This is Longma's counterattack. Each of his balls is very fast and tricky, and his skills are extremely high. He can hit the opponent's face several times. no.

Exhaust, too exasperated.

Call you Ah unsportsmanlike!

This kind of pretentious rhythm is the favorite of many young readers, and with every counterattack of Ryoma, he will ruthlessly read out the score: "Fifteen to zero - thirty to zero - forty to zero -"

"What ball is this?"

The youth's teammates were all dumbfounded.

The coach of the Youth Academy said lightly: "Spinning the ball, the ball is rubbed against the rubber ground to produce a spin, and it falls on the table. Because the ball hits the racket at high speed, it will not move in a straight line as usual, but will deflect. Shifting the normal track, this is one of Longma's tricks to sweep the Qinzhou youth group within a year, and with his level, he still can't catch it."

The youth was completely frightened.

He actually gave up resisting the last ball, but in fact Ryoma's last ball was just a light swing, so the tennis ball only bounced for a moment before falling to the young man's side. The scene was full of humor.

Chapter 1 ends.

Yang Feng took a deep breath.

He never thought that he, who obviously doesn't understand tennis at all, would have a sense of substitution for a tennis competition novel.

Chapter 38 Leader [Jianhui] Added Changes

"At the beginning, we use the technique of setting off from the side to make readers look forward to the strength of the protagonist, and then directly use a hearty tennis match to show the ability of the protagonist in the reader's expectation. The way of slapping the face, this plot actually expresses the character of the protagonist to a certain extent..."

Yang Feng was summarizing the plot.

After summarizing the plot, he watched the rest of the plot again.

After reading the [-]-word manuscript, Yang Feng was a little pleasantly surprised to find that this novel turned out to be a group drama!

The members of the Qingxue tennis team have their own personalities and abilities, and the main line of the story is to describe the growth of these characters by focusing on each game.

In youth fantasy novels, there are not only themes such as conquering the harem and conquering different worlds.

There is also a theme called chasing dreams!

It's just that there are not many people who write such novels now.

And this novel called "The King of the Internet" tells the story of young people chasing their dreams and striving to become professional tennis players——

Yang Feng likes it very much!

But then, Yang Feng hesitated again.

Although "The King of the Internet" is very suitable for Yang Feng's taste and is novel enough, the subject matter and direction chosen for this story are indeed somewhat niche.

And tastes vary from editor to editor.

Maybe the story that Yang Feng thought was great was just mediocre in the eyes of other editors.

Do you want to push?

After struggling for about a minute, Yang Feng decided to stick to his own judgment——


After reviewing the manuscript, the editor has the right to recommend it if he meets a satisfactory work.

Works recommended by the editor will be reviewed by the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief of the publishing house.

If the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief also think that the novel is acceptable, it means that the novel can be arranged for publication.


If he couldn't pass the editor-in-chief's test, it would mean that Yang Feng's performance was ruined. Only a successful recommendation can be counted as an editor's performance.

Of course.

Even if he wanted to recommend it, Yang Feng had to finish reviewing other manuscripts, otherwise it would be too unfair to other contributors.

But Yang Feng had a premonition.

Among the remaining manuscripts, probably there will be no work that satisfies him more than "The King of the Internet".

Thinking of this, Yang Feng flipped through the contributor information of "Net King".

The rhythm of this novel is very sophisticated. I wonder if some remade vest monster contributed it?

This is also a very normal thing.

There may be some novelists who have already debuted in the industry because they are not doing well, so they will wear vests to participate in the newcomer awards such as Supernova.

However, most of these people will not hide their identities.

Because they all have familiar editors, when the supernova begins, they will send their manuscripts directly to familiar editors.

Anyway, it is the default rule in the circle for old people to participate.

Considering that this novel did not direct submissions to myself or other editors, the chance of "Net King" being created by a vest monster is not high.


According to the contributor's information, this is the work of a newcomer, and the pen name of the newcomer is also very strange:

"Chu crazy"

The pen names of novelists are all kinds of strange, so in Yang Feng's eyes, the pen name of Chu Kuang is quite common.

The only thing that surprised him was that according to the data, this Chu Kuang turned out to be a college student. Do college students know tennis so well?


It's like using Xianyu in "Linyuan Xianyu is worse than retreating and making a net".

The pen name Lin Yuan chose for his identity as a novelist was actually taken from the word Chu Kuang in Li Bai's poem, "I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughs at Kong Qiu".

The only regret is that there is no Li Bai in this world, so no one understands the meaning of Chu Kuang.

After choosing this pseudonym, Lin Yuan was actually looking forward to the results of the "Net King" submission, after all, this novel is related to the rewards of his three treasure chests!

He also analyzed it.

This novel is still very restored to the anime plot, and it has also been patched a lot.

