"Maybe, yes!" Looking at the roughly compiled "Hogwarts Wizardry" beside him, Ivan sighed like this. In his opinion, this thing is not much better than "The Quibbler".

It is not the same as originally imagined, the quality of the manuscript is too low.

The first three articles introduce the interesting news that happened at Hogwarts in a week, but limited by the sources of news articles, most of them are related to Gryffindor.

The fact that Ivan, Harry, and Ron arrived at school in a flying car for a meeting was the headline, and things related to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff only occupied a small part.As for Slytherin, apart from Malfoy's provocation a few times, there was almost no other news.

Next, the comment section that followed was all comment articles written by Hermione, which were filled with various legal clauses and preaching tone, and took up five pages. Ivan was not sure if anyone would read them. go in.

Not surprisingly, these articles should be skipped by most young wizards.

As for the board that Fred and George were in charge of, there were articles about the daily changing rules of the Hogwarts stairs, as well as commonly used secret passages, which could be somewhat helpful to freshmen and should attract some readers.

But the twins must have saved their hands. At least relying on these, it is impossible to escape Filch who is also familiar with the secret passage.

Ginny and Hagrid's introduction to magical creatures, and Harry and Ron's introduction to Quidditch are quite satisfactory. In Ivan's view, they still haven't found any attractive highlights.Moreover, almost all of them are excerpts from the original text in the book. If you have time to read these things, it is better to go to the library to read books.

As for the academic exchange section, because the decision to publish Luna's "How to find the horned snorkel" was a disaster.

"From this point of view, the story I wrote about Harry's mother Lily is the highlight of this issue, and it can be promoted on the front page." Ivan flipped the newspaper in his hand to the next one, and then covered it weakly On the forehead, a dozen newspapers behind him were all pictures of Lockhart.

Lockhart is in class, Lockhart is grading homework, Lockhart is eating, Lockhart is waving his wand, Lockhart is helping other professors, Lockhart is...

Lockhart's shining smile was everywhere, which made Ivan dizzy.

Behind the photo, there are stories written by Hermione introducing Lockhart's details in school. Even the most perfect and picky admirers can't find any loopholes in them. These articles are almost impeccable.

In Hermione's description, Lockhart is even greater than Dumbledore.

What followed was Lockhart's novel, which has never been released to the public. Since Lockhart himself deliberately leaked his words in class one day, girls came to Aiwen every day, hoping to read it from him first. content of these novels.

Although very unwilling, Ivan had to admit that the success of the first issue of "Hogwarts Wizarding News" depended entirely on Lockhart's personal charm.

"That's about it, everyone has done their best!"

Aiwen put down the sample magazine, turned to Hermione and said, "I plan to go to Hogsmeade on Saturday and talk to the merchants there, maybe they are willing to advertise in the newspaper."

"Hogsmeade is the only remaining pure wizarding village in the UK, but the school stipulates that only students in the third grade and above can go there on specific Saturdays." Hermione stared at Ivan, her tone full of seriousness, " Moreover, there must be a guardian's signature and consent."

"Don't be like this, Hermione!" Ivan shrank back unconsciously, "I got a little help from Fred and George, there is a secret passage in the castle that no one knows leads to Hogsmeade .”

"Secret passage?!" Hermione shook her head, "If you get caught, you will be kicked out."

"As long as you don't say it, no one will find out." Ivan continued, "And we really need advertising expenses and sponsorship, otherwise there will not be enough money to print and distribute the next issue of the newspaper. You know, those ink and Paper is not cheap."


"Don't worry, Hermione!" Ivan said with a big laugh, "I remember that Saturday was the first training day of the college's Quidditch team. Take a seat for me. If I'm fast, I'll be back in time to cheer for Harry. !"

Chapter 22 Conflict and Melee

Aiwen's trip to Hogsmeade was not as smooth as expected, and the merchants there were not active in spending money on advertising in a little-known newspaper.

However, under Aiwen's persuasion, or to dismiss him, some merchants agreed to give some sponsorship.

