
Outside the island, Lieutenant General Crane's face was solemn, while quickly letting the warships respond to the navy that had evacuated from the island, he was also making way to allow the ships of the "Red Hair Pirates" to evacuate directly from the encirclement net .

There is no doubt that Lieutenant General Yan's judgment is correct.

If the Navy forcibly blocks the departure of the "Red Hair Pirates", then all warships surrounding the entire island from all directions may be sunk by "Red Hair" Shanks.

The missing piece of the [-]-square-kilometer island in front of him is not only an attack on Enilo, but also a warning to the navy, proving the terrifying power of "red-haired" Shanks himself.

"The intelligence department should be punished! Why did such important information related to 'One Piece' Roger not be detected? Even the guy 'Red Hair' Shanks didn't even notice that he was hiding this ability?"

Lieutenant General He looked at the information transmitted from the battlefield in front of him, but she, who had always been mild-tempered, couldn't help cursing angrily.

The so-called "standing at the top of the pirates" posture has undoubtedly reached a certain extreme in terms of lethality and destructive power, and it is even more terrifying than the "white beard" Edward Newgate, whom the navy has always feared.

"Whitebeard" Edward Newgate's "Earthquake Fruit" claims to be able to destroy the world, but the extremely destructive methods such as earthquakes, sea earthquakes, and air earthquakes caused by it are all traceable and have resistance The way.

However, according to the information passed back so far, "red-haired" Shanks under the posture of "standing at the top of the pirates" is almost everywhere he passes, and those who are lacking in stamina, will, and physique will directly fall under the terrifying overlord color. Immediately died in the impact.

It's just that Lieutenant General He is cold all over now, knowing that this naval fleet is almost wiped out, so he can only try his best to deal with this unexpected situation, and at the same time report the relevant situation back to the Navy headquarters, Marin Fando, and let the Marshal of the Warring States Period Make a decision as soon as possible.


And on another small and medium-sized deserted island not far from the territory of the "Whitebeard Pirates", this island, whose landform was originally mainly bare and exposed rocks, was already broken into pieces at this time.

A large number of cracks like spider webs are all over the entire island, and it is already on the verge of disintegration. Without the influence of external factors, it may not take a few years for it to gradually sink into the sea and disappear completely.

However, at this time, Lieutenant General Garp and Whitebeard, who are still fighting continuously on this island, are affected by the aftermath of the battle. It is possible that its lifespan will be completely ended within today.


Just when the two sides had been fighting for half a day, and gradually entered the intense stage when the two sides really started to die, a burst of phone bugs sounded in Lieutenant General Garp's inner pocket.

"Wait, Whitebeard~"

Lieutenant General Garp paused his original punching movement, and directly raised his hand to signal. "That guy from the Warring States Period is a phone bug, let me answer the phone first."

White Beard's expression couldn't help showing a trace of dissatisfaction, but the long-handled sword that originally condensed the white light ball transformed from the "Zhenzhen Fruit" also stopped and shouted.

"If you have any last words, tell the Warring States quickly."


Lieutenant General Garp didn't answer Warring States, instead he took out his carefully protected phone bug from his inner pocket to connect, and said directly.

"Warring States, what's the matter?"

After a pause, Lieutenant General Garp did not forget to make a statement in advance.

"I'm fighting with that guy with white beard right now, but I haven't wandered off to sleep somewhere. If you don't believe me, I'll let you hear the voice of white beard."

However, Marshal Warring States suppressed a burst of anger in his voice, and asked unceremoniously. "Karp, are you hiding something, you bastard?"

"Ah?" Lieutenant General Garp was taken aback for a moment.

"About Roger, are you hiding any important information?"

Lieutenant General Garp's expression changed immediately after Marshal Warring States' next sentence sounded. The first subconscious thought he had was that Portgas D. Ace, whom he had adopted, was the secret of Roger's son.

How could it be exposed?Ace has been living in the windmill village...

Wait, did Ace sneak out to sea as a pirate before being noticed by the Navy?

Lieutenant General Garp felt his head buzzing for a while, and his dry throat didn't know how to make a sound.

And the Warring States Admiral Marin Fando, who was far away in the Navy Headquarters, looked at Garp's expression imitated by the phone bug, and understood what information Lieutenant General Garp definitely knew.

"Bastard Garp, no matter what personal relationship you have with Roger in the past, why hide such important information, don't you understand that this is likely to lead to the destruction of the entire naval fleet and the loss of countless navies?"

The Marshal of the Warring States Period cursed angrily, his tone was unprecedentedly severe.

