"Father's successors in Marlin Fando will delay you. Continue along the underground passage. Kong, Ying, at the end of the passage, there is a little gift of self-protection that father can prepare for you at the end and leave Marlin Fan. Lots of tools."

"Besides, Father loves you forever."

With the end of the last sentence, the image was finally frozen in Yan's warm smile, as if he wanted to leave a good impression in Kong and Ying's minds.


5Chapter 16 The official war (third update)


In an instant, Ying's crying could not help but echoed loudly in the underground passage.

"My lord father is indeed dead..."

"Woooooo, brother, we don't have an adult father anymore."

"How to do how to do?"


After receiving the last words left by Yan, Kong's expression also collapsed abnormally, and his heart, which could barely maintain his calm, became a mess.

What is the meaning of the words left by the father?

Could it be that Father's death was not as simple as a shipwreck?

That's right, it is absolutely impossible to be a shipwreck.

How could that idiot father die because of the so-called shipwreck?

Although he doesn't know how strong his father is, Sora gradually understands that Yan is definitely the top figure in this sea.

Was the father plotted against, or was he killed?

Did father expect to change something, tried to create a new era, and then died of failure?

As for the murderer, the information revealed in his father's words is tantamount to telling them to leave Marin Fando as soon as possible.

So...the enemy is the navy?Or a world government? !

Bloodshot eyes appeared in Kong's eye sockets, unprecedented sadness and anger filled his heart, he even vaguely felt that the whole world was moving away from him, and Ying's crying seemed to become faintly visible.

"No... calm down, calm down..."

Sora bit the tip of his tongue vigorously, panted heavily, tried to calm himself down, and muttered quickly.

"My lord father said that all pure anger is just incompetent rage. You must maintain a relatively calm at all times in order to turn anger into strength!"

Immediately, Kong dragged Ying quickly along the underground passage, while constantly analyzing the information revealed by Yan in his heart.

First of all, is the image fake?Was the underground passage not built by Father?

Moreover, part of what my father said seems to be in conflict with the status quo to a certain extent.

But one thing seems to be certain, the navy and the world government... cannot be trusted for the time being, and must keep a distance.

Just as Kong's heart was still in a mess, Kong and Ying soon reached the end of the underground passage.

"This is……"

Kong stared wide-eyed, looking at the things in front of him in disbelief, even Ying was subconsciously distracted by the things in front of him, temporarily forgot to cry.


At the same time, Yaen, who is used to keeping everything according to the worst plan, did not realize that the Marshal of the Warring States period would not be able to hide the news of his disappearance, and even let the news spread to Sora and Ying in the Naval Academy. , let Kong start the escape plan prepared for them in advance.

That escape plan was prepared by Yaen because of his accidental exposure of identity, and even the extremely bad situation of being besieged to death, in order to prevent the world government from liquidating Yaen's blood and putting Kong and Ying in danger of their lives .

"Hey, I said, Yaen, come and help me, go and move that big rock away..."

Yamato, whose image and temperament have gradually adapted to the identity of the boss, is constantly commanding the "Warriors of Ten Thousand Beasts" composed of remnants of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" to clean up the ruins of "Ogre Island", but he noticed Ion was looking up at the sky with depressed eyes.

And Yaen looked in the direction Yamato pointed, and suddenly found a half-collapsed hill on the ground.

The corner of Yan's mouth twitched, he took a sip of a cup of hot tea, and then replied calmly. "Can't move."

"Didn't you say that you are the top powerhouse in the sea? You can't move a single stone?" Yamato suddenly questioned again.

"My strength is not reflected in this aspect." Ion responded.

"Tsk, it's not reflected in this aspect, what else can it be?"

Yamato said contemptuously, and then yelled at Jack. "Jack, that rock, move it away."

"Yes, boss."

Jack responded uncomfortably, and then suddenly exerted his strength to lift the small half of the mountain alone, and walked towards the seaside step by step.

