Liu Di talks a lot, is easy to handle, and is full of knowledge!

The 300 million-word "Huaxia Economy" is fluent, plus the 6 skills in the "The Art of Conversation".

The language is amazing!

In the end, even Yan Hongxin, the richest man in the sea market and a business tycoon, could hardly keep up with Liu Di's rhythm and thinking!

The children of the Yan family, from being disdainful at the beginning, turned into listening attentively in the end, their eyes widened even wider!

Although Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin couldn't understand what Liu Di was saying at all.

It's just that Liu Di's eloquent and eloquent appearance... so handsome!

Ouyang Fengyu's face became more and more red. In terms of knowledge, compared with Liu Di, he felt ashamed!

Only Yan Qingwen, who had been studying management with his father after returning from abroad, could barely understand Liu Di's words.

She was shocked at this moment.

She clearly knew that Liu Di's remarks were by no means superficial, they were all very unique insights!

Even, be ahead of the views of some top economists!

"What kind of person is he?"

With an inexplicable throbbing in Yan Qingwen's heart, she unconsciously took out the metal ballpoint pen and clicked it.

Yan Hongxin, Mr. Yan became more and more astonished, his face flushed with excitement.

He has been in the mall for decades, and he has never seen such an outstanding young man!

"Liu brother, what do you think of the business of our Yingzhi Group?"

Mr. Yan's eyes flickered, and he asked urgently.

At this moment, Brother Liu finally felt a little full. He put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, and sighed softly, "Old Yan, you don't have to try any more. I'm not interested in being your adopted son, sorry."


Mr. Yan couldn't hide his disappointment, his eyes dimmed for a moment.

To him, Liu Di was no longer just his daughter's savior, but a rare business genius!

It would be a pity if Yingzhi Group could not be introduced!

At this moment, a red circle suddenly appeared in Liu Di's perspective, focusing on Ouyang Fengyu who was gnashing his teeth and texting with his hair lowered.

The content of Ouyang Fengyu's text message appeared in Liu Di's perspective:

'This brother Liu is too much of a threat to me!Within a month, let me kill him! '

'By the way, there is also the matter of controlling Yan Qingwen, you should do it as soon as possible! '

Oh shit.

Brother Liu frowned lightly, I'm so evasive, why are you making things worse?Still want to kill me?

It seems that he still has to deal with that woman Yan Qingwen?

Then I'll have fun with you!

By the way, learn more about the skills of the devil boy!

"I don't want to be your adopted son, mainly because..."

Brother Liu suddenly changed his tone, and looked at Mr. Yan with a smile, "I may have taken a fancy to your family's Wenwen!"

10. 500 million representing respect


Yan Qingwen's heart skipped a beat when he heard Liu Di's words!

Thin and light!


"Liu brother, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Yan Qingwen stood up abruptly, her pretty face flushed to the base of her neck.

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Yan's eyes lit up, as if he had caught hope, he laughed heartily and said, "They're all young people, it's normal to be in love, it's normal!"

Brother Liu scratched his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry, Wenwen must agree to this matter, right?"

"I disagree!"

"Don't call me Wenwen!"

"I don't expect to enter your Yan family, but after all, I need some assistants for tattoos, right? I can start with work!" Liu Di continued smiling.

"There is no shortage of people around me!"

Yan Qing stomped her feet angrily.

"Wenwen, don't be unreasonable!"

Mr. Yan glared at Yan Qingwen, then turned to look at Brother Liu, "Brother Liu, you can choose whatever position you want, I will make the decision! No one can interfere!"

After all, Mr. Yan took a meaningful look at Ouyang Fengyu who was at the side.

"Well, let me think about it..."

Liu Di clapped his hands fiercely, "Then get someone closer to Wen Wen and be her driver!"

"What, driver?"

Everyone was also stunned.

Mr. Yan shook his head slightly, as if he had seen through everything, and said with a smile, "The driver is the driver, but Brother Liu, our company has a rule that if you become Wenwen's driver, you must be on call 24 hours a day."

"So, you must live in my Yan's manor in the future. Even if I want to play chess in the future, you must be there whenever you are called, and you are not allowed to refute my face."

Brother Liu sighed lightly, the meaning of Mr. Yan is self-evident.

He never gave up on wanting to accept Brother Liu as his adoptive son.

On the contrary, he became more determined!

No matter who his younger brother Liu is, he is used to being unrestrained and loose. After the matter of Ouyang Fengyu is settled, if he wants to leave, no one can stop him!

The so-called falling in love with Yan Qingwen is nothing more than an excuse!

As for Yan's driver?

It's even more of a joke.

Brother Liu just didn't want to see the person he saved with one eye being killed by a mad dog again!

"Okay, I accept." Brother Liu nodded slightly.

"You... Brother Liu, how can you say anything?"

Yan Qingwen was extremely ashamed and angry at this time.

His father actually turned his elbow outward, favoring this foreign boy, and wanted to send him out out of nowhere? !

"He really succeeded in relying on our Yan family..."

Yan Kaikai also clenched his fists secretly, and whispered to Yan Xinxin: "Look at him making Sanjie angry, we must not accept him! We will find a way to drive him away later!"

Mr. Yan was finally satisfied this time, and smiled again: "I won't mention the driver, anyway, Brother Liu is also a benefactor of my Yan family. I have prepared a little thank you gift here, and I hope you can accept it, Brother Liu."

With that said, Mr. Yan waved to the butler behind him.

The old butler took out a bank card from his pocket and respectfully placed it in front of Liu Di.


Liu Di was slightly taken aback, money is indeed a good thing.

And he is really poor, very short of money, no house, no car, no job.

However, in the environment of the Yan family, the money might not be so easy to get.

In front of him, Ouyang Fengyu was eyeing him.

Later, sister Yan Qingwen belittled and despised her.

Once you take it, how can you raise your head in Yan's house in the future?

What about dignity?

If you take someone else's hand short, you will be trampled on!

"I can't take this money. I save people not for reward, but for a clear conscience!"

Liu Di said lightly, then pushed the card back.

What he doesn't want, he just wants more!

His goal is to marry Yan Qingwen and directly control all the property of the Yan family!He wants both money and beauty!

Ouyang Fengyu's teeth were itching with anger at this moment, and he wished to expose Brother Liu's conspiracy on the spot!

"Oh, I see?"

Mr. Yan was a little disappointed, and sighed: "Brother Liu, the 500 million in this card is indeed not much, and with your talents and learning, it is not difficult to earn this money, but I feel ashamed if you don't accept it. !"



There are 500 in this card?

Brother Liu instantly regretted it!

Dignity, what's the use of that thing?

How can the 500 million yuan be real?

Mo Tong: "Liu brother, you want money, why didn't you say so earlier?"


Brother Liu received a text message on his mobile phone: You have successfully registered a coal futures trading account.


Your account spending cash: 16000 yuan.

"Magic boy, what are you doing?"

Brother Liu exclaimed in his mind, his own card is only 5 yuan!

"I know you need money."

"Don't be impatient, let the data fly for a while."

"Magic boy, are you still in the mood to say movie lines?"


Your account has a debit of RMB 6000.


Your account has a debit of RMB 4000.

The non-stop payment of the balance made Liu Di terrified.


The amount transferred into your account: 16240 yuan.

The amount transferred into your account: 5120 yuan.

Your account is transferred to...

"Is there any money back?"

Brother Liu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the incoming information on the phone kept increasing.

All of them were dozens or hundreds of yuan added to the amount transferred out before.

The amount transferred into your account: 6235 yuan.

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