And hearing this sentence, Lieutenant General Garp was completely stunned.


Even if Ace, as Roger's biological son, inherited Roger's lineage and awakened his domineering arrogance at a young age, it wouldn't cause the destruction of the entire naval fleet just after reaching the age to go to sea, right?

"Eh? Isn't Ace still in the East China Sea? What does it have to do with the destruction of the fleet?" Lieutenant General Karp asked subconsciously.

Marshal Warring States heard the words, but he felt inexplicable and asked. "Ace? What Ace?"

Oops? !

In an instant, Lieutenant General Garp realized that he seemed to have slipped his mouth unintentionally. What Marshal Warring States wanted to ask was not about Ace.

It's just that the Marshal of the Warring States Period is anxiously worried about the matter of the naval fleet, and while doubts arise suddenly in his heart, he has no extra thoughts to delve into the inexplicable words of Vice Admiral Garp for the time being, and asks directly.

"Did you bastard lose your head in the fight with Whitebeard? I asked you about the ability to 'stand on top of pirates'. Do you, bastard, know?"

However, for these words, Lieutenant General Garp's demeanor was even more guilty.


Chapter 5 and Eight: Garp and Roger's Deal

"Sure enough, you bastard knows."

At this moment, seeing Garp's expression imitated by the phone bug, Marshal Warring States was so angry that he was almost out of his wits.

Lieutenant General Garp glanced at the white beard standing not far in front of him, and replied with a guilty conscience. "I'm...well, I know a little bit..."

After a pause, Lieutenant General Garp said quickly. "But isn't Roger already dead? It doesn't make much sense to delve deeper into his abilities, right?"

The Marshal of the Warring States Period said with a sinking face. "'Red Hair' Shanks inherited this ability."

Lieutenant General Garp heard the words and subconsciously denied it. "impossible……"

"How is it impossible? This is the latest information sent back by Lieutenant General Crane. The situation on the battlefield has changed drastically. For this reason, Lieutenant General Yann had to make a decision to allow the rest of the crew of the 'Red Hair Pirates' except for 'Red Hair' Shanks The decision to retreat, and continue to fight the extremely dangerous 'red-haired' Shanks alone."

Lieutenant General Garp swallowed his saliva when he heard the voice of Marshal Warring States that seemed to contain a storm, and understood that Marshal Warring States was definitely really angry this time.

After all, the information I concealed this time not only seriously affected the navy's major strategy and the navy fleet, but even trapped the son of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Immediately, Lieutenant General Garp didn't dare to be sloppy anymore, and answered directly.

"I do know a bit of information about 'Standing at the Top of Pirates', but I never thought that the ability of "Standing at the Top of Pirates" would appear in this way."

"Because this is a special posture developed based on the 'Territory of the Overlord'. In addition to having extremely high requirements for the development of the 'Territory of the Overlord', more importantly, it is extremely burdensome and damaging to the body. serious."

"Even with Roger's monster-like physique, just using the 'Overlord's Territory' once left irreversible damage to the body, resulting in a terminal illness that was difficult to recover from."

The Warring States Marshal frowned slightly, and asked directly. "What's the weakness? Are there any flaws?"

"I only got this information from Roger's mouth, and I don't know any specific weaknesses..."

After a pause, Lieutenant General Garp continued.

"However, according to Roger's description, as long as you maintain that state, your own combat power is literally 'standing at the top of the pirates'."

"The only weakness is the burden on the body and the duration. If it is based on the body of a normal person, every minute and second of maintenance will cost tens of thousands of times the life span."

The Warring States Marshal heard the words and asked unwillingly. "That's all you know?"


As Lieutenant General Garp nodded, the phone bug was hung up the next moment.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Garp sighed slowly. His originally burly and majestic body seemed to have become a lot bent, and the expression on his face was guilt.

"Don't fight, that's it. I'll also go to the battlefield to have a look. If you still want to continue to the battlefield, then the battle will continue until then."

Lieutenant General Garp spoke to the white beard in front of him with a tired tone.

However, the next moment, the words Whitebeard said made Lieutenant General Garp, who was about to turn around, froze and his eyes widened.

"Ace is Roger's son?" Whitebeard said in a quite sure tone.

"You...how did you know?" Lieutenant General Karp's tone was full of disbelief.

"Roger once approached me for a drink before turning himself in, and told me that he also has offspring. If I meet him in the sea in the future, remember that I will teach him a good lesson."