In this regard, Yaen's expression remained unmoved, and said in response to Yamato's gaze without the slightest change in expression. "People can't be compared in this way. Physical strength doesn't mean everything."

"For example?" Yamato asked in disbelief.

Yann took another sip of hot tea and replied. "Jack can never touch his own back."

In an instant, many pirates around who heard this sentence cast angry glances at Yaen, but quickly retracted their gazes.

And Yamato frowned slightly, and asked puzzledly. "Is it so difficult?"

Immediately, Yamato turned his hands back, straightened his chest, and touched his back.

Yann, who was standing on the side of Yamato, glanced away inadvertently, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. "It's really turbulent waves that can't be restrained by bandages..."

Immediately, Yan's expression straightened and he reminded.

"Yamato, stop playing, hurry up and clean up the ruins, find the treasures and a lot of weapons left by the 'Hundred Beasts Pirates', and don't stay in the 'Ogre Island' any longer."

"Don't forget, there is a possibility that the revolutionary army will turn back, and the whole 'Island of Ghosts' will become our grave."

When Yamato heard this, he nodded, and simply joined in the work of cleaning up the ruins himself.

After all, for Yamato, the "Warriors of the Thousand Beasts", which seems to be established on the bright side, there are indeed members.

However, there is no preparation for weapons and equipment, living supplies, operating funds, etc., so the only way is to look for the leftovers of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates".

And Yaen took another sip of hot tea, after warming up his body, he looked in the direction of the main island of "Wano Country" from afar.

'The war in Wano Country should have already started, right? '


At the same time, a war broke out in the Rabbit Bowl area between the Kuri area and the Hana City area in the "Wano Country". The navy in white uniforms and the revolutionary army in gray cloaks were fighting fiercely with each other.

It's just different from the war between the navy and the pirates. As a kind of regular army, the navy and the revolutionary army play a war sequence that is by no means pure blood and courage.

"Bang bang bang..."

In this Rabbit Bowl area dominated by wasteland landforms, the Navy rarely felt suppressed by firepower. A large number of members of the Revolutionary Army poured firepower into positions prepared in advance.

Even if there are occasional naval generals who try to break through the position with personal bravery, they will be attacked by specially-made Hailou stone bullets and the revolutionary army's combat power will stop them.


5Chapter 17 A completely different tactical system

"Revolutionary Army..."

In the command post established on a hilltop, General He Zhong observed the direction of the battlefield from a distance, his expression gradually became serious.

If the clothes of both sides were ignored, Lieutenant General He would even think that the opponent was the navy, while his own side was a scattered soldier.

Lieutenant General He's eyes were not without viciousness, after just half a day of fighting, she noticed the problem.

Unlike the generals in the navy who each lead their own subordinates to attack, the defense line formed by the revolutionary army is composed of three or five people who cooperate with each other as a team. In a position.

Groups like this dotted the defense line set up by the Revolutionary Army faintly like stars with hidden rules, forming a large net with crossfire and almost no dead ends to block the navy's offensive.

"What tactic is this?"

Lieutenant General He inexplicably felt a feeling of being crushed tactically, and said in disbelief. "That guy Dorag has grown to such an extent that he can arrange such a line of defense?"

In a daze, Lieutenant General He suddenly felt a sense of dread.

In this battlefield of only a thousand people, the advantages that the defense line laid out by the revolutionary army is actually not very great.

However, what if it is a battlefield with tens of thousands of people?

General Hezhong had a hunch that if the scale of the battlefield was expanded to more than [-] people, then the situation might be the result of being crushed.

"Sister Crane, what's the matter?" Gion, who was guarding the command post, couldn't help being a little surprised when he noticed the change in the expression of Lieutenant General Crane, who had always been calm.

Hearing these words, General He came back to his senses slightly, put down the binoculars in his hand, and spoke.

"If I'm not mistaken, what the revolutionaries are showing now seems to be an extremely advanced tactical system."

