"These villagers all came out of the mirror. It seems that mirrors can't suppress ghosts?"

Chen Qingsui heard the words and explained:

"No, the mirror was indeed used to suppress the ghosts before, but this ghost has awakened, and it was sealed to use the mirror as a medium to change these villagers into this look."

Lin Han nodded and said, "According to the information I got earlier, I suspect that this ghost may be hiding in the ancestral hall."

"Ancestral temple?" Liu Mo asked with his eyes moving slightly.

"Because the village chief said that he took these two candles from the ancestral hall, and it just so happens that these two candles have the ability to suppress evil spirits, so I suspect that the candles were used to suppress that ghost before!"

Chen Qingsui didn't relax when he heard that, and added:

"According to the information on the glasses, there is another possibility that this ghost is hiding in one of these mirrors."

Lin Han said thoughtfully:

"Go to the ancestral hall first. Even though the ghost is not there, I think the ancestral hall is where it was originally imprisoned. Maybe we can find something effective to deal with it..."

While they were talking, they had already passed through the group of villagers, and at this moment they just happened to walk in front of the mirror in front of a certain house.

And at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


The eerie flame of the ghost candle suddenly seemed to be filled with waste oil, and it started to burn at an extremely fast speed. The candle body trembled as if it would explode at any moment!

Chapter 57 The Man Walking Out of the Photo Frame


Lin Han was shocked to see the change in Guizhu.

This candle has the power to suppress spirits, and neither the villagers of Mirror Village nor the little girl can get close.

And now, the candle is burning so fast it means...

Lin Han's eyes quickly looked around, and then fixedly stared at the bronze mirror beside them, his face changed drastically and he shouted sharply:

"leave here!"

They were on the streets of Mirror Village, and there was nothing around them except this bronze mirror.

However, it was too late, the moment Lin Han just said this sentence.

The white will-o'-the-wisp of the candles shone on the copper mirror, and the smooth mirror did not reflect their figures, but was instead dark.

A pair of blue-black arms suddenly stretched out from the mirror. At this moment, they stretched infinitely, and the speed was extremely fast. Only afterimages could be seen flashing in the air, and they grabbed Liu Mo's neck!

Grabbed by these green and black palms, Liu Mo suddenly felt an indescribable chill covering his whole body, his whole body was stiff and his face turned purple and red.

The speed of this ghost was so fast that he didn't even have time to react!

No... I can't just die like this!

Liu Mo's eyes showed ruthlessness, and he let out a low growl. Just as he was about to condense Ghost Saber to resist, he felt a huge pulling force from the palms of his neck, pulling him back to the bronze mirror.


The strength and speed of the ghost hand are too strong, he has no time to summon the ghost knife!

Liu Mo was about to be dragged into the mirror, and his eyes showed determination. At the last moment, he threw the ghost candle in his hand at Chen Qingsui, and then his whole body was pulled into the bronze mirror.


The ghost candle landed at Chen Qingsui's feet, but she didn't care, but stared at the bronze mirror in front of her.

And as Liu Mo was pulled into the bronze mirror, the originally dark mirror surface returned to normal, reflecting the figures of the two again.

It is no different from ordinary mirrors!


Lin Han froze on the spot, cold sweat dripped from the palm holding the ghost candle, and he felt a chill rushing all over his body.

This scene happened so fast, it didn't even take two or three seconds from the ghost's attack to the end.

He didn't react at all!

"Captain Liu..." Chen Qingsui stared blankly at the bronze mirror in front of him, with pain in his eyes.

Lin Han calmed down from the shock at this moment, and his face was cloudy and uncertain. He found that the candle in his hand had burned nearly a quarter at that moment just now.

In order to save his energy, Liu Mo did not light the candles.

"If there is no candle, is this ghost going to attack again?"

Lin Han guessed in his heart, and at the same time began to think about the future plan.

If he uses the backtracking pocket watch right now, it can certainly prevent Liu Mo from being pulled into the mirror by the ghost.

But what to do after that?So far, they haven't found the source of this ghost...


Backtracking pocket watch is the trump card of several people, and the most critical time has not yet come!

At this moment, Chen Qingsui came back to his senses, with a complex look on his face, picked up the candle that Liu Mo threw on the ground, and murmured:

"He gave me the hope of life..."

Candles can suppress ghosts to a certain extent. If Liu Mo took the candle into the mirror and lit it, he might still have a chance, but he didn't...

At the last moment, this middle-aged man gave Chen Qingsui the chance to survive!

Lin Han looked at the ordinary bronze mirror in front of him, gritted his teeth and said firmly:

"Qingsui, keep going. Light the ghost candle in your hand and don't be afraid of wasting it. The ghosts may attack at any time."

The fact that this ghost made a move while being sealed must mean that it felt threatened by the actions of several people.

Perhaps... the key to solving it lies in the ancestral hall!

Lin Han frowned slightly, and said:

"Perhaps this is another pattern of its killing, but just now Liu Mo...is only relatively close to the mirror. We have also been close to the mirror on the way here. What is the reason...that caused the ghost to kill?"

