
The Warring States Marshal was taken aback for a moment, then recalled immediately, and asked. "Weibull's mother?"

"That's right, but she was killed in a beauty salon by a little pirate named Dali the 'Beautiful Wolf'."

As Lieutenant General He spoke, he also put relevant information in front of Marshal Warring States.

"Someone reported to the Navy that Dali the 'Brilliant Wolf' was posing as a beauty doctor and performing an operation. When the Navy arrived, Miss. Ba Jin had already died on the operating table, and Dali the 'Brilliant Wolf' was also shot dead on the spot for attacking the Navy. "

The Warring States Marshal glanced at the intelligence document and said with a frown. "It looks very suspicious, who reported Dali the 'Sexy Wolf' to the local navy?"

"This is not recorded in the document, but I checked it later, the report was delivered in the form of a letter, and the other party claimed to be an 'enthusiastic person'." Lieutenant General He replied.

Immediately, the corners of Marshal Warring States couldn't help twitching.

Immediately after the office fell into a moment of silence, Marshal Warring States said in a low voice. "Xiaohe, do you think these things are all..."

Marshal Warring States did not say what happened next, but Lieutenant General He understood that Marshal Warring States was referring to the CP organization.

The organization that can easily know the location of the training ship where Zefa is located, and can find MISS before the navy. The organization that Ba Jin started must have extremely powerful intelligence capabilities. The only one that fits seems to be the CP organization.

Lieutenant General He took a deep breath and said.

"Don't make random guesses, Sengoku, and we don't rule out other possibilities, such as some forces secretly wanting to provoke a war between the Navy and the 'Whitebeard Pirates'."

After a pause, Lieutenant General He put the photos of Weibull and Miss. Ba Jin in front of Marshal Warring States and said.

"After all, according to the rumors, Weibull is Whitebeard's biological son, and that MISS. Ba Jin is Whitebeard's wife. Now that they are both dead at the hands of the navy, it is likely that Whitebeard will be completely angered."

Marshal Warring States glanced away, looking at Weibull's ugly and demented appearance and Miss Bajin's short and old appearance, but there was no way to connect them with the domineering and stalwart "White Beard" Edward Newgate together.

Especially MISS. Ba Jin, her height may not be able to hit the knee of "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, no matter how you look at it, the two of them are... well... difficult to match.

"How likely is this? Has there been any response from the 'Whitebeard Pirates'?" Marshal Sengoku asked.

"There is no way to be sure about the possibility, but I have sent additional personnel to monitor the movements of the 'Whitebeard Pirates'." Vice Admiral Crane replied.

Marshal Warring States nodded and said. "Don't be careless, the guy with the white beard's power should not be underestimated, so be sure to keep an eye on him at all times."

After a pause, the Warring States Marshal suddenly thought of something and whispered.

"Little Crane, but if that guy with the white beard voluntarily leaves the waters of the New World, maybe this will be a good opportunity."

"No, the timing is not right now." Lieutenant General He shook his head and said.

"Why." The Warring States Marshal asked.

"Just now, the 'Red Hair Pirates' took the initiative to declare war on the 'Hundred Beasts Pirates', trying to win the title of 'Emperor of the Sea'." Vice Admiral Crane replied.

"What? 'Redhead' Shanks, the kid who was on Roger's boat?"

Immediately, Marshal Warring States showed a thoughtful look, and then opened a brief map of the "New World" sea area, which marked "Whitebeard Pirates", "BIG MOM Pirates" and "Sea of ​​Beasts". Thieves Group" also has a part of the territory occupied by big pirates.

"Little Crane, do you think this incident will shake the current situation in the 'New World' sea area? Can 'Red Hair' Shanks have the ability to counter the 'Beasts Pirates'?" Marshal Sengoku asked.

Immediately, Lieutenant General Crane took out a stack of documents prepared in advance and placed them in front of Marshal Warring States, which recorded all the information about the "Red Hair Pirates", especially the information about "Red Hair" Shanks. is particularly numerous.

"'Red Hair' Shanks led the pirate group out of the 'New World' sea area after the 'Dressrosa Incident' six years ago, and began to wander in the rest of the sea area, according to the information collected by the intelligence department,' Redhead Shanks is nominally looking for a new partner..."

After a pause, Lieutenant General He continued.

