After Luo lightly cut down a charm, he took a deep breath.

Xia Fan noticed that she was not as calm and composed as she looked, at least her breathing was much faster than before, and her forehead was covered with fine sweat, obviously exhausting her physical strength.

"Agility? What is that?"

"Sure enough." She showed a dazed expression, "You can understand it as martial arts, and it did originate in the Jianghu martial arts at first, but alchemists can exert its effects better. Body skills allow you to control your body more precisely , before the alchemy is proficient to a certain level, it can make up for the lack of sensitivity."

And this kind of thing... Xia Fan finally understands why people who come from majors always look down on Sanmen.

"But when you enter the Privy Council, you will have to master these sooner or later." Luo stopped lightly, "The next step is the key, how close are you talking about?"

Xia Fan finally climbed to the top of the ruins. Standing here, the wide gap stood above their heads like a moat, and the beams protruding from both sides looked like mottled old teeth.And the one placed in the center of the gap was that huge demon.

When viewed from above, it is not so scary, but when viewed from above, the size of the demon seems to have increased several times. Just one palm is as wide as two or three people, and its flat abdomen is even more impressive. If they can cover the sky and block out the sun, if they are compacted, their end will be terrible.

This sense of oppression is definitely not comparable to watching from a distance.

Xia Fan swallowed, "The closer the better, it's best to reach out and touch the target."

"That is to say, we have to get under the devil's belly?" Luo gently looked at the devil's belly, "wait for me for a while."

She stepped forward, and as soon as she took two tentative steps, the demon responded.

I saw a pitch-black rope swishing towards Luo lightly, and the latter rolled down to avoid it, and the rope that missed hit the city wall like a whip, leaving a deep mark with such force .

Immediately after was the second one, it went straight in front of Luo Qingqing, forcing her to retreat back to where she was.Similarly, the strength of this blow is still not small, almost submerged into the depth of several fingers in the blue brick.

"It seems that it doesn't want anyone to get close to it." Luo gasped slightly, "Could it be that those hanging charms are its weakness?"

"But how do we get over this?" Xia Fan frowned, he had already seen that he couldn't get close to Mo with his own ability.And the genius of the Luo family seems to be able to handle it alone, but it's hard to say with his words.

However, the other party did not hesitate at all, "Same as before, I will walk in front, you just follow me."

"you sure?"

"I don't have time to think about it! If we wait until it pounces again, the terrain here will also change, and we won't have a second chance to climb." Luo gently said decisively.

Xia Fan naturally understood the meaning of her words. Although it took him less than half a quarter of an hour from the time he decided to support to arriving here, it may be quite a long time for the candidates on the wall.Three torches have been extinguished, and they have not been replaced. The pressure brought by Mei is constantly increasing. Even if the two of them are safe and sound again, the situation above will definitely collapse, and it will be impossible to change the situation by then.

"I understand." He said in a deep voice.

"Very well, I only have one request." Luo took two deep breaths and lowered his body, "No matter what happens, don't stop. Trust me."

Xia Fan nodded silently.


When the voice fell to the ground, Luo shot out lightly like lightning, and rushed straight towards the demon.The latter also reacted immediately, and the rope in her abdomen was thrown towards her as if she opened her eyes.

The girl placed the wooden sword at her waist.

Her Qi filled the tip of the sword like a star for a while.When the rope approached, Luo gently and abruptly drew his sword, and slashed obliquely from bottom to top——the sword blade cut across a crescent, splitting the black rope in two!

Xia Fan also rushed to the center of the broken wall. Although he was not as agile as his teammates, the wall built on the foundation of the brick building was so wide, and every step he took shortened by half a meter, and the distance could be said to be gradually getting closer.

When Luo lightly defuses the third attack, he is close to the edge of the demon, and the target seems to be within reach!

Mo also sent out several ropes to deal with Xia Fan, but they were all blocked by Luo Weiwei who turned around.Although the situation was dangerous, she still caught up with the attack at the last second.

