"If you intend to destroy human beings, the old man can't turn a blind eye..."

"Master Yaen, you really... you really haven't changed..."

"I said Ian, if you told me from the beginning that the purpose was to end the world government, there was no need to sneak attack and tie me and Mihawk."

"Shut up, Shanks, you idiot!"


For a while, as one after another the top powerhouses of the sea appeared, the creators who used to control the direction of the sea as the five old stars looked extremely ugly.

How could this be?

It is obvious that the internal power of human beings has been continuously consumed all the time, and there are many contradictions among the top powerhouses. How could it be possible to appear in Marin Fando in this form.

Not only the top well-known powerhouses in the sea, but also in the air gates where the revolutionary army powerhouses continuously appeared, there were also groups of special warriors covered in exoskeleton armor and equipped with a large number of weapons. Legion.

"You gentlemen..."

Yan closed his eyes slightly, and immediately said loudly.

"This is a war that cannot be retreated. What is behind us is not wealth, glory, or status, but the entire sea!"

"If we don't fight, then our descendants, the rest of our countrymen, our kin and partners, everything we love and everything that loves us will be involved in this never-ending war..."

"So whether it is to defend the freedom of mankind, or to overthrow the world government that has oppressed the sea for countless years, or to enjoy the warm and bright sunshine again for everything I love and everything that loves me..."

"No matter how high the price is, I am determined to fight until I win!"

As the passionate and firm words spread throughout Marin Vanduo, almost all human beings felt an unprecedented resonance.

"Fight until complete victory!!!"

Suddenly, everyone roared in unison, and attacked the nineteen world government creators in front of them, each of whom was extremely terrifying!

Chapter 827 Im's True Face

, I don’t want to be a general, I choose Buddhism

war! ! !


At this moment, the human group that has gathered more than [-]% of the top powerhouses in the sea is launching a war of death against the creators of the world government!

And the scientific and technological forces that belong to this era are also bursting with their strongest power. Countless "pacifists" are constantly firing "lasers" one after another. The exoskeleton armor is constantly releasing "lightning strikes".

In the interweaving of countless flashes and thunder and lightning, the creators who had a feeling of trembling for the first time in thousands of years also burst out with all their power!

Almost more than half of the creators have grown in size rapidly, showing a posture that is enough to destroy the world just like the mythical creatures of the mythical beasts.

The huge golden ape that can overturn the island, the giant snake that hovers over the sky and the sun, and the big tengu that spreads its wings and triggers a storm that destroys the world...

No, in other words, the countless legends of the mythical beasts circulating in the sea are not necessarily derived from these former creators.

However, the human powerhouses who have fully made up their minds at this moment did not flinch at all, and attacked the creators almost as if they were determined to die.

The strong wind tore through the sky, ice cubes and black soil collided on the sea surface, black flames burned in the air, and the vibrating force tore everything apart. Countless terrifying bodies launched the most primitive and violent fight!

Almost all the time, the powerful men known to the sea are dying out, and the "pacifists" and the exoskeleton armored corps of the revolutionary army are falling in batches.

It's just that more and more revolutionary army troops are joining in the air door that has been maintained.

Just like the declaration made by Ion, no matter what the cost, we must fight until we are completely victorious.

Therefore, after Dorag initially stabilized the situation in the sea, it almost completely turned the power of the entire huge organization, and a large number of materials were continuously produced, and then continuously put into the battlefield.

The revolutionary army has accumulated decades of scientific and technological strength, and has completely transformed all kinds of weapons to appear on the battlefield with a roar that cannot be ignored.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Almost in an instant, Marlin Vandor, which once represented the "justice of the sea", collapsed completely, and then under the influence of Kuzan and Fumoru's respective powers of manipulating the ice and land, an almost A super-large battlefield within a hundred miles.


However, Ion did not directly join the battlefield of Marin Vando, but quietly appeared in Marin Vando on the top of the red earth continent.

The power of the nineteen world government creators is quite terrifying, and the power of each one is enough to destroy the sea, comparable to or even suppressing Whitebeard, who is known as "the strongest man in the sea".

It's just that Ian's real gaze has never been fixed on the nineteen world government creators from the beginning to the end, but has been paying attention to that one... Lord Im!

Im... is the existence that truly hides behind the creators!

And as Ian arrived at the holy land of Maryjoa, the once holy and pure white city of Pangu was almost completely stained with blood, and countless wreckage and broken limbs were scattered, which looked like a purgatory on earth.

