"Yes. But we will only collect it for one day." The other party held out a finger and solemnly said, "No matter how much we can collect, we will leave this place tomorrow and will not set foot here until the end of the exam."

"Only one day?"

"Only for one day. You can make arrangements for the rest of the time. If necessary, we can even assign some people to help you stay here." The leader of the Fei family glanced contemptuously at the crowd behind her, "If you don't agree, then We can only compete based on strength. It’s a pity that this examination doesn’t value who is strong and who is weak, if those rats who fish in troubled waters steal the spiritual fire, wouldn’t you feel reconciled?”

Luo thought for a while before nodding, "Okay."

The crowd suddenly exploded.

"What does this mean! The aristocratic family united to bully our humble candidates?"

"One day for the Fei family and one day for the Luo family, what about the Fang family? Each of you takes one day, what shall we do!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together, I don't believe he can stop it!"

"Don't make me laugh!" The man suddenly shouted loudly, shocking the crowd, "Even so, you still have three days left, don't you? This is the Qiguo Scholar Examination, not a place for you to fool around. Only those who are capable can become alchemists, isn't this a matter of course! The strength is not as good as others, and you want to take advantage of the chaos to get the spiritual fire, how ridiculous it is to hold this idea! Instead of shouting here, why not think about how to get the priority of the day!" He paused, put one hand behind his back, and turned the other hand forward, "Of course, I welcome anyone who wants to prove himself now!"

When Luo gently turned to leave and passed Xia Fan, Xia Fan glanced at her with great interest, "I didn't expect you to agree so simply. Don't be afraid that people here will spread the news. Luo Jialian and Fei Jia together Don't you have the guts to fight?"

"It's you." Luo Qingqing also seemed to remember him, and put on a look of powerlessness, "The little girl is not a great person, and she is at a disadvantage in front of the No. 1 Fei Nian, the younger generation of the Fei family. , what's so strange?"

"Uh..." Xia Fan blinked in surprise. He originally thought that people who are praised as geniuses have more or less arrogance, and they don't want to lose to others. See you.

"If they had already huddled together before I got here, then things might have turned around. But now it seems that what Fei Nian said is not wrong." Luo chuckled lightly and waved him goodbye, "Also, Even the worst order is better than no order."

Chapter 9 War of the Alchemists

Under the furious anger, someone finally couldn't hold back, and took out the medicine package and chips to the disciples of the Fei family.

That is the preparation for casting spells.

Xia Fan has also used alchemy before, or because he has practiced it, he can completely rebuild his cognition, but this is the first time he has seen people fighting with alchemy.

In this world, a complete spell is usually divided into three parts, that is, thought, attachment, and action. The combination of the three can exert the full power of the spell.In layman's terms, it is to first conceive the technique you want to use in your mind, then use the related medicinal materials as a guide, and finally show the process of its change.

This is also the most inconceivable part of his new cognition - Qi will not only respond to the will of the caster, but will also change with part of the Qi from the outside world, just like a stone thrown into a lake will cause ripples on the water surface, and finally Turn magic into reality.

The master said that human beings are born of energy, and it is normal to respond to human calls. The so-called harmony between man and nature is exactly the truth. However, Xia Fan knows that he cannot be satisfied with this explanation.

What is Qi, why thoughts can be mapped into reality, and to what extent this mapping can be achieved, there are too many doubts that need to be answered.Perhaps it would be extremely difficult to find an accurate answer in such a world, and there would never be an answer, but he couldn't convince himself to give up further exploration anyway.

A man in green shirt took out a small ball of black stuff from the medicine bag and held it between his fingertips. At the same time, he took out a chip full of spells in his hand——Xia Fan squinted his eyes for a while, only to realize that the other party took What came out was a cicada shell.

"Xunshu Guichen, hurry up!"

With a light slap from him, a scream that pierced his forehead suddenly exploded, shocking all the unsuspecting people present, showing painful expressions of baring their teeth.

Using the cicada shell as a guide to create a short and huge whistling sound is the effect of this technique!

The purpose of the man in Tsing Yi's fight was to frighten his opponent with his voice, and then take the opportunity to rush past Fei's defense line.

It's a pity that this is not a rare alchemy, and he didn't hide it at all when taking the medicinal materials. Even Xia Fan could notice that it was a cicada shell, let alone the disciple of the Fei family opposite.

It's just that compared to Xia Fan's response method of covering his ears, the white-clothed man's reaction was more chic, and he just threw out a talisman to completely block the whistle.

The effect of a spell depends not only on one's strength, but also on the environment in which it is performed—for the open field, the power of noise is already quite limited.

The man in the green shirt who was trying to rush over had no time to stop, but was slashed on the shoulder by the opponent's sword, and immediately passed out.

"Brother Yan!"

"What are you waiting for, give it to me!"

Following the roar, a few more people rushed out of the crowd, but this time the result was even worse. They didn't even have time to release their spells, and they were knocked down by wooden swords one after another while they were touching medicine bags and chips.

The corners of Xia Fan's mouth twitched when he watched the first alchemist duel. When more than ten people were lying on the ground, there was only one feeling left in his heart——

That's it? ?

