But when he felt where the ghost slave really was, his heart trembled.

Ghost slave, right behind me... I didn't realize it!

Lin Han was about to turn around, but at this moment, he suddenly found that the bright vision in front of him suddenly became dim.

At the same time, his eyes felt an extremely cold feeling, as if...someone put ice cubes in front of his eyes.

At this moment, his consciousness also began to blur inexplicably, his eyelids were very heavy, and the floating purple hair lost control and fell randomly over his shoulders.

"You're sleepy... sleep when you're sleepy, and you'll be fine once you sleep."

A strange and bewitching voice suddenly sounded in Lin Han's heart. This voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, making him subconsciously want to close his eyes.

At this moment.

Mr. Liu was trembling all over, his eyes were wide open, watching this unimaginable scene.

In his perspective, the figure of the previous ghost slave appeared behind Lin Han. This ghost slave stretched out a pair of blue and black arms, blocking Lin Han's eyes.

And following its actions, Lin Han's eyes gradually appeared blank, and his eyelids closed slowly, as if he was really about to fall asleep!

What is even more unbelievable is that blurred images appeared above his head, and these images were all kinds of things that Lin Han had experienced before.

The ghost slave's eyes shone with blue light, and the pictures above Lin Han's head began to distort at this moment and gradually dissipated!

Change cognition, compile memory!

If there is no accident, this ghost slave will not kill Lin Han, but will readjust his memory.

At the same time, he killed Mr. Liu on the side to ensure that Lin Han...wouldn't "sober" again!

Yet at this moment.

Suddenly, a dark vortex emerged from the shadow behind Lin Han.

Immediately afterwards, a vast sea of ​​black hair protruded from the vortex, entangled the ghost slave like a spider's silk, and pulled its entire body into the shadow!


This ghost slave let out a weird and shrill scream, and his whole body was immediately covered in black hair, even his mouth was covered by countless black hairs, and his cheeks were torn apart from the inside out by the strands of hair!

Not only that, the strands of black hair were like sharp blades, cutting off the black skin of the ghost slave piece by piece.


This ghost slave let out a sharp whine, completely lost the power to resist, and was directly dragged into the shadow by the tide-like black hair!

At the critical moment, Jiang Rou made a move!

Chapter 68 The ghost slave of Wuzhuo Mountain was dragged into the shadow by Jiang Rou, the fate can be imagined.

At this time, Lin Han's eyes that were about to close suddenly opened, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

The ghost slave was stabbed with all his strength, so it can be seen that its strength is not strong, but the ability of this ghost slave is too... unbelievable!

Once the eyes are covered by it, you will fall into an irresistible situation, and let this ghost slave modify your cognition!

If Jiang Rou hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid...

Lin Han turned his head to look at the shadow on the ground. The shadow was not his appearance, but a very familiar figure.

This is Jiang Rou's shadow!

Lin Han knelt down and touched the shadow lightly, with soft eyes and said softly:

"Thank you, sister Jiang Rou..."

As soon as the words fell, the beautiful figure seemed to move a little, and then the dark vortex that appeared before disappeared, and the shadow on the ground changed again, becoming his own appearance again.

Didn't fully wake up?

Lin Han understood, and then with a thought, he retracted all the purple light covering a radius of 50 meters into his body.

The potential ghost slave was dealt with by Jiang Rou, he was much calmer than before.

"If I confront this ghost slave head-on, even if there are three of them, I won't be my opponent, but the teleportation ability of this ghost slave is terrifying, and I can't keep up with its trajectory..."

"If I do it all over again, I will still be tricked..."

Lin Han's heart was a little dignified, and he looked at Mr. Liu in the distance, secretly thinking:

"If it wasn't for the old man, wake me up. I'm afraid that one day in the future, this ghost slave will take advantage of my unpreparedness to attack... But why is it just changing my cognition instead of killing me?"

"Unless... the ghost manipulating it behind the scenes, so that the ghost slave doesn't kill me, but needs me to do something alive..."

and many more!

Thinking of this, Lin Han's heart suddenly trembled, feeling a little scared.

How did the predecessor... die?

When he first crossed over, he didn't delve into it, thinking that it was the reason for his time travel that caused the death of his predecessor.

But now that I think about it carefully, I feel something is wrong, maybe... before I crossed over, my predecessor was already dead!

At this moment, Lin Han only felt that his mind was in chaos.

Could it be that this ghost slave didn't leave after he was killed, and also... happened to witness his "resurrection".

So the ghost behind him became interested in his own resurrection, and changed the order to kill himself to monitor himself, and when necessary...edit his memory.

The system... has it detected it?

Lin Han's eyes moved slightly, and he felt that his heart was shrouded in a thick haze, and his heart was extremely heavy!

No matter what, the ghost behind this ghost slave must be eyeing him!

This is so...

The corner of Lin Han's mouth twitched, feeling that he, a time traveler, was extremely unlucky.

After finally getting rid of the mirror ghost, the result... was followed by an even more terrifying ghost.

He has no way to resist the opponent's ability, and he can't always rely on Jiang Rou.