For example, Ambrosio Froome and his wife from the Honeydukes Candy Store stuffed Ivan with two large cans of unsold cockroaches; the owner of Zuko’s Magic Joke Shop gave Ivan a lot of dung Rosmerta, from the Three Broomsticks, offered him a free glass of lemonade.

"Children are not allowed to drink!" That's what she said.

"Well, everything is difficult at the beginning. It's better to have these than nothing." Ivan comforted himself in this way. After drinking the lemonade, he carried a lot of things through the long and narrow secret passage, struggling to climb Back to Hogwarts.

When he came out from behind the Gregory statue, he saw that the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch players were all gathered around the Quidditch field in front of the castle, and there seemed to be a dispute.

In the center of the crowd, Draco Malfoy seemed to have said something nasty to Hermione. Fred and George were about to throw themselves on top of him, while Ron angrily took out his wand that was broken in two and pointed at Malfoy. .

"You'll pay for it, Malfoy!" Ron yelled.

In the next second, a huge explosion resounded throughout the venue, and a green light shot out from the back of the wand, hitting Ron in the abdomen, knocking him to the ground in two staggering steps.

"Ron, Ron! Are you all right?" Hermione screamed.

Ron opened his mouth to answer, but instead of uttering a word, he hiccupped, and a few slugs fell from his mouth to his thigh.

The Slytherins were all paralyzed with laughter, and their captain, Flint, couldn't stand upright, propped up on his broomstick.Malfoy was on all fours, pounding the ground with both fists.The Gryffindor team surrounded Ron, who kept spitting out shiny slugs, and no one seemed to want to touch him.

Ivan squeezed into the crowd in a hurry, Colin saw him, and said happily, "You are back, Ivan, look at Ron, he was hit by his own spell. Harry, you can cure him ,is not it?"

He excitedly raised the camera and frantically pressed the shutter.

Ivan took out his wand and used a "Curse Stand" on Ron, but the spell didn't work, and Ron spit out a new batch of slugs.

"Aha, another stinky little Mudblood from Gryffindor." Malfoy sneered, looking at Ivan who held up his wand contemptuously, "Look at your poor magic, it doesn't work at all. "

"Really, Malfoy?!" Ivan looked at Malfoy coldly, and the tip of the wand emitted a red light cleanly.

In an instant, Malfoy was hit by Ivan's obstacle spell and flew out.

"Damn, how dare you..." The smile on his face gradually froze, the Slytherin students looked at Ivan coldly, and several seniors hurriedly took out their wands.

More and more Slytherins pointed at Ivan with their wands. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and other Gryffindor students stood beside Ivan, drew out their wands and glared at each other. The wands were locked in a stalemate, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

"Damn Mudblood, I'm going to kill you!" Malfoy got up from the ground, picked up his wand and pointed it at Ivan, and shouted, "You bastard fell to the ground!"

This seemed to be a signal. Gryffindor and Slytherin, who had stretched their nerves to the extreme, uttered their spells aloud, and the entire Quidditch pitch turned into a melee.

The students who were still sitting in the auditorium to watch the excitement poured into the Quidditch field one after another, making the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, several Hufflepuff students looked at each other, then turned and ran towards the castle.

In the center of the field, Ivan was the target of Slytherin's concentrated attack.

After dodging the three evil curses in embarrassment, he found that his chanting speed was too slow, but this did not prevent him from continuing to attack. Ivan threw out all the big shit he got from Zuko's magic joke shop.

This is simply a big killer, the big black dung egg draws a beautiful trajectory in mid-air, and falls on Slytherin accurately, interrupting their spell, a stench, accompanied by Slytherin screaming It keeps coming.

Malfoy is the focus of care, and he is now covered in feces.

"Well done, Alvin!" Fred and George clapped their hands happily in celebration.

Ivan didn't get complacent for long, more and more students gave up using wands, and they began to use the most primitive method to pounce on the nearest enemy.

At this moment, the Slytherin students, who were burly and smelly all over their bodies, had the upper hand, because no one wanted to approach them at all, which made Gryffindor lose the opportunity.

Accidentally, Ivan tripped over Blaise Zabini, Malfoy's roommate, an arrogant Slytherin second year, and the two rolled on the ground and scuffled together, and Ivan's lip was broken by him Yes, blood gushed out.

