"This boring hunting game is coming to an end. It seems that the Don Quixote family without Doflamingo is indeed not in danger."

At the same time, after the Don Quixote family entered the reef area, naval warships hiding behind the islands near this area appeared one after another, and surrounded the reef area from all directions.

This is an ambush circle prepared by Lieutenant General Crane three days ago, and he chased him all the way, but led them to this position without the Don Quixote family cadres being aware of it.

Next, Lieutenant General He didn't even need to take action at all. The warships surrounded from all directions only needed a few rounds of salvos to blast this Don Quixote family's pirate ship into the sea.

"It's over, Don Quixote family!"

When Lieutenant General Crane said something calmly, the cadres on the Don Quixote pirate ship also discovered the warships surrounded from all directions.

In the submerged reef area, even with the betta and half-merman Delinger guiding them underwater, the speed of the pirate ship is extremely slow, and there is no way to escape the encirclement before the warships encircle them.

And once the naval warships were encircled, they would simply be unable to resist the shells falling from all directions.

"It's over!"

All of a sudden, the faces of these Don Quixote families showed gray expressions.

Under the desperate expressions of the cadres of the Don Quixote family, the surrounding naval warships quickly completed the encirclement outside the reef area.


With the order from the phone bugs of all the warships, the naval warships forming the encirclement network fired salvos of artillery shells.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shells that hit from all directions made it difficult for the cadres of the Don Quixote family who were trapped in the reef area to resist.

However, their physical strength was also rapidly consumed in the process of resisting the shells.

"The journey is coming to an end!"

Almost all the cadres of the Don Quixote family have such an idea, knowing that there is almost no possibility of escape in this desperate situation.


Accompanied by the second round of warship salvo, just when many cadres of the Don Quixote family were about to give up resistance and try the possibility of escape.


An exaggerated transparent flying slash suddenly crossed the sky, and in just a moment, almost all the shells turned into fireworks and bloomed in mid-air, failing to cause the slightest damage to the Don Quixote family pirate ship.


"Where did the Flying Slash come from?"

"Enemy attack?"

Just when many cadres of the navy and the Don Quixote family fell into a certain degree of confusion because of this exaggerated flying slash.

At the edge of the reef area, there was an inconspicuous figure standing on the reef, and the exaggerated scythe raised high gradually attracted the attention of the officials of the Don Quixote family.

The next moment, under the horrified eyes of the Don Quixote family cadres, the exaggerated scythe was swung down, and the huge flying slash was released, cutting everything along the way, and flying from the sea in an instant. One side of the thief boat slid past, almost running through the entire reef area.

"What are you still doing in a daze, sail towards me."

With the sound of a voice, many Don Quixote families hurriedly drove the pirate ship out of that flying slash, as if they had just woken up from a dream, and escaped by a route without any hidden reefs.

"Who is that?"

Lieutenant General He looked at the small black spot at the end of his line of sight from a distance, never expecting such a change in the Beihai area, so he quickly took the telescope and looked in that direction again.

The next moment, an extremely exaggerated figure exuding the aura of a beast came into Lieutenant General He's eyes.

However, what shocked Lieutenant General He the most was his facial features...


Although the appearance is very different from the past, the facial features are exactly what Corazon looks like.

"What's going on? Corazon is obviously a 'silent fruit' ability user, what's going on with this exaggerated appearance like an animal-type ability user?"

Lieutenant General He frowned deeply, never expecting such a scene to happen.

"Quickly, open up a route and catch up!" Lieutenant General He hesitated for a moment, and quickly ordered.

And Gion, who was waiting in full force, opened his mouth and said. "Sister He, how about I stop the Don Quixote family first?"

Lieutenant General Crane thought for a moment, and out of confidence in Gion's strength, he nodded in agreement. "Be careful, Corazon's current state is not quite right."

"I understand."

The next moment, Gion quickly turned over and left the warship, and then a pair of slender legs borrowed strength from many reefs exposed above the sea, and quickly moved towards the direction of the Don Quixote family pirate ship like a sensitive rabbit chase after.

"Lieutenant Colonel Rossindi..."

As Gion also saw Corazon's current appearance clearly, he was slightly surprised and vigilant, and shouted.

"What are you doing? Why are you helping the pirates escape, and where have you disappeared all this time?"

Looking at the beautiful and heroic Gion in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Corazon's mouth subconsciously.

After all, the person in front of him is likely to become his sister-in-law in the future, and Corazon naturally has a high degree of affection for Gion.

But soon, Corazon reacted, restrained his expression, put the exaggerated sickle in his right hand on his shoulder, and said calmly.

"Sorry, my position now is the Don Quixote family, not the navy."


Chapter 136 The New Don Quixote Family


Immediately, Gion, who is the second generation of the Genzhengmiao Red Navy, became completely angry. With a flash of the "Famous Sword, Jinpira" in his hand, a golden flying slash shot towards Corazon from far away. past.

Subconsciously, Corazon instinctively wanted to fight back, but the movement of fighting back was abruptly stopped.

Corazon has only mastered the ability of "Holy Weeping Mantis" for a few days now, and Corazon is still in a state of not being able to fully control his own power.

'What if I accidentally hurt Gion? '

Corazon hesitated.