Suddenly, Lin Han froze slightly.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has encountered more ghosts than ordinary people, starting from Sadako...

Could it be that I have some kind of special constitution...or is it related to Grandpa Lin Beixuan?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, Lin Han walked up to the old man, couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes and asked:

"You have also seen the situation just now. The ghosts will be more difficult to deal with in the future, so I need more information about... that Taoist. Since he can seal the mirror ghost, he may have some means to deal with ghosts."

Mr. Liu's face is also very ugly at the moment, his waist is bent, and his head is about to fall to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han knew in his heart that the previous battle might have been too fierce, and the old man's confrontation with the ghost slave had affected his mind.

Mr. Liu's time is running out...

The old man was obviously aware of this, and said with complicated eyes:

"If I'm not mistaken, that Taoist should be your ancestor, ahem... Before he left, he left a message for my ancestor."

Lin Han's expression moved slightly, and he immediately asked, "A word...what is it?"

"If the balance is broken, find the Lin family and go to Wuzhuo Mountain to awaken it in the tomb, and there will be a chance of life."

"Five Turbidity Mountains..."

Hearing what the old man said, Lin Han fell silent.

If it were Chen Qingsui or Liu Mo, they would probably look confused after hearing the place name "Wuzhuo Mountain". Even if they investigated through the Night Watch Division, they would not know where it was.

But Lin Han is different.

He knows where Wuzhuo Mountain is!

Although the memory is far away and blurred, Lin Han remembers that when he was a child, his grandfather in a Taoist robe would often go up the mountain alone, and even told himself and his father the name of that mountain—Wuzhuo Mountain.

"Awakening it in the tomb, will it gain a chance of life?"

If that's the case, then it's time to match!

There was light in Lin Han's eyes, and he felt that he was one step closer to a certain truth.

That mountain was named by grandfather Lin Beixuan himself, and the only ones who know the name of this mountain are their Lin family!

Could it be that the parents went out...to Wuzhuo Mountain to wake it up in the tomb?

The time is right.

But there is a big problem, that is, the ghost behind the ghost slave...does he know about it?

Lin Han's eyes became firm, no matter what, he must go to Wuzhuo Mountain!

But before that, you need to deal with the immediate matter and make all the preparations.

Mr. Liu saw that he showed enlightenment, so he didn't speak any more, but walked slowly into the old house.

The old man muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

"I hope you can succeed...Father, the task you entrusted to me has finally been completed."

In fact, he had long looked down on death. He had been propping up his body before, and even went against the precepts of his ancestors to take out ghost candles, just to find the Lin family and tell them the news.

It's a pity that when the mirror ghost recovered, he was trapped here before he could get out.

And right now...he can finally rest.


Concentrating all kinds of complicated emotions, Lin Han came to the ancestral hall and was slightly surprised to see the ruins in front of him.

Although it has been a long time, he can still feel the sharp blade energy remaining in the ruins.

"Is this the knife that burned your life, Team Liu... It is really powerful. It seems that the wound on the chest of the mirror ghost was caused by you, right?"

While speaking, Lin Han followed the same pattern as before, found Liu Mo's remaining soul, and carefully put his spirit body into the wick of the soul-gathering lamp.

He put the soul-gathering lamp back into the system space, pondered for a moment and murmured:

"there's one more thing…"

As he said that, a ray of purple light appeared in Lin Han's eyes, and a thin black line appeared in his heart, connecting to unknown places.

This is the medium of contact between him and the ghost boy!

If it was Lin Han before, even if he knew the dimension where the ghost boy was, he would have no way to enter there, but now it is different.

found it!

Suddenly, Lin Han's eyes were full of light, and he stared at the void in the distance. At this moment, the purple hair behind him bloomed like a lotus flower and wrapped his whole body.

call out!

His figure turned into a ray of purple light, which broke the dimension in front of him, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

My daughter is lost, I, as a father, can't ignore it!

Chapter 69 The ghost boy's potential dates back to when Lin Han received a fatal blow.

In the darkened forest.

Guitong sensed that Lin Han's vitality had been restored through the black thread as a communication medium, so he stopped sending energy through the black thread.

At this moment, the expression on her face is a little more lively and natural than before, and she seems to have a more "human" consciousness.

Now that Lin Han's danger is gone, Gui Tong will re-execute his own killing rules, which is the order Lin Han gave her - kill the little girl!

Gui Tong's eyes turned back and forth in the dense forest, as if sensing the position of the target, and soon she firmly locked on to a certain direction, and ran happily with two feet.

And this time.

The little girl who was resting on the open space breathed calmly, and before she could recover, she saw the figure of the ghost boy walking through the dense forest with ease.

This guy... came again? !

The little girl's expression changed suddenly, but before she could stand up, she was thrown to the ground by the ghost boy who was flying over.

Probably because Lin Han almost died, the ghost boy at this moment wanted to return to Lin Han's side very much, so compared with the previous offensive, he was a little more impatient!

There was red light in Guitong's eyes, and he opened his tightly closed mouth. The inside was as dark as a black hole, and he actually planned to swallow this little girl alive!

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