
Immediately, Ian, who was a little uncomfortable to see the adoring eyes of "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick", coughed lightly and reminded "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick".

And "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" also came to his senses, and said quickly.

"Master Yan, no problem, I will introduce the mayor for you..."

Immediately afterwards, the "Big Stick Lieutenant Colonel" didn't care to pick up the iron rod that fell on the ground, turned around and led Ian towards the direction of the town. Fun and fun place to visit.

"Master Yarn, the most famous thing on Gross Island is the sandy beach. It has a long shallow sea area, which prevents Neptunes from approaching, and the crystal clear water is also suitable for diving, and there is one of the best amusement parks in the North Sea nearby... "

"Of course, the food is also quite good. Gross Island has a variety of North Sea specialty snacks, and I can guarantee that those ingredients are absolutely fresh."

"By the way, Lord Yaen, in addition, Gross Island also has a characteristic custom street and hot springs, which are places that I personally think are worth visiting and experiencing..."

In the end, the voice of "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" was obviously lowered a lot, and he even seemed to intend to introduce the details and experience to Yan.

Yaen is upright, so how could he do such a timid thing?

"I'm interested, but this time I'm accompanying Hancock on a trip to Gross Island." Yann declined.

"Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" suddenly realized, and said again and again. "Understood, then next time I will treat Lord Yaen well, and ensure that Lord Yaen will never forget to return."

? ?


But the mayor looked at "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" and Ian who was wearing plain clothes having a happy conversation, even a little fawning, but he was a little dazed.

"Master... Lieutenant Colonel, who is this?" the mayor asked.

"This one is the Navy Headquarters..."

Before "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" finished speaking, Yan waved his hand, shook hands with the mayor, and introduced himself.

"I'm Tefemo Yarn, just treat me as an ordinary person. This time I came to Gross Island from the great route just to travel, so don't be nervous."


The mayor looked at Yan with a gentle smile, and then raised his head to look at the giant pirate ship that occupied almost half of the port, and his mouth couldn't help but dry up.

"Is it really just tourism?"

The "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" on the side couldn't help but speak when he heard the words.

"Stupid, who do you think Lord Yaen is? He is the former Lord Inspectorate of the North Sea and now the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters."

"North Sea Supervision Division? Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?!"

The mayor was shocked when he heard that these two identities were like a ceiling for an ordinary island in the North Sea. "But...but that's not the Pirates..."

"Mayor, don't worry, just treat them as ordinary tourists. I will control them. If they accidentally damage anything on the island, I will compensate them at the original price."

Under Yann's gentle voice, the mayor gradually calmed down.

After all, the man in front of him looked gentle and gentle, and he didn't look like a villain at all. Coupled with the admiration of "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick", the mayor's heart was slowly relieved.

'Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?In fact, it’s not a big deal if you think about it carefully. It is said that there are too many major generals on the great route. '

' And he's not even wearing a navy uniform, well, he's right, I'll just treat him like a normal tourist on vacation. '

Just as the mayor was comforting himself, a news bird flew over the sky and dropped newspapers in specific areas as usual.


Coincidentally, a newspaper hit the mayor directly.

"That damn news bird, next time you pay Bailey every month, you must deduct some of it..."

While cursing, the mayor picked up the newspaper, and when he was about to say something to Yan, his eyes glanced over the contents of the newspaper inadvertently, but his voice sounded like a duck with its neck stuck.

"what happened?"

"Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" looked at the mayor holding the newspaper, his face was pale and sweating profusely, and he asked suspiciously while looking over.

The next moment, as the "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" read the contents of the newspaper, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils, as if he saw something extremely incredible.

For a while, Yaen was completely left alone, and wanted to ask, but felt a little too impolite, until there was an exclamation from the next street.

"The legendary ancient weapon Pluto has appeared!!!"

Well?Reports about Pluto?

Hearing the exclamation all over the body, Ian was a little surprised.

After all, the news agency's newspaper is not absolutely fair and just. In addition to being subject to the subjective influence of the news agency president Morgans, it is also controlled by the world government.

Therefore, the ancient weapon Pluto could be published in the newspaper, which Ian really did not expect.

Just as Yann was considering the intention and impact of the World Government's release of the report on "Ancient Weapon Pluto", "Lieutenant Colonel Big Stick" stammered.

"Ya... Lord Yaen, you... you... are a naval hero."

Well?Is my credit mentioned in the report?

There was a hint of doubt in Yan's eyes, and he waved his hand instead and said. "Whether a hero is not a hero, I am actually an ordinary person, and my contribution is only to be worthy of the justice I bear."

And the mayor, who was belatedly aware of it, was also completely excited at this moment, as if watching a living legend suddenly standing in front of him, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Master Yan, I know you want to get along with us as an ordinary person, but... can..."

"But you are the naval hero who broke through the darkness shrouded by Pluto with the morning light and saved this sea!!!"


3 Eighty Chapters Newspaper Columns

What the hell?

Breaking through the darkness with the morning light, the...naval hero who saved the sea?

Ian blinked, then snatched the newspaper from the mayor's hand and spread it out for a look. The first scene that came into view almost made Ian's eyes go black.

The picture that took up half the page of the newspaper is not the ancient weapon Pluto, but Yann maintains the state of "Final Scene - White Emperor Sword", holding the White Emperor Sword against the deliberately blackened background. With a piece of morning light representing hope.

Title: "The Dark Crisis of Overturning the Sea——Ancient Weapon·Pluto's Resurrection; Naval Hero 'Sakura Dragon' Tefemer Ian Breaks Through the Darkness with Dawn!!!"

