Yu Meilin resisted stubbornly: "Don't say it, don't say it... ah!"

The moon is shining brightly, and the small town in the south of the Yangtze River is like a bride in a wedding dress, revealing shyness in the tranquility.

A small river flows quietly, reflecting the bright moon, which is bright and round.

An eel poked its head out from a clump of aquatic plants, looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no danger, swam out, swayed left and right, and swam to the river bed under the bridge hole in a blink of an eye.

Its home is in the crevice of the rock beside the river bed.

Seeing that it was about to get into the house, a net bag suddenly came down, trying to catch it, but after all, it is the king eel in the river, with strong belief and strength.It retreated nimbly, waited for the net bag to pass by, bowed its waist, charged forward, swam from the bottom of the net bag in an instant, and plunged headlong into the crevice of the stone at the bottom of the river bed.

The cracks in the stone are thin, with a little silt, and it is with the help of that silt that the eels squeezed into the house.But I don't know what's going on. In the past, it was easy to go home, but this time it seemed a little difficult.However, it still worked hard and finally squeezed in.

Familiar taste, familiar environment, it feels so good to go home.

It rolls around the house and plays to its heart's content.

Maybe it was too full tonight. After playing for a long time, its stomach churned and it opened its mouth to vomit.After vomiting out the overeaten food, the eel felt much better, exhausted and stopped playing around, and lay down in the nest to rest obediently.

The river is still flowing quietly, and the moon in the water will not go away with the water flow. Wherever the moon is in the sky, it will be there.

The bright moon shines on the green pines, and the clear spring stones flow upwards.

The whole world seemed to be quiet and asleep.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

The eel rested for a while, then became restless again, and it started to toss again.It crawled to the door of the house for a while, and then crawled into the house again, rubbing the east side and the west side, muddying the water in the nest.

It probably really broke its stomach after eating. Now the water in the river is polluted by humans, there are a lot of dirty things, and there are even hormones that can make fish mutate.It suspects that the reason why it is not as easy to go home this time is that it has gained weight after eating food containing hormones.

The king eel was furious.

There are always bad people trying to harm me!

After tossing and tossing for an unknown amount of time, King Eel's stomach was overwhelmed again, and this time it vomited even more.

This time, it was also exhausted, closed its eyes, and fell asleep drowsily.

A white cloud moved over, blocking the moon in the sky, and the moon in the water also disappeared.

A wind blew for no apparent reason, without the cover of the mulberry trees, and the wind blew into the window, stirring the screens.

Li Zian reached out and pulled up the quilt, covering Yu Meilin's body.

It's almost autumn, and it's cold at night. He's worried that she's catching a cold.

Yu Meilin leaned on his arms, blushing, but also quietly.She looked at Li Zian's face, the three-dimensional features, the blade-like lines, so handsome that there were no dead ends.However, looking at Li Zian's face this time felt different from before. Li Zian's face was like candy, sweetened into her heart.

Li Zian looked at the ceiling. The ceiling of this house was made of wood, and he didn't know if it was pine or some other wood.

However, his mind is filled with the appearance of the housekeeper, all kinds of appearances, and his looking at the ceiling is just a fake act of self-deception.

"Honey, you..." Yu Meilin's voice murmured, but she didn't finish her sentence.

"Well, what did you say?" Li Zian's IQ hadn't come back yet, and his reaction was slower than usual.

"You were not like this four years ago." Yu Meilin made it very clear this time.

"Why didn't I look like this four years ago?" Li Zian was slightly taken aback, "I'm more handsome now than I was four years ago, am I not?"

Yu Meilin rolled her eyes: "You've always been handsome, okay? But I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about that."

"Which one?" Li Zian asked.

The speed of returning IQ is really a bit slow.

Yu Meilin glanced down, her pupils widened suddenly, and a surprised expression appeared on her flushed face.

Today, it is covered with a thin silk quilt, which is close to the skin and soft.

But that's not the point, the point is that it's just a bunch of things popping up for no reason, the picture is like a mushroom growing out of the mud.

"You...won't you?" Yu Meilin didn't dare to look at it, and she became a little nervous.

Only then did Li Zian understand

Come on, his IQ seems to have come back, he said with a smile: "My master taught me a unique secret method, I practice it every night, accumulating over time, accumulating, of course I am different from before, as you can see, I am very Powerful, it can kill fish across the pool.”

