"Fight back? Hehe, come if you have the ability!"


Guo Furong, who was angry and laughed back, laid down a heavy hand directly.

The internal force is running, the palms are turned outwards, and then they are slapped out suddenly.

The palm force brought the sound of piercing through the air, which looked very bluffing.

But Dong Tianbao didn't dare to be careless when he saw that the situation was not good.

"Prajna palm"

The internal force is running, the arms and shoulders are shaking with both hands, the waist is exerted force, the hands are palms, and there is also a sound of breaking through the air to meet him.


There was a muffled sound, and the table under the two of them was directly cracked open.

Guo Furong took two steps back, her palms were numb.

Dong Tianbao took four steps back, his arms trembling a little, but he recovered quickly.

Judging from this fight, Dong Tianbao was at a disadvantage.

Lin Wuyou on the side nodded secretly.

Guo Furong and Dong Tianbao are similar in realm, but the power of the superior martial art Prajna Palm is not as powerful as the unique skill Jingtao Palm.

If Dong Tianbao hadn't practiced the iron cloth shirt with great success, this would definitely be uncomfortable.

"Forehead table, Guo Furong! Look at what you have done! This month's monthly money will be deducted."

It seemed that he had just reacted, and Tong Xiangyu's angry roar sounded instantly, which also made Guo Furong, who was still thinking about making a move, stop her plan to do it.

"Give back my aunt's purse!"

Guo Furong, who looked unwilling, looked at Lin Wuyou again, trying to get the money bag back.

(Thanks to the two big guys for voting for the monthly ticket, the more the better, and please don’t pity the author (*^▽^*)).

Chapter 19 Lin Wuyou: "Tianbao, from now on you will call him Director Wen"

Facing Guo Furong's gaze, Lin Wuyou ignored it, and directly said to Tong Xiangyu who was walking over:

"Shopkeeper Tong, the loss this time will be deducted from my account. After all, it is also my little brother's fault."

After finishing speaking, Lin Wuyou got up and walked out of the inn. Dong Tianbao took a regretful look at the overturned food, then at Guo Furong, and hurriedly followed.

Seeing Lin Wuyou was about to leave, Guo Furong just wanted to catch up when she heard a familiar voice.

"Zhantang, click her!"

"Sunflower acupuncture hand!"

With the familiar figure and familiar feeling, Guo Furong froze in place again.

"Mr. Lin is kind-hearted and willing to compensate for the loss. Otherwise, you will pay for it. You have no food today. Give me a good memory!"

Tong Xiangyu appeared in front of Guo Furong, scolded with a very serious expression, and then tried to comfort the other guests.

And beside her, Bai Zhantang stood there with a gloating expression on his face.

After leaving Tongfu Inn, Lin Wuyou took Dong Tianbao back to Mingyutang.

At this moment, a guest has just been sent away, and Wen Chouchou is taking care of the booth.

Seeing Lin Wuyou's return, Wen Chouchou hurriedly greeted him waving his feather fan.

"Master finished eating so quickly? Oh god...what's wrong with Brother Bao?"

Wen Chouchou saluted flatteringly, and slapped Lin Wuyou vigorously with the feather fan in his hand.

But when he looked at Dong Tianbao, he was obviously taken aback when he saw the oil stains on his face.

Wen Chouchou loves cleanliness very much, and some people can't see it being so dirty.

As for the fact that the two have met before, when Dong Tianbao appeared, the system instilled memories of the identity relationship between the two of them, and when Lin Wuyou took Dong Tianbao to dinner, he also gave them a A brief introduction was given.

"In the future, if there are outsiders around, remember to call Tianbao nephew, don't let it slip."

Lin Wuyou reminded, and then looked back at Dong Tianbao:

"Tianbao, from now on you will call him Director Wen, and Chou Chou is in charge of the power of property. Chou Chou will distribute all your daily needs from now on!?"

Dong Tianbao faced Wen Chou Chou, although he knew that the other party was a weak person, and his words and deeds were flattering, but he dared not underestimate him.

After all, he was an old man who had already followed Lin Wuyou, and he was also in charge of finances. Dong Tianbao had a clever mind since he was a child, so he naturally knew how to get along with him.

"Tianbao has met Director Wen."

He saluted respectfully and called out.

When Wen Chouchou heard Lin Wuyou's words, he covered his nose and mouth with a feather fan, and narrowed his eyes with a smile, obviously very happy.

But he also knows that this is his master's new subordinate, and he is good at martial arts, so he will always be by his side, so he doesn't dare to take it too seriously.

"Brother Tianbao, you are being polite. If there is a lack of food and clothing, you must tell me!"

"Chou Chou, take Tianbao to arrange a room in the backyard, take a set of my clothes, freshen up and come see me again."

"Understood, master!"

Wen Chouchou nodded again and again, and took Dong Tianbao out of the main hall and went to the backyard.

As for Lin Wuyou, he walked to the counter and sat down, stretched out his hand to scoop it up on the ground, a piece of wood slightly bigger than an adult's palm appeared in his hand, and at the same time turned over the sleeve of his right hand, a carving knife appeared in his hand.

