Chapter 473 Changes in the Kingdom of Alabasta

"Huh, it's the Neptune again, it's really troublesome..."

Under Drago's bewildered eyes, Yaen shook his wet clothes and said helplessly.

The next moment, a lot of blood appeared on the sea surface, and the sea surface around the boat was completely turned into a sea of ​​blood almost within a few breaths.

At this time, Dorag, who had no image of the leader of the mysterious organization, asked subconsciously. "Yan, did you get out of the sea?"


Hearing Dorag's question, Ian realized what he had just done.


Yan coughed lightly, sat down again calmly, and explained. "Fortunately, there is a little life-saving means left, otherwise it would be really dangerous."



Immediately, Yan didn't wait for Drago to continue asking, but continued to ask. "The island commune plan starts with the Kingdom of Alabasta, is there no problem?"

Hearing Yann's question, even though Drago was extremely curious about Yann's so-called "life-saving means", he still answered seriously.

"For now, everything is going according to plan."


At the same time, in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

After the "Ancient Weapon Pluto Incident" six years ago, the Kingdom of Alabasta ushered in great changes. The former king, His Majesty Cobra, disappeared and was succeeded by his young daughter, Princess Vivi.

Later, as the king of Alabasta, Wei Wei participated in the World Conference and fought for the Kingdom of Alabasta at a young age. The kingdom of Palestine is still coveted by neighboring countries.

After all, Weiwei was young, and since the Alabasta Kingdom did not have a real backbone capable of shouldering heavy responsibilities, it did not seem impossible to ruthlessly tear off a piece of flesh from the Alabasta Kingdom.

According to the normal development, even if the Kingdom of Alabasta has a strong military force, it can only fall into a situation of exhaustion and constant disasters, and gradually declines from then on.

And the confrontation between these world alliance countries can only be regarded as the internal affairs of the world alliance countries, and the world government has no right to intervene.

Or in other words, this itself is what the world government acquiesces to, and even promotes, the Kingdom of Alabasta.

However, on the way back to the Kingdom of Alabasta after the World Conference, Weiwei was robbed unexpectedly, and finally helped Weiwei escape from danger and escorted her back to the benefactor of the Kingdom of Alabasta——"Lian Chamber of Commerce" But it played a great role during this period.

In order to repay the "Lion Chamber of Commerce", Wei Wei unexpectedly designated "Lion Chamber of Commerce" as the official Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Alabasta, and outsourced all domestic resource development and foreign trade to "Lion Chamber of Commerce".

The promise and reward made by the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" is to provide the Kingdom of Alabasta with armaments, road maintenance, port construction, water resource replenishment, and so on.

At the beginning, those neighboring countries who coveted the Kingdom of Alabasta just took it as a joke, thinking that the little girl Weiwei was probably fooled by the "Lian Chamber of Commerce", and inadvertently offered to give her country to her. Little by little it was sold.

However, those neighboring countries did not stop it, but were happy to see the success of this matter.

After all, compared with those hyena-like pirates on the sea, those merchants from chambers of commerce and the like can talk about the rules on the surface, but there are never a lot of filth in the dark. Every move is only for profit, and the degree of greed is not the same as that of pirates. under.

Arms trade, human trafficking, collusion with pirates, etc., are the routine operations of chambers of commerce and merchants who lack supervision and management.

Therefore, those neighboring countries who were looking for an opportunity to bite off a piece of meat from the Alabasta Kingdom almost unanimously judged that the Alabasta Kingdom would become more chaotic and the people's livelihood would wither under the profit of the "Lian Chamber of Commerce".

It's just that as a new chamber of commerce that started from Beihai and has risen for less than ten years, "Li'an Chamber of Commerce" has fully demonstrated to the world what is called "money ability".

Just in the Alabasta Kingdom, which was dilapidated due to the "Ancient Weapon Pluto Incident" and was unable to repair it for more than half a year, the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" invested tens of billions of Baileys for free to help repair the city.

After that, the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" directly moved its headquarters to the Kingdom of Alabasta, while developing the resources of the Kingdom of Alabasta, while investing a lot of Bailey to revitalize the Kingdom of Alabasta, building roads and ports, and purchasing armaments , foreign trade.

In just a few years, the Kingdom of Alabasta not only did not go to extinction completely under the greed of merchants as the neighboring countries expected, but instead made the Kingdom of Alabasta glow with unprecedented vitality like a reborn.

With the help of the background and resources of the Kingdom of Alabasta, the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" has developed at an unprecedented speed. The business routes opened up even reach the four seas, and it has caught up with the established numbers at an astonishing speed. The century-old chamber of commerce has become one of the top chambers of commerce in the sea.

