'The Skeleton King? !Is that the name of this monster? '

It's just different from Tiqi's dignified, Brooke's heart is completely in a state of ignorance... ignorance.

"Old... how did the boss run away? Could it be that I was left alone to deal with this guy? Well... so scary, can I really do it?"

However, Brook's face with only bones left was naturally devoid of any expression, and did not reveal the slightest bit of his thoughts at all.

After all, before the battle between Ace and Tichy, Ian took Brook to watch the battle at high altitude, and he could clearly see the exaggerated and terrifying power of Tichy.

This guy is a real monster, a monster who can bring the entire island into darkness!

Brook could be said to be extremely unconfident, instinctively manipulating the breath of death to diffuse towards the surroundings to defend.

It's just that in the eyes of Tiqi, seeing the death breath released by Brook, everything has turned into a dead barren, and everything is weathering and disappearing.

"This is... what kind of terrifying ability?!"

"The things touched by the diffuse black breath are all weathered and disappeared, as if everything has become dry?"


Witnessing the ability of the "Skeleton King" once again this time, Tiqi was extremely shocked in his heart, but also... a little bit of ecstasy.

and many more……

This kind of ability doesn't seem to be much worse than "Zhenzhen Fruit". Just now, Badgers' armed domineering didn't produce the slightest defensive effect, and he was directly killed in seconds. A vision of death and desolation.

Suddenly, a bit of ambition and ecstasy surged in Tiqi's heart,

"I lost Ace, but if I can successfully capture this ability, then Lao Tzu's darkness will be even more invincible..."

Even Yann, who was locked by Tiqi's knowledgeable arrogance before, Tiqi has truly perceived that the other party has left the scope of his knowledgeable domineering.

"Mask bastard, dare to despise me like this, I will definitely make you regret..."

With this in mind, with the activation of the "Dark Fruit", a large swath of materialized darkness began to spread crazily towards the surroundings centered on Tiqi.

For a moment, in this island of Panama, which had just experienced the confrontation between the sun and the darkness, two completely different darkness began to surge.


Above the clouds over the island of Panama, there is a flying boat with a strange shape, which is somewhat similar to Enilo's "Ark Proverbs", but it relies on the wind generated by the propeller to maintain the airship in the air.

Yan brought Ace to the deck of the airship, and there were already several doctors waiting for him to treat Ace's injury immediately, and then planned to take Ace to the operating room.

"and many more……"

At this time, Ace, who had slowed down a little, struggled to forcefully stop the doctor's movements, and turned to Yan.

"Sir, I...I'm fine, but that guy Titch must not allow him to leave the island of Panama, he holds secrets that may cause chaos in the sea, and Titch is very strong, so he can't be careless, sir, it's best to do it yourself. "

Ion nodded, then spoke. "Don't worry, I don't intend to let Tiqi leave alive, I'm just letting the Skeleton King gain a little more combat experience for the upcoming plan."

Immediately, Yan nodded to the doctors, and the doctors quickly pushed Ace down for the next step of treatment.

On the other hand, Yan stood alone on the bow of the spaceship, overlooking the battle between Tiki and Brook below, and dialed Whitebeard's phone bug.

Whitebeard's bold and domineering voice rang from the phone bug.

"Ku la la la, it was you, not Ace, who took the initiative to contact me. It seems that Ace really lost the battle."

"Well, Ace is indeed not Tiki's opponent yet." Yann briefly answered the result.

"Don't underestimate Ace, Ace will surpass Lao Tzu sooner or later." White Beard said in an affirmative tone, without blaming or annoyed at Ace's defeat.

For this kind of father's confidence in his son, Yann responded noncommittally, and then spoke.

"Tichi, do you need to help you catch it?"

White Beard was silent for a moment, then spoke. "No need, just kill this guy who betrayed his companions and his family."

"up to you……"

Ion responded, and immediately spoke. "Then, it's time to abide by the previous agreement, Whitebeard."


Chapter 738 Devour Everything

How could Yaen keep ignoring Tiki?

It's just like Shanks has nothing to do with Tiki, if Ian wants to deal with Titch, unless the entire Whitebeard Pirates are destroyed together, otherwise before Titch reveals his true colors, Whitebeard is absolutely Outsiders are not allowed to kill his son.

Therefore, even if Ian had told Whitebeard that something was wrong with Titch, Whitebeard was just like a normal father, not having the slightest suspicion of Titch, and even said a few good words for Titch.

However, as long as Tikki has not really captured the ability to "shock the fruit", then in Yan's eyes, Tikki's threat is limited after all.

To a certain extent, "Dark Fruit" is only relatively restrained to those with fruit abilities, but it is a pity that Yan is not a person with abilities.

Even though Tikki has the potential to truly become the overlord of the sea in the future, but... Ian does not intend to give Tikki this chance.

Before the upcoming plan, Tiki is also one of the unexpected factors that Yann must rule out in advance.

"Ku la la la..."

And the domineering laughter of the white beard rang out, responding to Yaen and saying.

"I will abide by the agreement, and I also want to see how far you can do in the opportunities I created for you."

"Only this, don't worry..."

After Yan said calmly and confidently, the brief exchange between the two parties ended.

In fact, this exchange was just to confirm the status quo, and Whitebeard had already been informed of the specific agreed plan.


On the other side, the battle between Tiki and Brook is still going on, and two completely different darknesses are constantly colliding.

But what shocked Titch was the dark gravitational force of the "dark fruit", which can claim to make everything return to nothingness, but it is also dying in the face of the death breath escaping from Brook.

The mysterious and terrifying Skeleton Emperor didn't make any unnecessary movements during the whole battle, as if he didn't care about Tiqi's attack at all, and completely resisted the darkness released by Tiqi with the breath that escaped naturally from his body. .