It's just that these few defenses also slowed down Luo Qingqing's speed a lot, the air around the tip of the sword dimmed, and she couldn't cut off the flying ropes anymore.

As if realizing that the situation was not good, Mo let out a roar, and Mei hanging under his stomach struggled violently.

not good!

Xia Fan instantly realized that the offensive and defensive balance that Luo Weiwei had barely maintained was about to be broken—she had already tried her best just to deal with those tentacled ropes, and it was impossible to devote any more energy to dealing with Mei.

As if to confirm his guess, the two charms broke free first and landed vertically in front of them.

The light here was darker than when climbing before, and the next moment Mei stood upright, she had already disappeared in place.

It is impossible for Luo Weiwei to block two charms at the same time!

After reaching this judgment, Xia Fan subconsciously wanted to stop and dodge, but the other party's words "trust me" suddenly appeared in his mind, which made him take back the pace of retreating.

At this moment, he smelled a faint fragrance.

Luo Qingqing jumped straight in front of him!

After piercing one charm, she used her body to block the other attacking Xia Fan.

Black air wrapped around Luo Qingqing's body in an instant, and she stabbed with her backhand and bent her knees at the same time, bringing herself and Mei away from Xia Fan's body together!

Almost without a pause, the demon's attacks followed one after another - two ropes flew towards Luo Qingqing at one end, and directed towards Xia Fan at the other end.Obviously no one could cover him at this moment, Xia Fan simply gritted his teeth and rushed towards the rope.

But the facts proved that Luo Weiwei once again fulfilled her promise. She pulled back the wooden sword just before falling to the ground and threw it with all her strength, accurately hitting the black rope that was coming.

It's just that she herself lost all means of defense, and was swept by another black rope, and a bright red tear appeared in her robe.

Luo let out a soft snort, and was completely sent flying.

Before she landed, the rope chased after her and wrapped her around her neck.No matter how little Luo struggled, he couldn't stop Mo from tightening the rope and hanging her to his abdomen.

At this moment, Xia Fan finally arrived directly under the monster.

Chapter 33 Hole Cards

What is qi, and what is art?

This question has been deeply rooted in Xia Fan's mind ever since he saw another "sky full of stars".

In the eyes of outsiders, he may be extremely hardworking and spend all his free time on cultivation, but in fact he has not forgotten to think and explore while cultivating Qi.Although there were very limited things he could do at that time, he did not follow what Master said, but tried as much as possible.

For example, if you want to trigger a complete technique, medicine or materials are indispensable, and such things are often directly or indirectly related to the technique itself, and the requirements are not limited.If this connection is regarded as the reaction of consciousness to matter, where is its scope?A small piece of beeswax can cast a palm flame, as can a large handful of sawdust, but the effect of the latter is much weaker and has almost no practical value, so everyone chooses the former as a standard medicinal material, not necessarily.

So is there a more suitable material than beeswax?

Xia Fan didn't know.

He doesn't have the energy to study every alchemy, especially while wandering.

For several years, he only studied one technique.

Among all the spells taught by a master, the only "shock technique" can be regarded as an attack method.

——Three more charms fell off from the devil's belly one after another.

Even if Xia Fan didn't look up, he knew who the empty black ropes were heading for.

He didn't even have a chance to touch the talisman paper.

Within a second or two at most, Mei will surround him, even if he can escape by chance, he will definitely not be able to avoid the joint strangulation of several ropes.

Without the guidance of talismans, it would be a double technique at most.

But Xia Fan had no choice at all at the moment.

Without thinking about it, he touched his neck and pulled off the pendant around his neck - after handing in the medicine bag, he only left this thing alone and made it into a pendant to carry with him in case of accidents.

Xia Fan believes that this material is a unique introduction in the world, and no one has used it except him.

This is also his trump card!