However, Aiwen didn't make the other party feel better. He punched Zabini a few times, and when he was about to completely deal with the other party, a big hand suddenly separated the two of them.

Ivan raised his head in shock and saw Hagrid lifting himself up.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?!" Hagrid looked very surprised.

Not far away, Harry and Malfoy were wrestling together; Ron kept spitting snot on Goyle beside him; Hermione's hair was disheveled, but she was one of the few present who still held a wand; Colin and Neville, they fought together against Crabbe, and the other Quidditch players also fought against each other.

As for Fred and George, the two of them got more dung eggs from nowhere, and eliminated more than ten Slytherin students.

A few seconds later, there was a loud noise on the Quidditch field, and almost all the professors came outside the castle. Dumbledore stood solemnly outside the gate, with his wand raised high.

"Group brawls, I've been in Hogwarts for so many years, and I've never seen such a thing!" Professor McGonagall was obviously furious, "Gryffindor and Slytherin each deducted [-] points, if there is another Once, I'll disqualify you from Quidditch."

"But professor, they were the first to..." Gryffindor Quidditch captain Oliver Wood anxiously argued.

"Quiet, Wood!" Professor McGonagall revealed disappointment in his tone, "I thought you could perform better."

"Who is in charge?" Professor Snape's gloomy voice came over, but his eyes were fixed on Harry and Ivan who was standing beside him.

"It's Ivan Mason and Harry Potter!" Almost all the Slytherins pointed at the two of them instantly.

"They lied, Malfoy provoked it first!" Gryffindor was not to be outdone.

"He called Ivan and Hermione Mudbloods!" Ron added, spraying the slug on the ground with one mouth.

"Shut up, Weasley! I can tell who's lying." Snape hid aside in disgust, and turned his gaze to Harry and Ivan, "As for you..."

"Severus, I think they are students of my House." Professor McGonagall interjected in good time, "I will decide how to punish them."

Chapter 23 The First Issue of the Newspaper

The result of the punishment was decided quickly, and everyone involved in the fight was locked up.

Because of Lockhart's urging, Harry, Irwin and Hermione were sent to answer letters from his admirers, while Ron, Colin and Neville helped Filch clean and polish the silverware in the prize room .

Apart from Malfoy going to clean up Snape's office, Slytherins and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team are going to clean up the Quidditch grounds because Fred and George threw too much shit Not an easy job because of the eggs.

At dinner, Harry looked devastated, telling the others that it must be terrible to answer Lockhart's letters, and that he'd rather be cleaning the silverware or cleaning the Quidditch ground.

Hermione was even more frustrated than him. She said with a grumpy face, "Look at the good things you guys have done. There is only one day left before the official publication of the newspaper, but everyone is locked up. A nightmare. Ivan, you shouldn't be so impulsive, and Ron too, you're still spitting out slugs, for Malfoy, it's not worth it at all."

Hearing Hermione's accusation, Ron didn't know how to answer.

He lowered his head and whispered to Harry that during the fight, Hermione seemed more excited than anyone else, but now she blamed the others for being too impulsive.Of course, his voice was very low, and no one heard it except Ivan who was sitting next to Harry.

"Don't get excited, Hermione!" Fred reassured her. "After all, we won in the end, didn't we?"

"This is the first time we use big dung eggs to attack others openly, and the effect is amazing!" George looked at the long Slytherin table with satisfaction. There was a stench everywhere, and no one wanted to approach it.

"To celebrate this victory, we should have a party." The two said together.

"Take dirty things and throw others, I should really write to tell your mother about this!" Hermione looked at them angrily.

"Let them go, Hermione!" Aiwen hurriedly pleaded for the twins, "After all, they are here to help us. Malfoy called you and me Mudblood first."

"What the hell does that mean? Of course, I can hear it being very rude." Hermione looked relieved.

"A very nasty phrase," Ron explained. "A mudblood is a slur for Muggle-borns, people whose parents don't know magic. Some wizards, like the Malfoys, always feel that I am superior to other people because they are so-called purebreds."

"Blood discrimination." Ivan added, "Voldemort used this reason to slaughter Muggles."

