And in essence, even if these navies still bear the identity of the revolutionary army, this does not affect their pursuit of justice as a navy.

The revolutionary army and the navy have never been completely opposite identities and positions.

The justice of the navy is to exterminate pirates, uphold justice, and maintain the peace of the sea;

The ideal of the Revolutionary Army is to change this chaotic and disorderly era, overthrow the brutal world government, and usher in a new era that seems to exist only in fantasy.

Even many navies are more and more identified with the concept of the revolutionary army because of the pure and fierce pursuit of justice in their hearts.


Chapter 399 Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill


Facing Yan's affirmative tone, Gaji subconsciously denied it.

What do you mean?

Without his nod, it's impossible for the Navy to come to the rescue?

Does this guy still think the navy belongs to his family?

Gage almost couldn't help laughing out loud, but looking at Yan's calm eyes, his heart felt inexplicably cold, and he couldn't help being shaken by it.

'No, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible...'

'This guy is just bluffing and trying to force me to hand over the 'blood factor' technology. '

'According to their predetermined response measures, the soldiers have successfully contacted the navy, otherwise they will issue an early warning. '

'No problem, no problem, this guy is trying to scare me. '

With this in mind, Jia Zhi's demeanor calmed down again, and he spoke.

"Your Excellency Hirinmaru, I advise you to act on your own, and don't be ignorant of good and evil. Now you leave immediately, and I can choose not to pursue your rudeness."

"What if I say no?" Ian asked calmly.

"If that's the case, then maybe you're about to witness the terrifying military power of Germa 66."

As Gaji's voice fell, dozens of giant snails had surrounded him unknowingly, and countless artillery and firearms aimed at Yaen's position.

And there are also a large number of Germa soldiers who climbed onto the giant snail where Gage was, and surrounded Yan at an extremely neat pace.

"So that's the case. If you don't pay the compensation in arrears, are you still planning to kill people? Since this is the case, it seems that it is only reasonable for me to do something..."

For a while, the cold air on Yaen's body almost turned into substance and began to permeate, and the sound of freezing kept ringing in the air.

Facing the astonishing cold air blowing towards his face, Jia Zhi still felt as if he was going to be frozen even though he was wearing a combat uniform with the ability to avoid the cold, he couldn't help muttering in shock.

'what is this? '

And accompanied by whispers that only Ian can hear. "Swastika Dahonglian Binglun Wan"


With Yaen as the center, the ground within a kilometer range instantly froze, and the extremely terrifying cold raged unscrupulously in all directions.


It sounded like the strange sound of wings flapping in the frost and snow, and the white cold air that seemed to be real suddenly dissipated.

At this time, Yaen, who was standing on the iceberg, his special posture was completely revealed by Gaji and Reiju.

A lifelike ice dragon wrapped around Ian's back, the dragon's head was on Ian's right hand, and the dragon's mouth was just holding the soul-destroying knife.

Yaen's other left hand has turned into a crystal clear and ferocious dragon claw, and a pair of exaggerated ice crystal dragon wings are located behind Yaen. The flick of the dragon's tail caused bursts of freezing and shattering sounds in the air.

In addition, the most conspicuous thing is that there are three ice flowers composed of four petals floating above the ice dragon, as if it is heralding something.


Ian stepped forward lightly, and there was a crisp cracking sound from that iceberg, which instantly awakened Gage who was so shocked that he hadn't recovered yet.

"Is it... a monster? This gesture!"

Jia Zhi's eyes widened, and it was only when he really stood in front of this man who looked like an ice dragon that he felt the horror of the cold air most deeply.

Even when breathing, the respiratory tract continuously warms the air that enters the body, but as the air enters the lungs, it still feels like the entire chest is about to freeze.

As for the body?

Even with the protection of the battle suit, Jiaji has gradually lost the existence of his limbs.

At this moment, when Jiazhi rolled his eyes, he suddenly discovered that the sky...had changed.

The originally incomparably empty sky was covered by thick dark clouds at some point, and large flakes of snowflakes kept falling, as if the sky was setting off the man who looked like an ice dragon in front of him.

'Obviously, this is a windless zone, a zone where there will be no frost and snow. How could it be? '

Inexplicably, at this juncture, Jiaji considered such insignificant matters.

And Yaen also caught a piece of crystal clear snowflake casually, and then he joined five fingers replaced by the dragon's claw, and crushed the snowflake directly.

"Unconsciously activated one of the abilities attached to Hinlun Wan, 'Astronomical Compassion', has it changed the celestial phenomena in this area?"

"It turns out that before I knew it, my mood had gotten so bad that I couldn't even fully control my abilities."

Ian murmured, then turned his gaze to look at the surrounding Germa soldiers who were restricted in their ability to move as the ground froze, but were still advancing like robots.

Even...their progress was at the cost of breaking the soles of their feet, but there was no pain or hesitation on their expressions.

"These soldiers have been completely deprived of their emotions, are they just human flesh machines that obey orders? They actually did this, the so-called Germa 66."

"Turn into ice and snow..."

As Ian's lament sounded, the ice dragon behind Ian suddenly spewed extreme cold air, and the ice visible to the naked eye spread towards the surrounding instantly, covering the Germa soldiers in the blink of an eye.

"Crack, Kick..."

In just a moment, all that remained on the ground were large expanses of lifelike human statues.

