This is also the experience he has accumulated over the years.

If you let the enemy throw the mouse, you will have a greater chance of escaping!


This powerful punch hit the masked man's chest, causing his chest to be completely sunken, and his ribs seemed to have been inserted into his heart and lungs——

Then the opponent was blasted straight out!

Chapter 155 "Punishment Platform"

Unstoppable or evasive?

Is this too confident in yourself?After being possessed by Ming Shenju, even if the enemy is wearing armor, he can't withstand this blow that smashes mountains and seas.

Wen Xingyuan turned his head and stared at Wang Qingzhi.

Perhaps the two of them are not the only ones who know the news, but if there is a chance, it is better to solve it together.

He took two steps forward, and when he was about to smash the head of the eldest son Wang with his palm, he suddenly returned to the place where he was standing at first.

what happened?

Wen Xingyuan was stunned for a moment, he found that not only himself, but also the masked man hadn't moved.

If there is any change, it is that there is an extra dark book in the opponent's hand.

An extremely strong uneasiness rushed into Wen Xingyuan's mind.

He gave up his plan to advance and retreat, and decided to retreat now!

But when he came to this realization, he couldn't move his hands and feet—at some point, there was a black door frame behind him, with several iron chains hanging from it, completely clasping his limbs, and Locked on both sides of the door frame.

"What did you... do!?" Wen Xingyuan was shocked.

"Now the alchemists in the Privy Council don't take precautions when they are fighting with practitioners?" The masked man's tone was rather dispirited, "I'm just a little temptation to make you lose your mind. In the great battle a hundred years ago, I am afraid you will not survive one round."

I... have been hit by an illusion?

How come, he clearly didn't see the opponent cast a spell!

"But I can also understand. The place of comfort wears down the will, and the land of gentleness makes people sink. Your character is probably already rotten." The masked man flipped the pages of the book, and then tapped lightly on it.

The surrounding environment changed in an instant!

The four walls of the Wang family's attic disappeared, and what was replaced was a blood-red desert—the sky was dim, with no sun, moon, and stars, and all the faces floating on the sand dunes.

What is this technique?

Wen Xingyuan felt all the pimples popping out of his body!

He has never seen a technique that can do this!

No, I am still under the influence of Kanshu.Calm down, don't fall into the enemy's tricks!Wen Xingyuan yelled at the other party after reading it silently a few times, "No, this is also part of the illusion, you can't scare the old man!"

"It's normal for you to think so." The masked man said slowly, "But the fact is that you are in the middle of reality. From the outsiders' eyes, you really seem to have been hit by a trick, but here, the spell has caused you a lot of damage. Any harm done is real."

As he narrated, a mask hung down from the door frame, covering Wen Xingyuan's head in it.One side had tiny barbs, which stabbed firmly into the skin and clasped the latter's cheek.

Wen Xingyuan felt a piercing pain coming from his face!

He couldn't help roaring out - how can a barrier technique not be lifted after causing severe pain?This cognition completely subverted his years of common sense of magic arts!

"Sorcery, this is sorcery! Where did you learn it?"

"If you don't understand, you're evil. How can you survive the drastic changes in the future? There are so many incomprehensible things in this world beyond your imagination..."

"Hoo, hoo..." Wen Xingyuan panted heavily, "I have read all the secret codes of the Privy Council, but I have never seen such a magic technique. What is it if it is not a sorcery?"

"That's just because this technique is not among the five elements and eight trigrams. In the past, practitioners used to call it "Xianshu" to distinguish it from "Fangshu", but I... prefer to call it "Heavenly Daoshu" . "

"Heaven... Taoism?" Wen Xingyuan repeated with difficulty.

"That's right, it comes from the way of heaven, and it's a gift from heaven." The masked man closed the book and said leisurely, "Only a very small number of people who are favored by heaven can see and learn this technique. For example, what I'm performing now is exactly what the An family has passed down from generation to generation. The heavenly technique that came down: the execution platform."

"On the scaffold, you don't die right away, but you suffer so much that your grievances can condense. See that mask in front of you? Keep your eyes open and don't blink. As long as you don't look at it , even if you close your eyes a little bit, it will lift up a little bit until it completely unfolds into two petals."

"By then, you should be able to guess what will happen." The masked man looked at the faces floating in the wilderness, "You will also be one of them."

"Bastard, let go of this old man! How dare you treat a fifth-rank tester like this? The Privy Council will not let you go!"

"It's just because it's a test that it's worth my troubles. What you've gone through is not meaningless. The aura of a top-rank alchemist is usually stronger, and the talismans bred from it will also be more effective." He turned around Opening an invisible door, the attic where I was staying on the opposite side is impressively connected, "Then... goodbye."