Even though Ian had already witnessed this scene through Lu Qi's line of sight in advance, but as the strong bloody smell rushed into his nose, Ian's brows could not help but wrinkle.

Immediately after, Ian's eyes turned, and he easily found the only area in Pancheng that was not infected with blood, and then strode into it.

As he walked through the long passage, a beautiful garden that seemed to exist only in fairy tales appeared in front of Ion.

"Is this the 'between flowers'?"

Ian said calmly, but he was always on the alert with his domineering look and body.

Suddenly, a somewhat clear and seemingly undisturbed goddess rang out. At the end of the flowers, a more concise figure dressed in a similar to Tianlong costume appeared in the line of sight of Yan. middle.


Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the woman in front of him who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, with blond hair hanging loose, wearing a crown, and her facial features and figure seemed to be a perfect creation like a godsend.

perfect, noble...

Even with Yann's eyes, he still couldn't find any flaws and deficiencies in the woman in front of him.

"Are you Tefimer Ion?"

Im's voice was still without the slightest fluctuation. "You appear here, does it mean that my nineteen servants have been killed by you?"

Ion replied calmly. "Not yet, but it's almost there."

Immediately, Im's red pupils looked at Ion and said slowly.

"As a human being, you are the most outstanding existence I have ever seen, not only in the weakness of human beings, but also in your thoughts, far beyond this era, those servants will lose to you, I Not surprisingly."

"In that case, how about giving up control of humans?" Ion asked bluntly.


Im, with a perfect appearance, refused Ion without any hesitation, and said instead.

"Sure enough, humans are all arrogant. Do you think you have an equal status with me just by defeating a few servants? You are not qualified to make any requests and conditions to me."

After a pause, Im continued.

"The greatest respect I can give you as a human being is to make you my new servant, to fulfill my will to control the world on my behalf, how about that?"

"Sure enough, things won't be so simple. If it can be solved only by relying on verbal communication, just take it..."

Ion sighed helplessly, and then without hesitation, he released both "Swastika · Zunhuo Taidao" and "Swastika · Great Red Lotus Ice Rinwan" at the same time.

This... is also the strongest state of combat power that Yen can play when he has attributed all the soul-killing knives that can be eliminated, such as Qianben Sakura, Sparrow Bee, Qingchong, etc.

The extreme cold and hot eruption caused all the plants between the flowers to wither in an instant.

The next moment, Yen, holding the "Remnant Fire Sword" and "Da Red Lotus Ice Wheel Maru" in both hands, flashed in front of Yi Mu, and the ultimate power fell towards Yi Mu without any hesitation.

However, Ion was greeted by those two pairs of small hands whose skin seemed to be shattered by bullets.


During the collision, the power of "Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill" and "Remnant Fire Sword" was completely released, and between the aftermath, all the buildings in the Holy Land Mariejoa on the Red Earth Continent were instantly burned, and the Red Earth Continent itself was covered strangely. A thick layer of frost.

Chapter 828 Nika's Apology

, I don’t want to be a general, I choose Buddhism


Ion's pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes were a little shocked as he watched Im easily grabbing the fingers of "Remnant Fire Taito" and "Big Red Lotus Hirinmaru".

The extreme high temperature of 500 million degrees and the severe cold of absolute zero were not affected at all?

"Your expression... seems surprised?"

Im's voice said calmly. "You haven't reached the 'Final Island' Ralph Drew, have you?"

Hearing the name "Island of the End" Ralph Drew again, Ion's expression froze.

"If you've been to Love Drew, you shouldn't be surprised by the result."


At the same time, in front of Ralph Drew's stone tablet that recorded a large amount of text, as Sora interpreted and read the contents above, the expressions of the Straw Hats almost showed an unprecedented astonishment.

"Many years ago, I and another giant tree took root in this sea, and were named by the world as 'Treasure Tree Adam' and 'Sun Tree Eve', which stabilized the two continents and provided countless creatures. A habitation land..."

"Until one day, I met Eve who was on the other side of the sea deep underground. As if by fate, the encounter between me and Eve made both me and Eve conscious, and it also happened to me and Eve. The devil fruit tree was born in the ground where Eve met."

"Since then, Eve and I have produced images representing human beings. My name is 'Nika', and Adam's is called 'Im'. We all tell each other stories about the other side of the sea..."

"Finally, one day I was born with the earliest heart yearning for freedom in this world. I am no longer willing to stay rooted in the soil..."