Now, six years later, as a country with a large desert in the past, the coverage rate of the Alabasta Kingdom’s green area has reached more than 70.00%, and the Alabasta Kingdom has completely become the economic center and military center of the sea area in the first half of the great sea route. strong country.

At this moment, in the new capital palace of the Alabasta Kingdom, it has gradually grown. Weiwei, who has just shown the majesty of the queen, is receiving the president of the "Lion Chamber of Commerce" in the conference hall, a middle-aged woman with a plain dress and a calm appearance. .

After Weiwei signaled the rest of the meeting hall to retreat, Weiwei who was originally sitting on the throne lifted her skirt, walked towards the middle-aged woman hurriedly, and threw herself into the middle-aged woman's body. In the arms.

"Father, why are you here? Did you miss Weiwei?" Weiwei said affectionately.

And the middle-aged woman touched Weiwei's head, and then said in a lesson-teaching tone.

"Vivi, how many times have I told you that you can't call me that, Naferutali Cobra has died in the sea, and now I am just the president of the Lian Chamber of Commerce, Bracco, understand ?"

"There is no one else around, besides, it is impossible for anyone to recognize the father's appearance now." Weiwei said.

"There are many kinds of devil fruit abilities, so don't be careless. If the world government finds out about this, it will be very bad for the Kingdom of Alabasta and the organization," Bracco said.


Chapter 474 Dealer Model

Hearing this, Weiwei could only helplessly let go of her hand, and looked at the King Cobra who had turned into a woman in front of her with complicated eyes.

From the beginning, Vivi was full of disbelief about this fact, but King Cobra, who changed his life through the ability of "hormone fruit" and changed his name to Bracco, has too many ways to prove himself.

It is precisely because of the existence of President Bracco that Wei Wei will hand over all the commerce and resources of the Alabasta Kingdom to the "Lion Chamber of Commerce" with absolute trust, just like a girl who has been deceived directly sold the land.

And with the support of Chairman Bracco, the resources of the Revolutionary Army organization also flowed into the Kingdom of Alabasta continuously, making the Kingdom of Alabasta the network core of the Revolutionary Army organization in the first half of the great route.

Every day, a large amount of supplies organized by the Revolutionary Army are transferred to different islands through the Kingdom of Alabasta through the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" channel.

In the past six years, although President Bracco has stayed in the Kingdom of Alabasta and accompanied Weiwei from a distance, in order to avoid suspicion from the world government, in the past few years, President Bracco hardly talked with her in private. Vivi contacts.

Almost all contacts were based on the official meeting between the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" and the "Alabasta Royal Family", and there was no chance to even say a few words in private.

Now that six years have passed, as the "Lion Chamber of Commerce" has completely taken root in the Kingdom of Alabasta, the world government spy organization has gradually relaxed a little bit about the contact between the "Lion Chamber of Commerce" and the royal family of the King of Alabasta.

Weiwei took a deep breath and realized that she was too excited just now.

It is already a happy thing for my father to be by my side, and my overly presumptuous actions will only bring danger to myself and my father.

Immediately, Weiwei returned to the throne and sat down, and asked Bracco in an official tone after motioning for Bracco to sit opposite.

"President Bracco, what's the matter with this visit?"

"That's right, now the Li'an Chamber of Commerce has developed to a bottleneck stage. In order to further expand the trade volume, the official of the Kingdom of Alabasta needs to come forward." President Bracco replied.

In fact, Weiwei wanted to express that her father would decide on these matters directly, but she also understood that she was the king of Alabasta now, and her father was also training her abilities in this way.

More importantly, in order to avoid any suspicion from the world government, all processes need to be carried out in a normal way.

"Please tell me," Weiwei said.

Immediately, President Bracco handed a document in front of Weiwei and said.

"Please Your Majesty, in the official name of the Kingdom of Alabasta, request the world government to submit this announcement to the news agency, and publish it in the newspaper as soon as possible to make an announcement."


Weiwei nodded, took a look at the document, and saw the title: Li'an Chamber of Commerce Distributor Cooperation Announcement.


It was the first time Weiwei heard this word.

"This is a term created by that gentleman, a term that will bring about innovative changes in the business model of this era."

"I see." Weiwei nodded, and then browsed through the contents of the file in detail.

The general idea is to introduce the business model of "Li'an Chamber of Commerce" in order to expand its business and continue to develop, to carry out dealer cooperation and the general meaning of the term dealer cooperation.

Weiwei frowned slightly. At first glance, she didn't think this announcement had any special meaning. It was just that the "Lian Chamber of Commerce" was developing a new business model, seeking more and greater profits through cooperation and subcontracting. .

However, Weiwei knew of the existence of the Revolutionary Army organization, and vaguely felt that the "Lian Chamber of Commerce", as one of the official chambers of commerce of the Revolutionary Army, would not hesitate to make such a big move to attract the attention of the world government.

