After all, the No. [-] pawn shop is too fantasy!

"Hmm! Maybe this Boss Yang in front of me is capable of dealing with people who violate the contract, knowing that I dare not violate the contract!" Li Jie thought again.

However, the trading method of the No. [-] pawn shop opened by Boss Yang is too different.

Li Jie also suddenly felt that her previous performance was too obsessed, and then she thought about it: "It's just that Boss Yang used 200 million to complete this pawn transaction with me, is it really worth it?"

What a mysterious pawnshop owner!

No wonder they came up with such a special pawnshop name as "Pawnshop No. [-]"!

But deep down in Li Jie's heart, she has already made a decision and will keep her promise; within ten years, she will obey the pawnshop owner's arrangement.

But Yang Xie knew best after this contract transaction, why Li Jie in front of him didn't feel the reason for the existence of the contract law?

The reason is that in order to save contract points, Yang Xie just exchanged for a contract with only 10 points of the power of the contract law.

10 points of the power of the law of contract are the equivalent exchange of 10 contract points!

Once the contract is completed, the contract trader will not feel the mystery of the contract law, but the contract trader will be subtly changed the degree of keeping promises from the depths of the soul by the power of the mysterious contract law.

As for the subjective consciousness of contract traders, when they are unwilling to accept Yang Xie's order and want to betray Yang Xie, they will be punished by the contract law. The biggest punishment is to be destroyed by the power of the contract law.

For the lightest, the memory of the contracted pawn shop is erased by the contract law, and the soul is backlashed by the power of the contract law, and it is also a matter of minutes and seconds to become mentally retarded and brain-dead.

Yang Xie himself also felt that there was no need for those who signed a contract with him to feel the mystery of the power of the contract law.

As long as it is within the scope of control, all contract transactions that can save contract points can be operated.

The last time I exchanged Yang Yuhuan for a "servant contract" with the authority of the life-span contract order, it had already cost him 600 contract points, so Yang Xie's contract points were running out.

This kind of contract, which was exchanged for 600 contract points, was only valid for three months.

After three months, the contract expires.

Yang Yuhuan could no longer carry out the transaction of buying life as a contracted pawnshop servant.

But because of this, Yang Xie saw the shortcut of buying life without issuing a life contract order.

But this shortcut is a bit tricky.

On the one hand, contract points need to be spent to exchange for a slave contract, and on the other hand, not everyone can sign a slave contract.

This fit is very important. Yang Yuhuan has it, but others may not.


Li Jie walked out of the pawn shop, took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and then looked at the clear sky, but still felt that everything that happened before seemed unreal.

Chapter 85 Worshiping God!Another business is coming!

"200 million, it's gone!" Yang Xie shook his head, but he felt that he did not lose money in this transaction.

Buying one person's ten years of freedom for 200 million yuan is definitely a deal worth the money.

As for Yang Xie, he also had his own plans.

It is definitely the most reassuring thing for a person who is under control to manage Unlimited Film and Television for him.

As for the money... For Yang Xie, the gold and all kinds of jewelry in the world of Resident Evil, as well as the antiques brought back from the Tokyo City Museum, are still in the military base and have not been processed.

Qingyang Ranch!

Zhang Jingyu has been in a bad mood for the past two days. The business of the ranch has been sluggish this year, and she spent a lot of money to introduce high-quality horse breeds from abroad, but they also died halfway. Zhang Jingyu's ranch suffered heavy losses. At the same time, she also faced problems with the sale of the ranch and capital turnover.

If the ranch cannot be sold for a day, there will be no way to solve the funding problem.

The former old customers also stopped renewing their contracts because of the sluggish business in the meat market.

"Mr. Zhang, I remembered. A week ago, a Mr. Yang called me and said he was going to visit the ranch. There was no news after that!" Deputy Manager Li of Qingyang Ranch suddenly remembered that he could make Qingyang Ranch , Mr. Yang, the potential customer who solved the sales.

"Why didn't you mention such an important potential customer earlier? Also, since it's a potential customer, didn't you let the salesperson follow up?" Zhang Jingyu sat at the conference table in the conference room and asked.

"Mr. Zhang, that Mr. Yang called me again at that time, saying that he was temporarily unable to come. I just received your notice again and went to Haishi on a business trip to talk to Manager Zhao of Sihai Meat Factory. Contract. Of course, Mr. Zhang, this is also my negligence at work, and I am willing to accept the punishment!" After the explanation, Deputy Manager Li said sincerely.

