Yan looked back at Polusalino, and he was almost as clear as a mirror in his heart about what Polusalino was planning just now.

Slightly injured beasts will only want to run away, but seriously injured and dying beasts will desperately fight back, and even die together.

Facing an enemy of the level of "Beasts" Kaido, Yan and Polusalino's thoughts were inexplicably highly consistent.

Seeing Yann and Polusalino constantly making friendly concessions to each other, Lieutenant General He couldn't help feeling very wise about Marshal Warring States' arrangement.

If it was a different person, he might have been fooled successfully. Instead, the two guys, Yaen and Polusalino, got together and met their opponents.

"You two discuss it slowly."

Lieutenant General He shook his head, ignored Yan and Polusalino, and returned to the cabin to prepare for the upcoming battle plan.


A few days later, under the attention of countless people, the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates officially began to collide. The place where the collision was just as the Sengoku Marshal had expected, in the country of Wano On a deserted island near the sea.

Above the sky, dark clouds gradually enveloped, as if the entire sky was about to slowly collapse, and the entire huge deserted island was shrouded in a dignified atmosphere.

And on the outskirts of the deserted island, many pirates who followed from afar to witness this battle felt their hearts beating faster inexplicably, and they were clearly separated from the deserted island by a distance that could only be seen clearly with the help of a telescope. I couldn't help but drop drops of sweat.

"Are... are you going to start?"

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates have landed on both sides of the deserted island, and half an hour has passed. The conflict may break out at any time."

"Look, the sky seems to be gradually collapsing. Is it affected by the spirit of those monsters?"

"Should we...do we need to distance ourselves a little further? We won't be affected by staying here, right?"


Amidst the constant discussion among a large number of pirates, the appearance of several pirate groups attracted the attention of the surrounding pirates.

"That's...'Nine Snake Pirates'? Could it be that the 'Pirate Empress' Hancock is also here? It's amazing!"

"Wait, isn't that the ship of the 'Don Quixote Pirates'? It has been rumored that 'Beasts' Kaido has been secretly suppressing the Kingdom of Dressrosa recently. Could it be that 'Holy Crying Mantis' Corazon Are you going to join this war?"

"Huh? No, it's not just them. That flag is the 'Sun Pirates', one of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, who once broke into the holy land of Mary Joa and rescued a large number of slaves, and has the title of 'Great Heroes'." Tiger showed up too."

However, before those pirates marveled at the appearance of these three pirate groups, some sharp-eyed pirates suddenly discovered the "tyrant" bear and the "big pirate" from a seemingly ordinary pirate ship. The figure of Moonlight Moriah.

The next moment, a series of strange sounds appeared in the sky, above a dark sky, an extremely conspicuous golden spaceship was slowly approaching.

However, amidst the surprised expressions of those pirates, the Shichibukai stopped advancing after approaching the deserted island for a certain distance, and put on a posture of watching the battle, and did not get any closer to the deserted island that was about to become a battlefield. island.

"Six, there are actually six Shichibukai showing up..."

"It seems that even for those 'King's Qiwuhai', this battle for the title of 'Emperor of the Sea' is very attractive to them."

"Of course, that's the title of 'Emperor of the Sea', and every 'Emperor of the Sea' possesses the terrifying power to fight against the Navy Headquarters."


And at the center of the deserted island at this moment, the two groups were looking at each other from a distance of hundreds of meters.

The two sides didn't speak, but "Red Hair" Shanks and "Beasts" Kaido burst out with terrifying domineering arrogance at the same time!



Chapter 483 The Replacement Left Arm

As the two "overlord-looking arrogance" on the deserted island collided suddenly, a terrifying air wave suddenly exploded, and almost instantly, "red-haired" Shanks and "beasts" Kaido The middle serves as a dividing point, dyeing the entire deserted island and even the sky in different colors.

The black and red lightning generated by the "Overlord Color Collision" raged wildly, as if the substance of the spirit crazily impacted everything, and 90.00% of the creatures that originally lived on the deserted island fell into a coma almost instantly.

Even the sea kings sleeping deep in the sea outside the deserted island began to flee in a hurry. The originally calm sea suddenly became choppy, and a few lightning bolts fell from the dark sky.

"Is this... a collision at the level of an 'Emperor of the Sea'?"

"The climate, even the invisible climate has been changed!"

"No, this level is not even a greeting, at most it can only be regarded as testing each other's courage."


Immediately, "Beasts" Kaido took the lead in withdrawing his domineering arrogance, shouldered the "Mace Basho" in his hand, and said with a wild smile.

"Hahaha, do you have this level of courage? Red hair, it seems that this war will be more interesting than I imagined."