"However, there are two very suspicious things. 'Red-haired' Shanks attacked a ship protected by the CP organization in the East China Sea, took a devil fruit, and lost an arm inexplicably when he reappeared later. ; and according to the sailing route of the 'red-haired' Shanks drawn by the staff department, he wandered around almost every sea area, as if he was looking for something."

"Huh?" Hearing this sentence, Marshal Zhan Guo couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

As a man who dared to challenge Kaido, the "beast" head-on, and tried to win the title of "Emperor of the Sea", would he lose an arm in a place like the East China Sea?

"That's right, 'Red Hair' Shanks did lose an arm in the East China Sea, but there is no real enemy worthy of Shanks' attack in the four seas. There has been little update on Kex's strength information, so it is a mystery whether 'red hair' Shanks has the strength to confront Kaido head-on now."


The Warring States Marshal fell into thinking, frowned, and murmured.

"Has the kid on Roger's boat grown to this point? I always feel that I can't be careless..."

Immediately, Marshal Warring States spoke.

"An emergency meeting was held to discuss this issue further! In the past, limited by the promise we made to Roger, we relaxed our pursuit of those remnants. However, since the other party has grown to this point, we must not underestimate them. We must treat the other party as a major threat."


Immediately, Lieutenant General He turned around and conveyed the order of Marshal Warring States.


Chapter 463 Emergency Meeting

Following the order of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, the lieutenant generals and generals of the Navy Headquarters, who were in charge of the real power in Marin Fando, walked towards the conference room with solemn faces.

An emergency meeting was held temporarily, which must mean that something important happened on the sea.

Some of the admirals who are always concerned about the movement of the sea have already received in advance that the "Red Hair Pirates" declared war on the "Hundred Beasts Pirates" to compete for the title of "Emperor of the Sea".

Under the sturdy physique of the lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, the conference room soon seemed to be half full.

Among them, the presence of key figures such as Marshal of the Warring States Period, General "Aokiji" Kuzan, General "Yellow Monkey" Polusalino, Lieutenant General Karp, and Lieutenant Crane, all show that this meeting is likely to involve the navy. A big action, which also made the atmosphere look more serious.

Just now.


As soon as he walked to the door of the conference room, Yan, who was still in beachwear, looked at the dignified atmosphere in front of him and a large group of well-dressed naval generals, and asked the Marshal of the Warring States Period from a distance.

"How about I go back and change a pair of clothes?"

The Warring States Marshal looked at Yan's attire as if he had just returned from vacation, his expression twitched slightly, and he said.

"Come in."


Ion responded, and then strode in towards his seat.

However, when the Warring States Marshal saw that Yaen was still holding a bag of snacks in his hand, his expression darkened, and he couldn't help but explode on the spot.

Asshole, it's even more outrageous than Karp!

Marshal Warring States' chest heaved rapidly, and after taking a few deep breaths, he managed to regain his composure.

After Yan sat down in his seat, he directly distributed snacks to the Lieutenant General Karp beside him. The faint sound of "click, click, click" seemed to stir up the last rational nerves of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

"Everyone is here, let's start, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Lieutenant General He reminded Marshal of the Warring States Period in a low voice.

Hearing this, Marshal Warring States gave Yan a hard look, and then stood up to preside over the meeting.

"Everyone, first of all, look at the information in front of you. The 'Red Hair Pirates' suddenly declared war on the 'Hundred Beasts Pirates' today..."

When the Marshal of the Warring States Period began to talk eloquently and talked about the problem, Yaen was

Ever since he was tricked by Marshal Warring States last time, Yan has thoroughly seen through the seriousness of the Navy Headquarters meeting.

Because of the existence of devil fruit, it will lead to some special side effects and habits of ability users, for example: Kuzan will often feel sleepy and unable to keep up, Polusalino's nails grow extremely fast and need to be trimmed frequently.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to avoid all kinds of small actions at the meeting.

And Yaen simply defined the side effects of "Sakura Fruit" as: "I feel uncomfortable without snacks" and "extremely obsessed with fishing".

As for whether the Warring States Marshal believes that there is such an outrageous side effect, Yann doesn't care at all, after all, no one can prove that it is fake.


Yan accidentally noticed that the weasel on the other side had smacked its mouth, and with a greedy but serious expression, he invited it.

"Lieutenant General Weasel, don't be so serious. It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. You should be hungry. Come and eat some snacks to fill your stomach. It's useless to be serious anyway. The World Government won't raise wages."