"Do not understand?"

President Bracco looked at Weiwei's puzzled expression and asked with a smile.

"En." Weiwei nodded, and turned her puzzled gaze to President Bracco.

Immediately, President Bracco handed over another document to Weiwei and said.

"After the dealer model is determined, His Majesty Weiwei is also requested to establish a communal system within the Kingdom of Alabasta to cooperate with the dealer."

"Commune system?" Weiwei became more and more confused, and looked down at the document in her hand.

"That's right, the so-called commune is obviously a product that appeared in order to cooperate with the dealer cooperation system..."

President Bracco began to explain.

"The reason why the business in this sea has always been in a downturn is that pirates are rampant and frequently attack merchant ships and the sea weather is bad."

"The more important reason is that many small and medium-sized islands lack commercial value. The profits generated by local specialties, resources, commodities, etc. are not enough to offset the transportation risks, let alone create profits."

"And many chambers of commerce have core businesses. Instead of wasting time and energy to develop the commercial value of those small and medium-sized islands, it is better to expand and stabilize the existing core businesses."

When Weiwei heard about half of it, she was already a little confused, but she looked at President Bracco with a bit of obvious admiration.

After all, six years ago, my father didn't know much about business matters, but now he has mastered it to this extent, which is simply amazing.

"The meaning of dealers is that they can quickly achieve expansion, and develop the commercial value of small and medium-sized islands through unified management of dealers." President Bracco explained.

Weiwei asked suspiciously after hearing this. "But doesn't it mean that small and medium-sized islands have no commercial value?"

"Theoretically speaking, this is true. Residents of ordinary small and medium-sized islands are already quite struggling just to ensure self-sufficiency. They don't have too many Baileys, and they don't have much to sell and recycle. "President Bracco said in agreement.

"Then..." Weiwei became more and more puzzled.

As a king who cares about the common people at the bottom, Weiwei is not a non-meat eater, she is very familiar with the situation at the bottom.

Many small and medium-sized islands have limited population, limited resources, and even no established national system. They are self-sufficient in the form of villages or small towns. Generally speaking, they only conduct barter once a year. The transaction behavior of exchanging goods for necessities of life.

And these small and medium-sized island residents are not protected by the regular kingdom army, and they are also the most vulnerable to being burned, killed and looted by pirates. They are the most tragic large group in this era of great pirates.


Chapter 475 Viral Development Model

"However, as that gentleman often said, a single spark can start a prairie fire. Those seemingly miserable and inconspicuous groups are the largest number in this sea, and they are also the most valuable existence. The commune system It’s the productivity that can really condense those huge quantities.”

"The system of dealer cooperation can become a link connecting one productivity group after another, connecting them scattered across the sea."

When he said this, President Bracco, who had been acting exceptionally calm, couldn't help but reveal a somewhat passionate demeanor.

In order to serve as the chairman of the "Lian Chamber of Commerce", Bracco did not hesitate to let Mr. Ivankov change his gender. In addition to wanting to accompany Weiwei with a brand new identity, the more important thing is that Bracco will The chief was moved by what the chief of staff said.

Not now, but six years earlier, during a phone call with the mysterious Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, President Bracco was attracted by the future woven by the Chief of Staff and wanted to witness it with his own eyes. , and even become a part of developing that picture.

And Wei Wei listened to President Bracco's narration, and seemed to understand something, but found it hard to understand.

Do the civilians on the small and medium-sized islands scattered like stars all over the sea really have that kind of value?

Although Weiwei is not an arrogant person, from the standpoint of the kings of allied countries in the world, those precarious civilians are really like grass, just ensuring that they are not hungry is enough for them to do their best, and those commoners They are also the group most likely to give birth to pirates.

Finally, Weiwei raised a question. "President Bracco, can the commune system really be implemented? Those civilians who have difficulty even filling their stomachs probably won't have the energy to notice this system, right?"

President Bracco smiled and said.

"I can't explain too much for now, but His Majesty Weiwei will witness the changes in the world with his own eyes."


Not only Weiwei was puzzled, but even Dorag, who was communicating with Yaen, was also worried.

Even though Dorag believes in Yann's long-term vision in terms of system and planning, he is still apprehensive after all.

"Chief of Staff, the future conceived by the commune island plan is indeed quite beautiful, but the civilians on many small and medium-sized islands have no news, and they may not even read the newspapers."

"Even if they understand that the commune system can greatly increase productivity, and they are determined to make changes, without the guidance of relevant people, it is probably meaningless, right?"

Ion nodded and said in agreement. "If it is common sense, your idea is indeed correct."

After a pause, Yan smiled helplessly and said.

"However, it has to be admitted that besides pure ideals, there are also naked interests that drive human beings to sacrifice their lives to fight."

"Benefit?" Drago asked.

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