"Xia Fan..." She didn't answer, but looked at An Dao, "Is he... not here anymore?"

"You remember everything?"

Li nodded.

"That's it..." An was silent for a while, "He really didn't enter the Heavenly Court. If he hadn't sacrificed his life to protect these devices, we would only be a pile of data up to now."

In an instant, an unspeakable sadness rushed into Li's heart, and the surprise of seeing the new world and his partners disappeared without a trace, leaving only coldness and numbness.

If he is not even here, what is the point of the long time ahead?

"Ahem," An suddenly changed the subject, "But not being in Heaven doesn't mean that Xia Fan is dead."

Hearing this, Li immediately sat up.

She grabbed Ann's hand, "What the hell is going on? Do you know where he is?"

"Okay, you can just say it directly." Ning Wanjun folded her hands on her chest and said, "Isn't it more exciting to be surprised like this?"

"It's not entirely certain, what if something goes wrong?"

"Anyway, I believe he won't die so easily. That guy's luck has been surprisingly good, among other things."

"So others are now..." Li said impatiently.

An pointed to the top of his head, "During 400 million years, the communication module of the escape tower will always receive a quantum signal one after another, with an average interval of 500 years. These signals are modulated, quite regular, and more critical The strange thing is that it came from an abandoned space station, where it is impossible to know the quantum resonance frequency of the escape tower, so I speculate that the launcher is related to Sikong. And Sikong is the last person with Xia Fan. "

"One thousand eight hundred years?"

"Well, the communication needs to consume energy, and it can't last forever. Besides, this period of time is quite long for the space station, and all the resources are used to keep it running, so this short signal is likely to be a temptation." An Spread your hands and say, "It's a pity that our communication module is only an attached spare part. Unless we can rebuild a mind control system, we will not be able to decipher the content of quantum communication. But this does not mean that we cannot send back messages, as long as we toggle here Quantum strings, you will definitely be able to sense it over there.”

Li realized the key point, "When was the last summons?"

"One thousand three hundred and twenty five years ago."

"In other words, we will know the answer in 170." Luo said calmly - after reshaping, she no longer needs to wear a blindfold, her deep eyes are full of conviction, "I still owe him a thank you."

"Or more." Taxis said abruptly.

Luo Qingqing's expression didn't change at all, but a faint blush appeared on her cheek.

"I... continue to disassemble the Kunyu."

"Anyway, that's how things are." An rubbed his forehead, "I didn't say it at first, because I thought amnesia was a bad thing. More than 100 years is not a long time for a mechanical ascendant, but it is in human memory. It was a pretty tough time. I just didn't expect you to recall it so quickly."

Li lowered his ears, "So that's what happened..."

"Of course, you can also choose to continue to sleep until the day when things are verified." An continued, "This will consume part of the energy of the escape tower equipment, but I believe everyone will have no objections..."

"No, that's fine." Li shook his head, his ears pricked up again, "You said before that the awakening of consciousness is a matter of your own decision, right? The reason why I wake up must be because I want to see him soon—— It's the same even if this part of the memory is missing. So I'm going to wait for him here-no matter what the result is, I want to be the first to know."

Just like in Qingshan Town, Xia Fan was waiting for her to wake up from the serious injury.

She believed that they would meet again one day.

In this new home.


The story of Tiandao has come to an end, thank you for your company all the way.

I originally wanted to write an adventure story, but I went astray along the way, which made it look very awkward.Looking back now, after all, it was due to lack of preparation for new books and lack of experience.

After the battle against the evil horse, the progress of the story has been greatly accelerated. One reason is that the Qixing Privy Council is no longer the main opponent of the protagonist and his party, but the other reason, which is also the main reason, is my physical problem.Everyone should have noticed that a large part of the recent leave is related to insomnia.In fact, this became more and more serious after I wrote the Miaobi project, and it has not been adjusted.

At that time, Tiandao was just halfway through writing, and I took over the customized text of the king, so I had to write until five or six in the morning every day.When it was time to submit the manuscript, I even wrote until [-] o'clock in the morning, and continued to write around one o'clock after sleeping.Not to mention the complete reversal of work and rest, Tiandao's double shift has also become a single shift, and the neighbors have just renovated, and the quality of sleep is extremely poor. I feel that those few months were the most difficult period.

Coupled with the long-term sedentary and lack of exercise, I now feel short of breath and chest tightness when I climb stairs.Considering these problems, I can only speed up the second half of the plot and finish the book earlier.

It's a pity, but that's the only way to go.

Next, I will be hospitalized for a period of time, and then I will exercise. No matter what, I must lose weight to prevent some chronic diseases from affecting my writing status.At the same time, during this rest period, I will also accumulate inspiration, and hope that the next book will make greater progress.

Just like Li waiting for Xia Fan, I also look forward to meeting you again.

So, see you next story.


Thank you Ermu Xiaoxiao.

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