Even, with the power of this lord, it seems not impossible for Germa 66 to rule the North Sea again.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, even if Jiazhi regrets it in his heart, he can only suppress all his thoughts, and quickly took off the combat uniform hood that covered half of his head, and greeted Yaen below with a smiling face.

As for escape?

All of Germa 66's belongings are here, and Jiaji would rather die than escape alone.

"Master Hirinmaru, you have worked hard, you have worked hard..."

"It's not hard work, being human..."

Listening to the familiar words, Yann almost answered the words engraved in his bones, but he quickly reacted and said in a cold tone.

"You just need to hand over the 'Blood Factor' technology as promised."

"no problem……"

Gage agreed without hesitation, and then led Ian towards the giant snail that first fell into the windless belt.

Seeing this, Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked. "The 'Blood Factor' technology is stored in this giant snail? It won't be destroyed, right?"

"Don't worry, Hirinmaru-sama, there's no problem."

While Gage explained, he took Ion back to the remains of the giant snail, and then searched in the ruins, seeing Ian's brows completely furrowed.

After all, the "bloodline factor" technology is related to the life continuation of Kong and Ying, so Ian can't help but ignore it.

"It's really careless. The giant snail should not have fallen into the sea. I hope the 'Bloodline Factor' technology is not damaged..."

While praying secretly, Yaen kept a close eye on Gage's every move with a domineering look to prevent this guy from doing any unexpected things.

"found it……"

The next moment, there was a burst of joy in Jiaji's voice.

Immediately, Yaen's figure moved towards Gage, but he found that Gage was holding a little boy wrapped in an iron hood in his hand.

And Gage shook the little boy, and then spoke. "Great, Sanji is still alive."

In an instant, Yan's tone became a little colder, and said. "Gage, what I asked you to find is the 'Blood Factor' technology."

Gage felt the chill emanating from Yan's body, shivered almost subconsciously, and then quickly explained.

"Master Hirinmaru, he is the 'bloodline factor' technology."

Ian's brows could not help but furrowed tightly. "What's the meaning?"

But Gage hesitated for a moment, and spoke slowly.

"Master Hirinmaru, Germa 66 does possess the 'Bloodline Factor' technology, and it has been applied to 'artificial soldiers', but that level of 'Bloodline Factor' technology is only the most superficial application..."

"As for Germa 66, only my daughter and four sons have been truly transformed by the 'Blood Factor' technology, and have acquired a superhuman body and various special abilities. Sanji in my hand is one of them."


Chapter 4 Continuation of Life

Hearing this, Ian's eyes fell on the thin Sanji who was wearing an iron hood in the hands of Gage, and he was holding a somewhat worn book in his hand, on which was vaguely written "ALL BLUE" words.

And through the gap on the iron headgear, Ian can clearly see that Sanji's eyes are full of panic and confusion, but it seems that because of the fear of Gaji, he dare not make a sound at all.

Immediately, Yan looked at Gage and asked.

"So you mean that Germa 66 didn't really master the 'Blood Factor' technology, so apart from the four brothers Reiju and Iji, there is no way to continue to copy it?"

Jia Zhi's face was a little embarrassed at first, then he nodded helplessly and explained.

"In order to revitalize Germa 66 in the early years, I secretly joined the research team named 'MADS', conducted research with Vegapunk, M. Caesar Courant and other well-known scientists, and discovered the 'blood factor' technology, and 'MADS' has made great progress in the research of 'ancestry factors', and soon entered the application stage."

"But due to the particularity of the 'bloodline factor', the most suitable for transformation is the unborn baby, and only my wife Sola is pregnant in the research team, so Reiju carried out the initial 'bloodline factor' transformation , allowing Reiju to successfully obtain a superhuman body."

"Reiju's success made me see the hope of Germa 66's revival, so I also used the scientific research power of 'MADS' to transform the four Yiji brothers."

"Just before the four Yiji brothers were born, the world government noticed the research progress of 'MADS' on the 'Blood Factor', and quickly sent people to arrest most of the research members of 'MADS'."

"Although I escaped by chance and was exempted from being wanted by virtue of my status as the king of a member country of the world government, I failed to bring out the research data on the 'Blood Factor', which led to Germa 66's application of the 'Blood Factor' Temporarily limited to the stage of manufacturing 'artificial soldiers'."