"Red-haired" Shanks also immediately withdrew his domineering arrogance, and stopped making such meaningless temptations, but stared seriously at the man in front of him who was almost four times his height.

"The strongest creature in the sea, land and air", "the emperor of the sea", and "a hundred beasts" Kaido!

A man who looks like a monster, pursues wars and battles, and exudes violence all the time!

Among them, compared with the past appearance of "Beasts" Kaido, the most special thing is that on his left arm, a dragon claw like a legendary dragon replaced the original arm. There seems to be a brute force under the scales that can destroy everything.

"Kaido, has he fully mastered the awakening ability of 'Fish Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, Blue Dragon Form'? '

As one of the crew of "One Piece" Roger in the past, and the man who followed "One Piece" Roger to the "final island" Ralph Drew, "Red Hair" Shanks knows most of the secrets of this sea .

Although "Red Hair" Shanks did not really set foot on the "Island of the Last" Lovedrew due to a little accident, but from the mouth of his past companions, he knew some of the demons that were only recorded on the "Island of the Last Day" Lovedrew The secret of the fruit.

And "Beasts" Kaido's left arm, which had been clearly lost in the past, can be reproduced in this form, which is undoubtedly a special way of using the awakening ability of "Fish Fruit · Phantom Beast · Azure Dragon Form".

"It is indeed a monster..."

"Red Hair" Shanks secretly commented in his heart.

However, feeling the gaze of "Red Hair" Shanks, "Beasts" Kaido's expression gradually became angry and irritable.

left arm...

That was the unforgettable shame of "Beasts" Kaido.

"Red hair, do you want to be crushed into a meat paste by me?" Kaido squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, with a particularly terrifying expression.

"Ahaha, sorry sorry..."

"Red Hair" Shanks sneered, scratched his head, and explained.

"I didn't mean to laugh at it. After all, I lost a left arm just like you. On the contrary, I am a little envious of you being able to recover in this way..."

The next moment, before "Red-haired" Shanks could finish speaking, "Beasts" Kaido's figure suddenly moved, and he appeared in front of "Red-haired" Shanks across a distance of hundreds of meters almost instantly. before.

"If you explain, you can speak slowly in your next life!"

"Thundering gossip!"

Faced with this mighty blow, "Red Hair" Shanks' eyes froze for an instant, pulled out the "Famous Sword Griffin" from his waist, and went straight to meet "Beasts" Kaido.

The exaggerated "Mace Hachisai" collided with the seemingly slender "Famous Sword Griffin", and the black and red lightning entangled in their respective weapons continued to intertwine and cancel each other out.


Just when those pirates who were observing the deserted island through binoculars from a distance were wondering why the deserted island suddenly seemed to have no movement.

Suddenly an astonishing wave of air exploded in all directions from the center of the deserted island, and the resulting aftermath even set off a skyrocketing wave in an instant.

"Overlord color winding? It's used quite well. The red-haired brat can actually block Lao Tzu's thunderous gossip."

"Kaido, you really know how to joke, do you want to defeat me by counting on this level of strength?"

In the short conversation between "Beasts" Kaido and "Red Hair" Shanks, the vision caused by the colliding "Mace Hachika" and "Famous Sword Griffin" is It became more and more terrifying, and the ground under the feet of both sides began to show signs of collapse rapidly.

At the same time, the collision between "Beasts" Kaido and "Red Hair" Shanks seemed to be the clarion call for the official start of this war. The cadres and crews of both sides have already started a full-scale war.


A series of huge battle sounds sounded non-stop on the deserted island.

This time, because the battle took place not far from the waters of Wano Country, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido almost brought most of the pirates' combat power.

Three major disasters: "Fire" Jhin, "Plague" Quinn, "Drought" Jack; the rest of the cadres: Foz Fu, Sasaki, Runti, Peggy Wan, etc. A lot of physical skills or animal devil fruits Those who can.

On the "Red Hair Pirates" side, headed by "Deputy Captain" Beckman, led Jesus Bu, Lagi Lu, Dego, Snake and other cadres to meet them head-on.

For a time, the sounds of battle almost spread throughout the deserted island.

The powerful cadres of the two pirate gangs tacitly keep a certain distance away from each other to avoid hurting their partners, and at the same time, they are in the center of the deserted island. Out of fighting space.

At this moment, the battle between "Red Hair" Shanks and "Beasts" Kaido broke out completely, and the aftermath of the violent collision set off storm after storm on the deserted island. The dark clouds are torn apart from time to time.


Witnessing the vision caused by the real battle between "red-haired" Shanks and "beasts" Kaido on the deserted island from a distance, many pirates were pale and sweating.

