
Chapter 516 Conquering the Emperor Shark Empress

Regarding the appearance of the six Shichibukai in front of him, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido asked in surprise. "Shichibukai, is this an order from the navy and the world government?"

But in the next moment, "Beasts" Kaido reacted.

"No, no, are you guys secretly cooperating with Drago, trying to secretly seize the 'Wano Country' behind the back of the world government? It really is a group of people who betrayed the position of pirates, and betrayed the navy and the world The government's position is asshole."

"Hundred Beasts" Kaido opened his mouth, and a fiery destructive breath was suddenly spewed out, trying to burn all Qiwuhai to death.

Facing the terrifying heat of "Beasts" Kaido spewing out with all his strength, enough to melt several kilometers of land into magma, the "big hero" Tai, who has been showing mediocre combat power among the six Shichibukai, Greg took a step forward.

"pass it to me……"

"Conquer him, Queen Shark!"

The next moment, as Tiger muttered silently, a large amount of white bone material emerged from his crimson skin, like a shark-like armor assembled piece by piece, especially on the arms. There is an extra giant sword like the dorsal fin of a shark.

Immediately, Tiger, who was liberated from the posture of "Void Soul Slashing Sword Queen Shark Queen" obtained by Lieutenant General Yaen when he met the "Lord of Void Circle" several years ago, faced the rolling sword with a giant sword in his hand. The heat that came was raised.

"Burning sea current!"

In an instant, a huge amount of scorching sea current spewed out from the giant sword, and it looked like a waterfall rushing towards the sky from a distance, facing the "heat breath".


The intersection of "hot breath" and "scorching sea current" is also extremely hot water and fire. When they collide with each other, countless mist are instantly produced and spread in the island of ghosts.

And it was also at this time that Tiger's thick and bold voice continued to sound.

"It's not over yet, Kaido!!! Murloc Jiu-Jitsu·Shuixin·Sea Flow Over Shoulder Throw!"

Immediately, under the boost of Tiger's acclaimed "Murloc Jiu-Jitsu" skill, the impact of the soaring "Scorching Sea Current" suddenly increased by more than several times.

For a moment, the "Scorching Sea Current" rushed up to the sky against the "heat breath", and slammed into "Beasts" Kaido's head amidst the shocked eyes.


Amidst a slight dizziness, "Beasts" Kaido still couldn't believe that a mere murloc could do this.

However, at this moment, "Beasts" Kaido suddenly felt the shadow of the scythe looming from the corner of his eyes.

In the next moment, the six giant scythes manifested by Corazon slashed at various parts of Kaido's body.


A series of weird crackling sounds followed by broken dragon scales and bloody flesh.

Although this kind of attack without the special "armed domineering" or "tyrannical entanglement", even if it is strong enough to break the hard dragon scales of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido is extremely powerful. The vitality of the body can also be healed in an instant, but that kind of severe pain is unavoidable.

But this...is just the beginning!

When fighting with the "Red Hair Pirates", the power was deliberately restrained to avoid destroying all the cadres of the "Red Hair Pirates" in an instant, which not only accelerated the end of the war, but also aroused the fear of the world government and the navy different.

At this moment, the six Shichibukai are all going all out, among them Hancock, Corazon, Tiger, and Perona, who always follows Moria like a porcelain doll, are all completely liberated." Xu's soul-slaying sword" posture.

All of a sudden, a huge amount of terrorist attacks from all directions instantly overwhelmed Kaido the "Hundred Beasts". In less than a moment, the majestic green dragon was already covered in broken dragon scales and dripping with blood.

And no matter how "Beasts" Kaido was overwhelmed by anger, he has already realized that the situation is wrong at this moment.

The "Black Winged Demon" posture displayed by the special "Pirate Empress" Hancock is obviously the guy who once appeared in the "Kingdom of Dressrosa" with enough combat power to collide with him for a short time .

And six years have passed, this devil-like guy has become even more powerful.

At this moment, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido even wondered if this was a "virtual circle organization" that had been silent in the sea for six years and had no new actions, secretly planning to launch revenge against him.


In a flash, "Beasts" Kaido realized that let alone his exhausted state, even in his heyday, he might not be the opponent of these six guys united.

Immediately, a large amount of thunder spewed out from the dragon mouth of "Hundred Beasts" Kaido to restrain a part of Shichibukai, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido's huge dragon body suddenly carried the attack forcefully, and spun violently.

"Tornado...bad wind!"

In an instant, Kaido, the "green dragon form" who possesses the ability to manipulate various phenomena of nature, forcibly created a bad wind that instantly spread to the entire "Ogre Island". The presence.

