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In the tavern, the only thing that is really visible is the bar of the tavern. There is a bartender behind the bar, wiping the glasses there.

The bartender, dark-skinned, somewhat bald, and older, with a white shirt, black vest, black suit pants, and black leather shoes, dressed in spirit, was wiping his wine glass there.

Facing the bartender, Ye Jiangchuan smiled and said, "Old Hei, I came to see you again, do you miss me?"

Lao Hei was the name Ye Jiangchuan gave him.

It's a pity that no matter what he said, Old Hei wouldn't respond. He would just stand here, wiping his glass forever, without any response.

But Ye Jiangchuan still likes to talk to him, because when he sees him, he will think of all the good memories of his previous life.

After a season and three months, this tavern will change and become another tavern, with a bartender here.

From the awakening of the power at the age of eight, to now the tavern has been changed 23 times, each is different, the ancient oriental tavern, the western cowboy tavern, the modern suburban snack bar, and the modern urban bar.

Different types of taverns appeared one by one, and there were three taverns that were not human races, lizardmen, murlocs, orcs, and even a future robot tavern.

Old Hei has appeared here four times, and he is an old man Ye Jiangchuan is familiar with.

Back here, Ye Jiangchuan felt extremely at ease, because this place reminded him of his previous life, and this place also changed his present life!

After reincarnation, the baby's body can't hold the adult soul at all. Ye Jiangchuan has been in a trance and coma since he was born, and he is a fool.

It was not until he was eight years old that Ye Jiangchuan was able to control his body, wake up, and awaken this power, but his body and soul were still incompatible, his physique was particularly poor, and there was no progress at all in cultivating the "Konoha Condensation Method" inherited by his family.

Ye Jiangchuan knew that his only hope was this tavern.

He had nothing to do but came here to look forward to it. In the summer when he was nine years old, an opportunity really appeared.

The taverns at that time were in dire straits. They were supposed to be ancient taverns, very old ones.

The others were blurry, but inadvertently, Ye Jiangchuan saw the first clear one.

It was an old man in Taoist robes, with a plump face, a high raised head, white eyebrows drooping docilely, sharp eyes, a kind face, and a flowing beard!

And beside him, there is a green cow.

He was full and seemed to be heading out for a long journey.

Ye Jiangchuan immediately knew who he was, the sage Laozi Li Er Laodan, the Supreme Laojun.

Without saying a word, Ye Jiangchuan just knelt down and shouted:

"Saint save me, save me!"

Then Ye Jiangchuan desperately recited the Tao Te Ching.

"The Tao can be said, very Tao, the name can be famous, very famous..."

Hope to attract the attention of saints.

The sage seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then said: "Outside the infinite universe, among thousands of cracks in time and space, it is a fate to meet each other!"


He tapped lightly, a beam of light flew down into the tavern, and then rode away on the green bull.

At this point, the bar in the tavern changed quietly, and an aura appeared.

In Ye Jiangchuan's eyes, this brilliance seems to be a talisman, and it seems to be a scripture. In the past, it seems to be a bamboo scroll or a jade slip...

No matter what, there is an indescribable quaint feeling, as if there is a kind of fairy spirit, the essential core of this world.

Suddenly, somewhere, like a strange force, infiltrated and collided with it.

Guanghua kept changing, from scriptures, bamboo scrolls, and jade slips into bizarre and indescribable shapes, sheep horns, human skin, and smoke.

Ye Jiangchuan felt inexplicably, as if the world was divided into two halves, or the two worlds were united, and they were fighting an endless battle.

This kind of collision lasted for dozens of breaths, and suddenly the brilliance finally changed. Under this collision, it was not a talisman, it was not a scripture, it was not weird, it was turned into a card.

The last fusion treasure is like the game card of the previous board game!

In the dark, Ye Jiangchuan understands that this is called a miracle card, which is a fragment of the Dao of Truth, the core power of the universe, and the help given by the saint can only be in this form.

Shaking his head, Ye Jiangchuan stopped recalling and looked at the cards on the bar. This was his golden finger!

There are two miracle cards on the bar, the size of a slap, a total of two, one bright and one dark.

Clear card, you can see everything on the card.

The dark card is wrapped in a card package. I don't know what card is in it. It needs to be opened and drawn.

The top of the card has the name of the card.

Under the name, the card is divided into half, with a pattern on the top, vivid, and the text explanation on the bottom.

The types of text are ever-changing, and there are countless types, but Ye Jiangchuan can read them all.

For example, the card in front of you is called: Flying Dragon Explore the Clouds

The card pattern is a hand, in a poking gesture.

There is a text explanation under the pattern. Activating this card, the card holder has the magical power of flying dragons and clouds, and can steal other people's money and things, like a flying dragon, and between the phantoms, it is successful, and it is difficult to be found.

Finally, there is the following line: Mom has never worried about my pocket money again.

Ye Jiangchuan looked extremely greedy, as long as he got it, he would have an extra ability. Although stealing is shameless, it is a real skill.

As long as you get a card, you can change your life.

However, it is too difficult, there is no free lunch in the world.

What the sage gives is just a chance. If you want to get it, you have to rely on yourself. Under this card, Flying Dragons and Clouds, there is a number, one hundred!

The unit is gold fine money, and one hundred gold fine money is needed to buy this card.

Gold fine money, there is no such currency in the real world, it is unique in taverns, but it can be exchanged with reality.

In reality, anything that contains spiritual energy can be brought into this tavern and exchanged for gold fine money here.

It's just that it's too difficult.

The real-world hard currency, copper, silver, and antique furniture, brought here, is useless.

Only items with spiritual energy can be exchanged, and the most valuable ones are spiritual stones. If you bring them here, one spiritual stone can be exchanged for one gold essence.