Only after witnessing the visions of these monsters fighting with their own eyes, these pirates who thought highly of themselves realized that the gap between themselves and those "sea emperors" was exaggerated.

"Is this level really achievable by humans?"


Chapter 484 Faction Dispute

In other words, not only the battle between "Red Hair" Shanks and "Hundred Beasts" Kaido is desperate to feel the gap between dimensions, even the battle between the two pirate cadres is enough to make people breathtaking .


Absolutely powerful!

Before the war started, the deserted island, which was only a circle smaller than the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and the tens of meters high forest almost disappeared in pieces under the head-on confrontation between the two pirate groups.

The sea was choppy, the sky was dark and cloudy, and it was almost a doomsday scene.

"It's really an exaggeration..."

Those who witnessed this scene from a distance were not only the pirates who were watching nearby, but also those who had already arrived at the predetermined position, so that the entire fleet continued to maintain the state of blocking the communication signal of the phone bug, but the flagship was temporarily out of range. Admirals projected by phone bugs.

Admiral Polusalino, Lieutenant Admiral He, Lieutenant Admiral Yarn, and the other [-] lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters all looked solemnly at the screen projected by the video phone bug.

This is the picture transmitted by several naval intelligence ships disguised as pirate ships. In addition to the flagship of this fleet, it will also be synchronized to the Marine Headquarters of the Navy and the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Of course, it’s not just the navy, there are also intelligence personnel from other forces among those watching pirate ships, such as the "BIG MOM Pirates" and "Whitebeard Pirates", even if there are no real participants for the time being. Tendency, but also dispatches intelligence personnel to document the situation.

"How could the momentum caused by the frontal battle between two pirate groups be exaggerated to such an extent? The rumor that every emperor of the sea has the power to attack the Navy headquarters does not seem to be completely false."

Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters said in a solemn tone.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider standing beside Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel nodded and said.

"The power of these sea residues cannot be underestimated. However, this is not a reason for justice to retreat. Because of this, it is necessary to wipe out these sea residues in one fell swoop."

"It's just that, waiting for an opportunity to hurt both sides before attacking with one fell swoop will damage the reputation of the navy's justice." Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, who looked rough on the outside, shook his head and said helplessly.

As Sakasky's direct subordinate, Vice Admiral Dauberman, who was secretly dispatched to participate in this plan, couldn't help but sneered.

"Huh, Huoshaoshan, your moral justice is still so disgusting. As long as you can successfully eliminate the Beast Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates, then no amount of sacrifice is worth it, let alone this kind of evil. worthy of dignity."

Regarding Lieutenant General Dauberman's ridicule, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan did not get angry, but explained with a big grin.

"Lieutenant General Dauberman, if the behavior of the navy continues to break the bottom line, regardless of the lives of subordinates, the lives and deaths of civilians, and the nobility of the name of justice, then how different will it be from pirates?"

After a pause, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan continued slowly. "At that time, it will just become another group of forces similar to pirates to fight against pirates, so as a navy, some rules and moral bottom lines must be adhered to."

However, for Lieutenant General Dauberman, who pursued the same "absolute justice" as Lieutenant General Sakalski, he could feel the harshness of these words, and retorted without hesitation.

"It is precisely because of your weak justice that the pirates are becoming more and more rampant."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel saw Lieutenant General Dauberman's attitude getting more and more excited, and said quickly. "Okay, you two, this is not the place to argue about ideas, please control your emotions."

General Polusalino did not intervene in the dispute among the lieutenant generals behind him, and even Lieutenant General Crane, the commander-in-chief of this fleet, also did not intervene.

With the appointment of the three admirals of the Navy, different inclinations of justice also led to the emergence of factions.

It is mainly the absolute justice "Hawk Faction" of the faction represented by "Red Dog" and the moderate justice "Dove Faction" of the faction represented by "Aokiji". More in a neutral state.

This is a factional dispute caused by different ideas, and there is no way to forcibly put an end to it.

In order to avoid factional disputes becoming more and more intense, the real high-level navy will try to avoid their own involvement in it as much as possible, so as not to intensify conflicts, and let this factional dispute be limited to the concept of the vice-admiral level of the Navy headquarters as much as possible.

As for Yaen, he was naturally even more silent, as if he hadn't heard it.

After all, Yaen now bears the title of "Naval Hero". Even if he is still a lieutenant general, he is still one of the real high-level navy.

Although Yaen has always declared that he belongs to the "Buddhist line", whether it is in style or in standpoint, if Yann speaks easily, it will be over-interpreted.

Even in order to avoid the intensification of this conflict, Kuzan, who had a good personal relationship with Ian, has actually been deliberately keeping a distance from Ian, to avoid misunderstanding between General Sakalski and the generals of the "hawk faction". .

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