Yan shook his head helplessly, understanding that the old man of the Warring States period as the admiral was fine, but the next admiral may have a shortage of middle and high-level combat power in the navy.

From the standpoint of Yan and the Revolutionary Army, they actually don't want the navy to decline. Otherwise, pirates in the sea will be rampant and the order will collapse, which will also seriously affect the development speed of the Revolutionary Army.

After looking around, Lieutenant General He asked Yaen about the details.

In this regard, Yann did not need to hide anything, and told the last of what he knew including the "overlord's entanglement".

When Lieutenant General He finally heard the death toll of the students, he also realized that the impact of this incident might be quite far-reaching.


Lieutenant General He couldn't help but stared deeply at Yaen.

It was almost close to killing Weibull, who was known as "White Beard II", even though there seemed to be a problem of restraint in it, but it was enough to show that the combat power that Yan could display was already at the top level of the sea.

What surprised Lieutenant General He the most was Yan's speed across the sea.

Among the current three generals of the navy, Admiral "Red Dog" Sakaski can temporarily create a foothold in the sea through lava, and Admiral "Aokiji" Kuzan has the ability to freeze the sea and walk freely.

But whether it is General Sakaski or General Kuzan, the speed of traveling on the sea is not as fast as that of naval warships.

In the end, only General Polusalino, the "Yellow Ape", has the ability to quickly cross the sea alone, but the consumption of physical strength is also quite terrible.

On the contrary, Yan has now shown this ability to easily cross the sea, and rushed from Marin Fando to the training ship for support at an unimaginable speed.

'how did you do that? 'Sakura Fruit' ability? '

Lieutenant General He couldn't help but have this question in his heart, but this occasion is obviously not suitable for such a question.

Afterwards, the practice ship, which was already dilapidated and on the verge of sinking, was towed by the other two warships and returned to Marin Vanduo, and the surviving students also began to receive treatment from the naval ship doctor.

However, for these surviving students, most of their injuries were small bumps and bumps, but they suffered quite serious psychological and spiritual shocks.

That feeling is probably equivalent to a full-level monster straying into Novice Village. I believe that Weibull's monster-like physique and strength will become a lingering nightmare in the hearts of quite a few students for a long time to come.

In addition, Zefa, who is the chief instructor of the navy, is also seriously injured. Although his life is not in danger due to the "return of life", except for the most important right arm that is close to being scrapped, he has also suffered a considerable mental blow.

If the attacker, Weibull, had not been killed by Yan on the spot, I am afraid that the consequences of this incident would have been even more serious.


The next day, in the Marine Vanduo office building of the Navy Headquarters.

Yann rarely appeared in his office and listened to Major General Hope's investigation report.

"Reporting to Lieutenant General Yan, I have retrieved the filing documents of the training ship's route according to your order. The approval departments are only the staff department and the marshal's office, and then they will be kept in the archives."

After a pause, Major General Hope flipped through the documents in his hand, and continued.

"The intelligence department and the six naval branches that need to cooperate with the training ship are related to the sea area of ​​the route. However, the intelligence department and the six naval branches do not know that the task they need to cooperate with is the training ship."

Yan nodded and motioned Major General Hope to put the report on his desk.

"Is there any progress in the intelligence department and the staff department?" Yan asked.

"The Department of Intelligence and the General Staff probably restored Weibull's recent actions, and believe that this should be purely a coincidence." Hope replied.

In this regard, Yan did not comment, but directly asked Major General Hope to go down and get busy.

There is no doubt that nothing can be investigated within the Navy at present.

Chief Instructor Zefa was seriously injured in the attack, and more than 300 future admiral Miaozi sacrificed such a major event. The Intelligence Department and the Staff Department naturally refused to take the blame without substantial evidence.

What's more, it all seems too much like a coincidence.

In the vast sea, Weibull, who is mentally handicapped, happened to meet the training ship on a raft.

