"So, are you going to praise me?" Li Xiaomei looked at Li Zian eagerly.

Li Zian wanted to laugh, but his heart was so heavy that he couldn't even fake a smile, but he still said: "After lunch, Dad will buy you ice cream, but you can only eat one."

"Yeah, Dad is the most obedient!" Li Xiaomei hugged Li Zian's calf tightly, like a pendant on his leg.

Tang Qing walked into the kitchen: "Xiaomei, you go out first, don't hinder Dad."

"Okay." Li Xiaomei then let go of Li Zian's leg, and ran out happily.

"Brother Zi'an, I'll help you." Tang Qing said.

"Yeah." Li Zian nodded, looking a little out of his mind.

This bureau...

How to break?

PS: There was an error in the scheduled update last night. Chapter 159 was updated first, but 157 and 158 were not updated. My fault. Please read 159 again if you read 157. We will add an update today. I hereby apologize.


Chapter 0161 Why am I so good?

After lunch, Lin Shengnan went upstairs to take a nap, and Tang Qing also went to the guest room to make up for the sleepiness owed last night. Li Zian and Li Xiaomei were left in the huge living room.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

Sitting on Li Zian's lap, Li Xiaomei happily ate a chocolate cone, her mouth turned the color of fried sauce.

Li Zi sat quietly, but his brain was fully engaged, racking his brains to think of how to break the situation.

It's pretty much a dead end.

Call the police, Kang Haichuan and Kangxin will die.

If you don't call the police, Kang Haichuan and Kangxin will die, because regardless of whether Huang Bo has obtained the "Tianxiang", as people who have access to the secret, both father and daughter are Huang Bo's targets.

Even for himself, a little carelessness would be an inevitable end.

"You can't call the police. If I call the police, Kang Haichuan and Kang Xin will die. Huang Bo's next target is the people around me. If I don't call the police, the father and daughter still have hope of living. But if I don't call the police, I don't have a helper by my side, how can I deal with Huang Bo and his men?" Li Zian pondered.

Li Xiaomei ate the last bit of the cone, and then began to suck her finger.

Li Zian patted the little padded jacket's head lightly: "Don't suck your fingers, it's unhygienic."

Li Xiaomei held up her hands and showed them to Li Zian: "Dad, look, my hands are very clean."

All sucked, of course clean.

You foodies.

Li Zian was a little speechless: "Dad will take you upstairs, and you can play alone for a while, okay?"

"Yeah." The child who ate the ice cream was a good boy.

Li Zian carried Li Xiaomei upstairs and entered her room.

Li Xiaomei played with toys alone, digging up Barbie dolls with an excavator.

Li Zian stayed in the room for a few minutes before leaving, returned to his room, and continued to ponder.

Still at a loss, thinking too much and still getting dizzy.

Li Zian got up to light a stick of sandalwood, then sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the stick of sandalwood and continuing to think.

Sandalwood smoke curled up, and a wisp of smoke drifted into Li Zian's nostrils.


Dazi wakes up with the portable stove, and the state of burning incense comes as soon as he says it.

Countless tiny voices flooded into the ears like a flood.

In the next room, Tang Qing slept soundly.

In the upstairs room, Lin Shengnan turned over and turned over again. He is old and it is difficult to fall asleep.

Next door, there was a mysterious sound of water, then a rustling sound, and then came the voice of peaches: "Fortunately, I didn't win the bid, or I will die, you heartless, every time you come to eat peaches You don’t even wear a condom, sooner or later I’ll give you a baby monkey, let’s see what you do..."

Li Zian smiled, and also reacted a little confused.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

Do I still need to wear a condom when I eat peaches? What kind of condom?

"Buzz buzz, surrender! You are not Snow White, I am! Dig, I will dig..." Li Xiaomei said to herself.

Li Zian's heart was warm, it was his little padded jacket, his heart.

Then, his mood became serious again.

How could he allow someone to hurt his peaches, his little padded jacket?

The state of burning incense brings extraordinary hearing and quicker thinking.

Li Zian suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the sandalwood in the glass, and saw the blue smoke drifting towards him and entering his nostrils.