"No, stop quickly! Do you hear me, stop for the old man!"

"Old man... I am willing to serve Dongsheng Kingdom!"

"Please, don't go!"

With his wailing, the door quietly closed and merged with the scarlet desert.


A moment later, a faint purple talisman appeared out of thin air and slowly fell to the ground.

The masked man picked it up, and the talisman immediately glowed strongly.

Unhurriedly, he pricked his palm with his fingertips and smeared blood on the four corners of the talisman. The fluorescence suddenly dimmed and became restrained and stable.

Only then did he put the talisman into his arms.

Wang Qingzhi swallowed, "My lord... how is it?"

"He's dead," the masked man shook his head, "Let's find a place to burn this body."


Wang Qingzhi lowered his head, his heart was full of fear.

Of course, what he is afraid of is not the death of the academic department. In order to protect the royal family, even the princess is in his calculations, let alone an extra senior official of the Privy Council?

He was afraid of the opponent's methods.

What is the concept of the fifth grade test front?If someone like Wen Xingyuan wanted to kill him, it would be almost effortless.But even if it is as strong as Qianfeng, there is no room for resistance in front of the masked man!He didn't even see Wen Xingyuan's reaction too much, he just cast a spell and stood there, until finally he collapsed in convulsions, without moving a step.

This is the game between practitioners!

He gradually understood his father's thoughts.

Faced with such an incomprehensible force, anyone would be terrified.

"Are you... satisfied?" Wang Qingzhi had already used honorifics for this person.

"This talisman can indeed be a good introduction, but it's a pity that it should deal with a more difficult enemy." The masked man sighed softly, "The beacon fire was ignited in advance, the princess hid the army, and the west and south walls of Jinxia City have not yet been destroyed. Falling into our hands, I guess those guys in the headquarters should have begun to hesitate and shift responsibility to each other. In the end, without the help of An Jia, they will achieve nothing. Even a mere Jinxia City cannot achieve a quick victory."

"Messenger... my lord?"

Probably because he realized that his words had crossed the line, the other party also retracted the topic, "Don't worry, I will not slip up on what I promised you. When the time comes tomorrow, this war should end—and Jinxia City will also Welcome its former master."

Chapter 156 Don't See the Sunset

When the afterglow of the setting sun was engulfed by the mountains, the battle that lasted for a day came to an end temporarily.

Dispersing the troops in the huge Jinxia City is obviously a big taboo in the art of war, so Ning Wanjun ordered Ming Jin to withdraw the troops, and retreated to the side of the west gate in a steady and orderly manner, relying on the towering city walls to establish sentry points and defense lines.

Although the granary was taken back from the enemy, a few hours was not enough to evacuate the warehouse. In order to prevent the enemy from obtaining supplies on the spot, the princess made a bold decision.Before retreating, she ordered people to set fire to the granary, and burn the rice that could not be transported away in the future.

Of course, this day was not without success.

Jinxia City still has two southwest walls in the hands of the princess. With these two passages in hand, the army has the initiative and thus avoids falling into a difficult siege battle.

In addition, "defending the arsenal" also greatly enhanced the strength of this army. Before they set off, some of them didn't even have a standard long gun, and all the guys they used were brought with them by themselves. It is also impossible to prepare [-] sets of equipment.But now, these people are already wearing armor, hanging machetes on their waists, and holding iron spears, and the officers can even be allocated a light crossbow that is handy.

But the biggest achievement is the residents of Jinxia City.

Under the coordinated guidance of the reserve team and the Privy Council, nearly 10 people were evacuated from the city one after another, and within a few miles of the outskirts of the west city, it had already become a huge camp.When Xia Fan boarded the city wall and looked westward, he was really taken aback—it didn’t feel obvious when they were all in the city, but when they were all pulled out, it seemed amazing, and the camps were full of black people. Human heads, and the gray-green curtains lined up to the end of the field of vision.

"If it weren't for these reserves in the arsenal, they might not be able to accommodate so many people." Ning Wanjun was a little emotional, "The army I led when I was at the border only reached 2 people at most. That's all."

"Materials alone are not enough." Xia Fan smiled, "The most important thing is because of you."

In terms of identity, she is the princess of Guangping, and she has a charisma that others cannot match; in terms of experience, she has served as a general of an army, and she knows how to plan and plan, and her subordinates are also good at setting up camps.If it were someone else, even the local magistrate, they might not be able to be as organized as her.

"Cough..." The princess paused unexpectedly, "Are you so straightforward when you praise people?"

"Just tell the truth. Why, don't you think it's wrong?"

"This... is not impossible..."

"Your Highness, this humble minister is guilty!" At this time, He Gui came up and knelt on one knee and said, "Your Highness, please punish me!"