Immediately, Yan picked up the document submitted by Major General Hope and browsed through it, and finally took out a photo closely related to Weibull's life.

MISS. Ba Jin.

An old woman of short stature, wearing black glasses, and wearing a cape with a flamboyant pattern.

According to the Navy's past intelligence, Miss. Bajin is Weibull's biological mother, and she often advertised that she was the lover of "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate in the past.

"According to the time estimate, probably... caught it?"

Yan knocked on the table, murmured something, and then half-lyed back against the back of the chair.


At the same time, in a beauty salon on a bustling island near the sea area where the training ship was attacked.

MISS. Ba Jin was scrutinizing the skin after maintenance, his expression became more and more dissatisfied, and he angrily yelled at the clerk beside him.

"Didn't it mean that after your three courses of treatment, the skin will be restored to a girlish state? Why is it still so wrinkled?"

In this regard, the surrounding shop assistants couldn't help showing a bit of helplessness on their faces.

If it wasn't for this guy's stupidity and rich money, they wouldn't bother to pay attention to such daydreaming thoughts.


Chapter 458 The Targeted Zefa

The manager of the beauty salon who rushed to see Miss Ba Jin who was about to go crazy was also angry, but patiently and gently explained to Miss Ba Jin,

"Ma'am, it's like this. We promised three courses of treatment to be effective, but three courses of treatment are just the beginning of returning to the state of girlish skin..."

"Come on, ma'am, take a look at this place and recall carefully, have you noticed that the skin here has improved considerably compared to before three courses of treatment, the pores have shrunk a lot, and it has begun to develop into a girlish skin state ?”

"Madam, you have to believe in the strength of our store. As an old Baidao chain store, it has passed the test and certification of time."

After a pause, the manager of the beauty salon pointed at himself with a hint of mystery in his tone. "Ma'am, guess how old I am this year?"

Unknowingly, MISS. Ba Jin, who was distracted by the manager of the beauty salon, followed the other party's question, carefully looked at the manager who looked a bit middle-aged in front of him, and said guessingly.

"36 years old?"

"You guessed wrong, ma'am, this year I..."

The manager of the beauty salon said with a little sigh. "63 years old."

Immediately, MISS. Ba Jin asked with a shocked and unbelievable expression. "Is it the secret of your youthfulness to go through these treatments?"

The manager of the beauty salon hesitated for a moment, then whispered mysteriously.

"Actually, apart from these treatments, the shop also has a special internal beauty product, but I see that the lady has an extraordinary temperament and is very supportive of the shop. I can secretly take some for the lady to use."

Hearing these words, MISS. Ba Jin's original displeasure dissipated, and he couldn't help showing a little joy.

Seeing this, the manager of the beauty salon continued hesitantly. "However, ma'am, even if it is an internal product, it is not provided by the headquarters for free, but as the store manager, I can have a certain share to buy it at an internal price, so that part of the cost..."

"Relax, Pele is not a problem."

MISS. Ba Jin said indifferently.

In an instant, the manager of the beauty salon could hardly suppress the ecstatic look on his face.

Fat sheep, this is definitely the long-awaited big fat sheep!

Sure enough, being a pirate has no future at all, how can opening a beauty salon get money quickly?

What about shrinking pores, as long as you simply wash your face, the pores will naturally shrink a lot temporarily.

As for the old Hundred Islands chain store, the words are true, but the specific situation is that this store has received follow-up complaints from customers about fraud, and has been blocked by hundreds of islands in succession.

However, this 26-year-old store manager is believed to be one hundred and one islands soon.

It's just that it doesn't matter at all, just change to another island, the same routine, there will always be different fat sheep fooled.

But before the beauty salon manager went down to make arrangements, MISS. Ba Jin reminded with a terrified expression.

"If I find out that you lied to me, then after my son comes back, I will let him tear you apart."

Hearing this, the manager of the beauty salon habitually wanted to respond to such warnings with a smile, but somehow felt that MISS. Ba Jin was not joking.