Moreover, the text on the left side of the picture is not a description of the event, but a large piece of introduction about Yan.

"Tefimo Yaen, 25 years old, a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, grew up under the influence of justice of the Admiral Sengoku since he was a child, with a gentle personality and fortitude, and a heart of justice..."

"He formally joined the navy at the age of 16. He took part in the 'Magic Slaughter Order' in the first battle and made great achievements. He was later appointed as the 'North Sea Supervision Division'. In six years, the discipline of the Beihai Navy was refreshed. Afterwards, he fought north and south, across the great sea route, and faced the sea. Thieves Kaido, fight against the virtual circle organization..."

"Marshal of the Warring States commented on him: The sea is unparalleled, with a weak body to control the power of the falling cherry blossoms and the morning light;"

"Admiral Huang Yuan praised him: a model of the navy;"

"Admiral Aokiji thinks that he must be the next generation admiral of the navy."

"Master Wu Laoxing's comment on Rear Admiral Yaen is: the light of the navy!"



Fake... Fake?

At this moment, Yann thought he had a hallucination, and he was hit by the "mirror in the mirror".

This is no longer as simple as massacring newspapers, it is simply treating the entire sea of ​​newspapers as columns.

What's more, Yann subconsciously wondered if he had some kind of py deal with the news agency Morgans, otherwise, what happened to this super-standard treatment?

When the old man was promoted to the post of marshal in the Warring States Period, there was far no such pomp in the newspapers.

Also, those comments and reviews are just hell.

In the end, Yan only felt that his whole body was numb. The encirclement and suppression of the world government that he expected to worry about did not appear, but waited...

Too high school, too shameful.

Which bastard took photos of me, and those comments are full of middle school breath, I'm afraid Ian is not cool enough.

On the contrary, the introduction of the ancient weapon Pluto’s whole incident is not as many words as Ian’s introduction, and the description of the battle location, the reason for waking up, and the specific abilities of Pluto is even more ambiguous.


After a while, after Yaen recovered from the numbing state of shame, he gradually understood the intention of the World Government.

Undoubtedly, when the appearance of the Pluto giant ship could not be completely covered up, the world government gave up the cover-up full of loopholes, chose to divert attention, and publicized Yarn to the greatest extent.

In this way, it is possible to avoid the negative effects brought about by the awakening of the ancient weapon Pluto, and to erect a naval hero to deter the sea.

It's just, it's too shameful!


Yan folded the newspaper in front of him and said with a blank expression. "Mr. Mayor, can I have this newspaper?"

The mayor looked at the newspaper that had gradually deformed in Yan's hands, and swallowed his saliva, completely unaware of why the naval hero who saved the sea seemed suddenly unhappy.

"Ya... Lord Yaen, please go ahead."

"Thanks, and besides...how many Baileys do you need if you charter the entire island for a week?" Yan asked.


The mayor was taken aback for a moment, and realized that Yan was not joking, so he swallowed his saliva and replied. "Master Yan, you are a naval hero, free...free."

"It's all said, just treat me as an ordinary person." Yan said.

"So... a... 100 million Baileys is appropriate?" the mayor asked in a low voice.

"Okay, let's settle it at a price of [-] million Baileys. Please don't receive other tourists during this week, and try to guarantee the eating and drinking arrangements of the Nine Snake Pirates." Yan replied.

"One... one hundred million?!"

An expression of ecstasy subconsciously appeared on the mayor's face, and [-] million Baileys was already a normal month's tourism income.

But after the mayor came to his senses, he explained again and again. "Master Yan, I'm talking about 100 million Baileys, not so much."

"For this price, the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates eat a lot, so please provide more food."

Yan didn't give the mayor a chance to refuse, and after finishing speaking, he turned around and left with the newspaper.

Originally in Yann's plan, he only stayed on this island for a while, and then moved immediately after making normal travel actions.

But as soon as this newspaper came out, Yan knew that his worries were unnecessary.

The world government did not doubt Ian, and even made a 180-degree change in his attitude towards Ian, directly pushing Ian to the status of a "naval hero".

Therefore, it is basically impossible to encircle and suppress, so it is better to let the entire Nine Snake Pirates take a vacation.

Anyway... just a mere [-] million Baileys, just to reduce Xiao Jin's burden a little bit, so that that stupid bird won't be able to fly every day.

And as the astonishing report in the newspaper was seen by the residents of Gross Island, a more shocking news spread throughout the island.

The naval hero Rear Admiral Yinglong, who just saved the sea and pierced the darkness of Pluto with the morning light, is on the pirate ship in the port, and also contracted Gross Island for a week's vacation at a price of [-] million Baileys. .

Immediately, a large number of residents who were a little panicked by the appearance of the Nine Snake Pirates flocked around the port, intending to see the latest legendary naval hero of the sea.

And Yan, after announcing the collective vacation to the Nine Snake Pirates, took the lead in disembarking and appearing in front of the public.

"Is that one the naval hero Rear Admiral Sakuraryu?"

"So handsome, with such a gentle feeling, it doesn't look as scary and domineering as it looks in the photo."

"Look, he smiled and looked towards us..."

Immediately, as Yaen's gaze turned, there was almost cheering and screaming wherever he passed.

'I really... convinced...'

Ian's smile gradually became bitter.

It's back, it's back, it's all back, the head-scratching popularity at Naval Base 521 is back.

And this time, when he thought that it might be like this wherever he went next, Yaen felt an unusual headache.

"If possible, can you treat me as an ordinary person... Sigh..."

Yann thought helplessly and bitterly in his heart.


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