"In order to change all of this, I absorbed the Devil Fruit called 'Animal, Human Fruit, Illusory Beast, Sun God Form', and then ended my life as 'Treasure Tree Adam' through the fruit's ability."

"In addition to leaving a large number of tree branches to stabilize the continent, I completely entrusted all my consciousness to the devil fruit of 'animal system, human fruit, phantom beast, sun god form', and then began the most Wonderful free adventure."

"It is also because every new 'animal system · human fruit · phantom beast species · sun god form" ability user will be affected by my consciousness, instinctively produce a heart yearning for freedom, and also affect more Human beings have the same free will, and strive to pursue their own lives and dreams..."

"However, what I didn't expect was that after losing my company, Im believed that the reason why I would perish was entirely because of human desires affecting me."

"Therefore, Yimu, one of the roots of the Devil Fruit Tree, directly chose to absorb and control the Devil Fruit Tree, causing countless Devil Fruits to flow into the sea. At the same time, Yimu also collected a large number of Eudemons Devil Fruit to instill himself. Will, let those who use the magical beast devil fruit for the first time become the servants of Im!"

"Those servants of Eudemons controlled by Yimu are not so much human beings, but they are just carriers of the will of Eudemons Devil Fruits, under the influence of Yimu, they are transformed into real Eudemons monsters. Start destroying humanity continuously."

"The war that has been going on for countless years began from this, but in the end... Humanity was defeated, and the two continents even broke apart into countless pieces during the war."

"After that, countless human beings became captive slaves, Yimu extracted a large number of bloodline factors from the devil fruit and integrated them into humans, trying to create a pure biological race that conformed to Yimu's fantasy to completely replace humans to accompany her. ."

"Humans... have also been resisting constantly. In the name of freedom, they have launched countless counterattacks, destroying one after another Eudemons creature."

"In the end, as the number of phantom beasts dropped to a certain level, my consciousness was awakened by a man named Joey Boy, and I assisted Joey Boyle to establish a brand new huge kingdom, gathering all possibilities Gathering forces, trying to completely defeat Im, and restore the freedom and peace that this sea should have..."

"It's just that, in the case of Im personally making a move, Joyboy, who had wrongly predicted the power that Im possessed, failed, and Ralph Drew, the capital of the country, was even sunk into the depths of the sea..."

"In order to record all this, I have left the historical text, and I have also retained Ralph Drew in the depths of the ground through the last force. I hope that the later generations can know the historical truth of the human past and know the only way to defeat Im. Not the human body that killed her!"

"In a sense, Yimu's human body is the collection of the will of 'Yangshu Eve' for countless years, and even in a sense, it is already the collection of the will of this sea, it is almost impossible to rely on power to destroy Yimu's will. The only way to forcibly destroy the human body is to destroy the body of the 'Sun Tree Eve' and cut off the root of Im's connection between the world and the devil fruit tree..."

"In addition, I have left in the sea ancient weapons 'Pluto Pluto' and 'Sea King Poseidon' that can be used against 'Yangshu Eve', as well as the 'Urano' which is preserved in Ralph Drew s'."

"If the 'king of heaven Uranus' needs to use it, the only way is to eat the descendant of free will who once lived on my side of the continent with the name 'd' to eat the 'animals · human fruits · phantom beasts "Sun God Form'."

"This is the greatest and last treasure I have left for all mankind, and I also express my apologies to all mankind."

When Sora read it to the end, the entire Straw Hat gang was almost completely stunned!

The so-called "one piece" is actually such a thing. In a sense, this is indeed the greatest treasure in the entire history of mankind, but it is undoubtedly the biggest joke for individuals.

And Sora's expression also seemed extremely solemn, said.

"Animal system, human fruit, phantom beast, sun god form, I have never heard of this devil fruit, how to use 'Tianwang Uranos'?"

It was at this moment that since seeing the huge stone tablet in front of him, Luffy, who had always maintained a sluggish expression, suddenly turned around, his hair gradually turned pure white, and the flames like the sun began to wrap around Luffy's body.

"That... Sora, the real name of the 'rubber fruit' after fully awakening seems to be 'animal type, human fruit, phantom beast, sun god form', or should be called 'Nika form'."

Luffy covered his chest with one hand, and spoke as if listening to something.

Chapter 829 The Collapsed Red Earth Continent

, I don’t want to be a general, I choose Buddhism


On the top of the red earth continent, the flames that burned everything and the frost that froze everything broke out at the same time, and the battle between Ion and Yim broke out completely.

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