Unscrupulous, excited, and full of love.

Entering the living room, the Indian asked Li Zian and Mu Chuntao to sit down and wait, and he went up to the second floor.

Li Zian took a look at the family's living room. The furniture is classical mahogany furniture, and the decoration is also quite exquisite. There are several oil paintings on the walls. You can tell by the color of the oil paints that they are all old paintings from a certain age. .At first glance, he felt that it was tasteful but unassuming.

Many rich people's homes look like this. They look old, but any oil painting is worth tens of millions.

At this time, there was a coughing sound from upstairs, and the coughing was still very severe.

Mu Chuntao said in a low voice, "I guess I'm looking for you to see a doctor."

Li Zian also said in a low voice: "I'll know when I see someone."

"I asked about it on the way here, but unfortunately I didn't find out, but the people who can live in this street are not just rich." Mu Chuntao said.

Li Zian nodded.

Footsteps were heard upstairs.

Mu Chuntao closed her mouth and did not speak.

The Indian and a middle-aged man came down the stairs.

The man was in his early 30s, not tall, only 1 meters tall, but his body was very burly, with well-developed muscles in his neck and shoulders, his chest was also bulging, and his two arms were very thick, giving him a kind of There is a book in the creaking nest, and it feels like it can't be put together.

Seeing this person, Li Zhi'an's first impression was not a rich man, but a boxer engaged in fighting, or a policeman or soldier like Liu Jun, because his eyes and temperament were somewhat similar to Liu Jun's.

"Master, I kept you waiting." The man entered the living room and said a polite word.

Li Zian and Mu Chuntao stood up from the sofa, Li Zian smiled slightly: "You're welcome, sir, what is your name?"

"Your surname is Pan, Pan Renlong." Pan Renlong walked over quickly, and shook hands with Li Zian.

Li Zian felt that the skin of Pan Renlong's palm was rough, and his right index finger had a thick layer of calluses. His previous guess became clearer. He was probably a soldier.

Pan Renlong shook hands with Mu Chuntao again, and said gracefully, "May I ask what your name is?"

"Miangui's surname is Mu, Mu Chuntao." Mu Chuntao said politely, "I am the master's assistant, Mr. Pan, please take care of me."

Pan Renlong praised again: "Miss Mu is really beautiful, you are the most beautiful oriental woman I have seen since I came to Huaguo."

Mu Chuntao smiled politely.

Pan Renlong said: "You two please follow me."

Li Zian and Mu Chuntao followed Pan Renlong upstairs, and then came to a room.

This is a bedroom. In addition to the bed and furniture, there are several medical instruments and equipment in the room.Lying on the bed was an old man with a thin face and an oxygen tube on his nose, which was infusing oxygen.

Li Zian glanced at the heart monitor, the number on it was 42.As far as this heartbeat is concerned, even normal people will feel flustered and panting while lying down, and it is even more dangerous for patients, who may faint or even suffer sudden cardiac arrest at any time.

Pan Renlong introduced: "Master, this is my father Pan Guoqing."

Li Zian said hello: "Hello, Mr. Pan."

Pan Guoqing tilted his head, looked at Li Zian, moved his lips, as if about to speak, but before he could open his mouth, he coughed. The intensity of the cough really made people worry that he would cough up his lungs A dollar or two.

"Dad, the master is already here. I'll let him show you. Don't worry." Pan Renlong walked to the bedside and grabbed the old man's hand, his eyes full of concern and worry.

After a violent cough, Pan Guoqing took a breath and opened his mouth: "I... oh..."

He only said one word, and all the voices that came out of his mouth were panting.

Pan Renlong let go of the old man's hand, and said solemnly: "Master, my dad attended a business meeting a week ago. After returning, he started to cough, have a fever, and have difficulty breathing. We went to the hospital for an examination and found nothing wrong. I originally I plan to send my dad to the United States for treatment, the air ticket is booked, and the flight tomorrow morning, but my dad’s condition suddenly deteriorated this morning, he was able to get out of bed, walk and eat yesterday, and today it is difficult to even speak a complete sentence, I am worried that he will not be able to go to the United States. I remembered that my dad talked about you when he came back. He said that one of his friends, Du Zhishan, had already stepped into the gate of hell, and it was the master who pulled him back, so I So I asked someone to ask President Du for a master's phone number, and asked the master to help my dad."

It turned out that the call was from Du Zhishan. As time went by, the master's popularity became higher and higher, and there would be more and more business like this.

Li Zian said: "I'll diagnose Mr. Pan first, and I'll talk about the rest later."

"Okay, master please." Pan Renlong stepped aside.

Li Zian walked to the bed, and instead of grabbing Pan Guoqing's wrist, he lifted the quilt to expose Pan Guoqing's chest.

According to Pan Renlong's description, this Pan Guoqing most likely had something wrong with his lungs. If he directly used bone palpation to diagnose his lungs, the feedback of true energy would be more direct and accurate.