Chen Qingsui seemed to see his doubts, and said bitterly:

"Perhaps there is no law of killing. It is... about to break the seal. There is no restriction on the law of killing such a terrifying specter."

Lin Han's heart sank when he heard this, and he said with firm eyes: "Let's go, we don't have much time."

No matter how difficult it is, they have to keep going!


As the two went deeper, the ancestral hall had appeared in their sight. It was an ancient building hidden in the dark.

This ancient building is not in the village, but built on a flat land behind Jingcun.

I don't know if it was because Lin Han and Chen Qingsui lit the ghost candles, but they were never attacked by ghosts during this journey.

After the two approached, they suddenly found that the gate of the ancestral hall was open at the moment.

A black lacquered coffin was placed in the middle, and on the table in front of the coffin, apart from an incense burner with three sticks of incense, there were traces of white wax oil.

Lin Han glanced at the candle in his hand, and immediately understood.

It seems that the ghost candle was originally placed on the table, but it was taken away by the village chief and his wife.

Suddenly, a portrait of a middle-aged man hanging on the wall of the ancestral hall caught their eyes.

Lin Han looked up and his pupils shrank, showing an expression of disbelief!

This is... Liu Mo? !

In the portrait, Liu Mo looked serene, as if he had really been... dead for a long time.

This kind of weird scene makes the scalp tingle!

Chen Qingsui looked around the ancestral hall, suddenly his face became ugly, and he said, "There is no mirror... It seems that we guessed wrong..."

At this moment.

Lin Han revealed a contemplative look, and said, "Although we guessed wrong, we may not have gained nothing."

While speaking, he had already entered the ancestral hall, pondered for a moment, then put the ghost candle in his hand on the table and returned to its original position.

If the ghost candle was used to suppress that ghost before, then placing the candle here might be able to reduce the power of the mirror ghost!

Seeing this scene, Chen Qingsui immediately understood what he was thinking, and also put the lit ghost candle on it.

In an instant.

As if something had been activated, the originally quiet ancestral hall unexpectedly reverberated with strange whispers at this moment.

"Whether the soul comes and goes, the soul returns to the underworld, the dead are tortured in hell, the living are tortured in the world, the world suffers, and death...isn't it a blessing?"

This whisper sounded like a mantra in the minds of Lin Han and Chen Qingsui.

With the sound of this weird sound, the already dark ancestral hall became even darker at this moment, and the warm colors in the sight of the two disappeared, completely wrapped in cold colors!


The candle they had just put on the table shook violently at this moment, and nearly half of it burned in an instant!

The cold wind was blowing from all directions, making one's hair stand on end like a woman's cry.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han and Chen Qingsui's eyes narrowed, as if they were facing an enemy!

Mirror Ghost, finally showing up!

And right now.

Liu Mo's mouth on the portrait suddenly showed a cold and strange smile, and then a dark vortex appeared in the photo frame, and a pitch-black figure suddenly walked out of the photo frame.

It's Liu Mo!

It's just that Liu Mo's eyes are closed at this moment, and his whole body is only black and white, as if he has lost his color. He flipped his wrist slightly, and a black long knife appeared in his hand.

Chapter 58 When the mirror in the coffin saw "Liu Mo" in front of them, Lin Han and Chen Qingsui trembled.

This ghost... has already killed Team Liu?

at this time.

"Liu Mo" opened his eyes suddenly, a pair of dark, empty eyes with no pupils revealed full of ferocity, and walked towards them slowly, the ghost knife in his hand scratched the ground and splashed sparks.

There is no words, but this action has already stated its intention!

Cold sweat oozed from his body, Lin Han took a deep breath, and the purple hair around his waist grew wildly.

Chen Qingsui took off his glasses, his eyes were scarlet, and said in a deep voice:

"Stop him!"

At this time, there is no need for the two of them to save their strength.

If the "Liu Mo" in front of them has the same ability as Team Liu, then they must stop this guy from swinging a knife!

"Liu Mo"'s cold eyes fell on Chen Qingsui, as if he had locked on the target, and he was about to raise the ghost knife in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Lin Han's eyes showed a cold light, and the purple hair hanging around his shoulders was like countless ropes, tightly binding his arm holding the ghost knife.

And the moment his purple hair wrapped around "Liu Mo"'s arm, Lin Han suddenly felt a sharp pain from the depths of his soul, as if his scalp was about to be torn apart, and his hair was pulled with terrifying force !

At this moment, the hair wrapped around the opponent's arm made a "sizzling" sound, burning at an extremely fast speed!

It was as if two forces were fighting against each other.

But Lin Han was at a disadvantage from the very beginning!

He endured the severe pain, and the wedding dress on his body returned to its original red style, exuding a faint red luster under his full force.

However, even so, Lin Han's pain was only slightly relieved, and the hair wrapped around "Liu Mo"'s arm was still burning!

"This guy...how could he be so strong?!"

Lin Han felt that the vision in front of him was gradually blurring, the red blood oozed from the eyelids, and the sticky blood from the scalp slid down the forehead to the cheeks, how miserable it was!

What a joke.

You know, the ghost in front of him hasn't swung a knife yet, just like this, Lin Han is forced to do his best!

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