Of course, the lazy personality is also one of the reasons.

However, the things that Ian had worried and worried about for many years finally happened, and he even accidentally participated in it.

This is also why Ian is concerned about joining the navy and occupying a high position. The closer he is to the high-level position of the navy, the more restrictions he will be subject to by the world government. If he is assigned or assisted by the world government, those reluctant things may be done. sex is greater.

Massacres of civilians, capture of slaves, protection of the Draconians, etc., are all things that Ion is extremely resistant to.

For a while, Ion couldn't help but sighed inwardly. "It's really uncomfortable..."

"What's wrong!"

Suddenly, Kuzan appeared in elemental form beside Ion and asked.

In the face of Kuzan's question, Yan's face quickly faded, and he said weakly. "I mean... I... vomit, seasick... seasick... vomit..."

Immediately, Ian ran frantically to the deck railing, facing the sea with a frenzied output.

This made Kuzan frown slightly, swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and asked.

"Yan, are you seasick?"


Ion sat down weakly and said with a pale face.

"I have been weak and frail since I was a child, so although my heart is righteous and I dream of inheriting the old man's will to become a glorious navy, the conditions do not allow it..."

After a pause, Ion took a few weak breaths, as if to suppress some uncomfortable feeling, and then continued.

"Now it seems that the most suitable way for me is to take up a civilian job in the navy. Alas, after all, I am not up to my expectations."

Kuzan asked in surprise and puzzlement.

"Shouldn't it be? Didn't the Warring States Generals teach you? After training your body to a certain extent, especially after learning to 'return your life', you can control every muscle on your body at will, and it is impossible to have a physiological reaction such as seasickness."

Yan's expression was distressed, and his tone was full of shame.

"It's too difficult. Except for my slight talent in the Navy Sixth Form, I only learned a little bit of fur, let alone learn the advanced skill of the Navy Sixth Form 'Life Return'."


Kuzan was a little speechless for a while, and even wondered if Sengoku made a mistake.

What kind of combat power can a person who is seasick, seasick, and has no complete grasp of the six naval styles?


Kuzan suddenly remembered the terrifying speed that Yanna suddenly showed when he was in the office, as well as the unknown special movement skills.

'It's not pretending, is it? '

Kuzan couldn't help but look suspiciously at Yon.

It's just that Kuzan looked at Yen's face pale and weak, and he might have to frantically output a meal to the sea at any time, so he dispelled the idea of ​​questioning Yen.

No matter what, Ion is the son of the Warring States period, and this identity can dispel many unnecessary doubts.

Even if Ion has any secrets, it is natural that Sengoku is responsible.

Immediately, Kuzan called two navy soldiers and helped Ion back to his room to rest.

And as the two navy soldiers closed the door, Ion, who was lying on the bed, instantly returned to his normal blood.

Kuzan is right, after learning the "return of life" that can control every muscle in the body, it is completely impossible to have physiological reactions such as seasickness.

But on the other hand, if you learn to "return your life", you can naturally think about seasickness and seasickness.

"Huh, I finally got rid of the trouble of Kuzan for the time being..."

"Kuzan in this period is really troublesome, full of passion, far from the lazy character of the future, who will open one eye and close one eye to many things."

"The old man thinks beautifully, and wants me to make a contribution in the 'Slaying Demon Order' action?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I just lie down and do nothing, I don't believe it anyway."

As for escaping when Kuzan wasn't paying attention, it's not that Ion didn't have the idea, but Ion understood that it was almost impossible.

Here... is the sea!

And Ion knew very well that these ten naval battleships were guarded by five lieutenant admirals of the naval headquarters, two of which were future admirals "Akainu" Sakaski and "Aokiji" Kuzan.

In this case, Ion didn't even consider taking the risk.

"Just lie down, um, lie flat..."


Sailing on the sea, boring is the eternal theme.

And yet to officially join the navy, Ion, who is still a civilian in a sense, has no responsibilities and tasks at all. He just needs to lie in his room obediently every day to recuperate.

During this period, Kuzan also visited Ion several times, and wanted to have a conversation with Ion about "justice".

It's just that Ion looked seasick and half-dead, which really made Kuzan unable to speak, so he had to leave angrily.


'Ah, anyway, I just lie down and play, but I won't get up. '

'When the old man is not around, I pretend to be sick, what can you do with me, Kuzan? '

'Dedication... cut...'

Ion manipulated pieces of "cherry blossoms" to dance continuously in the room. Between gathering and separation, he formed various lifelike images while exercising his manipulation ability, while muttering leisurely.

Just when Ion thought that today would pass peacefully again, Kuzan, who had not appeared after a few days, approached the room again.


Ian felt a little strange, but in the blink of an eye, the "cherry blossoms" that were dancing in the room quickly folded into a soul-killing sword and returned to the scabbard.

"Dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The pale Ion said weakly.

The door was opened, and today Kuzan's expression was full of passion compared to the past, but it was particularly calm and low, like an iceberg.

"Yon, after so long a break, you should get up, O'Hara is here."

As Kuzan's voice fell, the sailing naval warship gradually stopped.


Chapter 11 Demon Slayer Order

This time, Kuzan's attitude was particularly resolute. Even if Ion repeatedly expressed that he was not feeling well and had difficulty getting up, Kuzan still did not give up.