Ning Wanjun immediately returned to her normal expression, "Get up and talk, there is no need to show such a trick in military affairs. Is there news from the north?"

"Exactly!" He Guicai stood up and replied, "The northern scouts have returned, and the Shenzhou army has not been seen yet!"

"Even if there is no beacon fire, the sentry tower should have seen the billowing black smoke rising from Jinxia City." Ning Wanjun pondered for a moment, "Even if the Shenzhou garrison's military discipline is lax and it is impossible to gather a large army quickly, at least a vanguard should be dispatched Inquire about the situation. If you want them to remain silent now, Dongsheng Kingdom alone cannot do this."

"Weichen agrees. This attack is probably a long-planned, internally coordinated attack. The purpose is to seize the city rather than plunder. But Weichen failed to see this, and almost made His Highness make a wrong decision. As a staff officer in the army, This humble minister is willing to take responsibility for the crime!"

"Okay, you're just expressing your own thoughts, and I'm the one who makes the final decision." Ning Wanjun said disapprovingly, "In reality, it's also possible that after we finally repelled the pirates, we were trapped in the city by the Shenzhou Army. .Would you still feel guilty then?"

"..." He Gui was silent.

"The world likes to judge heroes based on success or failure, but generals in an army can't do this. Otherwise, who would dare to speak freely in military meetings? Even if they are really guilty, it is just me who failed to make a correct judgment."

"Your are serious!" He Guicai bowed and saluted, "But now that the granary is burned, the amount transported out is only enough to evacuate the people for two or three days. If arrangements are not made early, the consequences will be severe once the rations are cut off." Unbelievable."

"I've thought about a solution, but I just don't know how much food I can raise in the end."

"His Royal Highness," Qiuyue suddenly ran up the city wall, "The food delivery team from Gaoshan County is here!"

"So fast?" Ning Wanjun showed joy, "Go, take me to have a look."

When the group came to the south gate of the city, they saw a group of carriages parked beside the road, soldiers carrying food back and forth, and some people were counting.

In the crowd, Xia Fan saw a familiar figure.

"Chow Tai Fook?"

"Lord Xia!" Zhou Dafu also noticed Xia Fan's arrival, quickly patted the dust off his body, rushed to him in three steps at a time, bowed and saluted, "I heard that you want food, my father Let me quickly find a car to bring it to you, this is only the first batch, and there are many more behind, which are all gathered by the folks."

"I want food?"

"Sorry, I borrowed your name by the way when I sent someone to bring the news." The princess winked at him slyly, and whispered, "I think your name is more useful than mine in Gaoshan County."

Zhou Dafu looked at the princess next to him, and then at Xia Fan, " lord, don't you want it?"

"No, I need it." Xia Fan immediately said seriously, "Thank you for everything you have done for Jinxia City."

"Hey, sir, it should be us thanking you!" Zhou Dafu waved his hands again and again, "If it weren't for your support at that time, my family's few acres of land would definitely not be able to be kept. What's more, you also brought down the county magistrate Hu and killed everyone. Liberated from his field, everyone remembers this kindness! Now you want to raise food, and the price is [-]% higher than usual, so there is no reason for us not to respond. In my father's words, even if you don't have this If there is a price difference, then I have to repay your life-saving grace!"

When the carriage drove away, the princess let out a soft breath, "Sure enough, you are right."

"What?" Xia Fan looked at her.

"The new image can bring me a new Jinxia City."

"Do you know what to do next?"

"Probably. If there's anything wrong with what I've done, I hope you, Master Xia, can give you some pointers." Ning Wanjun joked, "Let's go, let's go to the camp!"


Facts have proved that Ning Wanjun not only knows how to do it, but also grasps the core accurately.

When she entered the evacuation camp with the hot meat porridge, and handed the wooden bowl full of porridge to the people, the crowd suddenly boiled.

In the din, there were confessions, weeping, thanksgiving, and praise.

But in the end they all turned into one voice.

"His Royal Highness Princess Guangping—Chitose!"

Everyone firmly believes that the princess can completely defeat the enemy and regain Jinxia City.

The two-color flag standing on the top of the city gave them great confidence.

Looking at the fluttering flag, Xia Fan noticed that the evening wind seemed particularly strong today.

For the first time, he did not see the sunset glow of Jinxia City.

Chapter 157

After nightfall, the torches of the camp set up a corridor of lights between the western outskirts of the city and Fengyang Villa.

When both sides lacked the means to attack the city, the main task of the soldiers became to guard against the sneak attack led by the enemy's aura.

The princess also moved the main tent under the city wall to deal with various emergencies at any time.If Jinxia City is regarded as a battlefield, she is located at the front line of the battlefield.

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