Hongjun seemed to know what Tongtian was thinking, and continued.

"Spirits like you live in the prehistoric and stop at the prehistoric, and billions of years can't escape the pattern of heaven. How do you know where the real way is?! Do you think that Pangu opened up the prehistoric in the past because he was bored? What he wants to do is actually the same as ours. It’s no different, he will also swallow the prehistoric world! It’s just that there was a mistake in the past, which made him fall short!”

After Pan Gu opened up the Great Desolation, he also wanted to swallow the Great Desolation? !

Tongtian has been shocked and paralyzed by what Hongjun revealed!

If a single word of these contents spread to Hong Huang, the whole Hong Huang would be blown up!

Hongjun was too lazy to talk to Tongtian, and with a finger pointing, the shackles of heaven even blocked his mouth tightly!

Then, Hong Junan sat on the futon.

"Pangu, even if you are resurrected now, this prehistoric world has already fallen into my hands, and no one can take it away! After three days, I will complete my meritorious deeds and prove the Dao!"

After a moment.

His dark eyes turned to the white-clothed figure in Jin'ao Island.

There was a trace of bewilderment on his face.

"It's just a matter of variables, why does he have the ability to kill saints?! Where did he come from, what kind of skills did he practice, why did his strength seem to have improved a lot in just a million years?"

Whether it was Xie Jianxian's attack or Chen Changsheng's attack, he could see it all.


Exactly the same as a million years ago!

He still couldn't see clearly Chen Changsheng's footsteps, background, and practice.Even calling the Heavenly Dao, they couldn't get Chen Changsheng's information!

After much deliberation, he still can only explain it with variables.

"Forget it, when the calamity is over, the variable will disappear automatically. He shouldn't affect my plan!"

The two appearances of Chen Changsheng were both times of calamity!

The so-called finding a wife, in Hongjun's view, is just a reason for Daoist to arrange for the emergence of variables.

As for the strength of variables? !

He sent four saints over there, and gave him the Zhuxian Sword Formation, if this still can't solve the variables!

They can all die!

Hongjun is sitting in Zixiao Palace, and next, he will fully prepare to devour the prehistoric matter, and he doesn't care about it!

Well, some unstable factors in the prehistoric world are best left to people to watch.

He waved his hand.

In Zixiao Palace, a gray figure whose appearance cannot be seen clearly appeared.

"Take care of Honghuang for me, especially Houtu and Nuwa!"


"Well, where are the variables, if there is something out of the ordinary, you can take action at your discretion!"



Jinao Island.

Chen Changsheng once again struck the head of the sword, shocking the prehistoric world!

Seeing that Yuan Shi's body was resurrected again, he wanted to comfort San Xiao's sadness, and said to them.

"Three virtuous wives, watch with peace of mind, today I will definitely make anyone who bullies you pay the price!"

"Okay, husband!" San Xiao obediently stood aside.

If it was before, they would still be worried about Chen Changsheng.

But now? !

Yuanshi Tianzun, the majestic sage of Yuqing, has already been killed twice by Chen Changsheng!

Husband is so powerful, why are they worried? !


Chapter 107 Skinning and Bone Extraction

in the void.

Yuanshi Tianzun's body slowly condensed out!

This time, there was despair on his face!

If he was killed for the first time, it was because he was not careful enough.

So what about this time? !

The three treasures, the jade wishful, the Pangu banner, the three flowers on the top, and the jade clear avenue, were all beheaded!

Compared with the first time, he died more aggrieved, more humiliated, more desperate, and more thorough!

He is the supreme saint!It is one of the three Qings transformed by Pangu Yuanshen!

But what about in front of Chen Changsheng? !

But like a dog!

Every time Chen Changsheng drew his sword, he died!

There is no fighting back!

Ever since he took shape, he has won the legacy of Pan Gu and dominated the prehistoric world for countless years. He has never suffered such a big loss, and he has never met such an opponent as Chen Changsheng!