In fact, Deputy Manager Li did not think that Mr. Yang who called would become a major customer of Qingyang Ranch.

After all, the recent meat market is sluggish, and there are no customers who are willing to come to the door. They are all salesmen from the ranch, running around to find customers.

"Deputy Manager Li, call that Mr. Yang to inquire about the situation!" Zhang Jingyu ordered.

Now is the crisis period of Qingyang Ranch, every potential customer is very important to Qingyang Ranch.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!" Deputy Manager Li took out his mobile phone, found the number of Mr. Yang, and after dialing the number, he was reminded that the number he dialed was not in the service area.

"Mr. Zhang, the other party's phone is not in the service area! It seems that Mr. Yang cannot be reached for the time being!" Deputy Manager Li reported.

Zhang Jingyu thought for a while and said, "Do you know that Mr. Yang is from this city?"

"Mr. Zhang, the caller ID of that Mr. Yang is the phone number of this city! It should be a local!"

"Then go and check!" Zhang Jingyu said with a bad face.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!" Deputy Manager Li knew that Mr. Zhang was in a bad mood, so he hurriedly got up and went to check the identity of Mr. Yang.

ancient time!

The people of the Suiren tribe, because Lord Vulcan extradited all the dire wolves and giant pigs in the tribe to the God Realm.

Therefore, the hunting harvest of the tribe's human race gradually decreased. The stored animal meat was eaten up, and the hunted animal meat could not keep up with the consumption of the tribe's human race.

The dire wolf is the hunting partner of the Suiren tribe, just like a hunting dog.

In the cave of the Suiren tribe, the high priest of the tribe sat on a stone pier, and all the warriors of the tribe stood below.

"Lord Vulcan has not come to our Suiren tribe for quite some time! According to what Lord Vulcan said, a year is divided into four seasons. This winter is coming soon, and there are still many people who are starving every day. This priest intends to let the people of the tribe Sacrifice to the gods. Pray for Lord Vulcan to come down to solve the food problem for the people of our tribe. Promise, you go and tell the people to prepare livestock to sacrifice to the gods!" said the high priest.

"Father, I'll make arrangements now!" Yun Nuo then walked out of the cave, and ordered the clansmen to prepare animals to sacrifice to heaven.

The people of the Suiren tribe gathered under the altar as soon as they heard that they were going to worship the heavens and pray for food from the gods.

Boss Liang and others were arranged to slaughter animals.

A group of people lived a particularly hard and wronged life in this ancient era.

But no one dared to utter a word of complaint.

Because now when a few of them talk, the primitive people can understand them.

Next, the people of the Suiren tribe knelt down and worshiped the gods, praying for the coming of Lord Vulcan.

Boss Liang and the others were shocked to see this scene.

Facing Yang Xie in my heart, I became even more in awe.

However, the people of the Suiren Tribe prayed for a long time, but they did not see the arrival of Lord Vulcan.

They all fell silent and looked at the high priest of the tribe.

Just as the high priest was about to speak, a white light suddenly appeared on several platforms.

"Ah, Lord Vulcan has appeared!" The people of the Suiren Tribe bowed down again.

Yang Xie was still in the pawn shop in the ancient town before, but suddenly he felt a feeling of being called deep in his soul.

Before he could think deeply, the gate of time and space opened automatically in front of his eyes.

But what Yang Xie saw next was a bit inexplicable.

He actually appeared directly on the altar of the Suiren tribe!The people of the Suiren tribe under the altar knelt on the ground!

"Promise, meet the teacher!"

"Su, meet the teacher!"

Yun Nuo and Yan Zishi Su respectfully worshiped each other.

"High Priest, promise, what is the purpose of summoning the god?" Yang Xie looked at the thousands of tribes kneeling down below, and asked in doubt.

The sudden opening of the gate of time and space must have something to do with the sacrifices to the gods of the people of the Suiren tribe!

After Xu Nuo explained the situation, Yang Xie was embarrassed.

After all, he was the one who brought nearly a hundred dire wolves of the Suiren tribe into biochemical crisis, which made the human race of the Suiren tribe unable to rely on the dire wolves to hunt.

It wasn't until most of the people in the Suiren tribe began to starve that the helpless high priest chose to sacrifice to the gods.

