Therefore, almost everyone has to admit to "Beasts" Kaido's title of "the strongest creature in the sea, land and air".

Not just "Eagle Eye" Mihawk, even the rest of the "Red Hair Pirates" cadres who were sitting on both sides drinking and having a banquet showed disbelief.

"Unbelievable intelligence, is it reliable?" Beckman asked with a frown.

"The more unbelievable is yet to come..."

"Red Hair" Shanks took a deep breath and spoke slowly. "Lieutenant General Ian is also dead."

For a moment, the entire tavern contracted by the "Red Hair Pirates" fell into a dead silence, and everyone looked at "Red Hair" Shanks motionlessly.


The next moment, almost all the crew members of the "Red Hair Pirates" let out an exclamation in unison.

"Cheating? How is it possible?"

"The Lieutenant General Ian who made Shanks helpless is also dead?"

"Did something extraordinary happen again?"


The sound of heated discussions echoed in the tavern, which fully explained the extreme shock of the crew members of the "Red Hair Pirates".

After all, in the battle a few days ago, apart from the strength of "Beast" Kaido, what impressed the "Red-haired Pirates" the most was the seemingly gentle and lazy, but in fact easily defeated the entire "Red-haired Pirates". Lieutenant General Yan, who is playing with words and has extremely terrifying strength.

A man of this level actually... died so abruptly?

Beckman's astonished expression was maintained for a few breaths before he asked in disbelief. "Could it be that Lieutenant General Ian died with 'Beasts' Kaido?"

The "red-haired" Shanks picked up the wine bottle in front of him, and took a few sips, trying to digest the extremely shocking information through alcohol, before answering.

"No, 'Beasts' Kaido died at the hands of the 'Revolutionary Army' Drago, and the entire 'Hundred Beasts Pirates' was completely wiped out under the surprise attack of the 'Revolutionary Army'. As for Lieutenant General Yan ..."

At the mention of this name, the corners of Shanks' mouth couldn't help twitching, and he said.

"He suffered a shipwreck in the inland sea of ​​Wano Country, and was swallowed by the sea before he could escape from the maelstrom. He has been missing for two days now. The world government and the navy have already begun to judge his death."

"It sounds... like a joke, even more ridiculous than the reason why you lost your arm." "Hawkeye" Mihawk commented in disbelief.

It is true that the devil fruit ability user is restrained by the sea and the "sea tower stone". As long as it falls into the sea, the devil fruit ability user as a "landland duck" will be drowned alive.

However, for the truly strong, the probability of being drowned due to falling into the sea is actually extremely low. Even in the life experience of "red-haired" Shanks, this is the first time I have heard of it. A strong man of this level was shipwrecked and died.


Chapter 532 The So-called Loyalty

The reaction of the "Red-haired Pirates" is just one of the microcosms of this sea, when countless civilians were shocked by the big events described in the newspapers and felt extremely excited for the navy's victory.

More forces with their own intelligence channels were shocked by the changes in the "Wono Country" incident.

"Beasts" Kaido was killed, "Naval Hero" Admiral Ian died in a shipwreck...

For a while, following the news of the death of these two top figures in the sea, all forces had to focus their attention on "Wono Country".

The official appearance of the Revolutionary Army and Drago, and the arrival of Corazon, one of the "Seven Martial Seas", and the naval fleet, all faintly made the "Wono Country" the center of the vortex of the next sea.

The deaths of "Beasts" Kaido and "Naval Hero" Lieutenant Admiral Ian are not the end, and may only be the beginning of the next round of war.

And "Wo no country", a "closed country" for hundreds of years, has completely closed its connection with the outside world, but it is a closed country where the entire sea "sea tower stone" originated, and it has also attracted the attention of countless forces.


Among the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Wuno Country, Kozuki Oden's hometown, I didn't expect that country that has always been closed has now become the center of the whirlpool."

The white beard sitting on the throne propped his chin, and some precious memories appeared in his eyes.

Kozuki Oden, the man deeply remembered by "Wano Country", is not only a crew member of "Roger Pirates", but also the captain of the second team of "Whitebeard Pirates". Beard Pirates" is second only to Marco.

It was only when Roger asked Whitebeard to borrow Kozuki Oden, and Kozuki Oden was deeply impressed by Roger's demeanor, so he was temporarily seconded to the "Roger Pirates". Kozuki Oden had not yet returned to the "Whitebeard Pirates", but died in the "Kamaboku" in "Wono Country".

At this time, a man wearing a kimono, somewhat similar to the geisha in "Wano Country", with a beautiful appearance, was kneeling in front of White Beard.