The next moment, MISS. Ba Jin's expression became cheerful again, and he said with his wrinkled face like an old chrysanthemum.

"If you can restore my skin to a girlish state, then I will definitely be able to regain the love of Whitebeard, and I can satisfy you with any amount of wealth I need."

The manager of the beauty salon heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, and complimented her. "Then I will thank Mrs. White Beard first."

"Hey hey~" MISS. Ba Jin couldn't help laughing contentedly when he heard the compliment.

"Ma'am, how about I go down to prepare the products first, and then start the next course of treatment?" the beauty salon manager asked cautiously.

"no problem."

"As for the fee, for the sake of White Beard, how about a 800% discount, [-] million Baileys?" asked the beauty salon manager.

"The discount is not bad." MISS. Ba Jin said approvingly.

"Thank you so much for your support..."

However, after the beauty salon manager retreated outside the room and closed the door, he couldn't help but spit and said disdainfully.

"With such a wrinkled appearance, how dare you call yourself a woman with a white beard? What an old woman who loves daydreaming. Forget it, for Bailey's sake, let me treat you well... "

Just as the manager of the beauty salon turned around to prepare for the so-called treatment, he bumped into something suddenly, and his whole body bounced back and sat on the ground.

"What... why?!"

As the beauty salon manager looked up and saw the man in front of him clearly, the originally fierce voice froze for a moment.

"Wolf" Coker, the true owner of the island, is in charge of most of the island's business and security, and even rumored to be a pirate who was offered a reward of 5000 million Baileys.

"Master Coker..." The manager of the beauty salon pulled out a smile with difficulty, and said hello to Coker.

Coker cast a glance at the manager of the beauty salon, ignored him, and walked directly into the private room in front of him.

The next moment, under the bewildered gaze of the beauty salon manager, Coker came out with one hand in his hand, the "big fat sheep" he had seen for a year.

However, before the manager of the beauty salon could speak, she felt a pain in the back of her neck, and she passed out completely.

Half a day later, when the manager of the beauty salon woke up, her hands were already stained with blood, and in front of her lay the completely dead MISS Ba Jin.

"What... what's going on?"

Before the manager of the beauty salon could fully wake up, the door of the private room was suddenly kicked open, and a small team of marines broke in directly.

"'Beautiful Wolf' Dali, you have been arrested for offering a reward of 900 million Baileys, and in addition to being charged as a pirate, you also pretended to be a beauty doctor and was suspected of murdering multiple lives through surgery, which is a serious crime... "

However, just as the manager of the beauty salon was about to speak up to defend himself, the navy leader suddenly yelled.

"How dare you attack the navy and shoot!"

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"


At the same time, Yan, who had already slipped out to sea to fish, also received information about MISS. Bajin fed back from the Revolutionary Army.

Among them, the role played by MISS. Ba Jin in the attack on the training ship was recorded in detail.

"Sure enough, as expected, the attack on the training ship did not target Sora and Ying, but Zefa?"

"Someone deliberately leaked information related to Zefa to MISS. Bajin, instigating MISS. Bajin to order Weibull to attack the training ship, and promised to give MISS. Bajin [-] million Berry as a reward afterwards."

"Is this style of behavior organized by CP?"

Yan murmured, but he was not sure which CP organization was behind the plan.

After all, the CP organization is the eyes, shield and sharp blade of the world government to control the sea, and even the revolutionary army cannot easily infiltrate it.


Chapter 459 The Boss

The revolutionary army attaches great importance to grassroots intelligence, using ideas as weapons, and has a unique advantage in developing espionage personnel.

Therefore, after eight years of development, the intelligence organization of the Revolutionary Army has successfully expanded from the North Sea to every corner of the sea.

It is precisely because of this intelligence network that spreads across the entire sea that the revolutionary army has always blocked its own intelligence and has not been valued by the allied countries of the world and the world government.

But the CP organization is a special exception. Their members are trained from an early age, and they will not easily recruit outsiders to join.

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