Looking up at the human-shaped wood carvings in the grid behind him, there was a trace of expectation on his face.

"The second one!"

After saying this, Lin Wuyou looked back at the wood in his hand, recalled it in his mind for a moment, and soon, the carving knife began to fly, and his face became serious.

A pair of eyes are piercing, and the piece of wood in front of him has already taken shape in his eyes.

He just removed the excess.

It was only half a stick of incense, and the woodcarving of the Tsing Yi Lou killer with a bamboo hat appeared in front of his eyes.

"In the future, you will be lively."

Lin Wuyou said to himself in satisfaction, and blew on the sawdust on the sculpture, and put it in an empty grid behind him, and put the carving knife back into his sleeve again.

This is a habit, sometimes it is not convenient to carry weapons when going out, so he always carries a carving knife with him.

Leaning on the reclining chair, Lin Wuyou felt indescribably at ease and comfortable.

Raising his hand slightly, a blue light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

He looked at his new 'main task-five'.

"Become a Thousand Households of Jinyiwei, "Reward a chance to draw a lottery""

"Braid Jinyiwei, "15 years of rewarding internal strength, Jinyiwei 'Nanzhen Fusi' wanted warrant, Jinyiwei 'Beizhen Fusi' will never die and endlessly pursue and kill."

Although he was very envious of those 15 years of internal power rewards, it was impossible for Lin Wuyou to give up the position he had worked so hard to get today.

Besides, if he defected, he was afraid that he would be beaten to death by Yao Yue and Lian Xing after he returned.

After choosing the first task again, Lin Wuyou dismissed the light curtain, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

In the backyard, it didn't take long for Dong Tianbao to take a shower and put on a blue outfit.

With his tall figure and capable face, he looked extremely capable in such a change of clothes.

"Brother Tianbao is a good guy at first glance, but the bald head is a bit eye-catching, but it is still a small problem. Brother Tianbao should pay more attention to the safety of the master in the future, and don't be negligent!"

Looking at Dong Tianbao who had changed his clothes, Wen Chouchou first smiled and praised, but the next moment his face changed, but he warned again.

Such behavior is familiar to him.

"Tianbao should always remember the teachings of Director Wen!"

Dong Tianbao clasped his fists in response.

Wen Chouchou hurriedly shook his feather fan and shook his head vigorously.

Then he took out a blue cloth cap from inside the cuff and put it on for him again.

This is much more pleasing to the eye, but the back of his forehead is still shiny, and he needs to pull up his clothes to cover it up a bit.

"Okay, that's it, the master is still waiting, if you wait in a hurry, it will be bad."

Hair doesn't grow out in a day, so Wen Chouchou covered it up, seeing that Dong Tianbao wouldn't attract too much attention, so he led him to the main hall.

Walking into the main hall, the two saw Lin Wuyou resting with his eyes closed, so they stood aside without disturbing him.

Only when Lin Wuyou opened his eyes, Wen Chouchou leaned forward with a smile on his face.

"Master, Brother Tianbao, Chou Chou has already made arrangements for you, just take a look!"

Wen Chouchou grinned, and gently slapped the feather fan in his hand.

Lin Wuyou turned his head to look, Dong Tianbao stood there, changed his clothes and took a shower, looking more vigorous.

In the beginning, the appearance of not seeing the world for a long time still has some points, but only a few points.

"Not bad, come with me!"

Lin Wuyou stood up and said.

Wen Chouchou hurriedly pushed Dong Tianbao, and whispered a few words in his ear.

That is to tell him to be obedient along the way, not to cause trouble and so on.

Dong Tianbao naturally responded one by one. .

Chapter 20 Dong Tianbao who refuses to accept 'Zhang Junbao'

Walking on the street, people come and go, rubbing shoulders.

Dong Tianbao still looked around curiously, but restrained a lot.

Lin Wuyou looked back and saw Dong Tianbao staring at the food stalls around him, he could hardly move his eyes away.

It seems that I was not full when I was at Tongfu Inn.

This scene made Lin Wuyou feel a little funny.

"Buy some if you like to eat, and spend the money."

Lin Wuyou gave him some broken silver coins and some copper coins.

"Thank you sir!"

After Dong Tianbao took it, he first expressed his thanks in embarrassment, and then ran to those small stalls to buy food.

As for Lin Wuyou, while waiting for Dong Tianbao, he saw a bookstore by the side of the road, went in and bought a Jianghu Monthly and took it in his hand.

After Dong Tianbao bought food and came back, Lin Wuyou asked:

"Are you literate?"

"Learned some!"

"Then have a look!"

Dong Tianbao took the food in one hand and Jianghu Monthly in the other.

"It records some sect battles in Jianghu, as well as outstanding masters from all sides. Senior, you can read more."

Lin Wuyou opened his mouth to explain.

What he bought was a whole book, and the deeds of some sects in the Jianghu in the past would be recorded in it.

It is usually sold to ordinary people.

It's also very suitable for someone like Dong Tianbao who doesn't understand the world at all to see it now.

Hearing this, Dong Tianbao flipped through it casually, and the sects that appeared on it made him very novel.

Shaolin appeared many times, and when he saw it, he still felt some hatred in his heart.

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