White Beard said with nostalgia in his eyes. "Later, I also asked someone to find Roger's descendants, but there was no result."

"With Roger's identity, it is absolutely impossible for the World Government and the Navy to indulge his bloodline to continue, so someone must help him protect him."

"And besides me, the only person who has the ability and the opportunity to do it is Karp, you bastard."

Hearing this, Lieutenant General Garp sighed, and did not continue this meaningless concealment, and said bluntly. "Yes, Ace is indeed Roger's son."

"What's his full name?"

"Portgas D. Ace," Garp replied.

"What kind of little guy is that?" Whitebeard asked.

"I resent myself as Roger's bloodline, but he is also a little guy who attaches great importance to feelings and partners. The only troublesome thing is that he clearly resents Roger, but he is still determined to become a pirate. Roger to prove himself."

Speaking of this, Lieutenant General Garp couldn't help but a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just like the Warring States Marshal's feelings towards Ian, even though Ace has no real blood relationship with Lieutenant General Garp, the relationship between the two parties is extremely deep, and he treats and takes care of Ace as a real grandson.

"Really? Interesting, if you calculate the time, he should be almost old enough to go to sea, right?" White Beard asked.

"Who knows? Ace may be the one who pulled White Beard from the throne of 'Emperor of the Sea'." Lieutenant General Garp said.

"Hahaha, then I have to look forward to it, Ace..."

Whitebeard laughed and said, then turned and left in the opposite direction to Lieutenant General Garp, waved his hand, and said.

"Today's battle is over here, Garp, just let your head hang around your neck for the time being..."

After a pause, White Beard paused in his footsteps, turned his head slightly, narrowed his domineering eyes slightly, and spoke. "Also, regarding the ability to 'Stand at the Top of Pirates', what kind of deal did you guys make with Roger?"

But before Lieutenant General Garp, whose face changed drastically, could answer, Whitebeard continued to move, and said without turning his head.

"Probably it has something to do with the secret of the 'Island of the Last' Ralph Drew and Roger's will. It seems that the tide of the times is finally about to surge again..."

As Whitebeard's last voice reached Lieutenant General Garp's ears far away, it made Lieutenant General Garp's expression look a bit ugly.

Immediately, Lieutenant General Garp turned around and rushed towards the direction where the warship was docked, and then ordered the naval warship to rush to the battlefield at full speed.

"Standing at the top of the pirates"...

If there is anyone in the sea who can really compete with that posture, then Lieutenant General Garp knows very well that that may be the navy that has gone the farthest on the road of armed domineering.

As for the three admirals of the navy, neither Lieutenant Admiral Yann is the type who is good at dealing with the posture of "standing at the top of the pirates".


Chapter 5, Chapter [-], The Collapsed Island ([-]rd update)

On the battlefield, the battle between "Red Hair" Shanks and Ion has been going on for several hours.

To everyone's surprise, under the continuous attack of the "red-haired" Shanks who can be called a "red ghost" in a posture, Yan was still not defeated.

The battle between the two sides is still going on, but the island that carried their battle has been the first to be unable to bear it and began to completely collapse.


Just like the destruction of the world, this island began to disintegrate, collapse, and large pieces of land separated from each other, and then sank into the sea.

Outside the island, a large number of warships began to move away, preventing the death maelstrom that might be caused by the collapse of the island from reaching the warships, sweeping everything above the sea and sinking into the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the most desperate situation is the members of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates". The navy can temporarily stay in the air with the "Navy Six-Moon Step" to avoid falling into the sea, but the "Hundred Beasts Sea" "Thieves" has a large number of animal devil fruit ability users, but there is nowhere to escape.

As for the ships that can leave the island, they have already been completely destroyed by the navy, blocking the last retreat of the "Hundred Beasts Pirates".

"A bunch of bastards, navy, redheads, I remember!"

Witnessing this irreversible scene, "Beasts" Kaido was not without anger. Instead, he used his "blue dragon form" to grab some core members of the "Beasts Pirates" with his claws, and then flew out.

Even when "Beasts" Kaido left the island, he didn't forget to spit out "hot breath" angrily at the "red-haired" Shanks and Lieutenant General Ion who were still fighting continuously.

However, this "hot breath" that was enough to destroy a mountain range was intercepted by a wave of Polusalino emitting bright golden light in mid-air.

"Hey, Kaido, it's fine if you want to escape, but if you want to disturb Lieutenant General Yan's battle, I will be held accountable afterwards."

Along with Polusalino's seemingly casual voice, a ray of light burst out suddenly.

"Light speed kick!"

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