Shang Jian Yao's body suddenly trembled, and dense cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He forced himself to calm down a bit, silently counting how many meters away he was from Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen.

Before he knew it, a smile appeared on his face, a smile he couldn't control.

Shang Jianyao immediately straightened his body, ready to stand up and use the ability of the awakened one.

At this moment, he saw himself in the rearview mirror:

The right cheek is red and swollen, with an inappropriate smile...

Seeing that Yao's heart suddenly moved, Shang bent down again, and took out the absorbent pen and a piece of white paper for recording in the pocket of his clothes.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head, used his thighs as a cushion, and wrote quickly after the cap of the pen fell to the ground freely:

"If you can still see this passage later, it means it's not a dream."

While he was writing, the voices of Jiang Baimian, Long Yuehong and Bai Chen got closer and closer:

"What happened?"

Seeing that Yaoyue wrote in a hurry and sloppy, he managed to write that sentence.

Then, he casually stuffed the paper back into his pocket, straightened his upper body, stared at himself in the rearview mirror again, his eyes instantly became dark.

While listening to the approaching footsteps, he quickly organized his words and tried to say:

"Yesterday was late at this time, and today is also late at this time.

"At this time yesterday, we were sleeping in the wild, and at this time today, we are also sleeping in the wild.

"At this time yesterday, I was dreaming, so at this time today..."

Shang Jianyao stopped the conversation with himself in the mirror, his expression was blank at first, and then gradually determined.

Just when Jiang Baimian walked to the other side of the front of the jeep, Shang Jianyao suddenly realized:

"So, at this time today, I'm also dreaming!"

As soon as the words fell, it seemed as if countless stars exploded in his mind, and his strong self-awareness allowed his consciousness to penetrate all kinds of psychedelic images.

"Huh!" Shang Jianyao sat up and let out the turbid air that was pent up in his chest.

He took a quick look around and found that he was still in the tent, still in the sleeping bag.

While the thought was flashing, Shang Jianyao pulled his hands, exerted his body force, and quickly got out of the sleeping bag like a cheetah, and jumped to the other side of the tent.

That's where Jiang Baimian slept.

In the dark environment with only dim light, Shang Jianyao could hardly see anything, but he could hear Jiang Baimian's rapid and chaotic breathing, as if he had just completed a five-kilometer off-road.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Relying on his voice, he grabbed Jiang Baimian's body, shaking while shouting.

This kind of movement attracted the attention of Bai Chen and Long Yuehong. One of them stayed on the outside to guard against accidents, while the other leaned against the tent and asked loudly:

"what happened?"

Shang Jianyao didn't answer, and continued to shake Jiang Baimian's body violently.

Finally, Jiang Baimian made a voice:

"Stop...stop! I'm dizzy!"

Shang Jian Yao immediately breathed a sigh of relief and straightened his body.

At this time, Bai Chen had already opened the door of the tent.

With the moonlight shining outside, she saw Shang Jianyao squatting next to Jiang Baimian's sleeping bag, panting heavily, while Jiang Baimian was sitting huddled in the sleeping bag with a confused expression.

"What abnormality did you find?" Bai Chen asked calmly.

Shang Jian Yao blurted out and replied:

"I had a nightmare..."

He paused involuntarily, feeling that he was like a child who was seeking comfort from his elders because he had a nightmare.

Seeing that Jiang Baimian and Bai Chen didn't laugh at him, and didn't try to interrupt, Shang Jianyao eased up and continued:

"A very real nightmare. I slapped myself in the dream and couldn't wake up. Even though I felt intense pain, I still couldn't wake up.

"It wasn't until I used the ability of the awakened person to strengthen my judgment and cognition of dreams that I fully woke up.

"In the dream, the residents of Black Rat Town turned into living corpses, and thick black hair grew on your faces."

The living corpse belongs to the concept in the radio story.

Jiang Baimian was no longer confused, his expression gradually calmed down, he nodded slightly and said:

"I had a nightmare too.

"I dreamed that I was doing research in the laboratory, and you are all my assistants..."

Having said this, Jiang Baimian was suddenly at a loss for words.

It's just a breath time, she continued:

"That dream was very real. Because of some details, I also suspected that I was dreaming, so I quickly poked myself with a needle, but I felt the same pain as normal.

"This dispelled my suspicion, and then, there was an accident in the laboratory next door, and a highly toxic gas leaked and spread to the entire floor.

"I was leading you to the exit frantically, trying to escape from the company before the poisonous gas filled the air, but I was woken up by Shang Jianyao."

While speaking, she raised her left hand and moved it to the bright moonlight area.

Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen, who was approaching, saw a red spot the size of a pinhole on the tiger's mouth of that hand, which was slightly swollen.

Jiang Baimian immediately looked at Shang Jianyao's face, and found the red and swollen place with five fingerprints printed on it as expected.

"I don't have a needle on me..." Jiang Baimian thought for a while, "This is not caused by sleepwalking."

As she said that, she stretched out her left hand to the five finger prints on Shang Jianyao's right face, and made a gesture from the air:

"It wasn't me either."

Bai Chen followed Jiang Baimian's palm and looked carefully:

"It can't be completely denied. The redness and swelling are too obvious now, the fingerprints are a bit distorted, and there is an error in the comparison. Moreover, the difference in the length of your fingers is not too big."

"It was really hit with my left hand, does he still have some teeth left on this side of his face?" Jiang Baimian's left fingertips erupted with slight currents.

