"What did you say, there are zombies?"

Uncle Nine has gone to explain the situation to Ah Wei.

But Awei exclaimed, and then he showed a completely disbelieving expression, looking at Uncle Jiu with some doubts, "You said it was a zombie hack, it should be nails, and your nails are also in line, what do you say?"

Originally, Awei had already decided to downplay this matter, and at that time, he could evade it casually, and he could prevaricate it.

But if he followed Uncle Jiu's way, then he would be of no benefit as the captain of the security team in a panic.

"What did you say?"

When a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain why.

Seeing that Awei changed the topic to Uncle Jiu, Li Qian walked over and gave Awei a cold look.

"Ahem... It's all a joke, a joke."

Hearing Li Gan's words, Awei was still a little angry. After all, he was the captain of the security team, and with so many people, he wanted to save face.

But when he saw Li Gan's cold eyes, Awei immediately faltered.

"I would like to advise you, follow my master's instructions. If you die again, then you, the security captain, may be at the end of your life."

"Don't worry, cousin-in-law, I will definitely inform you."

Although it will definitely cause panic, compared to killing more people, there is no way to do it.

Dare to fight Jiushu, but it doesn't mean he dares to fight Li Gan.

Li Qian's family property will be united with the Ren family in the future. After all, Master Ren only has such a daughter, and these will all belong to Li Gan in the future.

That scale is definitely much stronger than the current Ren family. If Awei wants to secure this position, he must please Li Gan.

"If you are sensible, let you be in this position, otherwise..."

It would be best if the security team notified this matter, but Li Qian and Uncle Jiu didn't need to worry about it.

"Take people, burn these five corpses, and I will go with you."

They have already been killed by Mr. Ren. If these five corpses are not dealt with, they will turn into corpses tonight, just like Mr. Ren in the plot.

When I returned to Ren's house, it was already dark. Master Ren and Ren Tingting had already prepared without bringing anyone. After all, this time I went to avoid disasters and solve problems, not to enjoy happiness.

"Energy has 75 points, not bad!"

The reason why Li Gan wanted to follow was because he wanted to try.

After the corpses were burned, each of them brought Li Gan an income of 15 energy points.

Although there is no corpse change yet, the corpse aura already exists, and after these corpses change, they will be stronger than the four-eyed Taoist customers.

"Master, we don't have enough glutinous rice at home."

These things were taken care of by Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. As soon as he returned to Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng came to the hall with a rice bag that was almost empty.

Although these things are sharp weapons to deal with zombies, zombies are rare. Although Yizhuang has them, they have very few stocks.

"It's not easy to buy in the town."

One day today, Li Gan found that many villagers in the town were buying glutinous rice, as for the black dog. . .It's gone.

It's an inescapable thing to know about zombies.

There are not many people who leave the town. One is that they don’t want to be far away from their hometown. The second is that during this period, when a town travels to another place, people will panic in the wilderness. What if they encounter zombies?

"Go to the neighboring village to buy, this matter is left to you."

Uncle Jiu pondered for a moment, Nuomi definitely needed to be prepared, but he wasn't too anxious.

Although Old Master Ren has absorbed the blood of five people, his recovery speed will increase rapidly, and his strength will also increase a lot, but this requires a process.

"Also, it's already night, so don't go back tonight."

Although the focus is on Li Gan, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai have been with him for so many years, and their relationship is also very deep.

Qiu Sheng smiled and shook his head, "My aunt asked me to go back to eat today. When I come over tomorrow morning, I will bring glutinous rice."

When Uncle Jiu shook his head helplessly, Qiu Sheng had already walked out.

Because of Li Gan's interference, Master Ren did not die, and the corpse change did not happen, and Wen Cai was also not injured because of protecting Tingting.

But Li Gan knew that he had changed all of these, but here at Qiusheng, he did not intervene.

After watching Qiusheng go out, Li Gan also followed.

Although today's five corpses gave Li Gan some energy points, which could increase Li Gan's strength by another level, it was still difficult to deal with Mrs. Ren.

Naturally, Li Qian would not fight uncertain battles. If this female ghost Xiaoyu was killed, the energy points of the third layer of Lightning and Thunder Fist would definitely be enough.

As well as the energy points at hand, the Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing can also be upgraded.

Li Qian can directly reach the peak of the Human Master, and with the three-layer Lightning and Thunder Fist, his lethality against zombies will definitely be greatly improved again.

"Brother, it's getting late, be careful on the road."

Seeing Qiusheng put a handful of incense sticks in the center of the handlebar of the bicycle, Li Gan gave him a meaningful look.

Patting Li Gan on the shoulder, Qiu Sheng smiled cheaply, "Brother, when the matter is over, I must invite my brother to have fun. These few days...money is a little tight."

"Do not worry."

Li Qian didn't care what Qiu Sheng meant.

To Li Gan, money is just a number, but for Qiu Sheng, a few oceans can make him happy, but before that, this guy has to stage a show of applauding for love with ghosts.

No, it's not for love.

Chapter 19 Ghost Guardian: Qiu Sheng

Li Gan did not return to Yizhuang, but followed Qiusheng.

As a junior, Li Gan felt that he had an obligation to help Qiusheng once.

Li Gan doesn't know what it's like to applaud for love with ghosts, but in the plot, seeing Qiu Sheng's lustful appearance, he knows it feels good.

