Salted fish also has a turnaround day, and the peach blossoms bloom after suffering.

Mu Chuntao was the peach blossom in his life, and he couldn't escape it.

Moreover, without Ji Da's inheritance, he, a salted fish, would probably still be digging the ground to grow sweet potatoes in Crescent Moon Village. He would never become a master in his life. How could a woman of Yu Meilin's level like him and want to have a real relationship with him? married life?

This world has never been real.

If a male lion does not have the strength to deter other male lions, how can it be qualified to climb the back of a female lion?

"Master, I offer you a toast." Pan Renlong stretched out the goblet in his hand, with a gentle smile and politeness on his face.

Li Zian put away his chaotic thoughts, clinked glasses with Pan Renlong with a smile on his face, and drank a little red wine in the glass.

The red wine worth tens of thousands is actually no different from the red wine worth hundreds of yuan, maybe there is, but he can't taste it.

He glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was already 10:[-] p.m., and another old drama character was due to appear in [-] minutes.Baidu search literature network, more good free reading.

Han Ke and Chen Mei at the next table haven't left yet.

While Li Zian was hanging the clock, Hanke gave Chen Mei a wink and muttered something in a low voice.

Chen Mei nodded her head lightly, then got up, and walked over here with a glass of red wine.

Li Zian pretended not to notice, he put the empty goblet on the dining table.

Pan Renlong then picked up the decanter and poured wine for Li Zian, with a polite and respectful look.

Li Zian saw it in his eyes, but he knew in his heart that Pan Renlong was probably already planning to torture and interrogate him on that yacht later.

"Excuse me, are you..." Chen Mei came to the left and stared at Li Zian.

Only then did Li Zian look away at Chen Mei.

Chen Mei suddenly said excitedly: "Oh, this is not Mr. Li

live? "

Li Zian said lightly: "Miss, who are you?"

"My name is Chen Mei. You don't know me, but your wife Yu Meilin and I are good friends. Last time I met you at President Du's recovery banquet, but I didn't have a chance to say hello. I didn't expect to meet you here today. I deliberately Come over to say hello and get to know each other." Chen Mei said with a smile.

Hank turned his eyes to look at Li Zian.

It depends on Li Zian's reaction, make a decision before making a move.

Li Zian's tone was still light: "Are you okay?"

The smile on Chen Mei's face suddenly froze.

She can be friends with Yu Meilin, she must not be of a low level, she is not bad looking, and she is also the kind of woman who is praised everywhere she goes.She didn't expect that she lowered her posture to greet Li Zian, but Li Zian was so arrogant. When has she been treated like this?

Li Zian felt disdainful.

What is the identity of the master?

You count that green onion, does the master need to give you face?

The previous account has not been settled with you, but you ran to make fun of yourself, aren't you an idiot?

Chen Mei wanted to pour the red wine in the glass on Li Zian's face, but she tried her best to squeeze a smile on her face: "Mr. Hank is at the same table with me. He and Meilin are classmates. He wants to know Can you please?"

Li Zian took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Chen Mei: "This is my business card, please pass it on to Mr. Hanke."

Chen Mei took a look at the business card, pretending to be embarrassed: "No, Mr. Hanke wants to invite you to sit down."

Li Zian frowned slightly.

who do you think You Are?

If you invite me to sit down, I'm going to sit down?

Pan Renlong said: "Miss, we are talking about something very important. You have already got your business card. Please leave."

Only then did Chen Mei turn around and leave, but muttered in her mouth: "Isn't it just a fortune teller, what are you dragging?"

Li Zian didn't hear it.

Say [-] sarcasm and sarcasm, but no one will lose a hair.

If you quarreled with a woman on such an occasion, it would be a loss of demeanor.

Chen Mei returned to the dining table next door and handed the business card to Hank, still muttering with deep resentment.

Holding the business card, Hanke nodded and smiled at Li Zian, looking very graceful.

Li Zian also smiled at Hank, but there was a knife hidden in the smile.

If it wasn't for the big fish tonight, he would definitely have a good "chat" with Hank tonight, and the chat would not end with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Hanke put away his business card, but didn't come over, and glanced at Pan Renlong intentionally or unintentionally.

