, muttering in her small mouth, but she didn't know what she muttered.

Li Zian had nothing to do. He walked out of the camp, climbed up a sand dune, and then sat on the sand dune.

The sun has sunk below the horizon, the sky is dim, and there are endless yellow sand in the field of vision. The sand dunes are undulating, like still waves.

It was very likely that this place used to be a sea, and after hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes, it finally evolved into the desert in front of us.

When this is still a sea, I am afraid that human beings have not yet been born, right?

A round of bright moon quietly appeared in the dark blue sky, shedding bright moonlight, many quartz in the yellow sand refracted the moonlight, the light was very faint, but it did not have a sense of mystery.

There was a fire rising behind him, and sparks flew up into the sky on the wind.

Li Zian's gaze returned to the camp.

The guide Muradili set up a bonfire in the middle of the camp, then sat by the bonfire, played the Xindi musical instrument Dutar, and sang Xindi folk songs that he couldn't understand.

Although I can't understand it, it sounds good.

I don't know where Liu Jun dragged a sheep that had been cut out. The guy built a rack with iron bars and roasted the sheep on the bonfire.

Several archeology students gathered around the bonfire, singing and dancing, looking very happy.

"Uncle, what are you doing climbing so high?" Kang Xin stood by the campfire and waved to Li Zian, "Come down quickly, the lamb is almost roasted."

Li Zian responded and stood up from the sand dune, but just as he was about to go down, a white figure suddenly appeared on a distant sand dune.

That figure is slim and slim, from head to toe.

Li Zian's eyes froze all of a sudden, although he couldn't see the man's face, he was sure that the white figure was Gu Shi Da Yue'er.

The white figure was standing on the sand dunes a hundred meters away. The wind was blowing her white skirt, and the skirt was fluttering, giving people a feeling that she might fly away by the wind at any time.

Li Zian locked the direction and rushed down the sand dunes.He was too excited, and the sand dunes were not flat, so he lost his balance in this charge, and his whole body rolled down like a ball.

At this time, he didn't care about the image of a master anymore. After rolling down the dune, he didn't even care about the sand on his body, and ran towards that direction.

The desert is no better than a flat bottom. Although there is only a straight-line distance of 10 meters, there are several sand dunes. He ran around the sand dunes for about [-] minutes before reaching the bottom of the sand dunes.

He looked up and saw that the sand dunes were empty, not even a single person.

He thought it was a problem with the angle of sight, and he followed to climb up the dune.

The top of the dune was getting closer and closer, and his heart was getting more and more tense.

We met, what can I say?

Finally climbed to the top of the dune, but Li Zian was dumbfounded.

The dunes are empty, there is no one at all.

Li Zian looked around, but there was no one on the nearby sand dunes.

If he climbed the wrong sand dune, Gushi Da Yueer should also appear on the nearby sand dune, but he didn't.

Is it a hallucination?

A symbol was drawn on the sand with a hard object, which was exactly the symbol he painted for Kang Haichuan.

Aunt Da Yueer really came here, and nine out of ten this symbol was also written by her on the scabbard.

She seemed to be sending him some information in this way, but he couldn't decipher anything.

"I know you're nearby, since you're here, why don't you want to meet?" Li Zian roared loudly.

There was silence all around, and there was no response.

"Come out!" Li Zian roared again.

Still no response.

Auntie Da Yue'er hasn't changed at all, Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end.

Li Zian looked at the symbol on the sand, then wiped it off with his feet.

He has already received the signal. Although he doesn't know what message she intended to convey to him by drawing the signal, it is necessary to eliminate the traces.

"Uncle!" Kang Xin's voice came from behind.

"Here we come!" Li Zian responded, and then walked back.

When he came, he ran fast, but when he returned, he was listless and his speed was much slower.

"What are you doing there?" Kang Xin asked curiously when they met.

Li Zian said: "I seem to have seen a wild camel. I wanted to bring it over, but when I ran over, there was nothing."

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