Immediately, "Beasts" Kaido jumped up, even ignoring several important cadres who had been specially rescued and put on the island of ghosts before, soaring straight into the sky, trying to escape from the "island of ghosts".

However, Drago, who hadn't made a move before, stood in front of "Beasts" Kaido at this moment, and stretched out his hand to tear off the gray cloak on his body, revealing that he was actually not weaker than Kado in the slightest. Lieutenant General Pu's body.

The wind... entangled Drago's hands. In addition, there was also a black-red lightning that symbolized the "overlord-colored entanglement" on his arms at the same time.

Lieutenant General Karp has really cultivated to the peak of armed domineering, but because his heart is always in conflict, Lieutenant General Garp has not awakened the "dominant domineering", let alone the skill of "wrapping the domineering" Taught it to Dorag.

However, Yaen has long backed up the domineering skills that have been passed down from Jiu Snake Island, including knowledge-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering, and the most precious domineering-colored domineering skills to the revolutionary army.

In this way, it can not only complement the cultivation of domineering by the main combat forces of the revolutionary army, but also accelerate the popularization of domineering among the soldiers of the revolutionary army.

And Duorag, who has awakened the "overlord's color domineering", has mastered the powerful skill of "overlord's color entanglement" during these six years, and his combat power has increased again.

"Go away, Drago!!!"

Facing Drago who was standing in front of him like an ant, "Beasts" Kaido became more and more angry, but his huge body did not stop at all, and he spit out a large number of cuts towards Drago from his mouth. "Bad Wind" with extremely terrifying abilities.


Chapter 517 Wang Xu's Flash Quartet

"Wind, that's not how you control it, Kaido!"

Drago collided his fists in front of his chest, and there seemed to be an astonishing power contained in the intertwining wind and black-red lightning.

The next moment, Drago's figure suddenly moved, brazenly heading towards Kaido, the "beast" who was as big as a small island in front of him.

Countless bad winds swept towards Dorag with fierce momentum, but within ten meters of the range of Dorag, the trajectory changed in vain, and instead it spun suddenly around the center of Dorag.

For a moment, with Drago as the center, countless bad winds spun violently, but it seemed as if a wind dragon roaring towards "Beasts" Kaido formed in midair.


Under the cloud, the two dragons slammed into each other suddenly, and at the same time that the wind dragon collapsed immediately, Kaido, the escaped body, burst out a lot of dragon blood from the unhealed injuries, and the speed of his escape was in vain. lag.

And when "Beasts" Kaido came back to his senses, Drago, whose hands were wrapped in wind and lightning, had already appeared on his jaw, and his five fingers were clasped firmly on "Beasts" Kaido like a dragon's claws. many body.

'This guy, what do you want to do? '

"Hundred Beasts" Kaido's dragon eyes turned down, and when he was about to turn his head away from the ant, Dorage, he suddenly felt that the wind direction of the entire sky seemed to have changed, and countless winds entangled in the "Hundred Beasts" Kaido's dragon body is everywhere.

"Feel the roar of the wind, Kaido!!!"

A roar sounded from Drago, whose muscles seemed to have swelled a circle at this moment, and the fingers clasping "Beasts" Kaido suddenly exerted force, and violent power burst out.

"For me, get out of the sky!!!"

At this moment, it seemed that the sky was shaking, and countless winds suddenly spun along with the terrifying power erupted by Drago.

"Beasts" Kaido even felt that his strongest body in the past lost control in an instant, and his dragon body, which was the size of a small island, could not stop turning over in the air.

At this moment, Drago, who was covered with bulging veins, firmly clasped the jaw of "Beasts" Kaido's green dragon form, and fell towards the "Island of Ghosts" below like a meteorite.


The entire "Ogre Island" was shaken suddenly, countless buildings collapsed, and dense spider webs spread in all directions centered on the "green dragon form" transformed by "Beasts" Kaido.

Under such a terrifying impact, even if his body was as strong as "Beasts" Kaido, he fell into a moment of brain blankness when his head fell to the ground, and it was rare to feel the soreness in the bones of the dragon body all over his body. feel.

However, when "Beasts" Kaido gradually regained his sobriety, suddenly a wave of waves crashed down with an impact comparable to a mountain range, pressing his dragon body firmly to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Enel, who was in the form of "Thor", spread his hands, and countless terrifying thunderbolts up to [-] million volts erupted from the thick thundercloud towards Kaido, the "beast".

"Three hundred million volts Leiying"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Under the action of countless [-] million volts of terrifying voltage, "Beasts" Kaido felt numb all over his body, and the dragon body twisted and circled uncontrollably.

