Scout Adams shook his head, and then expressed his opinion:

"I admit, both Sue and Kobe have a lot of good points.

But take Su as an example, although he is the leading scorer in Pennsylvania this season...

But I have observed his offensive methods, mainly based on catch jump shots, pull-ups and turnaround jump shots.

In the high school league, relying on his physical talent, Su could certainly crush his peers, but what about in the NBA?

He lacks offensive means, and at the same time lacks the ability to attack with the ball as a perimeter player.

Therefore, I think Su deserves a mid-second round at most. "

"I agree with Adams."

"I agree."

"But..." Erwin wanted to argue, but Jackson stopped him.

"Adams is right." Jackson smiled.

"However, I have a very interesting piece of information that I would like to share with you here." Jackson said suddenly.

On the side, Feuyman was in a hurry, " fast...speak!"

"Do you know that in late November, the head coach of the Philadelphia 11ers, John Lucas, visited Raul Merion," Jackson said.


I thought it was big news!

John Lucas lives in Philadelphia. Isn't it normal to watch Kobe and Su Feng play?

"Don't worry, listen to me, you know, Jerry Stackhouse is with John Lucas this time," Jackson added.

"That North Carolina genius? Michael's younger brother?"

"I even went to watch him play. He is a very talented young man."

"But, what does this have to do with Su and Kobe?"

Jackson spread his hands, "It's a big deal, because in Lower Merion, Jerry invited Sue and Kobe to have a bullfight with him respectively.

And guess what? "


Looking at Jackson's face that was showing off, almost all the scouts secretly cursed an American curse in their hearts.

"Sue and Kobe both beat Jerry!" Jackson laughed.

"That's impossible! How could Jerry..."

"Where did you get the news?"

"Is the information accurate? Is there a video?"

"Nothing is impossible, the information is of course accurate.

As for the video, I don't have one. "Jackson looked at the crowd and said.


There is no video, so how dare you say...

"Don't believe me? If you don't believe me, you can ask Erwin.

And you can go and read the reports of the Chinese media. "Jackson smiled and patted Erwin on the shoulder.

"Chinese media? They probably want to use this method to create momentum for Su?" A scout speculated curiously.

"Is that necessary? You can also ask the players of Lower Merion in private, they were all on the scene that day." Jackson added.

"But it's also..."

"Erwin, is this true?"

"Su and Kobe, really beat Jerry?"

In the stands, seeing everyone looking at him again, Erwin was a little dazed.

No, don't be surprised, the point of Erwin's confusion is not that everyone is looking at him, but...

How did this thing get around?

On the other side, Martin, a scout for the Los Angeles Lakers, was also stunned. How did Jackson get the news?

Could it be that we have an inner ghost?

You know, the reason why Martin knew that Su Feng and Kobe beat Stackhouse in a heads-up match was because of his nephew Swartz...

She went to school at Lauer Merion, and was teammates with Su Feng and Kobe.

Irvin knew that this news seemed normal to Martin, after all, he was a scout for the 76ers.

But how did Jackson know?

Chinese media?

Wang Defa?

Martin subconsciously swears.

because he was worried...

This news will disrupt Jerry West's plans for the draft in the near future.

In the stands, Erwin's acquiescence was almost tantamount to an admission.

"It's unbelievable, they're just high school students."

"Although it's just an ordinary heads-up, and Jerry is probably just playing with them..."

"Interesting, it's so interesting, it's a pity that there is no video, it's a pity."

"But guys, I don't think we can judge on news like this.

And then there's the McDonald's High School All-Star Game.

So I think we still have time to revise our judgment. "After hearing the news, scout Adams also felt that he had to observe Su Feng again.

It would be best to invite Su Feng to Phoenix for future trial training.


Foyman, who was sitting in the back row of Jackson, seemed to be about to say something, but he stuttered, and felt as if something stuck in his throat at the moment.

At this time, Philip, who was sitting next to Foyman, smiled, "Let me tell you, old man."

Looking at Philip, Feuymann nodded.

"I think, anyway, guys, Kobe and Sue are worth looking at.

After all, after they announced they were skipping college, as you know, we didn't have any more time to watch them.

I think both Irving and Adams are right.

Bryant's offensive skills are comprehensive, and in my opinion, he is more mature than many NBA players.

He has wide vision and is an excellent finisher.

In high school basketball, even if he was double-teamed by three people, he could pass the ball calmly.

In addition, Kobe has a fanatical desire to win. He is a player who can dominate the game.

But you also know that Kobe has the possibility of becoming Harold Miner, so...

I think Kobe can consider betting with a mid-first-round pick. Of course, the lottery is okay because he is worth the price.

As for Su, just now Adams also mentioned that Su lacks offensive means.

Granted, Sue's physical gifts gave him a huge mismatch advantage in the high school league.

But please think about it in reverse, doesn't this just mean that Su knows how to read the game?

He knows how to use his strengths, and I have seen him play a lot this season. …

In addition to those offensive methods mentioned by Adams, Su obviously added a lot of low-post offenses to his offense.

Even his feints and some rhythm changes made me feel as if he was already a professional player.

Now, Adams, don't look at me like that.

I know that Su's current offensive methods are still very crude, and can even be described as clumsy.

However, doesn't this just prove that he has a certain talent on the offensive end?

I don't know what you think, but I like Sue very much, not because of his offensive performance.

It's his performance on the defensive end.

Guys, what's the most valuable talent in the league right now?

Is it bouncing?Is it speed?Is it a projection?Or height?

I don't think so, because in my opinion, even if Sue is only a spot-up shooter in the NBA, I think he is worth a bet.

Because he is an excellent defender, and defense, precisely in this era, is something as precious as a diamond.

Su will never admit defeat on the court. Maybe his upper limit is not as high as Kobe's, but his lower limit will never be too low.

I think he deserves a first-round pick, if it's me. ’ concluded Philip.

"Indeed, Philip has a point."

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"Of course, whether it is Kobe or Su, they are two pieces of gold with unknown purity.

But, guys, isn't that the fun part?

If they're all Tim, what are we arguing about today? ' added Philip.

"It makes sense, hey, although this year's draft is called the golden generation...

But I always feel that next year's draft competition will be fierce! "

"Just kidding, I'm not bragging, Tim has no flaws other than being young."

"My template for Tim anyway is Hakeem (Olajuwon)."

"I think Tim may be the most skilled rookie in the NBA this decade."


In the stands, watching and chatting with Duncan's colleagues, Irwin quietly moved to Jackson's side.

Just like players have their own circles, and coaches have their own circles, scouts also have their own circles.

During this period, because the information is not as easy to collect as in the future, most NBA scouts will share some intelligence and information with their colleagues.

Even some scouts will borrow media reports.

But in Erwin's view, the information that Su Feng and Kobe once defeated Stackhouse in a duel is already classified...

For the 90s without social networks, whoever mastered these secrets of the rookies first would have an absolute upper hand in the draft.

So Erwin really couldn't figure out why Jackson would...

"I know what you're thinking, Erwin.

But Sue and Kobe beat Jerry, even if I don't say it, it will be known before the draft sooner or later. "

Jackson patted Erwin on the shoulder and whispered.

"Is it because of the Chinese media?" Erwin said helplessly.

"I know you are very optimistic about Sue and Kobe, after all, you are in Philadelphia." Jackson laughed.

"But man, don't you think..." Before Erwin could finish, Jackson cut him off with a hand.

"You're so honest, man."

Jackson spread his hands, "In 93, I thought you were an honest person.

But I didn't expect that after 3 years, you still don't have a long memory. "

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