At the end, Yan's brows were furrowed, but after careful consideration, he also felt that what Gage said should not be false.

The simplest judgment is that Jia Zhi's attitude towards his children is too indifferent, and he regards them more as weapons to revive Germa 66.

If Jiaji still has the scientific research power to continue to carry out the "blood factor" transformation of the fetus, then he will definitely not only manufacture the four brothers Reiju and Iji, but will carry out large-scale manufacturing like "artificial soldiers".

And Gage has been carefully watching Yaen's eyes, and found that Yaen didn't seem to show any dissatisfaction, so he continued to speak cautiously.

"So for Germa66, the real 'bloodline factor' technology is contained in my son. If Hirinmaru-sama wants to conduct research on this technology, then Sanji fully meets the requirements."

As soon as Gaji's words came out, Sanji, who was held by Gaji in his hand, suddenly shrank his fearful eyes, looked at his father in disbelief, and shouted in horror.

"No, my lord father, I don't want to be used as research material, no, my lord father, I will definitely try my best to awaken my power to meet your requirements."

"Shut up, Sanji, this is the greatest contribution you can make to Germa 66. You have to cooperate with Hirinmaru-sama as much as possible, understand?"

Gaji's eyes scolded Sanji without a trace of reluctance, and then quickly explained as if he was afraid that Yaen would be dissatisfied.

"Master Hirinmaru, don't worry, although Sanji is a failure compared to Iji and the others, it is only because when he was still in his mother's womb, his mother accidentally took some medicine, which made him unable to awaken the 'blood factor' ', but after testing, he has also been perfectly transformed by the 'bloodline factor'."

Hearing this, Sanji, who was struggling, suddenly seemed to have lost all his strength, and his eyes were completely absent-minded and unbelievable.

The gentle mother in my memory, the mother who lay on the hospital bed all day long with a pale face but a bright smile...

"It turned out that the reason why I couldn't have such great power as Iji, Niji, and Yuji, couldn't become a qualified prince in Germa 66, and couldn't be recognized by my father, was it all because of my mother? "

"Why? Mother..."

Sanji murmured, and finally understood why he was completely different from Iji and the others even though they were quadruplets.

And Gaji looked at Sanji in his hand with cold eyes, and continued.

"That's right, and because you failed to completely transform successfully, only when you were born with dystocia, which caused a great burden on your mother's body and left a lot of sequelae, this made your mother Died in a hurry."

"So, Sanji, you who killed your mother should make up your mind at this time, and use your last value as research materials to repay my kindness."

At this moment, Reiju, who looked a bit embarrassed, suddenly stood up from the side, glanced at Sanji, whose eyes were dull and lost all luster, then clenched his fists and shouted loudly.


"Mother, my mother is to protect Sanji, to let Sanji retain his emotions, instead of becoming an emotionless killing machine in your hands like Yiji, Niji, and Yuji, so he secretly took medicine against your orders. of."

Immediately, Reiju shouted at Sanji.

"Sanji, cheer up, it wasn't you who killed Mother, but Mother who protected you with her life, so you are the real continuation of Mother's life..."

Before Reiju finished speaking, Gaji, who had a particularly ugly face, shouted in an orderly tone. "Shut up, Reiju!"

Immediately, Reiju's body froze uncontrollably, and the mouth that had grown up could not continue to make any sound at all, as if Reiju's body was instinctively following Gaji's order.

Immediately, Gage turned cautiously and said to Yan.

"Master Hirinmaru, I made you laugh. In short, if you want the 'Bloodline Factor' technology in the hands of Germa 66, then the perfectly modified 'Sanji' can perfectly meet the requirements."

Yan cast a noncommittal glance at Gage, and had a new understanding of the man with a flattering expression in front of him.

This is a man who can give up everything in order to revive Germa66, including dignity, wife, children, etc., he doesn't care at all.

It's just that Yan was shocked by Gadge's ruthlessness, but now he is more concerned about the "blood factor" in his heart.

'Bringing back the finished product modified by the "blood factor", will it help Kong and Ying's treatment? '


Chapter 4 and Four: Kong and Ying, who were almost denatured

"Gage, wait a minute..."