Yu Meilin blinked her eyes, with some doubts in her eyes: "Didn't you practice four years ago?"

The empress' IQ is always online.

Four years ago you were just a scumbag who could run 200 meters, but four years later you became a strong man who could run 2 meters. This is so suspicious.

Li Zian smiled: "Didn't I just say that I have accumulated a lot. Practicing is also about chance. In fact, I only succeeded in practicing the secret technique before I came out of the mountain this time. Let me give you a metaphor, this matter is like a martial arts In the middle of the practice, before I did not get through the two veins of Ren and Du, I suddenly got through after practicing, and I became more powerful."

"So that's how it is. Can I practice the secret method you mentioned?" Yu Meilin looked very excited, and her eyes were full of longing.

Li Zian had a headache. The reason why he beeped these non-existent things was because he couldn't tell her that he had an incense burner in his mind.

However, Yu Meilin wants to practice kung fu with him.

Isn't it good to be a domineering female president? You actually want to be a heroine. Being a heroine means you will be stabbed, aren't you afraid?

"Just teach me, let me try." Yu Meilin shook.

Shaking not only the body, but also the big heart.

This coquettish action is quite fatal.

A storyline in a book of martial arts suddenly appeared in Li Zian's mind, and he immediately had an idea, and then said: "Well, since you want to learn, then I will pass on my lifelong knowledge to you."

"Okay, okay." Yu Meilin was excited immediately, eager to try: "Teach me what I want to do."

Li Zian suppressed a smile, trying to keep

With a serious look: "You sit cross-legged across from me."

Yu Meilin was a little bit reluctant to leave his arms, but she wanted to learn a unique skill again, hesitated for a while, and then got up, and then felt that something was wrong, and wanted to get those textiles.

Li Zian said seriously: "No."

"Uh, why?" Yu Meilin was a little puzzled.

Li Zian said: "If you want to learn my secret technique, you have to look like this."

"Oh." Although Yu Meilin was still a little confused, she did as she did and sat cross-legged opposite Li Zian.

Li Zian also climbed out and sat cross-legged opposite Yu Meilin.

This is the most standard way of meeting each other openly.

Before doing anything, Yu Meilin was extremely embarrassed, and the belief in her heart that she wanted to learn magic skills was also a little unstable.Moreover, seeing Li Zian's appearance at this moment, she was still nervous, frightened, and flustered.

Li Zian always maintained a serious look. After he finished cross-legged, he took a deep breath, then hugged his hands in circles, slowly lifted from his lower abdomen, lifted it above his head, opened it again, and returned from the left and right sides. Between the lower abdomen, hug the circle again and lift it up slowly.

It doesn't matter whether the magic is there or not, but the posture must be handsome.

Yu Meilin looked at Li Zian in a daze, and asked curiously, "Husband, what are you doing?"

Li Zian said: "I'm practicing my skills. I want to pass on some of my skills to you. If you have a certain talent, then you will receive the skills I passed on to you."

"Then what if I'm a genius?" Yu Meilin's self-esteem has always been high.

Li Zian said: "If you are a genius, then you will completely absorb the skills I passed on to you, and I will also help you get through the second channel of Ren and Du."

"Will I become a heroine?" Yu Meilin was excited again.

Li Zian said: "Don't talk, are you ready, I'm going to teach you the exercises soon."

"En!" Yu Meilin nodded heavily.

Li Zian quickly pushed out his palms and touched Yu Meilin's chest.

Yu Meilin froze for a moment, looked at Li Zian's hands, and then at Li Zian's face.Although Li Zian still looked serious, but for some reason, she felt something was wrong in her heart.

However, suddenly something like hot water passed from Li Zian's palms into her body, and the doubt in her heart disappeared again.

Sure enough, it is teaching skills!

"Did you feel it?" Li Zian asked, he seemed to have forgotten that just now he told people not to speak.

"I can feel it!" Yu Meilin said excitedly, "It's hot, is that your skill?"

"Well, that's my skill, and then you have to absorb it well."

"How to absorb it?"

"I'll help you, now I need to change a posture." Li Zian leaned over, keeping his palms to transmit zhenqi.

Yu Meilin didn't dare to hold on, she fell down in a blink of an eye, and then watched Li Zian come over, the doubt and nervousness that had just disappeared rose again: "Husband, you, you teach the exercises like this?"