"Yizang, have you made a decision yet?" The always domineering white beard looked at Yizang kindly and asked.

And this man is the captain of the No.16 team of the "Whitebeard Pirates", who offered a reward of 5 million Berry to Izo, and he was also a retainer who followed Kozuki Oden back then.

"Father, Kozuki Oden-sama left temporarily with Roger and asked me to stay in the pirate group and wait for his return. I didn't expect it to be a farewell after that."

"Izo was unable to follow Kozuki Oden to death, and Kozuki Oden suffered the death of 'Kamaboko'. This is something I regret and regret all my life."

Yizang slowly raised his head and looked directly at the white beard, with tears in his eyes, but he spoke firmly.

"Now that the Wano country has undergone an accident and Kaido has died, it is the time for the Wano country to get rid of the disaster and regain peace. It is precisely Izo who must inherit the legacy of Master Kozuki Oden and return to the Wano country. Time to restore peace."

The third team captain "Diamond" Qiaozi couldn't help persuading him. "Yizang, the situation in Wano Country is unknown now, it is too dangerous for you to return to your hometown alone."

But Yizang didn't say a word about the persuasion of Qiaozi, who used to take care of him like his younger brother. He just bent down slightly, touched his head to the ground, and said loudly.

"Father, please agree to my willful request so that I can fulfill the loyalty I bear. If Yizang can successfully complete the loyalty, I will definitely return to my father's side again and continue to honor my father."

For a moment, the atmosphere on the ship froze.

Almost everyone understands that Yizo returning to "Wano Country" at this time is no different from a narrow escape, and there is almost no possibility of returning to the 'Whitebeard Pirates' alive again.

"Goo la la la..."

At this moment, White Beard laughed out loud. "Since this is my son's request, how can I turn a blind eye as an old man, the younger ones obey orders..."

But before Whitebeard's order was fully issued, Yizang interrupted loudly. "Father, no, this is my business alone."

Whitebeard stared at Yizang and spoke. "As a son, it is only natural to rely on the strength of his father and his family."

Said in a very firm Tibetan tone.

"But as a son, it is against loyalty to let daddy fall into an unsafe situation. Once the Whitebeard Pirates intervene in Wano Country, it may detonate a war that will spread across the entire sea."

In the end, Yizang kowtowed heavily to the white beard in front of him, crying out his plea with tears streaming down his face.

"So I just plan to return to Wano Country as a vassal of the Kozuki family, and I ask my father to allow me to leave the ship temporarily, so that I can complete the responsibilities and missions on my shoulders alone."

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many cadres who had a good relationship with Israel and Tibet around them were filled with tears, and White Beard raised his head slightly, sighed softly, and turned to speak.

"Since the child wants to spread his wings alone to fulfill his loyalty, there seems to be no reason to stop him as a father. I give you my permission, Yizang."

With his forehead pressed against the deck, Yizo responded with a choked voice. "Thank you very much, Dad. I will always remember your kindness."

"Go. Marko, prepare the best boat and food for your brother, and announce the news to the whole sea, saying that Lao Tzu's son Yizang is about to return to his hometown 'Wano Country' to visit relatives, and everyone with eyes I will watch it."

After finishing speaking, White Beard waved his hand towards Yizang, then he took the wine jug beside him and poured it down.


Unlike the atmosphere of "Whitebeard Pirates", which was full of parting sentimentality, almost everyone in "BIG MOM Pirates" was in a state of shock, for fear of being a little redundant. Any movement would draw Charlotte Lingling's wrath.

"Kaido, dead?!"

Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth and said, the anger on her face was almost like substance. "That guy is dead?"

The cadres of the "BIG MOM Pirates" who stayed around Charlotte Lingling were silent, and even Perospero dared not answer Charlotte Lingling's question.

For the past few days, the continuous freezing of the sea by General "Blue Pheasant" Kuzan has brought Charlotte Lingling to the verge of unbearable anger.

Now it is said that after hearing the news, Charlotte Lingling has almost reached the critical point of losing control.

All the leaders of the "BIG MOM Pirates" swallowed their saliva nervously, and they were all prepared in their hearts. If Charlotte Lingling really went berserk, then...

At this moment, Charlotte Lingling, who was about to go berserk, suddenly remembered something, and reached out her hand to feel for something in her bosom.


Chapter 533 Kaido's Life Card (Part [-])

The next moment, a relatively inconspicuous piece of white paper appeared on the tip of Charlotte Lingling's finger compared to her huge palm.

And Charlotte Lingling bent down slightly, her big eyes like copper bells were fixed on the white paper in front of her, her mouth turned and slowly opened, revealing a chilling expression smile.