Xia Fan lifted the pendant, and he had already constructed the whole process of the spell in his mind——

"Return to Shock Technique, Thunder!"

For a moment, he felt that Mei had jumped in front of him, and the black rope above his head was only a short distance away.Yet they are not much different from stillness than the mighty forces of nature.In the next second, the two were still close to him, but an extremely dazzling blue light came first, filling his entire field of vision suddenly!


"Lightning?" Ba Xingtian was slightly surprised.

I saw a white mark suddenly appeared in the dark night, as if dividing the sky into two, and its landing point was on the break of the city wall.

It came and went quickly, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye, but it was definitely not an illusion. With a deafening explosion, the whole Qingshan Town seemed to shake!

After the thunder rolled away, a new flame appeared-it came from inside the city wall.What started out as sparks quickly spread to a raging fire.Under the lightning strike, the wooden beams were all ignited, and heat waves and thick smoke rolled upward along the fracture until new flames burst out at the top of the city wall.

Suddenly, a huge torch appeared in the middle of the western wall!

The bright light faded the shadows of all things, and the charm climbing up the wall was fixed in place like a sculpture, and the demon was howling and struggling in the fire, trying to escape, but facing the fire from the sky, it was doomed to be futile. .

Shen Chun, the invigilator, naturally knew why his boss was surprised. Among all alchemy techniques, the shock technique can be regarded as the group with the least number of masters. Not only are there few talented people, but there are also few actual users.This is not because the Shock Technique is less effective, on the contrary, its effect on dealing with evil spirits is more significant than that of the Li Technique, so there is a saying that "when the thunder strikes, the evil spirits will change".The biggest problem with the Shock Technique lies in the introduction. In the lightning methods currently recorded, the raw materials basically involve lightning strike wood, and the minimum price of lightning strike wood is the same as the equivalent gold leaf regardless of its material grade.It is precisely because this thing is extremely difficult to collect, and it is rare to come across it once in a few years if you are unlucky, which makes it difficult to practice the shock technique.

An alchemy can be mastered from learning, it is inseparable from repeated practice, if the introduction is so rare that you can't see it, how can there be more people using it?

But the lightning strike in front of him was astonishing, it didn't seem like an unfamiliar work at all, but rather like the result of hard work.

Xia Fan, as a Sanmen examinee, how can he have any resources to practice the Shock Technique?Either he lied about the origin, or he was so lucky that he happened to bump into a tree struck by lightning somewhere.But Shen Chun doesn't think the possibility of the latter is too great - after all, the price of lightning strike wood is there. If ordinary people have such an opportunity, as long as they sell the wood in batches, the income they get is enough to last for several lifetimes. How can there be any need for an alchemist?

"My lord..." He was about to make a thorough investigation of Xia Fan, but was interrupted by a hearty laugh from his immediate boss.

"Hahahaha, this exam is really the most exciting in the past years!" Ba Xingtian stroked his palm, as if he didn't care how a Sanmen mastered the shock technique to such an extent, "I thought that after the city was broken, it might make people This person was forced to show off, but he didn't expect him to choose to take the initiative to prevent the situation from sinking into the mud, and he did it so well, courage and means are the best choices!" After finishing speaking, he looked at the short man, " How about it, you can't find any faults this time, right? It's the materials needed for the shock technique, I'm afraid it's not very good..."

"It's nothing more than lightning strikes wood, so what if he wants meteorite and soul jade?" The short man said indifferently, "Do you think I will lack these foreign things?"

"That's right." Ba Xingtian stroked his beard, "But I heard that a person who is good at the shock technique by nature has a violent temper and is difficult to get along with. The more talented he is, the harder it is to control him."

"Isn't that better?" The short man let out a chuckle, "If this person is at the mercy of others, it's the same for anyone else. How can I beat my brothers and sisters? The only pity..."

"What a pity?"

"He's not much of a listener."

The two looked at each other for a moment and laughed at the same time.