Li Zian unbuttoned Pan Guoqing's patient uniform, exposed his chest, then pressed his chest with his right hand, and walked slowly.

The true energy came out through the palm, entered Pan Guoqing's body, and returned to Li Zian's body after turning around, bringing back the information inside Pan Guoqing's body.

The big idler wakes up with the portable stove, and the blue smoke curls up.

Pan Renlong stared at Li Zian, his eyes looked a little strange.

Mu Chuntao walked to the window, took out her phone, entered the name "Pan Guoqing" in Du Niang's search bar, and looked at the content that popped up.

Two minutes later, Li Zian put his hand back and said straight to the point: "Mr. Pan has been poisoned, and the evil poison has entered his lungs. His lungs are very inflamed, and a lot of phlegm and gas have accumulated. Mr. Pan’s trachea is trapped, and the lungs inside cannot get out, and now Mr. Pan’s lungs need to be decompressed urgently.”

Pan Renlong followed up and said: "Master really lives up to his reputation, he can cure you as you say."

Li Zian unloaded the toolbox, opened it and took out the thickest steel needle that Tang Qing specially made for him, and then disinfected it with alcohol and cotton balls.

Mu Chuntao came over, ready to attack Li Zian.

Li Zian said: "No, I can do it alone."

Mu Chuntao nodded and stood aside.She actually wanted to tell Li Zian the information she had found, but Pan Renlong was standing beside her, so it was hard for her to speak.

Li Zian held the steel needle with his right thumb and index finger, pressed his left index finger on a position on Pan Guoqing's chest, and then slowly stabbed the steel needle down.

"Is... all right?" Pan Renlong looked very nervous and couldn't help but stepped forward to have a look.

Mu Chuntao stood in front of Pan Renlong, and her tone was no longer as polite as before: "Mr. Pan, stand back. If you don't want Master's operation to fail, then don't disturb Master."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb." Pan Renlong stepped back, but still looked nervously at Li Zian's hand holding the steel needle.

Suddenly, a stream of viscous phlegm rose from the waist of the steel needle, which was yellow and black, very disgusting, and the lung qi that was blocked in Pan Guoqing's lungs was also shot out together.As soon as this breath came out, Pan Guoqing sighed. It felt like he had unloaded the burden on his body, and he felt much more relaxed all of a sudden.

His lungs are like an inflated balloon, which makes him feel uncomfortable. If the lungs cannot work normally, the blood oxygen will inevitably be low. Once the blood oxygen is low, other organs of the body cannot work normally, and then become diseased.That's why he was so uncomfortable. Although Li Zian's operation was simple and rough, he punctured the balloon with a single needle, and the pressure in his lungs was suddenly released, so he naturally felt relaxed.

Li Zian didn't take out the steel needle, he slowly pushed Pan Guoqing's chest with his left hand, drove the phlegm and lung qi in the lungs to the steel needle, and then sprayed it out from the groove of the steel needle.For one or two minutes, Pan Guoqing's chest, quilt and bed sheets were sprayed with black and yellow phlegm, which made him feel sick.

Because he was too close, a lot of phlegm was splashed on his hands.

He glanced at Mu Chuntao, and some splashed on her hands.

Mu Chuntao took out a disinfectant tissue from the toolbox and wiped Li Zian's hands, and then wiped her own.

"It's so comfortable." A sentence came out of Pan Guoqing's mouth, and he uttered the words clearly.

Only then did Li Zian pull out the steel needle.

Mu Chuntao came up to take it, wiped it with a sterile paper towel, and put it into a box containing steel needles.

"Master is really powerful. When Chairman Du talked about you, he respected you very much." Pan Guoqing said.

Li Zian said casually: "Mr. Pan is very familiar with Chairman Du?"

"I'm not very familiar with them, but they are all in the same circle, so they can be regarded as friends of gentlemen." Pan Guoqing said.

"I'll get used to it later on." Li Zian said, and he stretched out his right hand in front of Pan Guoqing, "Mr. Pan Lai, please draw in my palm, and close your eyes when you draw. stop."

"What... is this for?" Pan Guoqing asked.

Li Zian said: "Divination, didn't Chairman Du tell you? Everything has a cause and effect. Your illness is strange. If I hadn't rescued you in time, you were afraid that your life would be in danger. You invited me here to solve problems. Of course I want to give you a divination, find out the cause and effect of this matter, and judge your good or bad luck."

Pan Guoqing looked away at Pan Renlong.

Li Zian was slightly taken aback.

What is this reaction?

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Chapter 0132 Farmers should die when they encounter snakes

Pan Renlong said: "Master, there is no need for divination. My father and I are both Christian believers. We believe that God will protect us. If we are guilty, we need atonement. There are no shortcuts on the road to atonement, let alone detours." Open, so we don't need divination, master, you can just cure the disease."