Upon hearing the mysterious man's name, the dining table fell silent, and many people trembled, especially Ginny, who looked terrified.

"Forget about this, what should we do now?" Hermione was the first to recover.

"I have a way to persuade Professor Lockhart to let us go early."

"Really, Ivan!" Harry raised his voice sharply.

"Of course, Harry, but at the expense of your being there."

Hearing Ivan's words, Harry became depressed again.

When they rushed to Lockhart's office after dinner, Ivan asked Lockhart to let him and Hermione go back to write the manuscript, because there was only one day left before the official publication of the "Hogwarts Wizardry", and they still had A lot of work is not done.

Lockhart readily agreed to Ivan's request, after all, in his eyes, this is a newspaper run exclusively for him by his admirers.

Ignoring Harry's pitiful look at him, Ivan pulled Hermione away without looking back, and the two rushed to the library with a large pile of parchment.

"It's really a lot of work!" Aiwen smiled wryly, "By the way, we can ask Ginny to come over to help, she should not be punished for confinement."

"She went to help Fred and George clean up the Quidditch field. It's full of shit. I feel really sorry for her with two brothers like that."

"Okay, Hermione!" Ivan sighed, "Fred and George are still good, everyone likes them."

"I'm not saying they're bad people, but if there weren't so many pranks, maybe..."

"Um, Hermione, I just wanted to ask, what are you writing?" Seeing that Hermione wanted to continue, Ai Wen hurriedly changed the subject.

"An article calling on everyone to pay attention to school violence." Hermione paused, "But after listening to you explain the meaning of Mudblood, I plan to replace it with protecting the legal rights of Muggle-born wizards. My task tonight is Get it done, and I'll leave the rest to you!"

After speaking, Hermione got up and went to the library to look for related books.

Ai Wen rearranged the advertising section by himself, and replaced the fighting incident that happened today with the headlines on the front page.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and Gryffindor was in a festive atmosphere for the past two days.

Many people have heard about the scuffle on Saturday afternoon. Although the final result was evenly matched, just seeing those smelly Slytherin students knew that Gryffindor had actually taken advantage.

Gossip was flying all over the sky, and Aiwen once again became the focus of attention. People cheered everywhere he went, especially the scene where he knocked Malfoy into the air. There were at least a dozen versions circulating in the school.

In addition, Ron, who has been spitting slugs, is also the subject of discussion. Everyone is discussing what kind of magic spell can have such an effect. Almost all books about magic spells in the library are borrowed. gone.

In fact, apart from Slytherin, the students of the other three houses regretted not seeing that wonderful scene with their own eyes.

In this way, everyone is full of expectations for the upcoming first issue of "Hogwarts Wizardry", because there is news that the newspaper will introduce the whole story of the battle and the spell used by Ron in detail.

On Monday morning, Ai Wen got up early, and they took the newly printed newspapers to the entrance of the auditorium, and distributed them to everyone.

According to the pre-determined strategy, this issue of "Hogwarts Wizardry" is completely free, with the names of all staff members and article authors, as well as ordering methods.Fred and George even made up a song, but it was too ugly, and Professor McGonagall, who came to eat breakfast and dinner, stopped him sharply.But this did not stop everyone's enthusiasm. Except for Slytherin's public resistance, the newspaper was quickly snatched up by others.

In the auditorium, everyone was flipping through newspapers or discussing the contents above.

Except for the long table of Slaterin, they were at odds with the surrounding atmosphere. No one spoke, and everyone ate breakfast with sullen faces, as if they were attending a solemn funeral.

Because this kind of thing was expected to happen in advance, Ivan didn't count them at all when the newspaper was printed.He took more than a dozen thick newspapers to the teacher's seat and gave newspapers to every professor.

Dumbledore accepted it happily. Although Professor McGonagall pursed his lips, he seemed very proud of Ivan. Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout also took the newspaper with a smile; as for Lockhart, He directly turned the newspaper to the end, looked at his photo and smirked, and even asked Ivan to send him a few more copies.

The trouble was Snape, he glared at Ivan with a gloomy face, as if he, like the Slytherin students, had no intention of talking to him at all.

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