Su Yuqing stood up abruptly, quickly connected the phone, and after a while, she heard a familiar voice from the other end saying:

"Hi, I'm Lin Han..."


After a while, she put down the phone and ran out of the communication room excitedly.

Soon, the news spread throughout the Night Watch Division.

"Are there any news? Was it the newcomer night watchman who called?"

"Where is Lu Yuan? According to the regulations, shouldn't he, the temporary captain, report the situation?"

"What regulations do you follow at such a time? Send rescue troops immediately!"

Various voices of discussion came from the Night Watch Division.

"This sudden spiritual incident has been resolved."

Because of Lin Han's phone call, an emergency meeting was held in the conference room.

"The news is true. The personnel who blocked the surrounding area also sent a text message, saying that the suona sound has disappeared."

"However, the team suffered heavy casualties, please send rescue personnel as soon as possible..."

The conference room was full of people from various departments, discussing in a hurry.

"Three night watchmen died on duty, two night watchmen fell into a coma, and the leader of the team, Commander Lu, was even on the verge of death. The price is too high..."

"Connect to the rescue department and let them immediately set off into the blocked area to search for the wounded..."

The white-haired man Lin Han saw in the attic earlier was also among them.

Sitting in the front row, he obviously had a very high status, and said in a deep voice:

"Qu Jing, everything is going according to the original plan. The ghost bride incident has just ended. It's hard to guarantee that Mingyue's people will not take the opportunity to make trouble. It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before."

Hearing the word "Mingyue", everyone's originally relaxed faces became dignified again.

"I will continue to sit in the night watch department, Liu Mo, you lead the two night watchmen and the special forces team members who came back, and you must join Lin Han as soon as possible."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The night watchman named Liu Mo replied immediately, and then walked out of the conference room.

The white-haired man sighed slightly. Although he controlled the ghosts, he had to sit in the night watch department to prevent the people from Mingyue from stealing the spiritual objects and ghost jade from the spiritual storage.

There are still too few ghost masters among human beings, and there are even fewer ghost masters who can control fierce ghosts.

Hope the rescue operation goes well...

Chapter 27 Believe it or not, I believe in Qinghe City anyway.


Inside a gloomy villa.

Yan Zhen was sitting in front of the computer desk in a windbreaker. On the left side of the screen in front of him were rows of incomprehensible data, while on the right side was a photo with the appearance of a ghost bride.

However, in the next second, he stood up with a slightly changed face, and said with a bit of disbelief:

"How is it possible... that the ghost bride was actually killed?!"

At this time, a gloomy voice said from the shadows in the corner:

"Are you sure? Our informant reported that in the team heading to the West District, there is no ghost master who can control ghosts. The most experienced ghost master is that Lu Yuan."

"And according to the psychic fluctuation instrument, the team carries no more than four psychic objects..."

"If a team with this configuration can kill the ghost bride, then there is a big problem with your experiment this time."

Yan Zhen shook his head immediately when he heard the words, and said with a trace of madness:

"Impossible! Although Ye Jingtian's death caused some accidents in my experiment, I have obviously solved that problem. Impossible, there is absolutely no problem with my experiment!"

Say it.

He stood up slowly, looked at the shadow with bloodshot eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"Go to the scene to see, I must know what happened there, and the two wedding dresses must also be taken back, they are indispensable for my experiment!"

"This is also in our original plan. Is there any arrangement for the Night Watch Division?"

"A rescue team has been dispatched, led by ghost knife patrol officer Liu Mo, and two night patrol officers with unknown intelligence."

"As for Zhou Hen...he still sits in the Night Watch Department as usual, don't worry, after that old guy Li Chuanwen leaves, he will never dare to take the risk of leaving the Night Watch Department."

Yan Zhen nodded and said in a deep voice:

"Sure enough, Liu Mo, the Ghost Saber Patrolman, is dispatched...then proceed according to the plan, and immediately gather everyone to prepare for departure. As for the night watchman team to deal with the Ghost Bride...

"No matter how they killed the Ghost Bride, this team must be at the end of their strength, so there is nothing to be afraid of, but just in case, I will personally fight and eradicate them!"

And this time.

Lin Han leaned the unconscious three people against the roadside shop, found a chair from a coffee shop and sat down, closed his eyes and rested his mind while waiting for rescue, using the power of wedding clothes to recover from his injuries.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked up slightly at the sky.

After the death of the ghost bride, although the sound of the suona and the dense fog had disappeared, the sky was still extremely dark and cloudy.

