I want to fall in love even if the society dies Author: Spicy Phoenix Claw

As a hanger, do you have to have problems with all your choices when it comes to emotional problems?There is no problem, a broken heart is broken, and each piece falls in love with someone, which is not too much, not too much.

Those who are capable are superior, and those who are capable work hard

[1.Chapter 1 died in situ]

[The master teaches online how to pick up girls, read good books, learn skills, and understand my secrets, and you will be undefeated in love! 】

senior year.

The last class, math class...

Jiang Xiaoni looked at the beautiful words [Countdown] in the upper left corner of the blackboard, and the number 90 behind it, feeling very heavy!

The time to fail the ranking is not far away...

Jiang Xiaoni looked around and saw that all the students around her were studying hard, but she was the only one looking at the formulas in the book, her face was pale and bloodless.

I can read the individual disassembled letters, but I don’t know what they mean in mathematics, that’s all, they are combined to bully myself!

If only I had a jingle cat~

Jiang Xiaoni was bored and looked at Xu Erge who was sleeping on the front desk.

Needless to say, last night must have been playing games with other women.

Damn Hurgo!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaoni focused her eyes on the densely packed ballpoint pen marks on the back of his school uniform, pointed the ballpoint pen in her hand at the position where there was no pen mark, and poked it without hesitation.

Xu Erge, who was sleeping, woke up from the pain!

He glanced at the old class who was seriously lecturing on the stage, suppressed the outburst of anger, tilted his head sideways and cursed in a low voice: "Jiang Lanni, are you sick!?"

"I have, my medicine is you." Jiang Xiaoni lay on the table, lightly touched Xu Erge's back with her fingernails, and said with a smile.

Xu Erge sneered, opened his lips lightly, and sent a one-word verb: "Get out!"

Jiang Xiaoni is very creative and eccentric, but because she is very beautiful and has a very good appearance, her work and eccentricity have become a shining point in the eyes of all boys in the school, she is eccentric, lively and cute.

Under normal circumstances, when a beautiful girl utters such ambiguous words, ordinary boys are already happy, let alone hundreds of ballpoint pen marks on their school uniforms, even if they are willing to tie a song "Serve the country with loyalty" on their backs of.

However, Xu Erge is not an ordinary pig-headed boy, he looked at her with a smile on his face, and only his mother would criticize him in his heart!

"Jiang Xiaoni, don't think I won't get angry just because we have been friends for more than ten years!"

Do you still remember that we have been friends for more than ten years! ?

When other women ask you to play with you, you're pissed, and when I ask you to play with you, you frown coldly!

When Jiang Xiaoni thought of this, she was so angry that she poked Xu Erge again with a ballpoint pen. This time, she didn't care whether she hit the right spot or not.

Xu Erge turned his head angrily, stared at Jiang Xiaoni viciously, and cursed with a black face: "You're not finished yet."

"Tell you to scold me."

"What did I scold you for?"

"You let me go, it's too annoying."

"... Then did you get out?"

"Anyway, you scolded me."

"I'm stupid, you are making trouble for no reason!"


On the podium, the old class slammed the textbook in his hand on the table and made a loud noise, but even louder than this was her Hedong lion's roar: "Xu Erge, Jiang Xiaoni, don't talk during class!"

"Don't you two know that there is not much time left for the college entrance examination?"

"Now I delay 1 minute because of you, and the whole class loses 44 minutes of study time because of you!"

"You two stand up for me!"

Xu Erge and Jiang Xiaoni reluctantly stood up, and then accepted the reprimand from the old class instead of the whole class. This time lasted 10 minutes.

According to the old class, there are 46 people in the whole class. Excluding the two of them, there are 44 people, and 10 minutes for each person is 440 minutes. It is a waste of everyone's time and you can commit seppuku.

The bell for the end of get out of class rang, and the old class continued with a dark face: "Xu Erge, you come to the office with me, the others study by themselves at night, and there are still [-] days left before the college entrance examination, you all should be more serious!"


As soon as the old class sat on the chair, he immediately raised his eyes and scolded: "Xu Erge, you failed the mock test again this time, and the teachers of several other subjects told me that your grades have dropped again this time." , What do you want to do? Do you still want to go to college!?"

"Look at Jiang Xiaoni, she knows her shame and is brave. Although she didn't do well in her previous studies, her grades have gotten better and better in the last few mock exams."

"No matter how good you have done before, if you give up halfway, all your efforts will be in vain. Do you understand it!?"

Xu Erge said with a dry smile: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely be admitted to a good university."

"Sure ass, don't you have any clues about how you did in the exam?"

Xu Erge was really curious, what was the result of the test, and the old class was so angry this time!

"You still have the face to smile, you child, you really hurt the teacher!"

"You were not like this before. When you were in the first and second grades of high school, you were always No. 2 in the whole class, but look at you now, with 46 students in the class, you are the second to last. Let me tell you what you are! "

"Teacher, I know I was wrong. I will definitely not back down in the next mock exam."

Xu Erge made a serious promise. He thought that if he said so, the criticism should end here.

But... today was a little different.

After listening to Xu Erge's words, the class teacher twitched his eyes, his expression was unfriendly, and he said quietly: "Do you think you still have room to retreat?"

"Um... haven't I counted down to No.1 yet?"

"That's because Li Wei, the last student, only took two exams, and he didn't take the rest of the exams because of illness!"

"But even if he only took two subjects, the total score is only two points lower than yours!" The head teacher roared loudly.

Xu Erge: "Cough..."

Fuck, this is really unexpected.

The head teacher took out the test paper, slapped it on the table, and scolded: "Look at what you wrote, it's fine if the handwriting is scribbled, but the answers are all scribbled, don't tell me you even forgot what you knew about the first and second grades?" Is it clean!?"

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