When Lieutenant General Weasel heard the words, there was a hint of emotion on his face, but he still answered in a low voice with a righteous face. "Respect yourself, Lieutenant General Ian, this is an emergency meeting."

"How urgent is it?"

Ian said disapprovingly. "If it's really urgent, Marshal Warring States has already dispatched troops to deal with it directly, and he still has the mind to hold a meeting, which means there is still plenty of time to hesitate."


Suddenly, there was a bang on the table in front of Yaen, and the tall figure of the Marshal of the Warring States Period appeared in front of Yaen, asking every word.

"May I ask Lieutenant General Ian, do you think it is possible for 'Red Hair' Shanks to win the title of 'Emperor of the Sea'?"

Yan was taken aback for a moment, and turned his eyes from the Warring States Marshal who was staring at him in front of him, to Lieutenant General Karp on the other side.

I saw that Lieutenant General Garp also stuffed his mouth full of snacks, showing a big smile, full of gloating.

Immediately, Yaen said with an innocent look on his face. "I said, Marshal of the Warring States Period, why don't you ask Lieutenant General Garp, he is a veteran senior, he should understand better."

Marshal Warring States pointed at Lieutenant General Garp, and said bluntly in the face of a large number of admirals. "Lieutenant General Karp has no brains, what can I ask for advice?"


Lieutenant General Karp.

For a moment, Lieutenant General Garp's gloating expression froze completely, and a large group of admirals who knew Lieutenant General Garp's style could hardly hold back their laughter.

Marshal Warring States did not wait for Lieutenant General Karp to refute, and continued to speak.

"But Lieutenant General Yaen, you are different. You have the ability to plan. I have always placed high hopes on you, so please put down the snacks in your hand and express your views."



The corner of Yan's mouth twitched slightly, he stood up helplessly, looked around, and found that most of the admirals in the meeting room were looking at him.

"Old man of the Warring States period, this is really trying to push me to the forefront..."

Ian thought secretly.

However, this is exactly what Ian meant.

Otherwise, follow Yan's normal practice and simply not come to the meeting, instead of attracting attention in this usual way and giving yourself a chance to speak.

"Cough cough..."

Yan coughed twice and said. "If I think so, 'Red Hair' Shanks will definitely become the fourth sea emperor of the sea."

Immediately, the expressions of the admirals in the conference room changed slightly, they never expected Yan's tone to be so sure.

The Warring States Marshal frowned and asked with his arms crossed. "reason."

Ian glanced at the profile of the 'red-haired' Shanks in front of him, then said with a smile.

"A man who doesn't care about fame and wealth at all, and can leave the 'New World' sea area for six full years to accumulate strength without hesitation, I don't think it's funny for him to return to the 'New World' sea area just to play a game. joke."

For a while, some naval generals also showed expressions of deep approval.

There has never been a shortage of arrogant pirates in this sea, but obviously the style of "red-haired" Shanks is not like this. All kinds of data show that this is a pirate who pursues freedom and values ​​his partners.

"So, in my opinion, there are only two choices. Either choose to sit on the sidelines and let the fourth emperor check and balance the increasingly crowded 'New World' sea area; or..."

Yan threw a piece of French fries into his mouth and said easily. "Taking advantage of both sides' losses, directly swallow these two threats."


Chapter 464 Island Commune Plan

When an emergency meeting was held with Marin Fandor at the Navy headquarters, the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army were also conducting video conferences through the latest generation of phone bugs.

"Everyone, the time has come. 'Red Hair' Shanks has started to compete for the fourth emperor of the sea. The chief of staff will try his best to attract the attention of the world government and navy."

Dorag said straight to the point. "So, the second five-year plan 'Island Commune Plan' is about to start, and this will be the time for the real rise of the revolutionary army!"

"Island commune plan?"

Listening to Drago's words, the rest of the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army were a little at a loss, not understanding what the name represented.

"I know that you are still very confused about this plan, but although the chief of staff did not have time to participate in this meeting, he left a video to explain it to comrades."

As he said that, Drago used the latest generation of phone bug function to transmit the video left by Yan to everyone.

The next moment, Yan, who looked a little rough, appeared on the phone bug image, holding a fishing rod in his hand.

"Comrades, here, I will explain the 'Five-Year Plan·Island Commune Plan' to all comrades."

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