"Tactical system?" Gion asked with some doubts.

Lieutenant General He frowned and said. "Different from the concept of focusing on individual bravery, it seems to be more pursuing a tactical system of teamwork."

The "tea dolphin" lieutenant general Jiaji said disapprovingly. "Doesn't this just mean that the revolutionary army's individual strength is weak?"

"No, it's not that simple..."

He Zhongjiang said with a bit of worry on his face.

"At present or from the bright side, it just makes people feel that these revolutionary armies cooperate with each other tacitly. But if it is a large corps fighting, as long as the top-level combat power does not reach the level of crushing, then the tactical system in front of us will be fully utilized. If not, the power that can be exerted may be quite terrifying."

"The concerns of the World Government and the Warring States are not wrong. The Revolutionary Army does have the ability to endanger the world. They cannot be allowed to occupy the 'Wano Country'."

Having said that, Lieutenant General He's attitude became firmer than ever before, and he spoke. "Don't make unnecessary temptations, and immediately try to break through the revolutionary army's defense line with all your strength."

As Lieutenant General He continued to issue various orders, including General Polusalino, there were six other lieutenant admirals of the Navy Headquarters who shot at almost the same time, trying to forcibly tear apart the revolutionary army's line of defense.

Almost in an instant, Polusalino turned into a yellow flash and appeared above the revolutionary army, with his mouth curled slightly.

"Feel the weight of light."

The next moment, Polusalino's hands crossed on his chest shone brightly, which was the prelude to the super-wide-range attack move "Eight Foot Qiong Gouyu".

However, just when the position of the revolutionary army was about to be baptized by countless terrifying light bullets, a terrifying pressure suddenly oppressed Polusalino, so that Polusalino suddenly had a feeling of carrying a mountain range. The illusion, the whole person fell crazily towards the ground.


In the next moment, Polusalino's body disintegrated into countless photons, got rid of the terrifying gravity, and when he regained his human form again, he turned his eyes and stared at a blind middle-aged man standing in the revolutionary army's position.

"Where did the monster come from..." Polusalino pushed his sunglasses and said with a slightly twitching expression.

And the ground under Yixiao's feet suddenly cracked a small piece, carrying Yixiao flew up to the sky above Polusalino, and said calmly.

"As an admiral of the navy, is it too much to directly attack these young people? If you don't dislike it, you can try your best to be your opponent next time."

After all, before Polusalino could respond, he waved the staff knife in his hand with a smile, and a purple flying slash slammed in the direction of Polusalino.

"Hey, hey, you guys are too self-talking, aren't you?"

Polusalino spoke with a slightly dissatisfied tone, and instantly condensed the "Amazono Cloud Sword" composed of a large number of photons from his hand to block it.


"Good weight!"

When Polusalino touched that purple flying slash, he subconsciously had this feeling in his heart.

That seemingly invisible flying slash seems to contain the weight of several naval warships.

Almost instantly, Polusalino, who made a mistake in his judgment, was pushed horizontally for hundreds of meters, leaving directly above the Revolutionary Army's defense line.

"This is... fluttering fruit? No, this should be the ability of 'heavy fruit'."

Polusalino quickly judged the ability of the blind middle-aged man in front of him as his thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly felt tricky.

This is a powerful devil fruit that is completely opposite to the "Piao Piao Fruit" eaten by "Golden Lion" Shiji.

The "heavy fruit" can control the strength and direction of gravity at will, and even does not need to rely on any objects at all, and can directly manipulate the gravity of a certain area out of thin air.

The "Amazono Sword" in Polusalino's hand flashed, and he slammed the purple flying slash back into the sky, and said with a slightly dignified expression.

"Tsk, monster..."

However, before Polusalino finished speaking, he stepped on a small piece of soil and approached Polusalino with a smile. The stick knife in his hand seemed to be condensed with terrifying gravity.

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