"Yan, this is the order of the Warring States General, please don't make it difficult for me." Kuzan said coldly, his attitude was completely different from the past.

Ian frowned slightly, feeling that Kuzan seemed...not in a good mood, and even that gesture seemed to be more refusal, and he was going to use force.

Ion, who knew that he couldn't refuse, so he could only accept such a truth, slowly got up from the bed and said.

"Since that's the case, then I'll do it myself."

"Well, let's go."

Kuzan nodded, and he didn't seem to be very anxious, but slowly walked towards the deck with Ion.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, you seem to have something on your mind," Yan asked.

After a slight silence, Kuzan said.

"I just learned that a friend of mine betrayed the navy and betrayed the justice we have always guarded in the past."

Vaguely, Ion guessed who Kuzan was talking about as a friend.

Harguvar D. Sauro!

A vice admiral who agreed with Ku is still quite famous in the navy because of his sense of justice and his optimistic and cheerful personality.

At the same time, he is also an important figure in the upcoming "O'Hara Incident". With pure empathy, he took the initiative to leave the Navy and try to save a giant in O'Hara.

In every sense, both physically and mentally, this is a giant.

In order to save others, he is willing to abandon everything he has insisted on in the past, and even sacrifices his own life without hesitation. Haguvar d. Sauro is such a giant!

"is it?"

Ion's tone was also a little low, and after a moment of silence, he continued.

"Although I don't know who Lieutenant General Kuzan is referring to, but the other party can be called Lieutenant General Kuzan's friend, so he must be a man with a similar character to Lieutenant General Kuzan, maybe he did not betray justice, Instead, have you been pursuing your own justice?"

Kuzan's footsteps stopped, his eyes hidden behind the sunglasses narrowed, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Yan.

It's just that Ion is still pale and weak, as if the profound words just now were said unintentionally.

Facing Kuzan's gaze, Ion said with a big smile with difficulty. "Lieutenant General Kuzan, isn't it?"


Kuzan replied in a low and calm voice.

Immediately afterwards, Kuzan didn't say a word, and took Ion all the way to the deck.

Ion, who had been in the room for an unknown number of years, was irritated by the long-lost sunlight, and subconsciously narrowed his eyes uncomfortably.

At this moment, the sirens on the battleship sounded everywhere, as if they had received some important orders, and many naval officers and soldiers took their places as if they had expected it.

"Devil Slaughtering Order, it's starting." Kuzan said calmly.

The next moment, the roar of artillery bombardment sounded incessantly.

"Bang bang bang..."

As Ian gradually adapted to the sun and regained his sight, countless shells almost covered the entire sky like dense raindrops, and then fell on the area in front of him, which looked beautiful and peaceful. In the center stood a 5000-year-old On the island of the Tree of Omniscience.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless artillery shells exploded on the island of O'Hara, and almost in the blink of an eye, this beautiful island was plunged into smoke and fire.

"Yon, do you know the Demon Killing Order?" Kuzan asked.

Ion's eyes reflected the fire that was gradually dyeing on O'Hara Island, and he replied with a blank expression. "Know."

As if to explain to Ion, as if to convince something, Kuzan said calmly.

"This island is O'Hara, known as the 'Holy Land of Archaeology'. It is famous all over the world. It was originally a respected island. It's a pity that the scholars on the island violated the taboos of the world government and studied privately. An ancient weapon that can destroy the world."

"It is precisely because of this serious crime that, in order to avoid the spread of this evil thought, causing chaos in the entire sea, the World Government had to use the Demon Slaughter Order to completely kill this evil thought here."

Ion nodded expressionlessly, but did not speak.

In fact, according to the memory of his previous life, Ion knew very well that the scholars of O'Hara just wanted to explore the "blank 100 years" purely.

As for the crime of studying ancient weapons, when the World Government charged O'Hara with this crime, in fact, O'Hara had better have ancient weapons, otherwise it would only be the end in front of him.

'It's a very familiar sense of sight...'

With a heavy heart, Ion sighed inwardly.

'However, the hegemony of the World Government is like this. Even though it is just an alliance of less than [-] countries, the name 'World Government' is enough to demonstrate its hegemony. '

'Unfortunately, O'Hara's scholars are devoted to academic research, but they do not understand the power of the World Government. '

'It's just that the world government will not allow such thoughts and practices that may shake its hegemony and rule to appear, so that the entire island of O'Hara will be destroyed under the cannon fire of the slaughtering order. '

Just as Ion's eyes reflected the flames burning above O'Hara and fell into contemplation, a huge body rushed out from the raging flames ignited by O'Hara.

"Sauro?! Why is he here?" Kuzan said in disbelief.

Even though the current Sauro is very different from the majestic appearance of the Vice Admiral in the past, looking ragged, disheveled and embarrassed, Kuzan still recognized him at a glance.

"Bang bang bang!"

With the appearance of Sauro's huge body, the naval soldiers on the warship subconsciously turned the turret to aim at Sauro, and a large number of shells fell towards Sauro.

In the face of the attack of a large number of shells, Sauro's footsteps did not stop at all, his hands clasped together as if to protect something, and he forcibly moved forward against the violent explosion.

However, even with the incomparable giant physique of Sauro, it was still unbearable under the shelling of a large number of naval warships.

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