These letter papers are so rough, I don't know how many times County Magistrate Liu secretly read them alone in the dead of night.

However, under Xue Gu's enslavement, he couldn't go home at all.Even though he misses his relatives in his hometown, he can only watch helplessly as the parents in Hejian Mansion grow old, his wife remarries, and his daughter grows up.

... Also unlucky, there is the county magistrate's brother-in-law.

This young man who came to the county with his brother-in-law and wanted to make a fortune through his connections was stuck in Shanlan County and never returned home for 16 years.

When he came here, he was a handsome young man, but now he is in his 30s, alone, without even a wife.The only thing I can do now is to help clean up my brother-in-law's belongings, and explain the situation to my sister and niece who have remarried at home after returning home.

Kong Ning clearly remembered County Magistrate Liu's begging before he died.

But there is the county magistrate's brother-in-law to do it for him, so he doesn't need to go in person.

Then Kong Ning went outside the city.

Miss Xu San's tomb has been moved from the simple earthen bunker to a new geomantic location.

Kong Ning and Wan'er brought the head of the cat demon that had been hanging in the backyard for half a month to the tomb of Miss Xu San, burned the head of the cat demon to ashes, and then sprinkled it into the mountains .

A real setback.

Although Miss Xu San didn't have any regrets to go, but Kong Ning had promised to bring the head of the cat demon to her grave to pay homage to her, so she still had to go through the necessary ceremony.

After all, the cat demon's head has been treated with lime and hung under the eaves to dry for so long, it would be a waste not to go through the process.

After paying homage to Miss Xu San, Kong Ning went back to his home in Huaishu Lane alone.

Ready to pack up and leave tomorrow.

There are not many things in the room, after all, he is only one person.

After opening the closet, except for a few sets of his own regular clothes and a change of police clothes.The majority are women's dresses.

Although it has been washed, the dresses that Su Yan once wore seem to still carry her fragrance.

When Kong Ning opened the closet, he smelled a faint, familiar fragrance.

There was a slight pause in the movement.

In the end, the dresses worn by Su Yan and the sheets and quilts that the two of them slept on were all piled up in the yard by Kong Ning and burned.

It is not good to distribute these things to the neighbors, nor is it good to keep them.

In the end, it can only be burned.

In the yard under the afternoon sun, curls of black smoke rose.

Kong Ning, standing by the fire, looked at the familiar dress burning in the fire, and exhaled slightly.

Complex expressions.

Chapter 122 White Moonlight

At the very beginning, he didn't feel any heart-piercing pain.

Even when he beheaded the demon girl with his own hands, his mood was as cold as a stone, and he was completely unmoved.

But now everything is over and the dust has settled, standing in the yard where the two once lived together, watching the scene of the flames eating away at those dresses in the fire.

In Kong Ning's heart, a certain feeling slowly emerged.

—he was a man again.

At this moment, he suddenly understood this point very clearly.

Originally, he was the only one in the yard, but in the end he was the only one left.

The woman who stretched her neck out of the kitchen and poked her face out to look at him with a smile every day after returning home from the yamen was gone.

He no longer had to worry about the demon egg in his stomach, and no longer had to worry about when the witch would kill him.

Naturally, no one would come over with steaming delicious food, sit at the dining table with a smile and share with him the interesting things they saw today.

Lying on the bed every night, there will no longer be a body as gentle as jade clinging to him and coquettishly pretending.

He was finally free and safe.


Kong Ning beside the fire was silent.

Soon, Wan'er brought Xu Caiwei over.

Seeing Kong Ning burning clothes in the yard, the two girls, one big and one small, didn't dare to speak much.

They came to help Kong Ning clean up.

Because there are too many things piled up in Kong Ning's house.

Many of them were given by relatives, friends, and neighbors when Kong Ning took office as headhunter.

Kong would rather leave now, it would be a pity if those things rotted in the utility room.

Kong Ning intends to sort it out and give it to friends in the neighbors.

The three of them watched the burning of the things in the yard before they walked to the backyard and opened the utility room that had been closed for a long time.

It says it's a utility room, but it's actually a pretty big empty room.

It's just that there is only one person in Kong Ning's family, so it is used to pile up things that are not needed.

The things in this room can be said to be dazzling and have everything.

Among them, there is even a gift list.

After Kong Ning opened it, he saw lines of beautiful characters.

The hostess of this family used to carefully record who these gifts came from, who gave what, who needed to return gifts, and what to return... These things were recorded in detail.

And she did.

For those who gave gifts in return, she would gently draw a line behind them.

And judging from the content of the handwriting on the gift list, she prepared those gifts with great care, not simply giving something to fool things, she spent a lot of thought.