Pan Renlong raised his glass and said apologetically, "Master, I'm really sorry that the atmosphere was ruined by that woman. I would like to offer a toast to Master."

"It's okay, there is never a shortage of self-righteous people in this world, let's drink." Li Zian clinked glasses with Pan Renlong, then drank the wine in the glass, and he glanced at Hank from the corner of his eye.

Hank just looked back and looked down at the business card.

Li Zian withdrew his peripheral vision from the corner of his eye and glanced at Pan Renlong when he put down the cup, only to find that Pan Renlong was looking at Hanke from the corner of his eye.

and many more……

A picture suddenly appeared in Li Zian's mind.

That is the photo that Hank sent to Yu Meilin, that photo was taken two years ago, and Yu Meilin received it on Valentine’s Day, that photo is on Hank’s

K was wearing a military uniform.He is an elite of the West Point Military Academy, and Pan Renlong is also a lighthouse soldier, and he has also worked at the Pentagon for two years.In other words, there are two lighthouse soldiers on a few square meters of land.

Hanke asked Yu Meilin to come here for dinner tonight, and he chose this western restaurant. Could it be too much of a coincidence?

Hank and Chen Mei entered the restaurant before seven o'clock, and it was almost 08:30 and they were still eating. Did he have that much appetite, or did he have so many conversations with the pretty Chen Mei?

Hank and Pan Renlong showed that they didn't know each other, but they looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes. This isn't eye-catching, same-sex attracts, right?

With an inadvertently caught look, Li Zian's mind burst out with doubts like a blowout.

The big lazy portable stove, the ability to observe words and emotions that he practiced in Crescent Moon Village is getting stronger and stronger, and even his thinking is much more sensitive than before.

After all, sleep is the practice of qi refining, and he is a ruthless person who practiced hard for several hours every night.

Thinking of this in his heart, Li Zian's face remained calm. After putting down his wine glass, he picked up the decanter and poured wine for Pan Renlong.

Pan Renlong hastily stretched out his hands to hold the wine glass, pretending to be flattered: "Master, why are you still pouring me the wine, I should pour the wine for you."

Li Zian said with a smile: "You pour wine for me to drink, and I pour wine for you to drink. There is nothing wrong with it. Mr. Pan regards me as a friend, and I also treat Mr. Pan as a friend. A friend pours wine for a friend." Alcohol is justified."

Pan Renlong said with a smile: "The master said well. I admire the master for having such cultivation at such a young age. It is my honor to make friends with a master like you."

"It's all in the wine." Li Zian raised his glass.

Pan Renlong picked up the cup and touched Li Zian.


The two drank the glass of wine, and it was 08:30.

Xu Cheng came, not too early, not too late, just right.

Pan Renlong stood up and opened the dining chair for Xu Cheng: "Dad, sit down, you have to have a good drink with the master, the master has been waiting for you for a long time."

Xu Cheng said with a humble face: "Master, Pan is really entangled in mundane affairs. I originally asked Master to have dinner at [-] o'clock, but there was a problem with the company. I have to deal with it. I made Master wait for a long time. I will punish you with alcohol." Three cups."

Li Zian said: "Mr. Pan is not allowed to drink now, next time."

"Then... I'll toast the master with tea instead of wine." Xu Cheng picked up a cup of cold black tea with both hands, looking expectant on his face.

Li Zian picked up the old glass and touched Xu Cheng, took a sip of the wine, and then glanced at the part of the glass that contained the red wine.

The projections of Hank and Chen Mei are on the cup.

It's not leaving now, it's getting more and more suspicious.

If Hank's target back this time is not Yu Meilin, but he is with Pan Renlong, then Hank's target is him!

The other party is a gang, and there may be a larger organization behind it.

Li Zian suddenly felt that he was a little overbearing, how could he deal with so many people by himself?

Auntie Da Yue'er seemed to be on his side, but that woman was so unpredictable that she disappeared after showing up that night.With her help, his pressure would be much less, but where is she?

At this moment, Xu Cheng's mobile phone rang.

Tonight's drama begins.