However, behind a large number of dark thunderclouds, Hancock, Corazon, Tiger, and Perona are all maintaining a ball of light containing terrifying energy-"False Flash"!

"Wang Xu's Flash Quartet!"

The next moment, four "Wang Xu's flashes" of completely different colors erupted suddenly, piercing through the thundercloud almost instantly, enveloping "Beasts" Kaido in it.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


Lieutenant Admiral Crane, who was commanding the naval fleet in the outermost waters of "Wuno Country" to cross the severe weather with constant storms and tsunami vortexes, frowned suddenly and asked.

"Did you hear any sound?!"

"Is there thunder?"

Taking a shower in his spare time, Ian, who changed into a spare navy suit, answered. "But the weather in the outer sea area of ​​Wano Country is too bad, right? It's not good to go on like this."

"It doesn't seem to be the same as thunder."

As Lieutenant General Crane spoke, he looked in the direction of the invisible "ghost island".

That kind of sound, in the crane, will sound more like a huge explosion.

"I do not know……"

Ion shrugged, then hammered his shoulder and said.

"Lieutenant General Crane, I will trouble you about commanding the fleet. I will take a rest in the cabin first. I feel sore all over when I think about fighting Kaido later."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Lieutenant General Yan, please go to rest first."

Lieutenant General He heard the words, but he was not suspicious. After watching Yan walk into the cabin, he put all his remaining energy into commanding the fleet.

The harsh weather in the outer sea area of ​​"Wono Country" is extremely severe. Even for the sake of safety, Lieutenant General He deliberately only allowed seventeen naval warships with stronger ability to resist wind, waves and harsh weather to enter "Wono Country".

However, even a naval warship with the title of "Steel Behemoth" is still floating back and forth like pieces of goose feathers in the harsh weather outside the waters of "Wono Country", as if it will be completely swallowed by the terrifying waves at any time.

Until this time, Lieutenant General Crane also understood that he seemed to have oversimplified the bad weather in the outer waters of "Wano Country".

It is no wonder that the world government has not taken the initiative to attack the "Wono Country" for more than [-] years, without knowing the correct way to enter and exit the "Wono Country" peripheral waters.

In this terrifying climate, even millions of troops may be completely swallowed by the sea, not to mention that there are many top powerhouses in the sea in the past dynasties of "Wano Country".

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and Lieutenant General He can't tolerate the idea of ​​hesitation, so he can only command the fleet desperately to maintain the formation, and break through the outer waters of "Wono Country" with all his strength.

But even so, after fighting against the wind and waves for several hours, seven of the seventeen naval warships were still completely engulfed by the waves, and three naval warships were separated from the fleet.

Fortunately, a considerable part of the elite naval soldiers who were able to participate in this war mastered the "Navy Six-style Moon Step", and coupled with the rescue efforts of the naval officers, the loss of the naval soldiers was not too great .

However, just when Lieutenant Tsuru thought he was about to arrive at "Wono Country", what appeared before him was not the beach of "Wono Country", but a waterfall soaring against the current, with endless cliffs on both sides.

The strange landscape in front of me is as if the sea level has suddenly risen by hundreds of meters, and the waterfall is connected to it.


Seeing this shocking scene, Lieutenant General He hastily issued an order.

It's just that it's too late, under the influence of the ocean current, even a naval warship comparable to a giant steel beast is still impossible to stop instantly, either it hits the cliff and shatters directly, or it can only be taken along with the ocean current. Fall!

"Hold on tight!!!"

Lieutenant General He only had time to issue this command, and the seven huge naval warships were carried by the current and rushed towards the waterfall as if they were perpendicular to the sea surface.

And at the same time as the navy rushed up the waterfall, in the inner sea of ​​"Wono Country" above the waterfall, many murlocs from the "Sun Pirates" headed by Sujinbe began to work together to manipulate the current!


Chapter 518 The Disappearing Ian ([-]rd)

It's just that it's too late, under the influence of the ocean current, even a naval warship comparable to a giant steel beast is still impossible to stop instantly, either it hits the cliff and shatters directly, or it can only be taken along with the ocean current. Fall!

"Hold on tight!!!"

Lieutenant General He only had time to issue this command, and the seven huge naval warships were carried by the current and rushed towards the waterfall as if they were perpendicular to the sea surface.

And at the same time as the navy rushed up the waterfall, in the inner sea of ​​"Wono Country" above the waterfall, many murlocs from the "Sun Pirates" headed by Sujinbe began to work together to manipulate the current!


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