Those Germa soldiers who had been regarded as indestructible barriers of Germa 66 by Gaji in the past, and who had undergone special transformation to obtain a strong body, were completely frozen in it.

"You bastard……"

For some reason, seeing Germa 66's combat power easily defeated in front of Ian one after another, Jiaji, who was originally terrified, couldn't help becoming angry.

It was as if he met someone casually on the road and insulted everything Jia Zhi had achieved in his life so easily.

"Fire, let this guy understand the power of Germa 66 technology!"

The next moment, Gage conveyed the order to the other Germa soldiers of the giant snails through the battle suit on his body.

A large number of artillery began to roar, and bullets were coming towards Ion, and even weapons similar to electromagnetic guns were constantly releasing their power towards Ion.

However, with the lifting of the "Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill" in Yan's hand, a wall of ice crystals blocked the surrounding area while the terrifying cold air was released.

"The edge wall ice formation!"

"Ding ding ding...Boom!!"

A series of mixed voices sounded. Under the power of Germa 66 technological weapons, the "Primary Ice Formation" did not even shake at all, let alone shatter.

However, at this moment, the giant snail standing under the feet of Yan and Gage suddenly shook violently.

The next moment, the giant snail broke away from the cliff of the Red Earth Continent, and fell straight towards the windless sea below.


Chapter 400 Riot's Quiet Belt

Both Yan and Gage overlooked one thing, that is, what they stepped on was not a real warship, but a giant snail.

Although this giant snail has been modified and cultivated by Germa 66's technology, it has a stronger and stronger shell than ordinary naval warships, and can carry super-heavy loads for crossing seas and climbing mountains, which can be called omnipotent.

However, these giant snails are still living things at heart! ! !

Under the frightening cold erupted by the "Dahonglian Binglunwan", even though Ian didn't deliberately target the giant snail under his feet, the extreme high temperature still penetrated its body through the hard shell of the giant snail and made him soft. body completely frozen.

This result will also lead to...

On the thousand-meter-high cliffs of the Red Earth Continent, a giant snail the size of a naval battleship fell off and crashed toward the windless sea.


Terrifying inertial effect, the potential energy generated by the giant snail falling on the sea at this moment is no less than that of a real meteorite landing. The waves caused by the explosion are almost [-] meters high, and even the aftermath spreads to cause waves within tens of kilometers. The surface of the sea has had an impact.

"Cough cough..."

On top of the remains of the giant snail whose solid shell was mostly broken, Gage climbed up from the ruins in a bit of a panic, and couldn't help coughing again and again.

Obviously, under that huge impact, even if Jia Zhi's physical strength is not weak, and he is protected by a high-tech battle suit, he still feels a surge and tear in his body.

"That bastard, my giant snail..."

Looking at the giant snail carcass floating on the sea now, Jiaji couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache.

For Germa, who has long lost all of his land, these giant snails represent the last face and status of Germa 66.

Once these giant snails are lost, Germa 66 may even be directly canceled the name of the kingdom.

But at the next moment, Jia Zhi's gaze was fixed, and he suddenly realized something.

The sea area where the giant snail fell is... a windless zone that can be called the nest of super giant sea kings? !

And still such a big movement? !

Got it!

At this moment, Jia Zhi almost jumped up without any hesitation, trying to use the flying ability of the combat suit to try to stay away from the giant snail under his feet.


"Bang bang bang bang..."

Stimulated by the impact of the giant snail and the sea surface just now, countless behemoths drilled out of the calm sea surface one after another.

The appearance of these super-giant Neptunes can be called overwhelming.

The giant snail, which is as huge as a naval battleship, is so small that it is not much bigger than their eyes in front of these super giant sea kings.

If the Pluto giant ship is like a steel island, then these super giant sea kings are like islands, and the dense number suddenly fills the entire sea surface in the windless zone.

The terrifying number and overwhelming size almost subconsciously made Gaji terrified.

"Run away..."

Under the instinctive fear and desire to survive, Jiaji completely ignored Reiju and the three brothers Iji who were still on the giant snail, and fled towards the sky with a sudden acceleration.

However, it's okay for Jiaji to not move, and as he moved, he immediately attracted the attention of the super giant sea kings around him.

That feeling... It's probably like a human who has just been awakened from sleep sees a fly and subconsciously raises his hand to swipe it away.

What is the illusion of a paw slap that is bigger than the average city port? !

Nowhere to escape?

Can't resist?

Gage, who was in mid-air, looked at the darkness enveloping his eyes, and his face immediately turned completely pale.

No matter how good the protective ability of Germa 66's battle suit is, facing this level of slapping, Jiaji feels that he will be slapped into a meat sauce in an instant.

And at this critical moment, a piece of ice crystal quickly passed in front of Gage, and crashed into the claw of the super giant sea king.

"Ka... Kacha..."

Under Jiaji's surprised gaze, the claws of the super giant sea king were instantly frozen by ice crystals, and even that piece of crystal was still spreading upwards quickly, and the super giant sea king's paws were crushed in just one breath. Frozen forelimbs.


It wasn't until this moment that the super-giant sea king felt something strange belatedly, and an angry roar suddenly echoed in the windless belt.

But soon, the roar of the super giant sea king stopped abruptly, and the angry eyes quickly lost all color as if covered by a layer of ice crystals.

"Ka... Kacha..."

The next moment, the super-giant Neptune, which was the size of an island and covered in muscles, suddenly turned into countless ice cubes, shattered and fell on the windless sea.

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