A ray of inspiration suddenly flashed through his mind.

Heavenly fragrance, heavenly fragrance...

It should be fragrant.

Huang Bo has been looking for it for more than ten years, but he has never seen it.

But since it is fragrant, it should look fragrant.Isn't such a strange and mysterious thing like the Dazi Portable Stove also the appearance of an incense burner?

"I don't have heavenly incense. Why don't I make a stick of incense with Zhixing ointment, and then draw a few symbols on the incense with gold ink. No, it should be written with green pigment or paint mixed with fluorescent powder. I said it is heavenly incense." ,

Huang Bo has never seen the real thing, even if he doubts it, he needs to get Xiang to see it.I lit the fake heavenly incense in front of him, but he still hasn't been tricked? " Li Zian thought in his heart.

There is one more thing the plan needs to prove.

Li Zian climbed up, took the alloy toolbox, opened it, and took out the matchbox-sized sticky ointment and a knife that were held in a food bag.He used a knife to peel off a little ointment, and then carefully handed it to the burning incense head of the sandalwood.

After all, it was ointment, and when that bit of Zhixing ointment touched the red incense head, it was quickly ignited, and a puff of green smoke rose.

Li Zian leaned over, sucked the wisp of green smoke into his nostrils with a sniff.

The poisonous blue smoke entered the lungs, and there was a numbness in the lungs. After a second, the nerves also responded. Li Zian's eyes felt a little unclear. The woman came to him.

Thinking in the heart, thinking in the mind.

The person Li Zian wants to see the most now is actually Aunt Da Yue'er, he is hallucinating now and sees her.

However, whether it was the numbness or the hallucinations that appeared in front of the eyes, they all disappeared after the true energy was released, and the speed of clearing was like the wind blowing down the leaves, and they disappeared in one roll.

Li Zian then cut off a bigger piece and handed it to the red incense head to light it up. The poisonous green smoke rose, and he took several puffs in succession, but the previous numbness and hallucinations did not reappear.

In the end, he simply picked up the big piece of walking ointment, stuck out his tongue and rolled a small piece into his mouth.

The taste is very strange, a bit like mung bean cake.

A small piece of ointment melted in the mouth, and the numbness spread from the tip of the tongue to the whole body, but the numbness disappeared before the hallucination appeared.

The smell is not exciting, it's okay to eat a little directly!

"As expected, I'm invulnerable to all poisons. I guess it's okay to eat poison ointment." Li Zian's eyes fell on the poison ointment in the corner of the alloy toolbox again.

In theory, 90.00% nine is fine.

However, he still gave up the idea of ​​tasting the body poison ointment himself.

To test the poison with his body was just to prove one thing, that is, he would not be overwhelmed by Zhixing ointment, but Huang Bo did not have such immunity as him.In the same environment where poisonous incense was burned, he was fine, but Huang Bo was fine!

Li Zian smiled, and couldn't help but patted his thigh.

How can I be so good?

Li Zian extinguished the sandalwood, pulled out the wooden tool box from under the bed, opened it, took out a large stock of anti-sexual ointment and a large stock of poisonous body ointment, and put them into the alloy tool box , then went out, went straight to the door of the guest room, pushed open the door impatiently and walked in.

If you ask him to divination, he can do it, if you ask him to grow a few Chinese cabbage in a field, he can do it, but if you ask him to make incense, he can't.

I have to ask Tang Qing for help in this matter.

Tang Qing's skillful hands can even make awesome props in movies, let alone a stick of incense.

However, after entering the door, Li Zian was stunned.

Tang Qing was lying sideways on the bed in the guest room, her black hip-wrapping skirt was not long, because it slipped a lot in this posture.

The desert camel bell did not ring.

The camel came quietly.

The chubby camel toe is half hidden, which makes people yearn for the mystery of the desert and explore its stories.

Li Zian is also a polite person, he glanced at it inadvertently, then backed out, and after closing the door, he reached out and knocked on the door.

There was a rustling sound from the door.