It has to be said that the actual combat experience of this group of people is not even as good as street hooligans.

Although the spell needs the support of three links to exert its full power, it is not impossible to be effective without one or two links. However, in order to pursue the maximum effect, they basically complete the whole process in a rigid manner, which undoubtedly gives the Fei family enough counterspace.

Not only that, there are few people who cover up or confuse when performing spells, and there are even unlucky people who take out the wrong medicine for half a day and simply dump the medicine bag upside down.We are all newbies, and there are only a few kinds of spells that we know. Seeing the medicinal materials is basically equivalent to knowing the opponent's plan. Even if there are one or two spells released, it is difficult to pose much threat to the disciples of the Fei family. .

On the contrary, the candidates who stood the longest on the field were those candidates who gave up performing spells. With the strong physique brought about by entraining Qi all the year round, they could still fight the Fei family for a few rounds with just wooden swords and fists.Of course, with disciples from aristocratic families who are accustomed to collective action on the one hand, and a mass of scattered sand on the other, the final result cannot be changed by any method of play.

Especially after Fei Nian, the leader of the Fei family, announced that he would throw the losers across the suspension bridge.

Crossing the suspension bridge is equivalent to leaving the boundary of Qingshan Town, which is equivalent to failing the exam.

In other words, Ren Yiren can also look for other opportunities, and if he is knocked out here, the examination will be over.

After a quarter of an hour, no one in the crowd dared to take a step forward.

"If they were already in a ball before I got here, then things might have turned around. But now it seems that what Fei Nian said is not wrong."

Luo Qingqing's words suddenly sounded in Xia Fan's ears.

So that's the case, he thought, this is probably the reason why the Luo family genius turned around and left - this group of people in front of her is not worthy of her confrontation with the Fei family.If they could go up together, not only would the Fei family not be able to stop them, but those who were knocked down would not lose their qualifications, but they didn't do it because this group of people wanted to fish in troubled waters from the very beginning.

Xia Fan thought of this and walked forward.

"Do you want to try it too?" Fei Nian frowned slightly, and put his hand on the hilt of the sword again, "I said, once you fall down, the examination will be over early."

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"Don't be afraid, he's just scaring you!"

"With us guarding here, he dare not touch you at all!"

"As long as you can defeat Fei Nian, we will rush over together!"

Xia Fan smiled, and spread out his hands to Fei Nian as he walked, indicating that there was nothing in his palm, but Fei Nian didn't move, just waiting for him to walk in front of him step by step.

The atmosphere at the scene froze for a moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them—the confrontation at such a close distance made a new round of battle seem to be on the verge of breaking out.

Fei Nian's expression became more and more dignified. The reason why he didn't make the first move was entirely out of the need to protect his own image.As the leader of the new generation under the watchful eyes of the Fei family, he should be calm and poised at all times.

This man was different from the others, he vaguely realized.

He neither took out the medicine bag in a big way, engraved his attack intention on his face, nor did he have the prudence and nervousness of a confrontation.He seems to be full of flaws, but it is difficult to grasp the timing of countermeasures.This is the first time Fei Nian has seen such a posture on a person of the same age.

What will he do next?

Is it a sword drawn, or a more direct fist?

Perhaps it was a wrong choice to wait for him to make the first move.

Unknowingly, Fei Nian had tightly grasped the hilt of the sword.

At this moment, Xia Fan moved - he turned around and walked towards the other side of the fork, as if he didn't notice the atmosphere around him at all.

Fei Nian, who had raised his aura to the peak, almost didn't choke. This feeling was like swiping his weapon at the target with all his strength, but it missed the air. He covered his mouth and coughed a few times before he let out the breath that was surging in his heart. Blood pressure down.

What the hell is this guy doing?

At the same time, the group of onlookers behind them also exploded.

"Hey, where are you going? Come back soon!"

"Do you still want spiritual fire?"

"Tsk, I knew he was a coward, how dare he wrestle with the Fei family."

"It's a pity that we still fight for you, why are you so embarrassed?"

The examinees yelled out of righteous indignation, totally treating Xia Fan as a traitor.

"I want to get the spirit fire by myself!" Xia Fan roared back angrily, "What's the point of shouting there? I didn't say that I want to go there, can't I just look around?"

"Look, look at the scenery?"

Probably because they had never seen such a "brazen" answer, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Even Fei Nian was no exception, he looked at Xia Fan who was walking away confidently, and couldn't even utter a word of refutation or sarcasm.

After all, there is indeed no rule in the exam regulations that you can't look at the scenery!

While everyone was still in a daze, Xia Fan had already walked around the bottom of the cliff and entered the dense forest.

The originally clear path suddenly became narrow and secretive—probably because no one had walked it for a long time, and the weeds and shrubs had already formed a patch under his feet. He needed to use a wooden sword to clear the path in order to discern the direction of the mountain path.

According to Xiao Er, this fork will go all the way up this green hill, and few people in the town have seen its end.

Half an hour later, Xia Fan stopped panting.

Walking in a real forest is by no means an easy task. Let alone the annoying vines under your feet, the dew that lingers in the low grass is enough to make you uncomfortable.After walking for a while, his trousers and shoes were soaked, and every step seemed to be in mud.