Only Shen Chun trembled when he heard it, and his back felt cold.With the attitude of a short man, how can he feel that if the other party is a listener, he will be right?As for how Xia Fan got the Lightning Strike Wood, it is nothing compared to the listener.Knowing this earlier, Shen Chunzhen didn't want to come with the two of them to observe the examination closely.However, Mr. Ba Xingtian is his immediate boss. Who said that speaking directly to the face is not another kind of trust?Therefore, no matter how heavy it is, he can only stay obediently at this moment.

"Okay," Ba Xingtian stopped laughing, and told Shen Chun, "This is the end of the exam, let the people below restart the formation, and clean up the mess."

"Now?" He asked unexpectedly, "The time has just passed..."

"It's meaningless to continue the test. Even demons can't pass through the city walls. Do you think those charms are still useful?" The other party waved his hand, turned and walked downstairs, "This is enough."


The moment the thunder resounded over Qingshan Town, Li woke up from his chaotic thoughts.

She pressed the bandage on the wound and walked slowly to the sealed window.Through the wooden board nailed to it, the fox demon could vaguely see the flickering fire not far away.

Did you even use the shock technique?

She seemed to be able to imagine how fierce the confrontation outside was.

This is the test for human beings - recruit all the qi-entrainers and try their best in a practice that is close to actual combat. Only the winner can step through the threshold and become a member of the Privy Council. It can be seen that she wants to How unfathomable is the behemoth you are facing.

When Xia Fan invited her to go to Shangyuan, Gyeonggi before, she found that the biggest feeling in her heart was actually fear.You can be brave with your mouth, and you can not lose the wind in front of the other party, but you can't fool yourself with your actual thoughts.Even Li herself was surprised, she was clearly not afraid of death, but when she thought of getting close to that monster that even her master dared not resist so soon, she couldn't sleep peacefully.

It seems that this fear comes from the depths of the soul.

It's not that Li didn't think about leaving without saying goodbye after recovering from the injury, anyway, it's impossible to keep an eye on her with Xia Fan's level.The road to Shangyuan is very long, as long as she tells the other party everything she has heard before parting, it can't be regarded as a repudiation - after all, isn't that what the other party wants?It's impossible to really want to stay with the fox demon.

Revenge against the Privy Council must be considered in the long term...

Until the thunder sounded.

In Li's eyes, the candidates in small towns are timid and clumsy, and most of them are mercenary, and she usually doesn't look down on them at all.But even this group of people will gamble everything for the qualified places, fight hard, and fight so far in the wild night.This kind of will was like thunder, pulling her out of looking forward and backward.

That's right, what about cooperating with alchemists?

How about going to Gyeonggi?

What she wants to do is almost impossible. Is it really useful to follow the rules and think long-term?

It can be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for someone to be willing to contact the demon. She should make good use of it instead of being hesitant.

The Privy Council in Gyeonggi is indeed terrifying, but if you want to find your master, you have to face it head-on, otherwise no matter how many candidates you scare away, its foundation will not be shaken.

As a monster, Li Yuan thought that she would never have a good impression of Lei Ming, but at this moment she unexpectedly felt that Lei Ming was not bad at all——

Human candidates can go forward indomitably, so how could she lose to these people?


After the blue light dissipated, Mei no longer existed, and a huge gap appeared in the demon's abdomen, and black air gushed out with its wailing, as if it was its blood.

Xia Fan withdrew his hand, the pendant still felt between his fingers.

That was the answer he had been looking for for years.

Is there a better material for Shock Thunder than Thunderstrike Wood?

A magnet with copper wire wrapped around it would be.

A single piece of red copper is not enough, nor is it just a piece of magnet. Only when the former is thinned a little bit and wrapped tightly around the latter can it exert such a remarkable effect.

If this connection is also one of the reactions of consciousness to matter, Xia Fan feels that he has vaguely touched the edge of it.

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