Lin Han felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Is it because it's going to rain... or something else?"

After about ten minutes.

There was a chill in the air that invaded the bone marrow, making people tremble uncontrollably.

Lin Han sat on the chair and closed his eyes again to meditate. The rainwater gathered on the road and formed streams.


He opened his eyes slightly, and heard the roar of the engine on the road, and several headlights shone in this direction.

Jeeps and explosion-proof vehicles drove up and parked neatly on the side of the road.

Lin Han looked around and saw a man in a night watch uniform striding forward, followed by two night watchmen and nearly fifty special forces members.

Everyone was drenched in the rain but extremely calm. They raised their heads to look at Lin Han who was sitting on the chair, with curiosity and respect in their eyes.


Inspector Liu Mo stepped forward vigorously and stood in front of the crowd, raising his right hand above his head.


All the people behind him raised their hands in unison to salute, showing respect beyond words.

Lin Han was a little confused.

He thought it was a simple handover, and then went back by himself.

Who knew... there was this ceremony?

After reacting, Lin Han also raised his hand in return.


Liu Mo glanced over everyone like a falcon, and said sharply:

"Every team starts to move!"

Say it.

The special operations team dressed in ambulance team uniforms ran over and quickly carried the three unconscious people onto a stretcher. After a simple inspection, they were sent to a rescue vehicle, ready to drive to the hospital.

Everyone performed their duties and handled things in an orderly manner, obviously this was not the first time.

At this time, Liu Mo walked up to Lin Han and said forcefully:

"I am inspecting Liu Mo. I was ordered to come here to support you and avoid accidents. You did a good job this time. On behalf of all the residents of Qinghe City, I thank you."

Lin Han showed no arrogance, and replied, "This is what it should be."

Although he has mastered the wedding dress, he is only a slightly stronger ghost master after all.

It never hurts to keep a low profile.

Liu Mo nodded, his expression eased and he was no longer as serious as before. He looked around in doubt and said:

"Inspector Lin, where is the ghost bride's body? We need to seal her up as soon as possible and transport her to the Night Watch Division."

Lin Han's heart twitched again.

Where is the body?

In my wife's stomach, of course!

But he certainly couldn't say that.

Therefore, when he closed his eyes and rested his mind, he was also thinking of various excuses.

Looking at Liu Mo in front of him, Lin Han showed a look of lingering fear, and said in horror:

"The ghost bride is really... too scary, even if we fight all the ghosts, we can only wound the ghost bride, but fortunately, the Lu team turned things around at the last moment and scared the ghost bride away. "

Lu Yuan in a coma: "???"

Liu Mo fell silent for the first time.

None of the supernatural events encountered in Qinghe City so far were resolved because the ghost escaped.

And push it to Lu Yuan?

Your so bad.

Lin Han smiled awkwardly, showing just such an expression.

Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed.

The corner of Liu Mo's mouth twitched, he patted him on the shoulder, and said comfortingly:

"It's okay, facing this kind of terrifying ghost, even the ghost master who has controlled the ghost may not be able to solve it. You can... beat the ghost bride and save the west district of Qinghe City. It's already very good...

Lin Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Is this a fool?

At this time, Liu Mo continued:

"This incident has worked hard for you, and then go back and have a good rest... Also, be careful of the people of Mingyue, just leave it to us here."

"Good team Liu."

Lin Han nodded, and then, led by a special forces member, got into a jeep and sped away.


A night watchman behind Liu Mo suddenly said:

"Liu Dui, this Patrolman Lin doesn't seem to be telling the truth...and this reason is too badly made up."

Liu Mo seemed to be unable to bear it, he laughed loudly, and then said:

"Jiyuan, of course I know he's not telling the truth, but what does it matter? Everyone has their own secrets, even you and I are not the same..."

"I don't care if he lied or not. I just need to know that this inspector Lin is protecting the city with his life."

The night watchman named Jiyuan was thoughtful, nodded after a while and said:

"It's true, I'm too rigid."

"Okay, let's check if there are any missing ghosts around, Xiaoji, you have to work hard, look at this kid under Lu Yuan, and look at you, I have already submitted your application to control ghosts. Be good."

Ji Yuan's face showed joy, and he said in response: "Thank you, Team Liu!"

"There is also Lu Yuan, who is dying, tell the medical team to rescue him at any cost, even with the use of supernatural objects!"

Say it.

Liu Mo looked up at the sky, frowning tightly.

The rain is getting heavier.

This is not a good thing for them.

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