Star Gate

Page 21


It wasn't until Wang Jie entered the door that everyone stopped.

"Li Hao, come to my office!"

Wang Jie said something, and soon entered the office.

And Li Hao, after waiting for a while, also got up and walked towards the office.


Inside the office.

Wang Jie looked at Li Hao carefully for a while, smiled, and pressed his hands: "Sit!"

Li Hao sat down carefully.

Wang Jie laughed, "There's no need to be so cautious, too cautious, it's not easy to get along in the law enforcement team."

Li Hao looked up.

Wang Jie looked at him: "The law enforcement team called me last night and said they wanted to transfer you there. Liu Long rarely speaks up, and it's rare to ask for someone directly in person. He takes it very seriously! Li Hao , It seems that because of the self-immolation case, you have fallen into Liu Long's eyes, and the law enforcement team wants you to go there, what do you think?"

In fact, Wang Jie couldn't refuse.

As for Li Hao, Wang Jie felt that he couldn't resist. Of course, it was said that Li Hao's teacher paid a lot of attention to Li Hao, so it was not a problem if he really wanted to refuse.

Liu Long of the Law Enforcement Team has a much higher status than Wang Jie.

And a serious real power faction!

Wang Jie wanted to hear Li Hao's thoughts.

And Li Hao, after thinking about it for a while, lowered his head, and said softly: "Director, I want to go there! The confidential room is very good, I like it very much, but you know, when I entered the inspection department, I actually had only one goal... Revenge my friend!"


Wang Jie sighed: "Understandable, in fact, I am very reluctant to leave you. If you don't leave, I am going to report to my superiors to see if I can give you a promotion. But you are thinking about the self-immolation case in your heart. I won't stop you either."

"It's just that you have to be careful. The law enforcement team is more dangerous than the confidential room, and there are casualties every year. Especially in the self-immolation case, I suggest that you mainly be responsible for some paperwork, and don't go to the front line. This matter sounds not so simple! Law enforcement If the team cannot handle it, it is likely to attract higher-level attention."

Li Hao nodded silently.

Seeing this, Wang Jie didn't say much. He actually liked Li Hao, a young man.

But people came to the inspection department with this goal in mind, so they couldn't persuade them anymore.

"The self-immolation case is over. If you still want to come back, you can file a report. You are welcome to come back anytime!"

"Thank you, Chief!"

Li Hao thanked him, and Wang Jie said with a smile: "You're welcome, you go to the law enforcement team to report to see when they will officially transfer people, and when the transfer order comes down later, the confidential room will organize a farewell party."

"Thank you, Chief!"

Li Hao thanked him again. In the confidential room, everyone treated him very well.

In fact, if the situation hadn't reached this point, he also felt that it would be a good choice to stay in the confidential room.


When he came out of the chief's office, Li Hao didn't tell anyone else that he was going to be transferred.

Without packing anything, Li Hao greeted Chen Na, went out for a while, and soon walked towards the law enforcement team.

Both the law enforcement team and the confidential room are at the headquarters of the Inspection Department.

However, the two sides are not in the same building.

The confidential room is in the office behind the inspection hall, but the law enforcement team is in a building next to it. The entire building is the site of the law enforcement team, which is much more luxurious than the confidential room.

Li Hao, who was wearing a patrol uniform, walked to the gate of the law enforcement building, but no one stopped him.

At the entrance of the building, the members of the law enforcement team coming and going, all of them looked very sturdy.

Compared with them, Li Hao looked a little thin and inconspicuous.

Without asking anyone, Li Hao walked upstairs all the way.

He went to find Liu Yan.

Liu Yan is the deputy captain of the law enforcement team and has her own office on the sixth floor.

Soon, Li Hao went up to the sixth floor.

There is no one on the sixth floor, just some leaders' offices.

After looking around, he found the nameplate, and soon, Li Hao knocked on the door of an office.

"Come in!"

Liu Yan's voice didn't have the style of last night, but it was a little more ruthless.

Until Li Hao pushed the door and entered, the next moment, Liu Yan's tone changed, with some smiles on her face, "Hey, little Li Hao is here. It looks like he didn't sleep well last night, so he missed his sister in the morning?"

"Morning Liu team!"

Li Hao saluted, but remained unmoved, very polite.

There are a lot of styles, which are not attractive to me.

What's more, there are dangers everywhere, and I am not interested in admiring this person's demeanor, not to mention, this Liu team is not simple, and he is with Liu Long, and Li Hao doesn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"Little Li Hao, what are you doing so serious?"

Liu Yan smiled like a flower, but Li Hao looked straight, standing straight, and glanced at this office from the corner of the eye.

My heart trembled secretly.

The office is very big, it doesn't feel smaller than the confidential office area, at least one or two hundred square meters.

The point is not this. It is normal for the law enforcement team to be rich. What is abnormal is that Li Hao saw some weapons of mass destruction placed in the office at a glance.

What is the third generation of vortex?

Such a small pistol is trash here!

Storm One!