Her left arm, together with her left hand, is part of the electric eel-shaped biological prosthesis, and one of its characteristics is its great strength.

Bai Chen agreed to this, but Shang Jianyao was speechless.

He was about to describe in detail what he saw in his dream, when Jiang Baimian frowned suddenly:

"Have you thought of anything?"

Chapter 55 Doubt

Hearing Jiang Baimian's question, Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen instinctively looked at each other, but only saw the same blankness on each other's faces.

Jiang Baimian propped up his hands and sat up a little more erectly:

"Do you still remember the information provided by the former relic hunter, the one named Harris Brown, the one with the bald head?"

Obviously, Jiang Baimian's memory is quite good.

As the person involved, Shang Jianyao immediately recalled:

"Is it the information about the abnormal death of humans north of Yuelu Station?"

"Yes." Jiang Baimian nodded solemnly, "Harris Brown said at the time that they found several corpses that had just died. There were no signs of death on the surface, but the expressions were pain, fear, or strange expressions. Smile."

Bai Chen suddenly realized:

"Team leader, what do you mean, those people died in dreams, no, in real dreams?"

Jiang Baimian let out a "hmm":

"You think, I just poked myself in a dream, and in reality there are corresponding red and swollen spots, but if you look closely, there is no pinhole at all.

"Similarly, Shang Jianyao slapped himself in his dream, but in reality he also got five fingerprints and swelling on his face.

"If, I mean, if, in such a dream, you are hit by a bullet, or you inhale poisonous gas that makes you look weird, or you are suddenly frightened at the peak of pleasure, what will happen in reality? "

"He will die without fatal wounds on the surface..." Shang Jianyao replied in a deep voice.

The five-fingerprints on his face are likely to be a stress phenomenon, which will fade very quickly, but once the heart stops beating, it will never recover.

Before the words fell, Shang Jianyao stood up abruptly, returned to his sleeping bag, put on his coat, and put on the "Berserker" assault rifle.

He flicked the safety on his gun and strode out of the tent.

"What happened?" Long Yuehong, who was in charge of security, asked hurriedly.

Shang Jianyao looked up at the rock wall behind him, and looked around:

"Have you noticed anything suspicious?

"Or, an unusual phenomenon?"

Long Yuehong thought about it for a while, then shook her head firmly:


"There are very few beasts passing by, and they belong to normal species."

While speaking, with the help of the bright moonlight, Long Yuehong saw the redness and swelling on the right side of Shang Jianyao's face and the more obvious five-fingerprints.

"Uh..." He suddenly didn't know how to ask, and his eyes became a little strange.

At this time, Jiang Baimian was fully dressed, came out with a weapon, and Bai Chen followed closely behind.

"Did you find anything?" Jiang Baimian asked with a slightly dignified expression.

"No." Shang Jianyao replied seriously.

Jiang Baimian didn't care about Long Yuehong's gaze from looking at this and that, and patrolled around by himself, sensing various electrical signals around him.

"There is nothing unusual." She walked back to Shang Jianyao and Bai Chen, and said with a slight sigh of relief, "It seems that as long as you don't fall asleep, you won't be affected."

Seeing Long Yuehong's bewildered face, Jiang Baimian focused on describing what happened between himself and Shang Jianyao.

And Long Yuehong seemed to be listening to a story on a radio program, and she was afraid and didn't quite believe it.

Frankly speaking, if there is no team leader to testify, based on Shang Jianyao's words, he would definitely say:

"Don't be kidding, this kind of thing is not funny at all!

"Go talk to the order supervisor and see if they believe you!"

The order supervisor is a profession responsible for the internal order of the "Pangaean creature". Whether it is fighting or infringing others, it is under their control.

——Each floor of the "Inner Ecological Zone" has a "order supervision supervisor", and there are three order supervision team leaders below. Each floor has a large area, and each large area has a "order supervision bureau".

Above the "Order Supervision Bureau" is the "Order Supervision Department" under the "Board of Directors".

After listening to Jiang Baimian's description, Long Yuehong subconsciously replied:

"It can't be true, can it?"

After asking, he quickly closed his mouth, no longer waiting for an answer.

Since Shang Jianyao can even let the mechanical monk Jingfa shake hands with him to say goodbye, it seems that it is not unacceptable for a monster to make people die strangely in their dreams.

It has to be said that after leaving the company and coming to the surface, Long Yuehong felt more and more that the world was more magical than before.

"Could it be an awakened person? Or, a deformed subhuman or animal? Maybe they also have similar abilities." Jiang Baimian looked sideways at Shang Jianyao.

"Except for my own abilities, I don't know much about the awakened ones than you." Shang Jianyao then turned his head and looked at Bai Chen, hoping that this lady with rich experience in living in the dust would give her an answer.

Bai Chen shook his head, indicating that he had never encountered a similar abnormality before:

"If it weren't for this, experienced relic hunters like Harris Brown would not be allowed to evacuate in a hurry and dare not approach."

Jiang Baimian thought for a few seconds, looked at Shang Jianyao and said:

"I'm a little curious, how did you break free from that dream just now?

"Well, as you said just now, it depends on the ability of the awakened person, but I hope to know some details, which may give me some inspiration.

"If you think this is your secret, ask Bai Chen and Long Yuehong to patrol the edge.

"As for me, uh, I should be trustworthy, right?"

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