But Ye Jiangchuan's father, Ye Ruoshui, only earns two and a half spirit stones a month, and these two and a half spirit stones can support the Ye family's three family members, five wives and concubines, thirteen children, plus upper and lower. Hundreds of ten servants and maids.

In other words, the living expenses of a large family for forty months are enough to buy a miracle card.

Totally impossible!

Not to mention Ye Jiangchuan, even his father Ye Ruoshui couldn't do it!

But there is no way out!

Below that one hundred, there is another number, eight, which means that Ye Jiangchuan already has eight gold coins.

Below the eight, there are also small squares, with a total of [-] lines, of which [-] have been lit up, and if you collect [-], the eight will become a nine.

This is the way Ye Jiangchuan discovered to make money. Except for the spirit stone of his father's salary, this place is not a place of absolute spirituality.

Every morning, in the sea of ​​flowers in the back garden of Ye family, the sun just rises, the first ray of sunlight falls, and when it shines on the dew condensed in the endless flowers, sometimes one or two spiritual energy will be inexplicably born.

It is said that this kind of spiritual energy can only be seen by cultivators of Ningyuan.

Ordinary mortals, including his own father, can't see it.

They are randomly created and randomly scattered.

Ye Jiangchuan can see that it may be a side effect of going in and out of the tavern countless times.

He found that as long as he was within half a step of entering the tavern, he could see these auras, capture the auras, and bring them into the tavern.

The madness at the pond just now was because he caught a ray of spiritual energy, which made his gold essence drop one more square.

One Reiki, an increase of a number, a hundred Reiki, an increase of a gold coin.

However, harvesting dew does not yield harvest every day. It may be harvested for several days in a row, or it may not be harvested for more than ten days. It is completely random. The real harvest is Yejia Pond.

In the pond, a spiritual energy will definitely fly out in a day or two.

This is also the reason why Ye Jiangchuan wanders around the pond no matter how hot the summer is and how cold the winter is.

After a month, with dew harvesting and pond fishing, about twenty or thirty auras can be taken.

I was not proficient before the age of 12, and I didn't accumulate dozens of spiritual energy in a year.Gradually later, practice makes perfect, and there is such a harvest.

Always wandering around the pond has long attracted the attention of the others in the Ye family. At the beginning, when they saw their own pond hunting spirits, they would all have inexplicable fear when they saw the transition between reality and reality.

There is no way, Ye Jiangchuan can only continue to pretend to be stupid. Everything the fool does is ridiculous, stupid, can be explained, and can dilute the strange fear.

That's it, some servants came to interfere, so Ye Jiangchuan started counting them according to the joke in his hometown, and pushed them into the pond one by one.

So far, no one has bothered him anymore.

Life is so hard!

In addition to these two money channels, the rest is to save.

Be tough on yourself, save from your mouth and save from your body!

On the first day of every month, the children of the Ye family have a bowl of spiritual porridge. On this day, Ye Jiangchuan also has the right to return to the big table in the third room and drink a bowl of spiritual porridge made from Linggu.

Ye Jiangchuan drank half a bowl every time, and brought the rest into the tavern to increase three or four spiritual energy.

Or during the New Year, the Ye family's reunion dinner can secretly save more than a dozen spiritual energy.

However, as a result, Ye Jiangchuan was weak, and his cultivation was backward. The family passed down the "Konoha Condensation Method". After five years of hard training, he was in the second realm.

Such a little bit of hard work, collecting desperately, saving with his mouth and body, now Yang Xiuming has eight gold coins and seventeen spiritual energy.

Eight gold fine coins are far away from a hundred.

But Ye Jiangchuan was in no hurry, because there was still a second chance.

When he was 12 years old, he struggled to raise money, and finally in another tavern, someone gradually became clear.

This man has a dignified appearance, a white robe, endless elegance, and extraordinary aura.

Ye Jiangchuan couldn't see who he was, and he also begged in the past.

The man smiled and said, "I am Luo Li, Xianqin Hunyuanzong, and I have no intention of going to the place where light meets at this time.

As long as you have ten Dao money, I will sell you a big miracle. "

Ye Jiangchuan smiled bitterly, he had nothing.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Poor baby, forget it, let me help you and give you a little miracle!"

After finishing speaking, he just walked away slowly.

Then Ye Jiangchuan discovered that every Spring Festival, the first quarter of the first hour of the New Year's Day, as the tavern changes, there will be a miracle moment.

During this quarter of an hour, the price of the newly changed name card in the tavern will change from one hundred gold coins to ten gold coins!

One discount!

This is the opportunity that belongs to Ye Jiangchuan, a little miracle!

There are still four months before the end of the year, and there is still 83 auras short of one gold essence before ten gold essence coins!

Ye Jiangchuan let out a long breath and cheered silently!

Opportunity is at hand!


Chapter 3 Fudi Demon

August is unbearably hot, September is autumn, and October leaves yellow.

At the beginning of each month, the family has a bowl of spiritual porridge for welfare. Ye Jiangchuan only takes a sip every time, and the rest of the spiritual energy is poured into the tavern.

On the first day of October, the tavern changed and turned into an ancient tavern that looked like a Tongfu Inn, and the bartender Lao Hei also became the second shopkeeper of Bai Zhantang.

Among them, the bright card has also changed, from Feilong Tanyun to fresh meat.

Card: Fresh meat as ever

At the normal level, the pattern on the card is like a butcher shop, with strips of white meat companions hanging on it.

There is an explanation below. When this card is activated, it can keep the meat fresh, just like the one just killed, and it will not rot for many years.

The last word: the freshest meat, only ten cents a pound.

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