It simply overturned the common sense of the whole prehistoric world!

"Chen Changsheng, who are you? Even if you are a variable, it is absolutely impossible for you to be this strong!"

Yuan Shi said with despair.

Chen Changsheng glanced at him sarcastically, and said.

"Do you think that killing you a few times is enough to make you strong? Hehe! My strength has not even reached three points. Strong?! Someone with your strength may never see real strength in this life!"

The muscles on Yuan Shi's face couldn't help shaking.

The muscles on the faces of countless creatures in the entire prehistoric world also moved!

Chen Changsheng beheaded Yuan Shi with two swords, his strength is beyond doubt!

No one dares to doubt!

But you said you didn't even have a three-point strength? !


Is it too much? !

Yuanshi Tianzun is a saint!Not the three corpses of the saint, not the avatar of the saint, but the real saint!

He also represents the strongest strength among countless creatures in the prehistoric world!

But now? !

After beheading him with a single sword, you still said that you didn't even have three points of strength? !

You are not just mocking Yuanshi Tianzun!

You are ridiculing countless creatures in the entire prehistoric world together!

What else did you say, "A person with such strength as you, I am afraid that I will never see the real strength in this life"?

Is Yuanshi Tianzun's strength very low? !

What do you think of the prehistoric sage!

If Yuanshi Tianzun's strength is low, what about the strength of other creatures in the wild? !


The breath, the words!

Crazy out of the sky, out of the wild!

Throughout the ages, have billions of trillions of prehistoric creatures ever been so arrogant? !


of course!

Countless people are extremely unhappy in their hearts.

But no one is stupid enough to say this!

Even Yuanshi Tianzun would not dare!

after all!

Bragging without strength is pretentiousness!

And someone like Chen Changsheng who can kill a saint with a single blow!

He is really awesome!


Yuanshi Tianzun looked embarrassed, but finally lowered his head.

Although he is arrogant, he is not an ignorant person.

He knew in his heart that Chen Changsheng's strength was definitely not something he could resist.

After a moment of hesitation, he was ready to be cowardly and begged for mercy.

"Chen Changsheng, I was wrong today! I don't know the relationship between Sanxiao and you, so I offended you so much, I am willing to sincerely apologize to you, I hope you"

Never thought.

Chen Changsheng stretched out his left hand, but directly imprisoned him in the void again!

Just like before, he was still strangled like a pig or a dog!

"You almost hurt my beloved wife, and now you expect me to forgive you, it's too beautiful to think!"

A trace of fear appeared on Yuanshi Tianzun's face, which was an emotion he had never felt in his endless years.

"Chen Changsheng, what else do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? Hehe! Not long ago, you said you were going to tear out the skin and bones of my wives, and take out the marrow? If that's the case, you should try this first!"

Chen Changsheng said with a cold expression.He is really angry!

The relationship between him and San Xiao was extremely deep, and Yuan Shi repeatedly attacked them. Every time he made a move, every word he said, Chen Changsheng had already perceived it from the past.

How can you not know the viciousness of Yuanshi? !

Still want to beg for mercy? !

Dream fart!

He didn't directly annihilate Yuanshi completely, but gave him a chance to be resurrected, just let him feel what pain is!

next moment!

Chen Changsheng said coldly.


Countless creatures in the prehistoric world were shocked to see it!Yuanshi Tianzun, who was originally imprisoned in the void, suddenly had an invisible big hand on his body, and he really started to peel his skin!

"Oh Chen Changsheng, how can you be so cruel!"

The pain of peeling is so unbearable, even a saint like Yuan Shi can't bear it!

He subconsciously wants to use the power of heaven to restore his body and reduce the pain!

But at this moment, the power of heaven has no response, as if isolated by an invisible force!

"Cruel? Didn't you say it yourself? Why, you can use it on others, don't you think that others will use it on you?"

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