Of course, the fact is that Brook didn't dare to move at all, and he was extremely nervous when he didn't move.

'Okay...what a scary guy...'

Vaguely, Brooke even felt that the bones of his face had turned pale with fright.

If it weren't for the breath of death that was constantly dispelling all the approaching darkness, Brook suspected that his bones would be ground into bone powder in an instant.

"That's... the power of time..."

Finally, Tiqi sensed the essence of Brook's power, and looked at the Skeleton Emperor not far away, who had not moved the slightest from beginning to end, as if he was taking a walk in the garden, his eyes were full of fear.

However, in the depths of the fear, there is a more extreme greed hidden.

Most of the usual time-related Devil Fruits are not aggressive, and they only change the age of the enemy under many conditions, and their role in real battles is quite limited.

And this is the first time Tiqi discovered that he possesses such a terrifying ability that can extremely speed up the passage of time and make everything die.

"This power... must be obtained!!!"


Tiqi's eyes were wide open, bloodshot, and he clapped his hands towards the ground again, and boundless darkness crazily emerged.

"Swallow everything, Dark Cave Road!"

Suddenly, wherever the darkness spread, everything was slowly swallowed by the darkness.

However, as long as all the darkness gets close to a certain range of Brook, it will be quickly dispelled under the action of the death breath.

However, Tiqi still didn't intend to stop at all, instead, he continued to accelerate the darkness to engulf everything.

After a while, the darkness suddenly stagnated, and then surged back in the direction of Tiqi, and then rose into the sky to cover the entire top of the island.

"No matter what ability you have, there is a limit, Skeleton Emperor, let me see if your ability limit can instantly melt half of the objects on the island!!"

The next moment, the darkness above Brook spewed out a large amount of matter that had just been swallowed!

For a moment, stones, houses, trees, etc. fell towards Brook like a waterfall.

The exaggerated scene made Brook's bone frame suddenly stiff, and he wanted to run away subconsciously.

However, after several days of indiscriminate bombardment by Perona, Brooke has completely carved a certain truth into his bones and soul.

When facing a real monster-like opponent, it is meaningless to run away at one's own speed. The only way to deal with it is to keep maintaining the "Skeleton Emperor"'s ability called "aging".

In an instant, seeing that he was about to be submerged by countless falling heavy objects, the powerful and terrifying Brook still didn't make any unnecessary movements, he didn't even lift his palms, but the breath of death lingering around his body rose several times again. point.

In the next moment, countless falling heavy objects came into contact with the breath of death, and then it seemed that tens of thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, withered, rotted, and weathered...

Looking at this scene, Tiqi was both shocked and greedy.

Sure enough... what a terrifying ability!

However, this ability will soon be mine!

While Tiqi maintained the material liberation, his hands were quietly and completely covered by darkness.

As a "Dark Fruit" ability user, Tichi can temporarily incapacitate the opponent by contacting the ability user itself, and Tichi can also absorb the damage caused by the enemy to himself by suffering double pain.

and so……

"Just a moment, as long as I can touch the Skeleton Emperor for a moment, the winner will belong to me..."

Tiki grinned his mouth, looked at the skull that was still looking up at Brooke, and saw the moment, his figure suddenly rushed towards Brooke, and the palm covered by darkness quickly stretched towards Brooke .

As for how serious the "death breath" would cause him, Tiqi could only gamble at this time, betting that he could reach out and touch the Skeleton Emperor before his endurance limit was reached.

But Brook, whose real strength was far from Tikki's, didn't notice Tikki's movements at all. When Brook looked down, Tikki, who couldn't stop laughing, was already close in front of him, and was about to approach the area filled with the breath of death.

"Thief hahaha, hand over your abilities..."

The next moment, as the "breath of death" began to act on Tiqi's body, the double pain hit almost instantly beyond Tiqi's imagination, but Tiqi's face was full of arrogance, madness, joy and endless Endless ambition.


Chapter 739 Almost... died

Although it is different from the "shocking fruit" originally envisioned by Tiqi, as long as it has the ability to "make everything age and die".

Then Tiqi can still make up for his serious lack of attack, so as to continue with the next step of the plan, and even directly confront Dad, and let Dad experience this feeling of instant aging and death, it seems that it is not...

It was at this time that Tiki stared and watched clearly as his fingers touched Brook's bones.


However, unlike the scene where the "breath of death" dissipated in an instant as Tichi expected, everything... seems to have not changed!

"Huh?" Brook looked down at his bones.


Tiki retreated crazily, and began to scream like a heart-piercing lung, his body began to age and disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye from his limbs.


And accompanied by Tiqi's screams in extreme pain, his eyes were almost completely turned white, and saliva flowed out of his mouth uncontrollably.

This is the double pain price of Tichi's "dark fruit", and as Tichi said, no matter what ability has a certain limit.

Therefore, as the damage that Tikki forcibly endured has exceeded his own limit, it also caused Tikki to suffer from pain far beyond the limit of human beings, and his body also began to age rapidly.

But Brook still hasn’t come back to his senses so far, his empty eyes stared at Tiqi lying on the ground in front of him and screamed until his voice was completely hoarse to the point where he couldn’t make any sound, and muttered to himself in a daze stand up.

"I... this wins?"

Suddenly, behind Brook, Ian's voice sounded.

"That's right, you won."


Brook stretched out his finger bones and scratched his skull without the demeanor of a skeleton emperor, and said. "But I obviously didn't do anything."

"As I said before, your special ability does not need to do any redundant things, but the more you do redundant things, the more flaws you will expose."

Yann warned Brook again, saying.

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