"My people, this god has felt your piety! This god will give you food for the winter, so that you don't have to go hungry anymore!" Yang Xie said.

After hearing Lord Vulcan's oracle, the people of the Suiren tribe kowtowed excitedly.

Even some tribesmen knocked their heads on the ground, humming and vibrating.

Yang Xie stretched out his hand and asked the people of the tribe to stand up.

This stopped the tribal people's fanatical emotions.

Yang Xie looked at Yanzi's Su again, and asked, "Su, are your straw sandals finished?"

"Teacher, what do you think?" Su took out a pair of exquisite green straw sandals, and looked at the Lord God expectantly.

"You woven straw sandals..." Yang Xie was surprised by Yanzi's exquisite straw sandals.

This weaving technique is no one else.

Could it be that the creativity of people in ancient times, once guided and activated, would explode like a prehistoric force? !

"Teacher, isn't it good?" Su was a little panicked.

"Su, the straw sandals you knitted are perfect!" Yang Xie praised.

After hearing this, Su's face showed joy!

Yang Xie then left the Suiren tribe, preparing to prepare food for the people of the Suiren tribe and transport it to ancient times.

Just when Yang Xie returned to the pawnshop in the ancient town for less than half a cup of tea, a man and a woman walked in from outside the pawnshop.

"Business is here again!" Yang Xie said in surprise.

Chapter 86 Mr. Yang is going to open a ranch?

"Welcome to the No. [-] pawn shop! Please sit down, both of you!" Yang Xie greeted with a smile.

When you enter the pawnshop, you are the customer!

Yang Xie could also tell from the attire and temperament of the man and woman who walked into the pawnshop that they should be successful people.

Especially the woman with a good temperament in front of me, giving people the feeling of a strong woman.The dress of the whole person is also very decent, but without losing the fashion element.

Zhang Jingyu was a little embarrassed by the enthusiasm of the pawn shop owner in front of her, "Mr. Yang, I think you have misunderstood, we are not here to pawn things."

Since entering this pawnshop now, Zhang Jingyu has been very interested in this pawnshop.

Pawn Shop No. [-], it does sound a bit weird.

But at this moment, the door-to-door visit is a potential customer of the ranch in front of him, and he attaches great importance to it.

After all, the Mr. Yang in front of him is the latest Internet celebrity.

He also raised the largest rabbit in the world, so when Deputy Manager Li found out that the owner of the phone number was Mr. Yang in front of him, Zhang Jingyu chose to pay a visit in person.

"I'm not here to pawn things! Are you teasing me?" Yang Xie groaned inwardly, but he kept his expression on his face, and stretched out his hand: "You are a guest when you enter the door, please sit down, both of you!"

Zhang Jingyu smiled apologetically, sat down on the chair of the pawnshop, and then admired the calm performance of the pawnshop owner who began to pour tea for the two of them.

"The two of you came to the door, there must be something, you want to talk to me?" Yang Xie handed the two of them tea, and then sat down on the chair.

Deputy manager Li said, "Mr. Yang, we are from Qingyang Ranch. This is Zhang Jingyu from our Qingyang Ranch, Mr. Zhang! I, Li Wangui, is the deputy manager of Qingyang Ranch. Last time Mr. Yang came to visit our Qingyang Ranch, After Mr. Zhang listened to it, he attached great importance to it, so he came to visit in person."

"Mr. Yang, I take the liberty to visit. I hope Mr. Yang can forgive me!" Zhang Jingyu said suddenly.

After Yang Xie heard this, he thought to himself, "I really want to do something. I just want to transport a batch of pigs, cattle and sheep to the human tribe of the Suiren tribe. Let the people of the Suiren tribe be able to support themselves by raising livestock. This The people from Qingyang Ranch came to visit in person. It just happened to save me trouble!"

But the two general managers of Qingyang Ranch have come over, so is my customer important?

Not possible.

Yang Xie also didn't pay attention to the recent domestic meat market, so he didn't understand the downturn in the meat market.This led to the loss of most of Qingyang Ranch's customers, resulting in the current difficulty in capital flow.

Yang Xie had doubts, so he didn't ask any further questions. He just said, "Mr. Zhang, you're welcome! I did go to visit Mr. Zhang's Qingyang Ranch some time ago, but something was delayed later. I'm really sorry, but I have to trouble Mr. Zhang himself. pay a visit to."

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