Yan opened his mouth and said something to Gage, and then quickly flew to the distance where Gage couldn't hear the sound, and then took out the phone bug from his arms to contact Luo.

"Master Yan, how are you?" Luo's voice sounded.

"A small problem has arisen. The 'bloodline factor' technology in the form of data and the stable 'bloodline factor' sequence required may have been destroyed by the world government, or it may have fallen into the hands of the world government..."

After a pause, Ion continued.

"However, there are still humans that have been modified with a stable 'bloodline factor' sequence. Does this help?"

On the other end of the phone bug, Luo's voice suddenly fell silent, which made Yaen's heart tense.

If... it doesn't help, then it seems that there is only one option left if you want to further obtain the "blood factor" technology-"attack the science department of the world government".

It has really reached that level, especially the recent appearance of the special forces of the world government, which made Yan understand that the danger index is absolutely close to death.

Or, it can only petrify the air and Ying in this way until the revolutionary army really has the power to confront the world government head-on, and successfully overthrows the world government and captures the research results of those "blood factors". for treatment.

Finally, just as Yan's expression became more serious, Luo's voice came out from the phone bug, saying.

"My lord Yann, in theory, if it is a human being transformed with a stable 'bloodline factor' sequence, then it is even better than the pure 'bloodline factor' data."

"After all, Kong and Ying have already been born, and their own 'bloodline factors' have actually been fixed. If they are transformed according to the new 'bloodline factor' sequence, there may be 'bloodline factor' conflicts, incompatibilities, and other adverse reactions. .”

"And if I directly use the human beings that have been modified with a stable 'bloodline factor' sequence as a transformation template, then I can directly transform the physical essence of 'Kong' and 'Ying' to infinite Approaching the human beings who have been strengthened and modified by the 'bloodline factor' sequence."

"This method is relatively more stable and the operation is less difficult."

Hearing this, Yaen breathed a sigh of relief and asked. "Then what were you hesitating about just now?"

Luo hesitated for a moment, then replied.

"Master Yan, the structure of men and women is essentially different, so depending on the gender of the transformation template, it may be necessary to ask Lord Ivankov to make a permanent visit to one of Kong and Ying. Sexual degeneration."



Ian, who was almost choked by Luo Na's serious answer, spoke directly.

"You don't have to worry about this. You can prepare the conditions for surgery right now. The transformation template happens to be a man and a woman."

Luo Wenyan couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and replied. "yes."

Immediately, Yaen's gaze softened a lot when he returned to Gage again.

I have to say that Jia Zhi is a bit ruthless and shameless, but there are still advantages, that is, there are both boys and girls in the children, which can be regarded as a perfect solution to Yan's current problems.


Now that Kong and Ying have undergone a sex change, and the truth is discovered later, Yaen really doesn't know how to face them.

Kong: Stupid father, accept this lady's heavenly punishment!

Ying: So the Lord became like this, because of this?It is imperative to kill Dad!

With this in mind, Yaen patted Gage on the shoulder and praised. "Good job, Gage!"

Immediately, Jia Zhi was flattered and quickly replied. "Thank you, Hirinmaru-sama."

Immediately, Gaji completely ignored Sanji's resistance, handed Sanji directly in front of Yan, and said.

"Master Hirinmaru, Sanji is not like my other children who can't disobey my orders at all. If you think it's troublesome, you can freeze him and thaw him when you need it."

Yan glanced at Sanji, whose eyes were full of horror, and said. "No, anyway, he will be needed soon, and it will be troublesome to thaw it again."

Jia Zhi's expression froze slightly, and then he returned to his natural state, echoing again and again. "Yes, yes, Hirinmaru-sama is right, so the transaction has been successfully concluded, right?"


Yan nodded first, and then said something that made Gage's expression stiff. "Then let's continue to discuss the issue of compensation."



At this moment, Jiaji's expression was wonderful, and he stammered. "Master Hirinmaru, didn't Sanji already give you that... 'Blood Factor' technology?"

"One yard counts for one yard. I am a reasonable and honest person. Sanji is the content of the transaction, but you need to give me another person for compensation."

Yann said calmly, the expression under the mask actually turned red.

"This this……"

Gage explained stutteringly.

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