Li Zian was still in the state of burning incense, Tang Qing got up, and the sound of putting on shoes and walking was under his "control", even her breathing sound.

The door opened, and Tang Qing saw that it was Li Zian, she subconsciously pulled the hip-wrapping skirt on her body, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Zi'an, I'm sorry, I fell asleep, what's the matter?"

Li Zian said: "I need a stick of incense, please help me make it."

"Make incense?" Tang Qing translated in confusion.

Li Zian said: "This matter is very important, otherwise I wouldn't be in such a hurry to wake you up. I'll tell you what kind of fragrance I'm going to do when I get to the workshop."

"Well, let me wash my face first." Tang Qing said.

Li Zian said: "I'll call Chuntao over and ask her to look after the child."

The little ancestor was playing alone at home without any adults watching, so he was worried.

Li Zian left the house and came to Tao Zi's house.

As expected, Mu Chuntao didn't stay at the door, so he reached out and rang the doorbell.

The sound of footsteps came, the door opened, and Mu Chuntao appeared at the door, and when she saw Li Zian, a flower-like smile appeared on her face: "I knew it was you, you really want to come and cook instant noodles for me ah."

Li Zian remembered what she said to herself before, shamelessly wanting to give birth to him a little monkey, he also smiled: "I came here to invite you to my house, and help me look after the little monkey." Mei, I asked Tang Qing to help me make some props, I have to go to the workshop with her."

"Okay, I'll come back when I get something." Mu Chuntao turned around and entered the room again.

Li Zian didn't go in, if he followed, he might have to cuddle for a while, but now he is racing against the clock.

Mu Chuntao came out soon, holding a box of chocolates in her hand.

Li Zian said speechlessly: "What are you doing with so much chocolate?"

Mu Chuntao leaned close to Li Zian's ear, and said with a hot breath: "Xiaomei knows that Yu Meilin is her mother, but she doesn't know that I am a little mother. I have to please her. If you don't let me bring chocolate, I won't." went."

Li Zian: "..."

At this moment Tang Qing came out of the house suddenly, and caught sight of Mu Chuntao who hadn't had time to retract her head, she turned her face away and pretended not to see it.

Mu Chuntao hurriedly withdrew her head, and said loudly, "Brother Zi'an, stand by and wait for me. You stood in the middle of the door, and we almost bumped into each other."

Li Zian hurriedly moved out of the way, and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, then I will trouble you."

"Oh, why are you being polite, you guys go." Mu Chuntao said.

Li Zian turned around and walked towards Tang Qing: "Xiao Tang, let's go to the workshop."

"En." Tang Qing responded, and walked in front of Li Zian, with a smile on her lips.

There are some things that others see clearly, but the person involved is lying to himself.

When will the ostrich with its head buried in the sand understand that its own butt is actually a bigger target?

Mu Chuntao went upstairs and came to Li Xiaomei's room. With her hands behind her waist, hiding the box of chocolates, she called out with a smile, "Xiaomei."

Li Xiaomei, who was dismantling the Barbie dolls, raised her head and saw Mu Chuntao, she pouted, "Aunt Taozi, you are here to find my father, right? My father has gone to Mars, he is not here, you can go to Mars to find him."

"I'm not looking for your father, I'm looking for you." Mu Chuntao said.

"I won't play with you." Li Xiaomei looked disgusted.

Mu Chuntao held the box of chocolates in front of her: "Xiaomei, what is this?"

Li Xiaomei's eyes lit up immediately, and then she got up, ran to Mu Chuntao, and hugged Mu Chuntao's leg: "Aunt Taozi, I miss you so much, let's play together."

Mu Chuntao: "..."

ps: There was a problem with yesterday's update, the timing was wrong, and the latter was moved to the front, which caused trouble for some book friends. I felt very guilty, so I added a new chapter yesterday.However, subscriptions have dropped by a large amount. The subscriptions of this book are actually not high. If there are more people who read pirated copies, I will not even be able to make a living, let alone face the cold eyes of the big bosses of the website.All the elders in Jiangshan, I still hope to enjoy the food, please support the subscription, thank you.

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