"What? Kaido, aren't you bastard still dead? But why does the life card look so strange?"

Charlotte Lingling muttered, then handed the "Life Card" in her hand to Perospero beside her, and asked.

"Perospero, take a look at what happened to Kaido's life card?"

Hearing this sentence, the members of the "BIG MOM Pirates" present were taken aback for a moment. They had no idea that Charlotte Lingling actually had the life card of "Beasts" Kaido in her hand.

You must know that the life card is a special paper made of nails, which can reflect the vitality of the owner to judge the owner's condition, and it can also indicate the direction of the owner all the time.

Generally speaking, such extremely important things will only be handed over to the closest and most trustworthy people around you. Otherwise, once there is a life card in the event of betrayal, even if the owner of the life card goes to the ends of the world, he will still be held by the life card. Someone found it.

And Perospero was shocked by the relationship between "Beasts" Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. Besides trusting more than he imagined, he also quickly set his sights on the life handed over by Charlotte Lingling. on the card.

Generally speaking, if the vitality of the owner of the life card declines, the surroundings of the life card will gradually turn into ashes. Once the owner of the life card dies completely, the life card will also disappear at the same time.

However, the life card handed over by Charlotte Lingling showed no signs of damage or being turned into ashes, except that there were a lot of dense creases on it.

Perospero thought for a moment and replied. "Mom, this...maybe it's because Kaido's vitality is being suppressed by something, which caused the life card to appear like this."


Charlotte Lingling was puzzled at first, and then asked directly. "Simply put, Kaido is still alive, right?"

Perospero replied cautiously. "If the owner of this life card is Kaido, then Kaido should still be alive."

After a pause, Perospero spread out his palm, allowing the life card to move freely in a certain direction on his palm.

"Mom, the direction indicated by the life card does not seem to be 'Wano Country'."

"It seems that the bastard Kaido has probably been caught again?"

Charlotte Lingling said disapprovingly, and turned to pick up the life card in Perospero's hand and tore off a small piece. She turned her gaze, and then threw the small piece of life card to "Sweet Four Generals" Si In front of Nag and Cracker, ordered.

"Go, find out where that idiot Kaido is, and find a way to rescue that guy."

"Yes, Mom."

Snag took the initiative to pick up the life card, and agreed with Cracker in unison.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, in this way, that idiot Kaido owes me two big favors, right?"

Charlotte Lingling couldn't help laughing strangely, her mood seemed to be getting more and more joyful, and the bad mood that had been blocked by Kuzan from sailing had disappeared, and she ordered directly.

"Turn around and return to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Kingdoms, so you don't have to entangle with that brat Kuzan anymore."

"Yes, Mom..."

When Perospero heard the words, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, on the home court of the sea, it is very difficult to find a way to expel or kill Kuzan. Now that Charlotte Lingling is willing to return to Wan Guo, it is naturally the best.

Immediately, under Perospero's command, Charlotte Owen, who is a "hot fruit" ability user, used his ability to thaw the ice on the sea again.

It's just that Charlotte Owen thawed the ice in front of him and let the fleet of the "BIG MOM Pirates" slowly head towards the direction of "Wono Country". This time Charlotte Owen is thawing The ice in the direction of "Wan Guo Hai Yu" is for the fleet of "BIG MOM Pirates" to turn around and return.

At the same time, on an ice surface ten miles away from the "BIG MOM Pirates" fleet, Kuzan put down the telescope in his hand, rubbed his chin and murmured.

"Could it be that, with the death of 'Beasts' Kaido and the end of the war between the navy and the 'Red Hair Pirates' and the 'Beasts Pirates', the 'BIG MOM Pirates' completely gave up their involvement Are you planning to do it?"

"Huh? I don't rule out any conspiracy. I plan to go around in other directions. Let's keep an eye on it..."

Kuzan murmured, and immediately rode on the bicycle placed aside, leisurely hanging far behind the "BIG MOM Pirates" fleet.


Above the clouds in a certain sea area, a huge stele wrapped in bear paw-like air bubbles quickly swept towards a certain direction.

And on that stele, Kaido's exposed eye suddenly opened, filled with anger that wanted to destroy everything.

'Lingling, hurry up, hurry up and release me.Trefemo Ian, Dorag, Corazon, Hancock...'

"I'm going to tear up those bastards one by one!!!"


However, no matter how angry and unwilling Kaido is in his heart at the moment, he is in the "Island of Ghosts" and is carefully training... Ah no, Yan, who is raising his daughter Yamato, can't hear it.

At this moment, under Yan's distant gaze, Yamato, who was carefully running through the dilapidated "Island of Ghosts", stopped at a certain place.

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