Chapter 0150 is cheated

Xu Cheng took out his mobile phone, glanced at it, and said with a smile: "I thought it was from the company, and I was scared, but luckily it wasn't, it was a friend. Baidu search literature website, you can read more for free."

Li Zian just listened, smiling.

He was also reviewing his plan in his mind, and Hank was not included in his plan.The appearance of Hank affected his plan and made him a little passive, so he had to make some changes.

Divination may be able to gain something.

But he only gave Kunli a divination in the morning, and he can only divination once a day.Although it is much stronger now than when it first came out of the mountain, it is hard to say whether the second hexagram will be effective.You'd be an idiot if you got wrong information because it didn't work.

Furthermore, it is better for the divination person not to divination for himself. He didn't understand it before, but now he understands a little bit.He made some divinations for himself, and some bad things happened, such as Ma Fuquan, such as Hong Baohui, it is hard to say that it was not because of his divinations for himself.Therefore, it is best not to divination to yourself unless it is absolutely necessary.If the retribution falls on yourself, or on your family and friends, it will be too late to regret.

Wait and see for a while.

Li Zi'an cut a piece of foie gras drenched in sauce and chewed it slowly.

Xu Cheng was talking to someone on the phone: "Dawson, my old friend, I have recovered, my body is very good, my master friend really pulled me back from the gate of hell... What, you went to the magic city Lah, why didn't you say it earlier... this... um... I'll ask the master, wait for my call."

Li Zian just ate a piece of foie gras in his stomach, and it tasted really good.

"Dad, is that the call from Mr. Dawson?" Pan Renlong entered the role of joking.

Xu Cheng nodded his head, looked at Li Zian with a troubled expression on his face: "Master, that... hey, it's really difficult for me to speak."

Li Zian smiled: "Mr. Pan, you don't have to be polite, just speak straight."

Xu Cheng said: "It's like this. I have a friend named Dawson. When I was sick, he called me every day. Our relationship is very good. He was very happy when he heard that you cured me, Master. I flew here from the United States specifically to get to know you."

Li Zian said lightly: "No problem, I like to make friends, you let him come, I will drink with him."

"Dawson..." Xu Cheng hesitated to speak.

Li Zian said: "Old Mr. Pan, we are friends, what can we not say directly?"

Xu Cheng smiled: "Yes, yes, everyone is friends, so I'll just say it straight. That's right, Dawson also encountered a troublesome matter, and he wants to ask the master to solve his problems, you see..."

Li Zian smiled: "Mr. Pan, your friend is my friend, of course it's no problem, let him come over."

Xu Cheng said: "No, he is sick and can't come. He wants to invite Master to his yacht. He has a yacht in Shanghai, which is parked at the pier. It's not far from here. I'll let the dragon drive. We will be able to get to him soon. Search Literary Network on Baidu, and you can read more for free.”

Li Zian touched his chin, neither agreeing nor refusing.

Chen Mei at the next table turned her eyes to look at Li Zian, her eyes froze for a moment, but she muttered: "It's unreasonable for a fortune teller to be so handsome."

What you can't eat is always delicious, even if you say it smells bad, you are actually very greedy in your heart.

Xu Cheng accompanied him with a smiling face: "Master, why don't we leave now."

Li Zian then said: "Mr. Pan, do you think I'm the kind of person who is called around?"

The smile on Xu Cheng's face suddenly froze: "Master, what do you mean by that?"

Li Zian knocked on the dining table with his fingers, and when he lifted it up, he rubbed his index finger with his thumb again, giving the impression that there was dust on the dining table, after two knocks

After the finger is dirty, you have to rub it to clean it.

Xu Cheng had a different understanding of this action, and the smile on his face softened again: "Master, money is not a problem. Dawson said that he is willing to pay double the money."

Next to her, Chen Mei had a raised expression on her face, and muttered again: "He asked you to tell your fortune to take care of your business, and you asked him for money without even doing the calculation, it's really shameless, how could Yu Meilin marry such a man? "

This was also for Hank.

Hank smiled and said nothing.

Only then did Pan Renlong interject and say, "Since this is the case, master, let's leave now."

Li Zian said slowly: "As a master, I also want face. When I came to treat Mr. Pan, it was because of President Du's favor."

Pan Renlong reacted in a daze.

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