There are also mosquitoes - the mosquitoes in the mountains are not nocturnal, but the kind that come out to buzz and work in broad daylight.If it wasn't for Qi's ability to expel small insects, he felt that he wouldn't be able to survive this time.

Exploration proved that there is no cemetery or tomb bag around this winding mountain road, and there is little hope of finding another way to obtain spiritual fire.

At the same time, he also confirmed that this road was definitely not opened by hunters in the town. Although it has been covered by weeds, its actual width and level are even comparable to the main road in Qingshan Town—compared to the road leading to Qingshan Town. A fork in the middle of the mountain, but this one looks like the real main road.

Why would anyone want to build such a wide road on a hill?Even with the help of alchemists, it would be a huge project.What is even more strange is why the Panshan Road, which was built with a lot of energy, is now abandoned?

It's a pity that with his personal ability, he couldn't find out.

Just when Xia Fan was about to walk back, the wooden sword used to poke the weeds suddenly hit something and made a muffled bang.The touch is neither vines, nor like a stubborn stone jutting out of the road.

He let out a slight snort, and squatted down to brush away the grass.

I saw a severely decayed wooden block half buried in the soil, about four fingers wide, and its length was difficult to estimate for a while.To his surprise, this piece of wood with obvious planing marks did not seem to have been carelessly lost here. Almost every half a meter, a wooden dowel could be seen inserted into the wooden square to secure it firmly. Securely anchored to the ground.

On the wooden side, there are countless long indentations. Although it is too old and some parts have been damaged by moths, it can still be seen that it has carried many heavy objects.

It was a track.

Chapter 10 Goodbye and Gone


In the middle of the night, Xia Fan leaned against the head of the bed, looking at a metal object he found from the side of the track.

It looks like a bronze product, almost one finger long and two fingers wide. After the green patina is wiped off, the characters engraved on it can still be vaguely seen—but the characters are difficult to identify, and seem to be different from the current characters of Daqi Kingdom. Big difference.

And that track...

Wooden rails are not a rare thing. People have long thought of the idea of ​​using straight wood instead of bumpy roads, and they can run with only rolling logs.The problem is that the wooden square has always limited compressive capacity and is easily damaged by moths, so this special road has never been able to become the mainstream.No one wants to spend a lot of money and material resources to build a road that needs to be repaired and rotated every few months, unless it is absolutely necessary or there is an urgent need.

Therefore, wooden rails generally appear on the mountain. After all, if there is no quarry nearby, it is not realistic to build a flat and durable bluestone road on the mountainside.

Qingshan Town is just a remote town built on the mountainside?

No, these two things are enough to prove that Qingshan is not a remote place, and many people have come and gone here.

The examiner obviously concealed the key information.

What is the reason that made Qingshan become what it is now?


There was a soft knock from the overhead window.

Xia Fan put away the bronze piece, looked at the black shadow at the window, "I thought you wouldn't come today."

It was the fox demon that appeared there.The faint moonlight poured in from behind her, illuminating her pointed ears.

"Beef, I ate it."

"I know."

"Then you should understand that I accepted your plea." She changed from squatting to sitting down, and raised her legs, "You may be used to having no integrity, but I haven't."

Uh... is it actually a plea?Also, the moonlight needs to be a little brighter.

"But it's almost past time now, don't you want to stay up until I fall asleep so that you can have a supper for nothing?"

"White?" The fox frowned suspiciously. Although she seemed incomprehensible, she seemed to know that it was not a good thing to say. "I am free to come when I come, and you didn't set a time in advance. Besides, I am also very busy." , If it wasn't for the bullshit..." She stopped suddenly, "Anyway, if you fell asleep, you can't blame me. Anyway, I fulfilled the agreement."

"That makes sense." Xia Fan didn't want to worry about these details anymore, after all, time is precious.As for what the other party said about being busy, it's not necessarily a lie—she obviously hasn't forgotten her original intention of coming to Qingshan Town, "Did you make many people have nightmares again today? Of course, if you think this will help me in the exam , you can pretend I didn't ask."

"It's less than yesterday." The fox demon said bluntly, "If people have other emotions, the appeal of dreams will decrease. But tonight their emotions are all increasing."

"What kind of emotion?"

"Anxiety and hatred."

Xia Fan's heart skipped a beat, was it affected by the environment of the exam?The money that must be carefully calculated, the spiritual fire that is never enough for the candidates, and the order established by the family... It seems natural that the dissatisfaction will spread.

"By the way," he thought for a while, and then took out the bronze piece he found on the back mountain, "Do you know what this is?"

The other party glanced uninterestedly, "I don't know. Why do you think a fox demon knows more about human stuff than you do?"

"Probably because you have lived for hundreds or thousands of years?" Xia Fan organized his words and said, "You can never go wrong with the saying of being well-informed..."

"Heh..." She grinned first, and then laughed loudly, "Hahahaha..." That laughter obviously had nothing to do with kindness, but was full of sarcasm. "If the demon can live for so long, do you think you will still be the ones who rule the world?"

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