Li Zian looked at Pan Renlong, and there was nothing wrong with what he said, but he always felt that something was wrong with this person.When others come to him to solve problems, the most important thing is his divination, to determine good or bad fortune.This person is only given 100 million yuan for travel expenses, just to see a doctor, Du Zhishan is not so rich, this is strange.

Pan Guoqing said: "Renlong is right. Master, you can cure me. I don't ask cause and effect. We are all guilty. We need redemption to return to the embrace of our Lord."

Li Zian pondered for a few seconds, then said, "Okay, where is the bathroom, I'll prepare Mr. Pan's medicinal soup and take a bath."

Pan Renlong said in surprise, "Can my dad take a bath in this situation?"

Li Zian said: "I use the secret poison removal ointment. Mr. Pan's evil poison has entered his body, and the medicinal soup can remove the toxin from his body."

"Okay, the bathroom is here." Pan Renlong walked quickly to one side wall of the room and opened a door.

Li Zian actually knew that the bathroom was there, he just asked on purpose, picked up the toolbox, and said to Mu Chuntao, "Chuntao, come with me."

Mu Chuntao nodded and followed Li Zian into the bathroom.

Li Zian reached out and closed the bathroom door.

The door is made of an alloy door frame and frosted glass. Through the door, the outside cannot be seen, and people outside cannot see the inside.

Li Zian moved closer to Mu Chuntao's ear, and said in a very low voice: "The travel expenses are all given 100 million, but they don't ask for good or bad luck when they come here. These two people are a bit strange."

As he spoke, he turned on the hot water tap on the bathtub.

Mu Chuntao also leaned close to Li Zian's ear, and said in a low voice, "I also find it strange, I gave Pan Guoqing a mother, she looks a little different."

"Huh?" Li Zian was surprised, he didn't expect this level.

Mu Chuntao then took out the phone, and handed the wake-up screen to Li Zian.

Li Zian frowned slightly as he looked at the content on the screen.

Pan Guoqing, an overseas Chinese in the United States, is the chairman of Qinglong Group. It is a foreign-funded company with a wide range of business, including import and export trade, software, investment and so on.But these are not the point. The point is that although the photo of Pan Guoqing given by Du Niang is very similar to the old man lying on the bed, there is still a difference if you look closely, and he is not alone.

Mu Chuntao said in Li Zian's ear: "But I'm not sure, maybe it's because of illness, or maybe the photo Du Niang gave was a few years ago, and there have been changes."

Li Zian said: "No, your intuition is right, the old man on the bed is not Pan Guoqing."

"If it's not Pan Guoqing, why do you say it's Pan Guoqing?" Mu Chuntao looked confused.

Li Zian said: "I don't know, anyway, this matter is strange, I have to make a divination, you help me block people."

Mu Chuntao nodded her head, and looked at Li Zian with eyes full of admiration. This is a standard watchful eye. She likes to watch Li Zian's divination the most.

Li Zian made paper with his right palm, and used his left index finger as a pen. He closed his eyes and drew freely in the palm of his right hand.

mental focus.

The big idler wakes up with the portable stove, and the blue smoke curls up.

When one minute was up, Li Zian stopped drawing with his left index finger.

The hexagram image emerged, it was a pit with spikes at the bottom.

The hexagram shows: Poisonous snakes lie on the grass and wait for maneuvers, hunting pits are dangerous with thorns, poisonous fish are on the bait, and farmers must kill themselves when they encounter snakes.

This is a trap!

The first three sentences of the hexagram are more dangerous than one sentence, and the farmer encounters a snake in the last sentence is a fable. In that story, the farmer met a frozen snake in winter. He felt sorry for the snake and put the snake in his arms to keep warm. The snake, the snake was rescued, but bit the farmer.It was a viper, and the farmer died, and he paid for his kindness.

If you look at this story alone, it must not be saved.

However, there is another sentence in the hexagrams that "you need to judge yourself", which is a bit of a waste of thought.

"Ahem..." Mu Chuntao suddenly coughed twice.

Li Zian's heart tightened, and he suddenly reached out and held down a rabbit.

Mu Chuntao froze for a moment, dumbfounded, and said after a few seconds, "What... are you doing?"

Li Zian didn't say anything, but frowned.

This is totally not the expression one should have when catching a rabbit.

Mu Chuntao felt the heat of that palm, and the heat penetrated into her body bit by bit, her face also flushed, she subconsciously stepped back, and gave Li Zian a look: "You are too... this is someone else's. Home, ahem..."

"Don't move." Li Zian's arms were straightened, still maintaining the posture.

Mu Chuntao really stopped moving, lowered her voice, and said nervously: "You, what are you doing?"

Li Zian retracted his hand, quickly opened the toolbox, took out a small knife, and cut open his palm, scarlet blood gushed out immediately.

"Zian, you..." Mu Chuntao was stunned and forgot to control her voice.

Li Zian put his finger on his lips: "Shh."

At this time, Pan Renlong's voice came from outside the door: "Master, are you ready?"

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