If too much yang energy is absorbed, it will result in death if it is serious, or shorten your life if it is light.

People who practice Taoism will only increase their lifespan when their realm reaches a certain level. Judging from the fact that Qiusheng Shangqing Dadong Sutra has not yet reached the first level, there is not much hope for increasing lifespan in this life.

Road conditions were poor during this period.

Qiu Sheng whistled and the car kept bumping, it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

Li Gan has already reached the second level of Maoshan body training technique and lightning rushing thunder boxing. The degree of physical strengthening is already very high, and it is not a big problem to catch up with a bicycle.

Following all the way, the two of them soon entered the jungle.


Born with yin and yang eyes, not counting as a bonus for cultivating Taoism, Li Qian was born with a strong ability to perceive yin qi.

The night is as cool as water, which is the temperature that people feel.

But yin qi is different. If a person stays in a place with strong yin qi for a period of time, he will not live long at all and will suffer from serious illness.

"This Xiaoyu actually has the level of a ghost."

The same level as the wedding dress female ghost I met before.

Wherever he looked, Li Qian saw four pale faces, with two red dots on their cheeks, wearing the clothes of people of this era.

All of them were bearers, and they floated over from a distance, carrying a red sedan chair.

And inside the sedan chair, Li Qian could already feel that it was Xiaoyu. These were all ghosts' tricks, and there was nothing to hide from the yin and yang eyes.

There is no BGM here, otherwise the effect would definitely be better.

He drips bladder, he drips bladder. . .

Thinking about that BGM, Li Gan has a bit of a bad taste.

But at this moment, the sedan chair stopped suddenly, and the four bearers, including Xiaoyu inside, all looked at Li Gan.

Because Li Gan didn't hide, in the eyes of the ghosts, it was like a torch, and the four little ghosts looked at Li Gan with greed.

Li Gan just wanted to attract their attention, otherwise, Li Gan wanted to hide, and now ordinary ghosts would not know that Li Gan has Yin and Yang eyes.

Xiaoyu seemed to be having a hard time making a choice.

Glancing at Li Gan, he looked in Qiusheng's direction again, and then waved his hand. The whole person flew out of the sedan chair and floated in Qiusheng's direction.

Under the choice between the two, Xiaoyu chose Qiusheng.

Li Gan didn't intend to figure out what was so tricky about it. Ghosts are greedy. Maybe after Qiu Sheng was dealt with, her goal would be on herself.

At this time, the opponent obviously made two-handed preparations.

The four little ghosts had put down the sedan chair at this time, and came up to Li Qianwei.


Li Gan sneered, and went to absorb Qiu Sheng's yang energy himself, and then ordered his men to deal with Li Gan. If they were caught, they would naturally eat everything.

Under the normal situation of not performing Taoism, it is difficult for ghosts to find the magic power in human beings.

If the state is very high, then it is another matter.

When you doze off, someone will come to deliver a pillow.

Originally, Li Gan's purpose in dealing with Xiaoyu was to upgrade the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and use it to kill Old Master Ren directly.

Now that Xiaoyu has met him, and he buys one and gets one free, how can Li Gan not be excited?

Walking out from behind the tree, Li Gan strode towards the four little ghosts.


There were bursts of sharp laughter. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they would have been scared out of their wits. These little ghosts who have not reached the level of ghosts mostly use this method when they want to harm people.


Let your yang fire weaken so that they can harm people.

And when you reach the realm of Li Gui, you can perform some ghost skills, and the difference between the two is too great.

Stepping on Yu steps, he took out a few ghost exorcising charms from his bosom, and rushed into the encirclement of the four little ghosts in an instant.

When he was dealing with Old Master Ren before, Li Gan felt that the Lightning and Thunder Fist consumes too much mana, so it is very suitable to use it as a backhand.

But after your own mana increases, it can be used as a routine method.


The first-level Yu Bu was able to deal with these little ghosts with ease. Li Gan dodged the opponent's attack, and the ghost exorcism talisman in his hand was activated immediately.

Accompanied by ear-piercing screams, it turned into fly ash.

The magic power used to activate the ghost exorcism talisman was very little, and Li Qian was still in full bloom.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is food delivery.

"Energy +15..."

. . . . .

The four little ghosts contributed 60 energy points to Li Gan, which has exceeded Li Gan's expectations. After finishing Xiaoyu and getting energy points, Li Qian's strength can be improved a bit.

Looking in the direction Qiusheng was leaving, Qiusheng was about to walk out of the woods.

At this time, Xiaoyu, the female ghost on the back seat of the bicycle, looked at Li Gan with resentment.

As a ghost-level person, she naturally has some little ghosts under her command, but after all, the chassis is limited, and there are only so many ghosts. After they are scattered, it will take a long time to replenish them.

With a sneer, Li Gan wasn't hiding anymore, and while Yu Bu was moving, he quickly chased after Qiu Sheng.

But Li Gan admired his senior brother very much.

Apparently, Xiaoyu had already used the trick to cover up his eyes. With such a big commotion behind him, this guy was still whistling and riding a bicycle.

As a monk, this embarrassment has already been thrown to my grandma's house.

I'm afraid if Xiaoyu didn't want to absorb Yang Qi a few more times, this guy wouldn't be able to come back on the first day.

The distance between the two was rapidly approaching. Seeing this scene, Xiaoyu quickly moved.

"Help... help... young master, there are bad guys behind me who want to attack me..."

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