It doesn't matter that Yann's heart hurts, the main thing is that Corazon is afraid that Gion will not recognize him as a brother after he really married Yann, what should I do?

With the death of Doflamingo, Corazon now cares more and more about family and family.

Although Yan and Corazon have no real blood relationship, Corazon has always treated Yan as his own brother.

While Corazon was hesitating, that golden flying slash came crashing down and landed on Corazon's chest.

However, what surprised Gion was that the flying slash that he was extremely confident hit on Corazon's chest. Except for a hole in his clothes, Corazon himself did not shake. Just a moment, let alone bleeding.

"how is this possible?!"

Gion's beautiful eyes widened, the galloping figure paused, and stood on a rock, his eyes fixed, all his attention was focused on the beast-like man in front of him.

"One Sword Style Vira Breath Cut!"

In the next moment, with the sheathed "Golden Sword" shining brightly, a huge and exaggerated golden flying slash split the sea and hit Corazon directly.

Facing this exaggerated flying slash, Corazon couldn't help but become serious.

At the moment when this flying slash approached Corazon, the exaggerated scythe on Corazon's shoulder moved, like a crescent moon, bombarding that flying slash from below.


In the midst of a huge roar, the flying slash slashed by Gion with all his strength was blasted directly into the sky by Corazon in the inconceivable eyes of Gion.

"What a nice attack!"

Corazon, who was deeply afraid of causing a bad blow to his future sister-in-law, did not forget to praise her.

However, what Corazon said made Gion deeply feel the gap between the two sides.

It was obvious that Corazon was holding two sickles in both hands, but he swung one of the sickles lightly, and blasted the Flying Slash that Gion released with all his strength towards the sky.

This is... an obvious gap!

If during the battle with Doflamingo, Gion could also perceive that there is still a certain gap between his own combat power and Doflamingo, then facing Corazon at this moment, Gion has produced an absence A layered feel.


Gion murmured.

This level-like gap gave Gion the feeling that Corazon's strength had already reached the level of a general.


Corazon waved his hand towards the stopped Gion, jumped onto Don Quixote's pirate ship, and left with the pirate ship.

A moment later, when Gion returned to the battleship and expressed her feelings, Lieutenant General Tsuru's expression was completely solemn.

"The Don Quixote family, the former Tianlongren family, are really troublesome! Doflamingo is dead, but now it is Rossindi who has become a big trouble?"


At the same time, there is a tense atmosphere on the pirate ship of the Don Quixote family at the moment.

All the cadres of the Don Quixote family looked at Corazon who was like a beast in front of them, and they were all ready to attack at any time.

But Virgo, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family, now showed a cruel smile on his expressionless face, and said.

"Traitor, I was thinking about where to find you and avenge the young master, but I didn't expect you to come to my door on my own initiative."


Corazon smiled disdainfully and said. "Don't forget, this is the pirate ship of the Don Quixote family, and I am Don Quixote."

"It's ridiculous, do you, a traitor, still want to inherit the Don Quixote family?" Virgo asked disdainfully.

"Of course not, I want to create a new Don Quixote family."

Corazon glanced at the cadres in front of him and said.

"From now on, I will be the captain of the Don Quixote Pirates. As your brother's old department, I will give you the opportunity to join."

"Just you?"

While speaking, Virgo walked towards Corazon step by step, and his whole body began to be covered with a strong armed domineering look.

Among Doflamingo's many subordinates in the past, Virgo, who simply compares combat power and is proficient in armed domineering and various physical skills, is the strongest, comparable to the elite lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters.

"In the past, the young master just thought of brotherhood, so he accepted you into the family and let you take the position of the highest cadre. Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a traitor in the end, and now you still want to lead the Don Quixote family. ?”

Looking at Virgo, whose whole body was covered with armed domineering aura, and his aura was astonishing, Corazon didn't talk nonsense, and the sickle on his shoulder instantly fell under his command.

The speed was so fast that Virgo didn't react at all!


Under the horrifying gazes of the rest of the Don Quixote family cadres, Virgo, who had always relied on his full body armor and domineering arrogance, was directly torn apart by this blow.

"Vergo, you are already a remnant of the old era, and the new Don Quixote family does not need you!"

Corazon's calm voice made many officials of the Don Quixote family subconsciously swallow their saliva, but they also saw the shadow of Doflamingo in it.

More importantly... strong!

The instant-killing Virgo power shown by Corazon almost instantly convinced the rest of the Don Quixote family cadres.

"Meet the young master!"

The surrounding officials of the Don Quixote family knelt down one after another.

Corazon took a deep breath, glanced at the cadres in front of him, and said immediately.

"The goal of the voyage, the great route, no need to stop in the North Sea."

"Yes, my lord."

As the cadres of the Don Quixote family washed the pirate ship, and the Don Quixote family, which changed the shape of the pirate ship to the characteristics of a praying mantis, seemed to be reborn, and rushed towards the direction of the great route.

In the captain's room, the state of "Holy Weeping Mantis" was released, and Corazon, who was wearing a black feather coat, was using the ability of "Silence Fruit" to block out the sound, and was communicating with someone with the phone bug.

"Yan, the new Don Quixote family has been successfully established."


Chapter 137 The First Five-Year Plan of the Revolutionary Army

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