That witch, who has nothing to do at home every day, is she tinkering with these boring things...

Kong Ning looked at the gift list in his hand, but did not speak.

The line representing the gift in return stopped abruptly when it reached a quarter of the gift list.

None of the families in the back could receive her gift in return.

There will be no more rewards in the future.

Throwing the gift list to Wan'er, Kong Ning said, "Burn it later."

After speaking, he silently sorted out the various gifts in the house.

Some things in it are quite valuable, such as bird's nest and deer antler, which need to be carefully preserved.

But not long after, Wan'er's curious voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Captain Ning, what is this box? It's not on the gift list."

Wan'er's curious question made Kong Ning turn around.

Then I saw the girl lift out a small wooden box from the corner.

After she opened the box, she saw many beautifully packaged books inside.

Kong Ning walked to her side quickly, and said: "This book was left by Shusheng Yu from Dianyu Book Pavilion, and I have to send it back to him later."

As Kong Ning said this, he put his hands on the lid of the wooden box.

Going to close the lid.

The books lying quietly in the box are beautifully packaged, and they are worth a lot of money at first glance.

Fortunately, there are no pictures and texts on the cover, and no one knows what is inside.

This box of books was originally hidden in the utility room, intending to find a chance to get it out, but Kong Ning was getting more and more busy later, and almost forgot about it.

Now being carried out from the corner by Wan'er, looking at the beautifully sealed book pages, Kong Ning's hand gave her a slight pause.

In today's family, no one likes to read this kind of book.

These books, of course, have no meaning left behind.

After closing the lid of the box, Kong Ning said calmly, "I'll return this book to Scholar Yu later."

As he spoke, he raised his head, only to see Wan'er looking at him in surprise and worry.

It looks a little weird.

Kong Ning was slightly taken aback, a little confused: "Wan'er? What's wrong?"

Kong Ning was very puzzled.

In the room full of sundries, the girl in white looked at Kong Ning in panic, a little at a loss.

"Ning Butou, are you...are you alright?" Wan'er was worried and flustered.

The man opposite her had a surprised expression and smiled in surprise: "Me? I'm fine? What's wrong?"

Sunshine came in through the window and fell on the man.

The line that slipped from the corner of his eyes was wet and shone slightly.

However, he didn't seem to notice it.

He just looked at the girl in front of him with a puzzled expression, expressing his incomprehension.

But the sad tears had already flowed down his face and merged into a shallow river.



In the end, the box of books was returned to Shusheng Yu from Dianyu Pavilion.

In this day and age, books are expensive things.

Not to mention this box of beautifully sealed forbidden books.

Kong Ning took the initiative to send the book back, Yu Shusheng was overjoyed, but he still wanted to be polite.

But after Kong Ning made it clear that he was going on a long trip tomorrow and it was inconvenient to take these books with him, Yu Shusheng reluctantly accepted them.

He also said that he was just keeping it for Kong Ning, and that he would come to pick it up anytime when Kong Ning came back.

After returning the box of books, Kong Ning went directly to Chunfeng Tower.

He has already scattered all the things in the house, and gave all of them to his acquaintances in the neighborhood so as not to waste them.

Now his home in Huaishu Lane is completely bare and nothing is left.

Knowing that he was leaving tomorrow, the group of colleagues in the yamen all ran over, no matter what, they wanted to treat Kong Ning to a last drink.

Unlike those residents in the city who fear and appreciate Kong Ning, these colleagues in the yamen can still maintain their old appearance in front of Kong Ning, and will not appear too cramped.

This gave Kong Ning some comfort in his heart.So he agreed to their invitation and went to Chunfenglou to gather for the last time.

Kong Ning knew in his heart that if he left this time, he probably wouldn't come back in the future.

It is also a kind of farewell to have a last meal of flower wine with these old friends.

During the banquet, the atmosphere was lively. Although all the arresters were a little cramped at first, after drinking high, they resumed their usual indulgence.

The laughter kept coming.

Kong Ning, who was sitting in the middle, was infected and had more smiles on his face.

And because of Kong Ning's face, the hottest girls in Chunfeng Building all came to accompany the wine tonight.

This makes you very happy.

Although they are all frequent visitors here, it is not always possible to invite the leading girl.

Not to mention that it was the first time for these arresters to gather these top girls at a banquet, so they were all happy and ecstatic, playing very indulgently.

During the banquet, there were staggered toasts, the melodious sound of silk and bamboo, and the atmosphere was warm.

Kong Ning sat in the middle, chatting with everyone, with a bright smile.

It's just that he looked at the beautiful girls at the banquet for a while, but suddenly became curious.

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