Li Zian said solemnly: "Well, otherwise, why is it called a secret method?"

"Why do I feel that you are... ah!"

"Accept my skills well, and I will help you get through the second channel of Ren and Du."

"Hey, you bad old man, I believe you are a ghost, you are very bad!"

"Don't talk, catch my life's skills."

That's how Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu taught their skills, really.

Er Huo.

PS: Everyone support the monthly pass, Xiao Li will be updated tomorrow, and will be released for three days to celebrate his 28th birthday!


Chapter 0188 Embarrassing morning

It was dawn, and the rising sun was glowing red, and the eastern sky was full of fiery clouds, which was very beautiful.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

Good weather makes people happy.

Yu Meilin was in a very happy mood. She seemed to have realized all her dreams overnight and obtained the most desired treasure in her life. She was happy.

She quietly looked at the man squatting beside the bed to untie the gauze for her, his eyes were full of love and happiness.

Li Zian uncovered the gauze layer by layer, and the soles of her feet were quickly exposed. The gold wound paste applied on the soles of the feet had hardened, and a large part of it disappeared, and the rest could not be absorbed thing.He soaked it with an alcohol-based wet tissue, and then gently cleaned off the dirt on the soles of his feet.

The soles of Yu Meilin's feet were raw white, without leaving any scars, only a faint red mark, which was the wound pierced by broken glass last night.

Li Zian gently pressed the red mark with his thumb, and said softly, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Yu Meilin lifted her left foot and put it on the knee of her right leg to look at the sole of her foot, and then said in surprise: "I thought there would be a scar, but I didn't expect there to be only a little red mark. The poultice is truly miraculous."

Li Zian didn't speak, but stared at the back of the camel's feet on the bed sheet, his IQ was hit, and he was a little dazed.

He really didn't mean to look at it, but it came by itself, completely by accident.

Yu Meilin didn't hear Li Zian's words, so Yu Meilin glanced at Li Zian, only to find that Li Zian was staring at her, her eyes were straight and upright, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she hurriedly put her feet down , and then said coquettishly: "Where are you looking?"

Li Zian stood up and said awkwardly: "I'll get you the shoes."

Yu Meilin smiled, no matter how powerful Li Zian has become, how capable and accomplished he is, in her eyes, he is still that simple and kind mountain village youth who knows how to take care of others, is gentle and considerate.The old lady has such a weird temper, and he can get along with it and take care of her for four years. This really requires good patience and temper.

Li Zian took a pair of high heels from Yu Meilin, and squatted down to put them on for her.

Yu Meilin held her legs tightly together, for fear of losing her nakedness.

Li Zian stood up: "I don't have socks, I don't know if it will rub your feet, you can get out of bed and walk around, if you rub your feet, I'll go to the street and buy you a pair of socks."

This man is so warm, it's warmed to the bottom of a person's heart.

Yu Meilin got off the bed, took a step forward with her long legs, and immediately plunged into Li Zian's arms, a pair of lotus root arms also wrapped around his neck, and her fresh cherry lips came over with pouting, heavy fragrance on his lips.

"Well, someone is overjoyed." Li Zian's tongue is not flexible, and he may not be able to understand what he is saying.

Yu Meilin let go of Li Zian, and looked at Li Zian hotly.

Li Zian tentatively said, "Do you still want it?"

Yu Meilin remained silent, still looking at Li Zian with keen eyes.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

Those eyes revealed longing amidst shyness, and impulsiveness hidden in eagerness, and fear and compromise to evil forces contained in impulsiveness.

This look made Li Zian a little impulsive, and he became more confident in the judgment just now: "Anyway, there is still some time, why don't we do a morning exercise, which is also good for the body."

Yu Meilin poked her finger on Li Zian's forehead, and said coquettishly, "Where do you get such energy, I didn't sleep until four o'clock last night, yawn..."


Li Zian said awkwardly: "Well, you misunderstood, the morning exercise I said is stretching exercises, raising legs, twisting waist and so on, by the way, what I said just now, I remembered, you go and try Try, if the shoes wear out, I'll go out and buy you socks."

Yu Meilin knew that he was diverting her attention, and she didn't expose it. She stepped forward, and just took two steps, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and the expression on her face also looked a little strange.

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