Walking on the road, thinking of Ye Yucheng I saw before,

In the end, Yan Caixuan couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart and asked the question,

"Your Highness! Your Majesty seems to want us to get married quickly!"

Otherwise, the time of the wedding would not be

Set it at a later date,

"Then guess why?"

Now that the question was asked, Ye Liuyun didn't hide anything,

Instead, he asked with interest,


After thinking for a while, Yan Caixuan still shook her head,

"Caixuan is stupid, she can't figure it out!"

Yan Caixuan is smart, but this kind of unfounded thing,

Really bad analysis!

"Hahaha! So, you are still too young!"

After casually smiling,

With both hands on his back, Ye Liuyun strode down the main road of the imperial city, and said in a casual tone,

"Your vision is too small!"

If it wasn't for the fact that her vision is too small, with Yan Caixuan's intelligence, how could she not be able to figure it out?

"I beg Your Highness to enlighten me!"

Being told that, Yan Caixuan was not offended,

Instead, he asked a sensible question,

"You think that a wedding is just a wedding!"

Ye Liuyun said lightly,

But with this casual attitude, those who don't know it think that this matter has nothing to do with Ye Liuyun at all.

"However, looking at it from another angle, wouldn't my prince, after marrying a princess from another dynasty, lose the qualification to compete for imperial power?"

"imperial power!"

Yan Caixuan was stunned, stopped, and looked at Ye Liuyun in astonishment,

In this wedding, there is actually a struggle for imperial power involved?

Yan Caixuan never thought about this before,

But after getting Ye Liuyun's accurate explanation,

Yan Caixuan suddenly understood a little bit,

It seems that many things will be explained,

"But that majesty, why do you want to let your highness..."

The struggle for imperial power is usually a matter between princes.

As an emperor, he would only choose to take the school exam silently, who else has more means?

But Ye Yucheng is already ready to kick Ye Liuyun out of the game with his own hands.

Just about to ask why,

But at this time, Yan Caixuan suddenly noticed the guards following Ye Liuyun, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang,

Well!Doubts resolved,

Two 'land gods'!Can the emperor not panic!

"It's because His Highness is too powerful!"

If it wasn't for this, it wouldn't have aroused the emperor's fear, right?


Follow Ye Liuyun again,

Turning his face sideways, he looked at Ye Liuyun who was as plain as water, and after all his self-confidence was stabilized,

Yan Caixuan asked curiously,

"Then since His Highness knows, why do you still agree?"

In Yan Caixuan's view, beside Ye Liuyun, there are two more "land gods"!

Even if Ye Liuyun bluntly rejected the wedding,

In this huge Dajing Dynasty, even the emperor Ye Yucheng dare not say anything, right?

Could it be that His Highness is because he really likes himself, so,,,

Thinking of this, Yan Caixuan suddenly lowered her head,

Somewhat unbelievable,

But from Yan Caixuan's point of view, it is the biggest possibility.


Ye Liuyun didn't know what Yan Caixuan was thinking,

Looking at Yan Caixuan's way of lowering her head and not daring to speak just after asking,

Ye Liuyun was a little puzzled,

But I didn't care too much,

Shrugging his shoulders, he said casually,

"If you want me to say everything, wouldn't that be a waste of your clever little brain? Think about the answer yourself!"

"Cai Xuan knows!"

After feeling that he already knew Ye Liuyun's thoughts,

Upon hearing such an answer,

Yan Caixuan confirmed it instead,

Ye Liuyun in front of him must like her, right?

I love Jiangshan, but I love beauties even more!

Is this the kind of person you're talking about?

When reading story books before, Yan Caixuan has seen such things,

I thought that such a man would only appear in the storybook,

but did not expect,

Today, I actually met myself,

"His Highness's heart! Caixuan can feel it!"


, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Chapter 83 Do your best!After death?

Ye Liuyun had question marks all over his face,

feeling?what do you feel?

And what happened to my own mind?

Looking at Yan Caixuan's appearance, Ye Liuyun felt that the other party seemed to be thinking about something unrealistic!

But without waiting for Ye Liuyun to say more,

Unknowingly, he walked back to his bedroom,

"Your Highness!"

Wu Shang, who was guarding outside the palace as a guard, saw Ye Liuyun,

His eyes lit up, and he ran over immediately,

"Your Highness! You are back!"

"Did something happen?"

Otherwise, there wouldn't be anything that could make Wu Shang see himself in such a hurry,

"His Royal Highness really knows things like a god!"

Upon hearing what Ye Liuyun said,

Wu Shang didn't even think about it, he looked at Ye Liuyun with admiration,


However, looking at Wu Shang who is smiling naively,

Ye Liuyun really didn't know what to say for a while,

Obviously you have something to look for yourself, but now you can still compliment yourself first like a habit, really worthy of you!Wu Shang!

But Ye Liuyun has almost gotten used to Wu Shang's way of handling things,

So it's no surprise,

He waved his hand nonchalantly and said,

"Okay! Let's talk about what happened!"

"Yes, yes! Your Highness, come with me!"

After being reminded by Ye Liuyun, Wu Shang, who just reacted,

First she smiled brightly, then immediately led Ye Liuyun towards the bedroom,

Yan Caixuan who was following was a little curious,

But I didn't ask much, and went back together, since they all lived here anyway,

"This is His Royal Highness Beihan King!"

After Ye Liuyun came to the bedroom,

I saw a hesitant middle-aged man who had been waiting here for a long time.

After seeing Ye Liuyun approaching,

Without saying a word, the middle-aged man hurriedly walked over,

"His Royal Highness Beihan King! This humble minister is,,,"


Before the other party could approach, the sound of the sword sounded, and the magic weapon shark teeth stood horizontally in front of the middle-aged man.

To prevent the other party from approaching Ye Liuyun,

Wei Zhuang, holding shark teeth, said in a cold voice,

"Report, report, anyone who approaches His Highness at will! Die!"


Looking at Wei Zhuang in front of him, Qi Chengwen couldn't help but gasped,

Sure enough, Concubine Nangong didn't deceive herself,

The man in front of him is definitely not an ordinary half-step land fairy,

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