I have heard of this Li Hao, it is extremely lethal, assault firearms, [-] rounds per reload, and can be fired in bursts.

The fourth generation of Hawkeye, the most advanced sniper firearm, has an accurate range of more than 500 meters and a larger actual killing range.

The second generation of armor-piercing is said to be able to penetrate steel directly.


This is not an office, this is an arsenal!

Li Hao was shocked.

And Liu Yan seemed to have seen the change in his expression, and immediately laughed: "Little Li Hao, don't be surprised, these are all models, my sister just put them on for fun, it's not real!"

Li Hao was speechless, do you think I believe it?


The metal texture exudes a cold metallic light, is this a model?

You treat me as blind!

On the law enforcement team's side, it's really good enough, Liu Yan actually placed these weapons of mass destruction in her office openly.

"What a model!"

Liu Yan laughed, and suddenly reached out to pick up a black grenade, and threw it at Li Hao, "Just play, it's fine!"

Li Hao's eyes changed, and he quickly put it in his hand.

There is cold sweat seeping out from the head!

What the hell!

It won't explode, will it?

"Don't be afraid!"

Liu Yan approached, smiling. Seeing Li Hao reach out to take it, she casually pulled out the pin on the grenade, and said with a smile, "It's okay, the pin hasn't been pulled out, what's wrong?"

Li Hao's scalp is numb!

are you crazy?

She actually pulled the latch!

At this moment, Li Hao wanted to escape.

Fortunately, soon, Liu Yan laughed, reached out to take the grenade, and threw it out of the window casually.

"It's all right, fake!"


There was a loud noise, shaking the room.

Li Hao's face turned pale, fake?

Also, is this woman crazy? You just threw it down, and it exploded. This... is it okay?

Liu Yan, however, kept staring at him. Seeing Li Hao's face turned pale, she suddenly put away her smile, and said flatly, "Little Li Hao, this is impossible!"


"Is this frightening?"

Liu Yan returned to her seat, leaned back on the chair, put her feet on the desk in a disfigured manner, and said lazily: "Superpowers, it's not comparable to this thing! Some guys, just a small fireball , Maybe the power is better than this! If you are not will die! You are afraid of the explosion of the grenade, you are too timid, how can you join us?"

Li Hao frowned slightly, and quickly stretched his brows: "I don't understand these things! I'm just an ordinary person. Even if I really join the law enforcement team, I may not be able to deal with these people. Captain Liu, I'm afraid that's the right thing to do. Many times, I get more used to it."

"is it?"

Liu Yan smiled: "You are so timid, but it is different from what the boss said. He said that you are very courageous! In fact, I also think that you are not timid. You really must be timid. You know that the self-immolation case is not simple, but you still have a lot of courage." Dare to keep investigating?"

"There are some things that must be done!"

Li Hao also regained his composure at this moment: "Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains! Just like Team Liu, you know that superpowers are not easy to provoke, but you still provoke them, aren't you afraid? I don't think anyone is afraid, just ...sometimes it just has to be done!"

"Makes sense!"

Liu Yan nodded, this time she agreed, and laughed again: "That's right, no one is not afraid, I am also afraid, the boss is actually afraid too! Being scary doesn't mean we will give up!"

She looked at Li Hao: "I don't think you will bring us any help, but... since the boss said, I welcome you to join the law enforcement team. It's not important, what's important is that you are welcome to join the demon hunting team! "


Li Hao's eyes moved slightly, is this the name of their team?

Seeing Liu Yan's outstretched hand, Li Hao reached out to shake it.

Li Hao was startled at the first contact. The next moment, Liu Yan grabbed Li Hao's right hand with force, and twisted her backhand. Before Li Hao had time to react, Liu Yan fell over her shoulder and slammed With a sound, Li Hao fell to the ground heavily!

The moment he fell to the ground, Li Hao quickly jumped up.

After practicing the ape technique for three years, it still had some effect after all. Li Hao jumped out of Liu Yan's attack range in an instant, enduring the pain.

And Liu Yan didn't make another move, just watched quietly.

With some admiration, he teased and said: "Not bad! Although the vigilance is a little bit weak and the skill is average, but the reaction ability is not bad. This is the ape technique in the new book of Wu Qin, right? The practice is not bad!"

Li Hao was silent, full of vigilance.

My heart was also shaken, this woman looked weak, just started, I felt that the opponent's hand was like steel, grabbing my arm, no need to look, Li Hao also knew that his arm was swollen!

Great strength!

He felt as if he was being hooped by steel!

"Just try your skills, don't be afraid!"

Liu Yanqiao's smile was like smoke, and she smiled coquettishly, her brows and eyes were contorted, and she returned to her previous appearance.

But Li Hao didn't dare to be careless anymore!

"It's a good thing that you have the foundation of Wu Qin Shu. Ape Shu is not good at attacking, but it is good at escaping. If you can practice to the level of your teacher, ordinary superpowers may not be able to catch up with you!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Hao's eyes moved slightly. After thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "What does Team Liu teacher's ape technique is very strong?"


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