As far as the original anime is concerned, in fact, the early stage is good, and the tennis moves are basically what can be played in reality.

For example, the outspin serve that Longma used at the beginning, as well as the snake ball, the squat smash, and the swallow flashback, etc., some powerful professional players can do it.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as cool and exaggerated as the animation, and the practicality is generally enough.

After all, the author of the original work has tennis skills, and he knows much more about the sport of tennis than ordinary people.


In the middle and later stages, in order to continue to draw, the author made the style of this animation more and more mysterious, and it directly became the "killer tennis ball" that everyone complained about.

I'm afraid that even Nadal Federer and other bigwigs entering the world of "The Prince of Tennis" may not be able to bear it.

The system understands this too.

Therefore, in order to prevent the story from turning into fantasy, "The King of Net" came to an emergency stop with only 100 million words, and the moves in this 100 million-word novel are all based on reality, at least they are moves that humans can play theoretically.

In terms of integrity, the system is better than the original author.

A similar situation is also "Captain Football", which is also a competitive theme.

Although the story also gets more and more exaggerated as it goes on, Tsubasa Ozora's momentum shot in the early stage is nothing more than Ronaldo's elevator kick in reality.

shook his head.

Lin Yuan decided to wait patiently for the result.

Today he is going out for a trip, because Senior Sun Yaohuo wants to invite him to dinner.

For Lin Yuan, when someone treats someone to dinner, it is very stupid to refuse, unless you hate the other party very much.

Lin Yuan doesn't hate Sun Yaohuo.

So he went to the appointment very readily.

Sun Yaohuo originally invited Lin Yuan with the mentality of giving it a try. He didn't expect Lin Yuan to agree so readily, and he was surprised and delighted for a while!

Junior Lin Yuan is really approachable!

People are so awesome now, it is impossible to be greedy for a meal, and it is definitely a great face to agree, so Sun Yaohuo attaches great importance to this meal.

The restaurant for meals is set outside the school.

Sun Yaohuo drove a new car to the school to pick up Lin Yuan.

This new car was earned by Sun Yaohuo from the share of "Life Like a Summer Flower" and the recent commercial performance.

Back then when I went to record "Life Like Summer Flowers", because I took a taxi and got stuck in the middle of the road, I almost missed the opportunity to make a debut, that's why he bought a car so readily, it's a painful experience.

As for the reason for inviting Lin Yuan to dinner——

Because Sun Yaohuo just heard from a colleague today that Lin Yuan went to the artist department to look for him last time.

At that time, Sun Yaohuo happened to be out, so he missed it.

Sun Yaohuo was annoyed by this matter for a long time.

He was once worried that Lin Yuan would be angry because of this, but recently he has been worrying about how to make amends to Lin Yuan.

Of course.

Sun Yaohuo also hoped that his junior would take him to fly again when he was in a good mood, but this was just a good wish.

He knows it's not realistic.

As Xianyu became more and more popular, the singers he will cooperate with in the future will only become more and more famous. A tool person like himself probably has no weight in the hearts of his juniors.

Chapter 39 Self-cultivation of Tool Man

Although he and Lin Yuan were the only ones eating, Sun Yaohuo still ordered a table of dishes, and even Lin Yuan couldn't stand it anymore:

"Don't order, you can't finish it."

Sun Yaohuo laughed and said, "Student, please don't be polite to me, do you want to drink?"

Lin Yuan shook his head.

Sun Yaohuo said: "Then let's not drink."

Lin Yuan nodded: "Waiter, here are two servings of rice."

Sun Yaohuo waved his hand and said, "I recently lost weight and don't eat rice."

Lin Yuan gave him a strange look: "I ordered it for myself."

Sun Yaohuo: "..."

As soon as the rice came, Lin Yuan opened his mouth to eat and drink, and he couldn't let down the big meal.

Sun Yaohuo said with a smile: "Nutrition experts say that people who eat less food are less likely to grow old. Junior, you should also eat more food."

Lin Yuan took a serious look at Sun Yaohuo: "I have a friend who hasn't eaten for ten days, and then he never eats."

Sun Yaohuo: "..."

Lin Yuan frowned: "Isn't this joke funny?"

He thought he was being very humorous.

Sun Yaohuo was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly laughed loudly: "It's so funny, it's so funny, I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha!"

Too humble, right?

The waiter looked at Sun Yaohuo strangely, and understood the meaning of a forced smile for the first time.


Laughed for a while.

Sun Yaohuo also silently bowed his head to eat.

In fact, he was just thinking about how to comfort Lin Yuan.

Because he couldn't hear Lin Yuan telling a joke at all, seeing Lin Yuan's serious expression, he thought that the other party really had a friend who had an accident because he hadn't eaten for a long time...

"He who eats food is a hero."

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